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100% Why here!?! I just started watching this anime! / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Are you really a normal human?

Chapitre 4: Chapter 4: Are you really a normal human?

(Y/N) has arrived at the tower of babel, he is now entering the Dungeon.

1st Floor

(Y/N) continues further down the dungeon until he counters some resistance, via 5 goblins.

Alright, first fight! You must be asking, am I sacred, yeah a little bit. BUT This is not my first fight! Even back home. I was trained in Karate by my uncle Johnny, he was some cool karate master and I was his first student!

We won a couple of Tournaments! I like to say I am a pretty skilled fighter. Shame we moved to Florida. I mean that is across the U.S! All because Dad likes it there better than L.A! Oh SHIT!

As the MC was thinking in his mind one of the Goblins started to attack him. But (Y/N) catches it by the neck and with one hand breaks its neck and the goblin Disintegrate leaving some Crystals behind.

OK! I AM OP! I GOT TO CONTROL MY STRENGTH! NOTE TO SELF! But that does not mean i am going to lose to these Uglies Ok one down 4 to go!

And with that (Y/N) takes out the blades of Chaos and starts swinging and killing them with two swings.

OH YEAH! I knew watching, playing all of the games and practicing when they were props would help me in the long run!

(Y/N) looks at the crystals and picks them up, storing it in the pouch that had Faye ashes.

I am just going to see how far I can go. Until I think I have enough for Hestia door.

And with that thought (Y/N) heads down the Dungeon slaying all monsters that come his way with the 3 weapons he has switching weapons when needed.

6th Floor

We see the MC Parrying an Attack with the Guardian shield from a war shadow only to send it back right at it, killing it in the process. He picks up the remaining crystals it leaves behind

WHOO! Alright I think that is enough of the dungeon for today. I just realized. WHERE THE HELL AM I! Hold up and think for a minute. This looks like the place Bell first meets Aiz soooo....

Nope, not helping, still don't know where to go.

While (Y/N) is Standing here pondering his Dilemma a Loud Roar is heard throughout the dungeon.

ROAR!!!!!!! (yes i spelled Roar how else am i supposed to do this scene)

What The Fuck was that! Maybe it could be a challenge!

And with that the 15 year old 6,3 teen heads to the noise like a dumbass!

we see (Y/N) running getting closer and closer to the monster roar.

Is that someone screaming!?!

When hearing the voice (Y/N) picks up the paste!

Floor 7

We see a dwarf with Bronze color armor is heard screaming his Lungs


The monster he is running from is a Minotar!

OH SHIT ITS SINDRI! I did not expect to see him this early! And a minotaur all the way down here? Who cares, I got to help him!

With that determination (Y/N) charges forward, takes out Draupnir Spear and then chucks it at the beast landing in one of its arms. Then he takes out another one and then slams it on the ground causing the spear in the Minotaur right arm to explode!

The beast howls in pain!

Minotaur: AARRGGHH!!

Sindri looks at awe and then back at (Y/N)

The Minotaur holding his right arm! Looks at (Y/N)

Then (Y/N) chagres up the spear and throws it right in its gut the spear spinning inside the beast when it landed, then he slams another spear on the ground and it explodes the spear in the Minotaur gut, and then the whole upper half ifb the body explodes. Leaving blood all over place , some of it landing on (Y/N) Himself.

(Y/N) picks up the horned crystal and puts it in the pouch. Then he walks to Sindri.

Y/N: Are you ok Dwarf?

Sindri then looks at (Y/N) was about to answers him but then notes the blood around the area and some on (Y/N)

So he barfs!

Forget he is a Germaphobe!

Sindri wipes his mouth

Sindri: Yes, thank you. Can we talk somewhere with less blood please.

With that (Y/N) and Sindri leave the area and is now back where the MC was Before he arrived to Sindri

6th Floor

They stop for a bit because Sindri wants to catch his breath.

Sindri: I got to say thank you for saving me. Did not think anyone would come.

Ok Y/N this your chance to act cool as hell!

Y/N: It was Simply on my path, nothing more.

Sindri: call it whatever you want. But you saved me and that deserves Compensation.

Sindri sticks out his hand

Sindri: my name is Sindri. Or better known as one half of the Huldra brothers.

Y/N:[shakes his hand] Y/N is my name. What were you doing here, dwarf? And why was a Minotour chasing you?

Sindri Scratches his beard a bit

Sindri: oh well, i was up in the 15-18 floors getting some rare resources.Usually i can go without being seen due my people having a great way to enter the dungeon without being seen.

Sindri Demonstrate this by disappearing before the MC eyes

Sindri: your mind does not understand what it is seeing so it sees nothing at all.

He then reappears behind (Y/N) with an apple in hand and gives him the apple.

(Y/N) takes the apple.

Sindri: although it does not work on dragons or minotaurs tho.

Y/N: That is why the beast was chasing you?

Sindri nods his head. Then he notice his brother's work on the axe.

Sindri: I see you met my brother Brok.

Y/N: The Blue one is your Brother?

Sindri:[Stammers a bit] well y-es i hope he did not offend you or anything

Oh you bet he did annoying prick mention my hair was Adequate!

Y/N: he did not. So about that compensation you promise

Sindri: Oh right! Let me get my hammer out of my bag and I can do some quick work.

Sindri takes out his golden hammer.

Sindri: So what would you like to be upgraded?

Second free upgrade in one day, sweet! I guess now I will do the spear then.

(Y/N) summons Draupnir spear in his left hand.

Sindri: [eyes widen a bit] wow! Never seen a weapon that can just appear like that.

Y/N: [handing him the spear] you said you can do some work so do it.

Sindri takes the spear.

Sindri: Who made this?

Let me test something.

Y/N: ... The Lady in the Forge.

Sindri's face was in shock for a bit.

Sindri: you have been to Svartalfheim?

Y/N: Yes.

Well Technically i am not lying about that i have been there just not the way he thinks.

And with that Sindri finishes work on the spear

Sindri:[ handing the spear over] here, hope you come and find me and my brother. Maybe we can work on your other weapons of course with a fee this time.

(Y/N) takes the spear and then he un summons it.

Y/N: yes. Thank you for the work Sindri.

Sindri: it is no problem, now if you Excuse me i rather not be here any longer then i need to.

But before Sindri could disappear before (Y/N) eyes (Y/N) stops him to ask him one more question.

Y/N: Sindri one more thing. do you know the way to the surface?

Sindri then reaches into his bag and takes out a Compass.

Sindri: [throws compass at Y/N] here this should guide you out if it points north you are Exiting the dungeon.

(Y/N) catches it. In his right hand. Then he looks up and sees nothing due to Sindri leaving.

I stand Corrected, not all dwarfs are annoying.

And with that (Y/N) follows the compass. To head out of the dungeon.

Floor 2

The MC just killed some Goblin fangs with the Leviathan axe and picked up the crystals and put them in the pouch that is now overflowing with crystals.

Ok note to self if I kill any more monsters i am leaving the crystals there.

(Y/N) heads down the path Following the compass.

We see some adventures heading the opposite direction of the MC. A party if you will.

There is an elf tall with jade-colored hair tied in a ponytail. With her is a woman with long golden-blonde hair, gold eyes, and a slender body. And two dark skinned amazons.

This is a party of the Loki famila heading down the dungeon. The jade colored hair elf stops for a moment then they all stop walking. due to them noticing The MC who still has parts of his armor covered in Blood.

(Y/N) stops and Stares at them.

Y/N: ... What do you want?

The jade colored elf steps forward.

???: you do realize you are bleeding right?

Y/N: Not my Blood. A Minotaurus. I killed it on floor 7.

???:[Surprise s bit] minotaur in floor 7?

Y/N: yes. It was chasing a dwarf. .. i saved him from harm.

The blonde haired female steps forward as well next to the jade colored elf.

???: you must be strong then?

Y/N: yes. I can sense you are a strong party as well. Who are you people?

The Blonde answers frist

Ais: I am Ais Wallenstein. A member of the Loki Famila

Then the jade color elf answers the question

Riveria: my name is Riveria Ljos Alf, you already heard of Ais name. And the two behind us names are, Tione Hiryute and Toina Hiryute. We are all members of the Loki famila.

Toina waves her hand at the MC.

Y/N: [merely looks at them] ... My name is Y/N a LV 1 Adventurer member of the Hestia famila.

They were shocked a to here that (Y/N) was LV 1

Riveria: LV 1 that is not possible for you to kill a minotaur by yourself

(Y/N) takes a deep breath.

Y/N: believe what you will. Now if you Excuse me I will be on my way.

And with that the MC walks away. Not noticing Ais still looking at him

Ais: A LV 1 killing a Minotar. That should not be possible. But... i don' t think he was lying. He is strong.

Tonia: You guys think he was telling the truth?

Toina: he is lying he has to be. Right?

Tonia: I didn't know he seemed pretty confident.

Riviera: it does not matter if we dwell on this. We have a mission to do. So let us get on with it.

And with that the Loki party continues down their path.

Outside the Dungeon with the MC

We see the MC walking to head to the guild, to exchange the crystals.

Also not knowing the looks he is getting due to him having blood on his armor.

Random guy: hey it is that guy again is that blood?

Random old man: like i said things are going to change around here.

MY GOD THEY WERE FINE! I see why Bell simps over Ais she is stunning In person. Like seeing it on T. V is one thing but seeing it in person is a whole different ball game! But you will not catch me simping over her on the outside WHY YOU MAY ASK?!?

Because I am building up a rep of this cool and Mysterious guy, who can kick ass when he wants and be nice on some Occasions. YEAH! I can see the rumors that are going to start about me! Who is this guy? Where did he come from? OH YEAH ANIME LIFE FOR REAL!

(Y/N) makes it to the guild. And heads to where he can exchange the crystals for vails

Huh, I guess Enia is not here all of the time. I mean it is sun down so.

(Y/N) puts his bag down at the counter.

Y/N: I wish to exchange this for valis.

A woman with Long red hair looks at him and the bag before taking it.

???: Here are the 160,000 vails you made.

160,000 Holy shit! I went overboard! Well that should be enough for the door.

???: you made quite a lot. Never seen you here before.

(Y/N) takes the money and stores it in the bag that would hold Faye's ashes but Obviously it does not.

Y/N: the name is Y/N. what is yours

Rose: Rose Fannett.

(Y/N) turns around but before he leaves he says this to her.

Y/N: well Rose.. remember my name because soon all of Orario will know it.

And then the MC walks off and leaves the guild hall. With Rose looking at him for a moment before another Adventure comes to her desk.

The MC heading down to Hestia church home.

Man that woman was hot too, i really wish i saw more of this show before coming here.

(Y/N) enters the church and goes past the secret door down the Stairs and calls out for Hestia.

Y/N: Goddess I have returned.

Hestia is sitting on the couch plating down some Potato croquettes on the table

Hestia: oh you are back sorry i honestly did not think you would come back.

Did she think I would leave her?

Y/N: I told you Goddess Hestia that I would return and I did. You have no need to worry.

Hestia looks up at the MC and Smiles a bit

Hestia: Well Good!

Sees (Y/N) money bag.

Hestia: oh you have a lot of money! How did you get all of this?!? I thought you were going to the dungeon for the first time?

Y/N: I did... i went to floor 1-6 and then a little bit of 7.

Hestia shocked that he went that far down

Hestia: you went to Floor 1-6 and 7 on your first day!

Y/N: yes. Killed a minotaur too

(Y/N) takes off his chest armor. And removes the blades Chains off of his wrist. And then places the axe Against the wall. And the blades right next to it.

Hestia: you killed a minotaur on floor 7

Y/N: yes... it was chasing a dwarf. I helped him. And then got compensation for it.

Hesita Notices the axe looking a bit different.

Hestia puts her hand on her forehead and takes a deep breath.

Hestia: What am I going to do with you?

Y/N: you can start by quickly updating my status. please Goddess.

Hestia: after we eat. [hands him a Potato croquette] here i know you are hungry.

(Y/N) Smirks a bit and takes the croquette and takes a bite out of it.

Y/N: this is good. Did you make this Goddess?

Hestia: [face is red a bit] I work part time at a food cart.

Y/N: well you don't have to worry about that for long. Soon I will save up enough so we can get out of this run down church.

Hestia looks at (Y/N) with a bit of shock in her face.

Hestia: you really planning that far ahead huh?

Y/N: yes. Although I just joined your famila as your first member, I will not abandon you. I may have not known you for long goddess. But I can tell we are going to be great friends.

(Y/N) smiles a bit after saying that and then he takes a bite again of the croquette.

Hestia sees his smile for the first time and looks down at the floor with her checks red a bit.

Hestia: [looks up at Y/N] Yeah! Anyway let us sit down and eat

So then Hestia and (Y/N) sit and eat getting to know each other a bit.

30 minutes later

We now see the MC on the bed with Hestia on his back updating his status.

And Hestia is Shocked of what she sees.

That should not be possible, his statues are going up way too high. And his skills I never saw these before.

She finishes updating his status and hands (Y/N) the paper. Hestia is sitting beside (Y/N) as he reads the paper.

[ Y/N L/N]

[LV 1]

[Strength: 200]

[ Endurance: S 180]

[Dexterity: 128]

[Agility: 138]


[Runic: 79]

[Defense: 148]


[ Spartan Rage LV 1]

[Blood Lust:For each enemy (Y/N) kills he levels up at least once a day in one of his stats.]

Huh there seems to be some other skills blocked out on the skill tree.

Y/N: [ looks at Hestia] Goddess. There are some parts blocked in the skills part. The writing is messed up.

Hestia: oh my hand must have slipped. just like last time there is only Spartan Rage and Blood Lust.

I am not buying that BS! But I will let it slide. Because she did this to Bell in the first episode so she must have reason for not telling me what that says.

(Y/N) gets up and starts to head out the bedroom.

Y/N: well Goddess Hestia it is late. I am going to bed on the couch you take the bed. Good night Goddess.

Hestia: Night.

And with that (Y/N) closes the door.

But Hestia is Still thinking about what she saw his in his skills and magic

Your skills Y/N it is not normal for someone to have that many. Are you really a normal human?

With that thought in her mind she heads to sleep as well. And we see what she saw the MC stats really are.

[ Y/N L/N]

[LV 1]

[Strength: 200]

[ Endurance: S 180]

[Dexterity: 128]

[Agility: 138]


[Runic: 79]

[Defense: 148]


[ Spartan Rage LV 1]

[Blood Lust:For each enemy (Y/N) kills he levels up at least once a day in one of his stats.]

[ Poseidon rage: allowed the user to unleash devastating electricity vortex upon nearby foes, hit multiple times, and protected him from attack.]

[Rage of Sparta LV 1 : grants user a temporal invincibility and damage buff.]

[ Bow of Apollo LV 1: user can summon a bow that can shoot Infinite fire arrows but it does take a bit of the user mana.]

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