In a distant future where humanity has ascended beyond the limits of physical reality, the pursuit of power is everything. After centuries of technological and genetic advancement, society is divided into two realms—Base 0, a crumbling world of discarded souls, and Base 1, where the strong ascend through the mastery of mental energy, reshaping the fabric of reality itself. The most powerful neurosyncers ascend even further, reaching Base 2, where godlike beings rule with absolute authority.
Troy, a genetically inferior test subject raised in the hellish labs of Base 0, was never meant to survive. Drained of his mental energy and discarded as a failed experiment, he should have been dead. But Troy’s will to live is stronger than any calculation. After countless revivals and endless torment, he ascends to Base 1—a realm of power he was never meant to reach.
In a world ruled by the Five Gods, the only humans to have ascended to Base 2 in the past 500 years, Troy finds himself at a deadly disadvantage. While others in Base 1 have spent their entire lives mastering their abilities, Troy is a novice, thrust into a realm of godlike strength, unspoken rules, and hidden agendas. Each of the Five Gods rules a faction, controlling the path to ascension and deciding who may one day join them in Base 2.
But Troy is not like the others. Born in darkness, shaped by torment, his mind is a weapon, honed by pain and defiance. And while most must rely on the towers—ancient structures built to help humanity ascend—Troy discovers that there is another way. A way that bypasses the gods and their control. But that path is dangerous, and only those who master the laws of Base 1 can hope to survive it.
As Troy navigates the brutal landscape of Base 1—where powerful neurosyncers bend reality, forge their own laws, and wield abilities that defy reason—he begins to uncover the truth about the gods, the towers, and the hidden power within himself. With each new discovery, he grows stronger, but so do the enemies lurking in the shadows.
In a world where strength is everything and weakness is death, Troy must rise through the realms of power, from the Body Stage to the godlike Law Actualization Phase, all while challenging the very gods who rule over humanity. But as he ascends, he realizes that the true battle is not just for survival—it’s for the future of all mankind.
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I personally love the concept rn, and I can't wait to see how this progresses. more chapters plssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss