Serenica followed the messenger to a little shop that served both tea and coffee. She found Innai sitting in a table near the window.
"You're not one second early," he said.
"I missed you," Serenica said.
"Everyone misses me. I can't imagine how bad you must feel when I die." Innai cleared his throat and ordered some tea to be poured for Serenica, as if she had been a lady of some importance.
She realized she had an actual effect on the world around her and accepted the tea.
"I heard you were about to become a doctor." The old man took a sip. "It might still be hot, but I strongly recommend trying it already. The herbs work better when it's really hot.
"Thank you," Serenica said and tasted the tea. "I might become a doctor. There are still multiple ifs and buts."
"Nonsense, you know it will happen," Innai said. "Do you reckon you'll have time to do what you promised to do?"
I am pleased to inform my dear readers that the second volume will begin after this chapter. I hope you've had a good time reading about Serenica. I know I did have fun writing about her. The next part will begin soon, the first two chapters will come tomorrow. Thank you for the support, the interaction and the gifts. Nothing delights me more than a reader enjoying my novel!