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60% Troglodyte in the Dungeon (Danmachi/JJK) / Chapter 3: Half Until Greatness.

Chapitre 3: Half Until Greatness.

You know, I could just tell you that I walked out nonchalantly out of that cess pit, I built and headed straight for the dungeon, to not be cliche.


I smacked the end of my cloak a few times to get rid of the dust on it as I stared.

I was smackdab in the entrance of a alleyway, one that was pretty much on one of the main roads of Orario.

No bullshitting, it was a spectacle. Otherworldly shit. I don't know no scientific or grand words to describe the details. But the way the sunrays hit the road? The store's teetering with life the merchants hauling around, the people sitting down conversing.

The architecture?

Elves, dwarfs, people with fucking one hair color on the outside of their hair and another on the inside.

Wouldn't really be anything special, well other than the last part, like what the fuck are we talking about, especially since I moved to Detroit for a better education however, very big However lowkey, my vision had improved VASTLY.

50 out of 20 vision.

I'm looking alright I'm really looking.

You tell me I can fire lasers out of my eyes I'd fucking believe you.

The various races all with different knicks and staches on their clothing, the fucking colour puke bullshit hair, the smell of the air, the bustle.

Before I could start trying to philosophize about some hood rat shit my attention was drawn.

Kid ran at me fucking face first, tripped and almost pancaked his face against my knee, I shoved my hand forward to grab him, stopping his momentum.

"O-oh! Sorry! I didn-!"

His face went from apologetic to when you somehow manage to land on just your big toe finger.

"You good? Your face went from apologetic to I just saw a friend get gored by a penguin with down syndrome."

Type shit.

I asked my eyebrow raising as my all-known piece of shit smile grew on my face.

The kids face stretched out in confusion, and fear? "W-What-?"

Jit, I'm not doctor disrespect don't worry. I'm not gonna touch you.

Cloaks shouldn't be that weird. It wouldn't exactly be common on adventures because monsters would grab it, but it still hid you form the elements. Plenty useful.

My face probably fell down to a twinge of worry.

"I said your face turned from apologetic to practically frightened. You okay? You hurtin'?"

I looked him up and down trying to lace my down with caring.

"Ah- No! I just was scared, mama said don't approach strangers!"

I just moved my body and motioned to him to keep going. Since he looked like he wanted to say something else.

Wait shit.. The communication is gonna be pain in the ass. I gotta remove all the slan-

"Sir! You have blood on your face! Are you okay?"

Blood? Fuck you mean- Oh right shit. Fuck. This wasn't a video game. I looked at my knuckles.


All those hiding things in plain sight I did to sneak drugs around my mom came in handy.


Gore and blood.

I had fucking everything you wouldn't want to see on a stranger.

Everything but a speedo.

Shit, put me on a analogue horror with some distortion and I'd make kids cry like they saw Freddy Fazbear murdered or some shit.

I should kill myself for saying some of this corny shit.

Play it off. I know how to talk to children.


I'm fucking delusional.

"Oh really? Well you best be on your way lil guy. Your friends, or well whatever you were up to is probably waiting. Cmon cmon."

I said tryna be as animated as possible so this little shit didn't try to look me up and down and see I have someone's brain matter all over my shoes.

How the fuck do you forget that?

I'm not tryna deal with your little ass.

"Remember when you runnin' try not to go into dark alleyways with cloaked figures. Aye?"

"Yup! That would never happen!"

Pfft. I pushed his head with my shoulder we were basically the same height with me squatting down.


Enough with lackadaisical shit. Got blood on me, need to get rid of it. Head to the dungeon, WITHOUT walking right in front of the Hostesse Of Fertility, or whatever that place was called. I don't fucking remember.

I'm not taking any chances, it's like every fucking fan fiction has the main character be 3rd demon god vampire venerable soul's son with bamboo in his chest just the way Freya wants it, just cause.

You think I'm dealing with that shit?

No the fuck I ain't!

I shook my head with a smirk, that was wiped off quick because of the water from the puddle on the ground I was using to wash my face entered my mouth.

"I fucking hate this place already. Really feels like home."


I asked around to find the directions of where the Hostess Of Fertility was, and completely fucking swerved it. Shit I wouldn't try this hard to hide even if my baby mama got pregnant, and now I'm entering the death pit.

Smart Ajin very very smart of you.

I'm Albert fucking Einstein in this ho'.

This place radiates the Aura of a evil ass rape building, I don't know why, maybe it's the eternal gruelling hate for life and gods, or that's my power acting up from how many evil diabolical shit goes around here.

I say power cause I have by all means no fucking clue what it is, other than it's something peak of jujutsu kaisen. Limitless, shrine, curse manipulation, shit it could be Yuki's CT. Since I left it up to RNG.

I'll fit just in this fucking place, huh?

I'm never gambling or taking chances again.

I fucking swear..

Well that's a fucking lie, first fucking big check 'n I'm running to the entertainment district.


'Goblins, the stable, the fucking-

Man who the fuck am I kidding with monologue?'

He stomped on the upper jaw of the skinny green fuck, causing most of it's head to fuse with it's neck.

Grabbing and dragging it's beat up body to a line of 4 other goblins wasn't a problem.

It was a problem seeing their heads stomped open though. Fucking traumatic first day, really wasn't expecting to explode someone's head open.

'It's not worth thinking about it. You're no pussycat. Right?'


His voice was hoarse.

A crude copper dagger was unsheathed, bent rusted and chipped.

'Now where EXACTLY is the stone in the chest?'

Having impossible senses was a fucking skippy, it was not so cool when you could somehow feel how the dagger split apart the skin, flesh and tendons.

He stabbed the dagger half way, digging deeper and feeling around until he heard a soft chink sound.

'So this the g spot?'

He snorted to himself.

Using the dagger he carved out the meat, grabbing the clump and swiping off all the gore, revealing a magic stone.

Basically the size of his fucking fingernail.

It was also fucking chipped.

'Yeah okay this probably gonna sell for 250 grams of baby shit.'

His face cycled through a mix of emotions.

'Fuck it, it's my first stone I won't toss it away.'

He tossed the copper dagger behind him, before he pulled out the one looted on the surface.

And he got to work.

'Fucking mindless green blob looking retards. There's no thinking in them every single time they either jump at your legs or head, if there close they just swing.'

'I'm not fucking used to things just shrugging off broken arms and stab wounds. Why couldn't I be in Grimgar or some shit? At least those goblins felt pain. Well these do too, just drowned the fuck out.'

He looked at his wrist, it had 2 claw marks on it, it wasn't too deep nor did it go on for long. It just surprised him someone could still swing while having a whole fucking hand inside their throat.

'Gotta play this like I'm playing grounded last of us.'

He got up with a Huff.


He slammed the goblins head into the wall repeatedly, letting go of it to duck under a koblod's swing.

The goblins body slid down from the wall as a trail of brain matter was left in its wake.

He stomped the goblins neck as he ducked, grabbing it by it's ear and tossing it at a koblod's knee as he spun and stepped away from it.

He spun on his toes and pulled away from a downwards swing of a goblin missing him, said goblin took a lead hook to its nose, bending it left and ripping it apart.

He grabbed the goblin's extended hand and pulled him closer, raining three over hands with his right, literally pushing the goblins face in and chopping it's own tongue off using it's own teeth.

It's jaw detached swinging around like a hanged man.

His hand lashed out to palm the top of head of the goblin,he pushed it back and down to snap it.

He grimaced at the feeling of its skin.

He spun around goblin still in hand, kneeing it's spine while pulling it back giving it the worst case of scoliosis ever seen.

'Try to sit up like the Undertaker after that cleft lip having wallborn!'

He spat with venom for really no reason other than just to hate.

He tossed the body at the kobold scrambling towards him, knocking his feet of course and sending it tumbling, right onto a knee to it's snout, folding it like cardboard, just with a lot more gore and bones sticking out.

And whimpering.

He really didn't like the whimpering.

Animals was a weak spot for him for ages.

It still tried to bite him as he took half a step back, reaching behind him while putting his arm around the back and side of the dog-wolf whatever the fuck hybrid, slamming the now drawn steel knife into the side of it's neck, twisting fully before ripping it through its entire neck, pulling it out and stabbing twice one through the under of the jaw and another to the neck again.

The blood sprayed sticking to the left side of his face like batter for chicken.


He backhanded the kobold as he let it go, sending it crashing forwards into the floor.

Well the floor of floor 5.

'I really shouldn't have gone down more than 4. I had to heavily rely on tripping, stabbing and stomping. My footwork just wasn't enough. Can't dodge more than 3 at once, and that's pushing it. Sure I had power but I didn't have reach like I used to, switching from Orthodox to Southpaw really doesn't to jack shit when they can't dodge even with their motherfuckin' life on the line.'

'I'm slobbering and shit. Stupid fucking lizards. The whole place is just tryna chip away at me,'

He cranked his shoulder, swiped away the blood on his left hand on his dirty cloak before sticking his pinky in his mouth and feeling around his teeth.

'Yeah that's knocked halfway outta the gums.. FUUUCK'

He slapped the side of his knee countless times while pulling his teeth out.

'Fuck a duck sideways with a rusty knife, that's fucking painful.'

He grimaced as he forcefully sucked on his bottom lip while cutting out the monsters magic stones.

he elbowed the back of the lizard so his knife could have easier access.

After pulling out it's already broken spine, courtesy of the Dungeon's wall, he grabbed it magic stone, 'Ball Game.' He swiped the lizard through the rough floor of the Dungeon. He walked over to one of the wall's before resting his back on it.

'You know I think I'd fare better if I had food, water, supplies, armour, size fitting clothes, a weapon that isn't as bend down as my dick is, ACTUAL FUCKING ARMOUR and heals. Though heals wouldn't matter I sWeAr!'

He touched his forehead smeared in blood, mostly not his own other than a few drops, when a dungeon lizard jump down on his head it had somehow made something from the ceiling fall and nail him the head.

'Weren't the fucking ceiling and floor of the dungeon supposed to be nigh invincible? Or maybe the dungeon had made an exception just for me? But of course I made the dungeon drop it's top, I'm real charming like that.'

The full blown grin on his face was teetering on the edge of being uncanny, that's when you didn't see the blood splatters he was practically washed in.

He pushed his shoulders backwards towards the wall, lifting himself without touching the ground.

'The gore, flesh and chunks of meat at least disappear when you remove the monster stone from the body where the said chunk of matter comes from. If it didn't I'd look like a vagina from the amount of fucking brain matter that my fist flung on me.'

He started walking, lumbering through the corridors so he could go up to the surface.

'I don't know what type of Gonorrhea filled version of Danmachi I'm in, cause I do not remember bell or anyone for that matter get as dirty as me.'

'Maybe cause they actually went for the kill instead of trying to brutalize and glory kill them like me? Laaaame.'

He found the stairs to the third floor while he was rambling, not a lot of things actually tried sneak him, which with the look on his face was, err, worrying.

'I've been in here for at least 6 or so hours and that's a low ball, and not once has this fucking cesspit been this peaceful. Think. Your not retarded. Unnaturally high level going on a killing spree? Freya fucking around? Could this be the exact time she released those minotaurs that she probably let fuck her, on bell? Has The Dungeon grown a particular hate boner for me while I was in it's insides (Woah.) and is now planning to drop the tsar bomba, A fucking Juggernaut on little old coughing baby me?'

Another idea seemed to spark in the boy's mind as his facial expression changed, before he looked up.


"The Loki Familia is having a expedition. And their clearing entire floors with their by all things considered army."

His eyes settled on the Familia right ahead of him.

'What about the giant fucking wagon thingy they had? I always read about them having it.. But it'd be too big to drive it through the upper floors. Not even mentioning the fucking entrance.'

'That thing would work on the lower floors when The Dungeon started widening. So.. They stash it somewhere.. Shit yeah, Floor 18. Big enough, enough resources to actually build the giant fuck. Even if it didn't have everything needed to have the wagon built, they could easily haul everything over in smaller carts. And since their the 2nd strongest familia they'd have a pretty heavy ruling in it.'

'Never really liked their Familia's logo. It just didn't radiate greatness.. Wasn't really imposing like it should be. But Loki is a Trickster. She probably made it goofy just fuck with people and well, trick them.'

Ajin pumped his shoulders,grinded his chin left and right in the same manner as a dog showing it's teeth. His strides became.. More. It didn't feel.. Right. It was too heavy.

'You know when you look at someone with a good bit of sixth sense, and intuition you can understand the person they might be?'

The deep yellow irises with black vertical pupils met eyes that were a calm yet dead blue. Said blue eyes had strands of blonde hair between them.

'Well don't YOU give off a familiar feeling.'


'Greatness could be viewed in a lot of people Michael Jordan, LeBron James, Micheal Jackson, Eminem. Shit the mushoku tensei light novel through volume 11 till the end was probably the greatest thing my ass read, other than reverend insanity. But I'd only seen greatness with own eyes once.'

'When I still did underground boxing.. I'd been arranged to fight a 17 year old, three years younger than me.. When I stepped in to the ring it still felt like I was facing a equal, maybe even someone superior.'

'My boxing career well if you could even call it that, was made of 2 things. 1. Stance switching. Even if I was someone completely right hand and foot dominant I was still a natural at SouthPaw. With the natural grace I had at squeezing through defences even if I threw haphazardly. Was called special over it 'n all. The glaze felt good. But that's not what I prided myself on. Not the technicality I had, not the feints or my shitty Philly Shell I picked up cause I was getting too tall. It was my forgotten baby the thing that started my passion for all this fighting shit..

The only thing I had other than my own mother.


How it paired so fucking well with infighting, how i could throw punches like a wanna be Tyson. How I could just take impossible shots to the chin, head, body and get destroyed yet feel none of it in the moment.'

'Yet..when that liver shot hit my opponent I knew I lost. Even when he was on his knees practically whimpering on the ground..puking his guts out.. He didn't look one fucking bit off put.'

'It didn't immediately knock him out. I felt shame. Not shame from others seeing this..but pure shame that I didn't have what It took anymore. Everytime that blow landed on someone, it'd haunt them. They'd have to sit down to take a piss, every winter they'd feel my glove press against their skin like a knife trying to carve them. Every time they stepped in a ring they'd feel gloves and bone poke their rips like a ghost. That fucking shot never stayed the same. It reared it's ugly head differently for everyone.'

'I never let it stagnate. Not for a minute. It went from being a knockout punch to actually making someone eat through a straw for rest of their life. It'd make them remember facing greatness in the ring everytime they drew in a breath too deep.'

'When he actually fucking got up from it? I unlaced my gloves and handed him it.'

'I didn't have the GRIT or GREATNESS to match him.'

"Well it won't be the first time I've surpassed someone on a whole different dimension then me."

'This guy gave off that oh-so rare feeling.'

'The Captain of the Loki Familia, Finn Deimne.'

'Maybe this is why I was here? For an actual purpose? To have a shot at being "True." Again?'

'I'm gonna do you worse than I did Naniwa's Tiger.'

I hit my right ear with the inside of my hand, it was great hearing from it again, I had lost it while pursuing glory that wasn't worth it.

Eh.. I'm probably over thinking all this shit. I'm just gonna kill a few monsters and kick back.

. . .

Even when I was actively trying to delude myself, I just couldn't hold in that stupid fucking grin of mine from breaking out.

(A/N: BIIIG FUCKING CHAPTER. probably the greatest I'll ever write so don't expect this amount of depth and backstory for everyone, I just kinda got lost in my own passion from boxing after I finally pulled off that 15 winning streak yesterday. Hope y'all enjoyed.)

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