He is not like the boys I have met, his eyes, his hair, lips, a defined six pack abs and a narrow waistline. He is the type of handsome every girl dreams of.
He was the last person I could have ever thought I would find at my best friend’s house.
Never met anyone more charming,he moved his body gracefully as he gently arranged the washed plates in the racks. I stood there watching every movement from wiping his hand with a small towel to swinging the towel in a swirling motion.
I gulped and stood still.
I finally heard my name being called, I turned to my friend Tara who gave me a weird look.
As my eyes shifted from her to the half naked guy across the room, he was now staring back at me. We weren’t strangers but it felt like were at that moment.
“That is my brother, Nolan”, Tara said.
My jaw dropped and my eyes widened at what Tara had just said.
“Your Brother???”, I repeated loudly.
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Écrire un avisHello everyone, this is Whispered Secrets’s Author. This is one of my books on here and I just want to thank you all for reading my books, this book is about the power in intimacy, friendships, loyalty and betrayals. Looking forward to your comments ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you again for reading my book🥰
I have a feeling this book would be one of my favorites 😍😍😍 Nancy and Nolan are already by favorite character, they would get along so well, can't wait to ship them together. This has so much potentials and the way th author put her words, well explanatory and fun to read. 🎉🎉😍
Good writing quality, nice world building, charaters realistic and the story draws you in immediately wanting you to know what happens next. Ver good.
the book is amazing the character are very relatable and the best romance characters i have seen. the subtext is amazing ,and am proud of each chapter
Auteur kimmy5560
Waiting for more updates from you Author, this is so interesting