At this, Aeryon is more confident that Dama could not conquer the Steppe.
Even if he could, his path would be thornier than he is.
And it would easily be breached by anyone with a scheme.
If Dama has no other rivals, with his methods, he probably could pacify it even after breaching the trust because he would have time
But in the current situation there is Aeryon and there is also Chadha
If the impossibility happens and Dama manages to unite the Southern Great Steppe, then Aeryon could incite rebellion and alienation tactics could be used against Dama
And it is likely to work because Dama action has paved the way for it to succeed.
In that case, he would find every enemies in every corner.
Then it would only be a matter of time for that empire to crumble
With no one that could trust him, nobody would dare become his allies and help him. Reputation is a weak thing.
This Jayeux guy does not stopp giving advice does he?