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TWD - Catch Me If You Can (Reincarnated) The Walking Dead

Auteur: Empe_ror99

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: The end of childhood

Catch Me If You Can (Reincarnated) TWD


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Prologue Catch me if you can!

"…All of you can rot in hell with me!" I shout with my hands open dramatically along with a smile on my face. When I realize I am no longer at the United Nations conference.

"Where did the bomb go?" I ask confused looking in all directions, I find myself in some kind of elegant office. Then an idea comes to my mind. "I'm dead." I say looking at the dark silhouette in front of me and putting on my best fucking smile.

"So you are god? The devil? Or just an office worker? I say with my hand on my mouth laughing a little.

The Figure now becomes visible and is nothing more than a pouting child. "You caused the third world war in your world." Says the boy scratching his head. "Usually your soul would be destroyed, however, some gods have taken interest in you." Are gods interested in me? This is new for me.

"What can I say, I'm that fabulous." I say sticking out my chest and lifting my chin proudly.

"So did I win something?" I ask now interested, usually, this kind of situation comes with wishes and later reincarnation, I have read quite a few clichéd novels about this.

"You could say yes…" The office boy responds when I interrupt him with a loud cry.

"Great!" Who would have thought that I would be rewarded for causing world war three?

"As I was telling you, you can choose any world you want to reincarnate, however within that world you will be persecuted and hunted by the other gods. You will be given a period of peace before the gods descend and begin their hunt." At this, my excitement subsides before I get fired up again. Being hunted by gods? This is on another level.

"There are rules?" I ask with a lot of ideas going through my head.

"The gods will appear in the world you choose once 12 years have passed since your reincarnation. These will be in human form and can bring their angels or demons with them in human form as well. You can defend against them using any method, you can even kill them.

"Will I only be 12 when the hunt starts? What a scam." I say sighing, I could well enjoy these 12 years to the fullest and improvise when time runs out, it's 12 more years of life, and I'll take advantage of them.

"Our time has come to an end, now choose a world in which you will reincarnate and the period of time." Says the boy before realizing something. "The worlds of DC and Marvel are closed by order of the board of directors."

If I will be hunted, why not make it difficult for those gods? A dark smile spreads across my face. "I want to go to the world of The Walking Dead 12 years before Rick wakes up from his coma." I keep my smile as I watch the boy raising an eyebrow. I don't want to go to a world of superheroes, I don't like heroes, I prefer villains, but they always lose. "One last question. Are these gods that are going to hunt me looking at me right now?" The boy just nods his head.

I put on my best fucking smile as I spread my hands theatrically. "Catch Me If You Can!" I scream when the boy just snaps his fingers and everything goes black.


Chapter 1 The end of childhood.

My new name is Justin Smith, the normal son of a normal family. Or that's what I appear to be. My father is in the military and often travels abroad, my mother is a nurse and works in the hospital. I am currently 8 years old and the first years of my life have not been so boring, as a child I do what I want, I am a bit spoiled.

Although I can't wait for the end of the world to begin, I will nonetheless enjoy the remaining 4 years for that to happen.

Right now I'm staying at my uncle's house for a few days.

In a dark room, a person slowly opens the door of the room and begins to walk slowly inside it, with a transparent bag in his hands. My smile widens as I see what's in the bag while I remain hidden.

"Where did the little demon go? Come here little demon, your uncle has the chocolates you like so much." At that moment I jumped on the back of the person holding the chocolates as it fell dramatically to the ground.

"Oh no, the little demon has me. Lucille love brings the broom, help me." My uncle asks my aunt Lucille for help as I snatch the bag full of chocolates from him and proceed to eat them. As I sit on top of my uncle smirking with a mouth full of chocolate.

At that moment a woman comes into the room, shaking her head and crossing her arms. "Negan stop giving Justin chocolates, you know how that kid gets with that much sugar in his blood. Now Justin saves those chocolates for after dinner. The food is ready, come and eat both of you." My aunt pronounces as we stand up and I put away the remaining chocolates.

"Yes madam." My uncle and I spoke in unison as we headed to the dining room.

I was shocked when I first met my uncle, it turned out to be Negan of all people. It's quite nice, I guess it's because Lucille is still alive.

Although I may seem like a normal sweet kid to everyone, I know that Negan sees through the facade, however, he chooses to ignore it or doesn't care. Isn't he the best uncle one could wish for? madness is part of the family I suppose.

We start having a nice meal until Negan starts pestering me. "Eat the vegetables." Negan whispers to me while I just stick out my tongue at him. "When the dead begin to eat people I will eat the vegetables." I tell him with a giggle.

"Justin Smith you will eat the vegetables." Pronounce Lucille with an authoritative voice. "Don't make me call your parents." Do not threaten me. I look for help looking at Negan who just shrugs. Damn, I feel so powerless. I sigh and start eating the vegetables.

"You know Justin I heard that this guy Bill, the one who was bothering you at school, had an accident. You don't know anything about it?" Negan asks me watching me eat my vegetables. I just shrug my shoulders.

"He fell down the stairs at school, is what I heard." I answer while I continue eating without realizing the small smile I showed, this did not go unnoticed by Negan, who only raised an eyebrow at me.

The reality is that I was the one who pushed him down the stairs at school, the idiot is 4 years older than me, and yet he chose to bother me at recess. Do I feel bad about putting him in the hospital? Not at all, in fact, I felt satisfaction.

"Whatever you say little demon." Negan says sighing. "Tomorrow we will go to the zoo, I promised your father that I would take you and at night we will go to a soccer game, I already have the tickets. Just the two of us, since Lucille has a sewing meeting with her friends." I just nod my head, it might be funny.

"Just make sure Justin doesn't get into any trouble, Negan." Lucille comments staring at Negan in some kind of tactical agreement.

Negan swallows a lump in his throat. "Yes darling, don't worry." Says Negan, who would say that Negan was bullied by his wife. Or is it love?

The next day we found ourselves at the city Zoo looking at different animals. I watch as Negan starts talking on the phone and I walk over to the snake area with a smile on my face. I've always wanted to do this.

"You will obey me~, you will follow all my orders~." I say to a snake as I point my hand behind a glass keeping a smile on my face when I feel a heavy hand on my shoulder. It was Negan with a strange smile on his face.

"Do you know that snakes cannot understand you? Right, Justin? My uncle comments with a shitty smile as he records me on his phone Since when was he listening to me? I thought he was on the phone, my face immediately turned red with embarrassment. "Of course, I know it!" I yell puffing out my cheeks, crossing my arms, and looking away from Negan who just taunts me. I wish I had powers, I reincarnated without powers and I am sure that if I had powers I would try to dominate the world.

"Hahaha, the boy who says 'I'm a big boy, I'm more mature than I look' talks to snakes hahaha, I look forward to showing this to Lucille and your parents." I listen to Negan as he swings his phone at me. Bastard, I will take revenge.

One of the disadvantages of reincarnation is that my brain is consistent with the age of my body, which is why scenes sometimes happen where I let myself be guided by my feelings or the impulses of a child my age. I hope that when I turn 12 these things don't happen, it would be a shameful problem. Although I don't care, we're going to have fun. There are still 4 years to go until the end of the world.


POV Negan

As I drive to the football stadium I can't stop thinking about my chaotic nephew, he looks like me when I was a child although a little out of place, maybe I should talk to Justin's father, my brother. It's clear that Justin had something to do with the accident at school, although the other boy deserved it and Justin didn't get caught. Nobody hurts my family and goes unpunished, God knows how many fights I got into in my childhood to defend my brother and vice versa.

I want to believe that Justin is a normal boy, I watch Justin in the passenger seat playing with his Nintendo DS. "He dies, dies, everyone dies muahahaha" Justin utters while he is focused on his game. I just shake my head, just a normal kid.

Shortly after we entered the stadium and located our seats. Luckily my brother got us front-row tickets to the game.

After many minutes the game is about to end. "Justin you want more..." I turn to Justin to hand him some snacks, however, Justin is not in his seat. When the fuck did he leave and why didn't I notice? My heart starts beating fast at the thought that I lost my nephew, my brother, and Lucille are going to kill me. Until the commentator's voice announces that a child entered the field and the match is stopped.

"That little demon." I start running in Justin's direction as I watch the screen.

"Hahaha, catch me if you can!" Justin shouts laughing in the middle of the field with a ball in his hands running from one side to the other avoiding the security guards and some players from both teams trying to catch him. It's no wonder the crowd goes crazy.

"Uncle Negan, catch him!" Justin yells at me running in my direction and throws the ball at me which I catch, then the security falls on top of me.

In the end, things didn't get too big as Justin is just an 8 year old and they let him get away with the accident, thinking he was just a little big fan. They even gave him the ball with many autograph signings. I check my phone and I have dozens of missed calls from Lucille along with Justin's parents.

I just sigh as we get back in the car and Justin is sizing up the ball. "Hey Uncle Negan, how much do you think I can sell this for?" Justin asks me with his poorly concealed innocent face. I couldn't contain myself anymore and just laughed.

"You will be the death of me, you know that?" I say laughing at the whole situation, Justin is not a normal boy, not even remotely. Not that he's a bad thing anyway.


POV Justin

After getting revenge on my uncle Negan and getting a new ball, which I'm sure I'll sell for some extra money. We returned home, however when I entered my parents and my aunt Lucille were waiting for me angry. In that, I took out one of my biggest secret weapons.

I point to Negan. "It was his idea, he said he would give me chocolates if I did it." I pronounce quickly as I run to my room with the ball in my hands. I'm sorry Uncle, but you must sacrifice yourself for your adorable little nephew.

Some people would prepare for the end of the world, others would make plans, warn their loved ones, I'm not that kind of person, I mean I caused world war 3 in my previous world, and it would be extremely hypocritical of me. Besides, the gods will come to hunt me down, so I won't waste the precious years I have left strategizing, I'll live life like it's a game.

A few years passed and the whole thing about the soccer field was forgotten, now I am 11 years old and there are about a few months to go until the dead rise, so I have to make the most of the time I have left.

My father, being the great responsible father that he is, taught me how to shoot different weapons, although we never mentioned it to my mother. Father-son bonding weekend excursions were trips to shooting ranges, I just had to manipulate my father into teaching me how to shoot by saying I wanted to be like him when I grew up. The rest happened like magic. Although in my other life I knew how to shoot, it is one thing to shoot with the body of an adult and another with the body of a child. Recoil is a bitch.

"Sir, it is not recommended that a child of your age use that shotgun, the recoil is quite hard for him." One of the managers mentions him as he sees my father, however, my father just waves his hands dismissively.

"Don't worry, I've used that shotgun before and it doesn't recoil as hard as they say." My father says giving me a thumbs up and a smile in my direction. I guess if my dad says so it shouldn't be so bad.

Correction, I ended up on the floor face up with no air in my lungs and crying with a cut on one of my fingers.

"I told them, but nobody listens to me." Says the manager shaking his head.

My father quickly came up to me, "It's just a small cut." Says my father holding my hand and sucking a little on the wound, to then put a Band-Aid on me. After that, I never used big recoil guns again.

We had to go back early because my father started to feel bad. In the following days, my father was sick, under a strong fever, however, he recovered after a few days of rest. My mother commented that it was just simple flu.

Weeks later my father would return abroad for a tour of different countries in Asia visiting Europe along the way.

"I'll be back in a few months so..." My father sneezes a little, blowing his nose. Since he got sick now he sneezes recurrently, my mother thinks it may be some kind of allergy that he developed, but my father doesn't want to get checked. "I need you to behave yourself, no mischief. I won't be surprised to come back and find that the United States is now called Justinland." My father says making us all laugh.

The whole family was gathered to see him off at the airport, I just give him a small smile as I hug him and whisper in his ear. "Bye-bye ~ Dad." By now my father got used to his strange son and just ruffled my hair while he said goodbye to my mother and uncles.

"Well, little brother, who knew you would be allergic to your own child." Negan comments making fun of my dad. As he gives him a firm handshake and pats him on the back. "Although I don't blame you, that child causes gray hair." Negan chuckles a bit as he just winks in my direction. "Stay safe." My father just nods and joins his friends to board for Asia.


Regarding my school life, it couldn't be better. From a very young age, I gradually began to manipulate the other children and even some teachers, it turns out that having a father defending freedom gave me quite a few points with the other easily impressionable children.

I still remember how I defended one of the little boys against some bullies, I had a lot of fun with them and by having fun I mean that I gave them the beating of their lives in front of the whole school. After that I was suspended for a few days, however, when I returned to school I was treated like a hero to the other children.

Manipulating children was easier than I thought, so I made the most of my school time. It turns out that the boy I defended was none other than Carl Grimes, so from that moment I practically adopted him and put him under my protection. He was a couple of years younger than me, that way I would have easy access to the plot in case I needed it. Not that I want to join the plot so early anyway. That would be boring.

"Hey, Justin... I'm talking to you Justin." Carl interrupts my thoughts as he hands me a juice. "Here you go, it's the juice you like." I nod and take the juice Carl offers me while we're in the school lunchrooms.

"Justin, my mom made the food you like, do you want some?" Another boy walks up to me with his lunch box.

"Justin, Justin my older sister asked me for your phone number. Is it okay for me to give it to her?" Another child asks sitting at the same table where I am, surrounded by other children.

"I'll just eat an apple, I'm not very hungry, thanks anyway." I say looking at the boy in the lunchbox and then looking at the other." And yes, you can give your sister my number." I say as I wink at the other table where there are several girls gathered, seeing me wink in their direction they begin to scream.

"Stop doing that." Carl says as he kicks me under the table and takes his own juice, at which a shitty smile graces my face.

I lean into his ear and whisper. "Carl, aren't you jealous?" The effect was immediate Carl spits the juice out of it with a red face. I couldn't help but laugh and started laughing out loud, I love to annoy people.

"Don't be silly Justin." Carl stutters a bit. "Stop playing with them." He says, at this, I shrug with a giggle.

"Hey guys, did you hear about the new flu in Asia?" Asks another of the children gathered around me, this one is a few years older than me. "My dad says that the governments of those countries are lying and it's more than just flu." At this, I raise an eyebrow.

"My father is serving in Japan, I should call him." I pronounce while bringing my hands to my chin. The end of the world shouldn't start yet, I'll do some research on the internet later, that's when the bell interrupts us. Time to go to class and we all split up to go to our respective classrooms.

Later in the comfort of my room, I turn on my computer and start to check the news from Asian countries. From what I was able to investigate new flu is spreading among Asian countries. Some researchers claim that it is just simple flu. So far there are no recorded fatal cases. I guess I was worried about nothing.

A few weeks passed and I stopped checking the international news, I'm not very interested in other countries. I'm in my seat when my teacher walks up to me with hands shaking a little and hands me my corrected test, as usual, I got a 10. I'm not the honor student for nothing.

Some teachers are afraid of me since the rumor spread that thanks to me they fired several teachers in the past whether it was justified or not. During my stay at this school, accidents have occurred to some students or teachers, however, no one could attribute them to me. Who would have thought that cute little Justin would be able to stage an accident? That would be unthinkable. In short, my school life was pretty fun.

All that changes when a couple of days later I see how Carl's mother is hugging him while they both cry outside the school. I couldn't hide my smile seeing that scene from the cafeteria window.

"Then the game is about to start." I say looking out the window while also seeing my reflection.


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Empe_ror99 Empe_ror99

"Hello~ My name is Justin and welcome to the end of the world." Justin says slowly approaching you. "A world without rules." He says with a smile.

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