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61.53% Waking up as a Ghallager (Shameless USA, 2011 SI) / Chapter 16: [16] Reunion

Chapitre 16: [16] Reunion

"Those are your siblings?" Gisele asked me with an amused sounding lilt to her voice.

"Yup.." I sighed while popping the P.

"It seems like your life is pretty entertaining." Gisele said in a teasing voice as clan Ghallager, plus Kev and V funneled into my garage.

"You have no idea." I replied back to her with a smile as I got out of the Impala and was immediately hugged by two rockets in the form of Debbie and Carl, while Liam who was being held by Ian leaned over so far that I had to grab him before he fell.

"Hey big bro Iz, you'll never guess what I found in the yard yesterday." Carl said as he ran off to go get whatever he was talking about.

"Big brother Izzy, can you help me with my school project please?" Debbie asked me and I roughfled the hair on top of her head.

"Sure thing Debbs." I said with a smile.

"Hey Ian." I greeted my Twin while nodding to Lip who nodded back before both of them gave me a one armed hug and Ian grabbed Liam.

"Sorry about Savannah Iz." Ian said to me and I also noticed there was something wrong with him.

"Thanks, what's up with you Ian…did Kash do something to you?" I asked Ian while feeling worried even though I knew Kash was a pussy.

"Haha, he and Mickey are hooking up." Lip quickly said making Ian rear back and punch him.

"Knock it off you two." Fiona said making the two stop before she came over and hugged me tightly burying her face into the crook of my neck taking a deep inhale as she did so.

"Okay, Fi let go of Izzy so I can give him a hug." V said while giving me a look while Kev smirked.

As soon as Fiona reluctantly released Veronica took her place but instead of putting her face in the crook of my neck V smashed her lips against mine and pushed her tongue into my mouth.

"He-hem, he-hem." I heard Gisele clearing her throat while standing their with her arms crossed over her chest and a very put off almost jealous going in her eyes.

"Who's this?" Fiona asked while starting a stare down with Gisele.

"I'm Gisele, your brother's girlfriend." Gisele replied and possessively grabbed my arm, and though I kept my expression schooled I was pretty thrown by Gisele's statement.

"Ohh." V and Kev sighed, sounding a bit disappointed while Kev and I did a bro handshake.

"It's good to see you Iz, I kinda thought you'd stay in Rio…especially if all the girls look like that." Kev said while shooting me a wink and mentioning to Gisele.

"There's a few people waiting outside with nice cars. I take it their friends of yours, Izzy." Fiona said and I got the mental image of two snarling tigresses staring each other down as Gisele and Fiona stared each other down.

"Yup…more like our extended family." I said and mentally cringed at saying it aloud while feeling Gisele vibrating next to me containing her laughter.

As everyone funneled out of the garage Gisele leaned up and over to whisper in my ear.

"Dom is going to be ecstatic when he hears that you called him your family." Gisele whispered teasingly, her whispering sending a shiver down my spine.

"Shh, the guy has a hard on for the word family…I don't want him humping my leg." I replied jokingly in return to Gisele which made Gisele let out a soft tinkling laugh that has Fiona looking back staring daggers at Gisele.

"So you're my girlfriend now?" I asked Gisele even more softly then when I joked to her.

"It's not such a bad cover is it?...I didn't think you would mind, honey." Gisele whispered smokily before smacking my ass.

"Haa, whatever, just don't complain when I start taking liberties of my own." I replied to Gisele in mock exasperation.

"Mmm, promises promises." Gisele really started putting on an act when she noticed V, Fi, Kev, Lip and Ian were eavesdropping on our conversation.

Once we were all outside I covered Lip's mouth with my hand as I forgot that he actually liked watching the news and knew who Dominic Torreto is.

"So guy's these are my friends, Dom, Elena, Brian, Mia, Han and our other two friends went to go do something but the other bald one's name is Roman and the other guy's name is Tej…and of course you met my wife Gisele." I said introducing everyone, making everyone whip around to look at me with their mouths hanging open, Gisele included.

"What can I say I ate the worm so to speak." I replied with a shrug and a big smile on my face as Veronica squealed and ran at me to hug both Gisele and I.

"How…" Fiona asked while trailing off looking at me with a betrayed and slightly broken expression, that made me feel bad for joking around.

"He's joking, we're not married, we're each other's rebound." Gisele said making everyone nod while Veronica looked disappointed to hear that.

'Damn, I was hoping she'd roll with it.' I thought to myself and didn't realize I was pouting on the outside until I heard Dom and Mia laugh.

"That's Dominic Torreto, Brian O'Connor and Mia Torreto…they all have major bounties on them." Lip leaned close to me and whispered.

When he pulled back I gave him the look, before leaning over and whispering back to him.

"Philip, they are…are as close to me as Vi and Kev are to all of us, they're family to me and to you by extension…Ghallegar's protect each other." I told Lip who backed away slightly and made eye contact, there was a slight questioning in his eyes while he looked for whatever he needed before nodding.

"Gallagher's stick together." Lip replied to me with a very serious expression and I knew he would protect Dom and the others to the best of his ability.

'It's too bad the cousin chose to go to the casino instead of coming with us.' I thought to myself as everyone started doing the meet and greet shaking hands and everything.

Then the throngs of Southsider started pouring in with grills, smokers, picnic tables, folding chairs, folding tables tablecloths, plastic silverware, knock off brand of solo cups, kegs of beer, bottles of booze, 40's, and all sorts of stuff.

Lip was suddenly on the porch holding a microphone connected to an ION Block Rocker.

"Alright, Ya Fuckin Losers…Give it up for Issac Ghallager for wanting to get your asses together FOR A FUCKING PARTY ! ! !" Lip said through the microphone that made the over 150 plus Southsider howl and pick me up to do some crowd surfing.

"YOU HEARD HIM LET'S GET THIS BLOCK A FUCKIN ROCKIN ! ! !" I shouted making everyone cheer as music started being cranked tables and chairs set up as meat was being cooked and different games were being setup, while Lip, Ian, and Debbie went around collecting money as Carl ran over to me carrying an Uzi and what looked like a Kilo of cocaine in a large 3 gallon bag.

"Is that?" Gisele asked me and I nodded.

"Check it out big bro now I have a gun like yours and this white powder stuff…it's not sugar though." Carl said to me and I snatched both from his hands.

"B-big b-brother?" Carl asked questioningly while looking up at me with his bottom lip trembling and his eyes growing watery.

"Come on buddy let's go in the house for a minute." I said softly while removing the magazine and the round that was in the chamber from the Uzi before tucking it underneath my arm and outstretching my hand to Carl who nodded and looked at the ground kicking his feet slightly.

'Goddess, I'm so fucking happy I taught him gun safety and he remembered enough not to shoot himself or a member of our family.' I thought to myself as I walked down the steps into the basement coming to a shiny stainless steel door that had a keypad and a biometric scanner, releasing Carl's hand typing in the panel activation code and then scanning my prints making the door unlock and glide open before signaling Carl to follow me.

"Come on, sit up here." I told Carl while patting the stainless steel table that currently has a toredown Barrett 50.cal resting on it.

"Okay." Carl said in a small voice as he climbed up onto the table.

"Carl, I'm not mad at you." I said softly while ruffling his hair slightly making him look up at me with surprise and joy filled eyes.

"Really! So can I keep it?" Carl asked me and then immediately slumped from the look I was giving him.

"No buddy, you can't keep this gun or the powder, I hope you didn't tell little Hank about this stuff." I said to Carl who immediately shook his head no.

"Carl, this gun has probably been used to kill people, anybody with half a brain will be able to put it together that you didn't kill anyone…but the justice system doesn't even have half a brain so you'll end up going to jail for a long time, and you don't want that. When you're a bit older, big brother will give you a gun if you can show me you're responsible and respectful enough to have one okay buddy." I said to Carl softly and though he was still a bit down, getting a gun from me was a lot better than finding one in the yard.

"Thank you big brother." Carl finally said as he hugged me tightly.

"You're welcome buddy, now get out of here and get some food and remember no one can be told or shown, big brother's gun room." I said to him ruffling his hair again before he jumped down off the table and ran upstairs.

"You're actually really good with kids." Mia said, making me jump slightly.

"Haha, thanks…" I replied to Mia who walked into the room finding a hightech weapons room and comms area with a wall of monitors with various news feeds and surveillance feeds of my house.

'Damn, how did I not hear or smell her coming…jet lag maybe or is it Toretto plot armor?' I wondered to myself as I noticed Fiona coming downstairs on one of the monitors.

"I want to ask you to be my baby's godfather." Mia said to me with a gentle smile on her face and I was slightly thrown as we'd only known each other for like two days.

"I-I'd be honored to be his or her godfather." I found myself saying to Mia as an honest smile spread across my lips and Mia gave me a tight hug.

"Thank you, I mean Brian and I already planned to whether you agreed, or not anyways." Mia said with a smile on her lips that told me this position was non-refusable which I didn't really mind at all.

"Haha, I'm surprised but happy I was even considered…I hope that the need never comes about but if it does I'll raise your kid or kids as if they were my own, and I'll make sure they know how awesome their birth mom was and how okay their dad was." I said softly with a bit of teasing that made Mia smile and shoot me a wink.

"Issac." Mia suddenly said and her expression suddenly turned a nervous kind of serious.

"Yeah?" I said questioningly, making worry start to seep into my heart at her expression.

"Don't be mad…but last night, when you were having a nightmare, Gisele told us about what happened to you when you were younger, I just want you to know that we all love you and are here for you and if you ever want or need to talk about what happened with people who…know about you, how special you are." Mia said to me her voice was nervous and worried like she was waiting for me to get angry or something.

But I only felt my eyes sting slightly and found myself hugging Mia and not the awkward one armed hug of before but that of a little brother to his big sister.

"Thanks Mia, I might just take you up on that some day." I said softly before letting her out of the hug and saw that Mia was crying, making me worried I might have hugged her too hard or said something wrong before she hugged me again and then separated from me again and wiped her tears away.

"I always wanted a little brother, I'm glad I have one now." Mia said to me with a bright sunny smile on her face before she took off, nearly skipping out of the basement.

'Pregnancy hormone swings.' I thought to myself as I wiped away the wetness on my face as Fiona nervously stood at the door with her hand raised up about to knock before she put it down, walked in a circle and raised her hand back up repeating the process multiple times before sighing dejectedly and turning to head back upstairs.

Going over to the door pulling it open.

"Fi." I said softly, making her turn around and look at me while I opened the door a bit further and signaled for her to enter.

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Who wants to see Fiona & Issac get together?

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Who wants to see Issac & Gisele get together?

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Who wants to see Savannah & Issac be end game together other than me?

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And who wants to see Issac and Gisele be together at the same time and he and Savannah get back together? So small harem.

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Also I have this idea for the times Savannah drank Isaac's blood or been filled with his seed to have healed her, and on their breakup fuck she got pregnant.

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Then way out of left field, who would like to see Mc and Ramsey end up as a couple?

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Then way out of right field, who would like to see Mc and Hattie Shaw end up as a couple?

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