"For the love of all evil, please keep a low profile,"
It is never in Elena's intention to disobey her master's order, it is simply because the understanding between the Great Demoness of Lust and a Junior Secret Agent is rather different.
To Marshall, the word 'low profile' is to appear in such a way as to not attract attention.
To Elena, the word 'low profile' is synonymous with 'lowlives'.
"Ooh, Ender, look, a traveling priest!"
Robyn grabbed Ender's hand and pointed at the beautiful woman standing near a bridge. She wore a white and gold attire, donning the symbol of light around her neck. A hood on her head just barely covers her glorious golden locks.
The priest looks rather bored, she has her eyes fixtated on the sky while leaning on the bridge. She saw the group walking towards her and sighed a little.
"To the glory of the sixth angel, by his grace we've met each other," the priest yawned and put a hand on her head. "Pardon, just a little tired, that's all…"
"Is it the heat, ma'am?" Lalatina asked while offering her a bottle of water.
The priestess gave her a tired smile. "Thanks," she took the bottle and downed it in one go. "Can you do me a favor and pretend you didn't see a priest around here?"
"What are you…" Lalatina's words faltered and her face reddens when the woman began unbuttoning her coat. She also pulled off her hoodie, revealing her beautiful blonde hair that matches her beautiful blue eyes. "Oh…"
"Blasphemy, I know," the priestess muttered. "The names Cecil by the way,"
Ender tilted her head, she knew that this priestess isn't actually a human. She also knew that she's a demoness. But she's not sure who exactly she is and what does she want.
"Are you a traveler?" Annie asked.
"Sort of, yeah," Cecil took out a pamphlet. "Can you all sign this so I can get paid when I get back?"
"Ehh… What is this?"
Robyn and Annie each took a piece of paper. Both Lalatina and Sanae quickly crouch down beside them to read the content. It's a simple declaration of faith to the Church of the All Horizon. It's not as binding as the one printed on parchment, but it's still has its own power.
"Sorry," Lalatina took both pamphlet. "We already have faith on the Goddess of the Lake,"
"Local religion?" the priestess clicked her tongue. "Goddamn I knew it's a waste of time," she sighed a little and looked up again. "Ahh… Well, thanks for the water, I'm just… gonna…" she looked at the water below the bridge.
Her tired, dead on the inside expression, is reflected to her a few meters away from the bridge. "You think a fall from this height would kill me?"
Robyn walked right beside her and looked down the stream. A single canoe is traveling across the water. It's only a two meter drop into a rather deep water, nothing lethal
"No… But you'll get scolded,"
"Is that from experience?" the priestess asked.
Robyn gave her a sheepish grin. "Ehehe… It was just… whoa!" the girl leaned too forward and she accidentally reenacted how it all plays out years ago. Behind her, Annie and Lalatina already grabbed one of her feet and desperately tried to pull her back.
"Robyn!!!" Lalatina wailed in frustration. "Goodness, why are you like this? Can't you please just stay still?!"
If Robyn was listening, she didn't show it. The girl just dangled around the edge of the bridge while lauging a little. She raised her hand and grabbed a hat belonging to an old man standing on a canoe. He looked up and his eyes widened in surprise.
"Got yer hat!" she yelled before tossing it on to the canoe. She then tried to pull herself, but due to how sudden it is, Annie lost grip, followed by Lalatina.
"Heaven's Grasp!"
A single rope shot out of the sleeve of the priestess robe and tie itself on Robyn's feet. She managed to catch Robyn when her face was inches away from the water.
"Nice catch big sis!" Robyn shouted while dangling around the rope.
The canoe from earlier trudged towards her and the old man helped save Robyn. Once she's sure she's saved, the priestess let go of her spell and the rope vanished in a flash of light.
Meanwhile, Lalatina and Annie already down near the dock. The latter is worried while the former is ready to chew her out.
"Robyn! What did I tell you about being too reckless near the bridge!?" Lalatina yelled.
"Tehehe…" Robyn giggled sheepishly whilst climbing up the stairs back to the bridge. "I'm back! Sorry everyone!"
Lalatina just sighed in defeat. "Just do what you want," she muttered before leaning on the railings beside the priestess. "Are you from out of town?" she asked the priestess.
"Yeah… I'm running short of conversion quota," the woman waved her form. "I need someone to sign these lest they'll send me back to the camp,"
Ender stepped forward and looked at the forms in curiosity. "I can sign one of these if you want,"
The priest looked at her for a bit. "You're… faithless? Are you sure about it?" she asked. "I mean, just between you and me, I'd rather be faithless than having a religion. Don't get me wrong, the perks are real, but…"
"It doesn't work on me," Ender said.
"The binding paper does not work on me," Ender smiled. "I can sign as many of these as I want with my blood and nothing will happen," she winked a little. "Though you don't need to tell your superiors about that."
The priest gasped after hearing that. "W-wait, really!?" she handed Ender one of the paper. "H-here, sign here,"
Ender signed the piece of paper. Once she's done, a flash of light appeared from the paper. It appeared to try and engulf Ender, but it shot through her like empty air. Soon, the light dies down and the paper lies uselessly on the priest's hand.
"You're… still faithless…" a strange look of joy appeared on the priest's face as she inspected the paper. "What about a parchment paper? Does it work on you?"
"Nope, I can do fake autographs and biographies too if you want,"
Cecil dropped on to the ground and clasped her hand. "By the grace of one without faith, I hath been saved from this terrible curse!" she said. "Please o mighty, save me!"
Ender rubbed the back of her head. "I really don't think you should be acting like that, people would think you're a demon in disguise or something,"
The priestess froze for a split second before quickly standing up. "You're right… Ahem," she cleared her throat. "Now then, I simply cannot fake these conversion papers, however," she handed a full stack of paper. "I will umm… Would you please help me find other people who would gladly convert to the Church of Second Horizon?"
"Sure," Ender said, taking the stack of paper. "Will the payment be money or blessing?"
"Ah…" Cecil cleared her throat. "Y-you see… That's umm…"
Ender grinned a little. "How about this, I am currently staying at a café nearby and I would love it if you would work there for the duration of your stay… How long are you staying here again?"
Cecil gazed at Ender with wide eyes. "Ma'am, if you can give me a steady supply of those papers, I will be yours for eternity,"
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