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4.3% Travels of the Daughter of God / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapitre 2: Chapter 2

Huge thanks to Ibrahim El-Okla, and Flashycow for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! Anyways, onto the story!


[3rd Person] [Location: Forks, Washington] [Timeline - Twilight]

Opening her eyes, the woman that was now known as Lucifer Morningstar, slowly sat up, taking in her new surroundings. What greeted her was sunlight beaming into her face, groaning in annoyance at the sunlight, She stood up and closed the curtains allowing her to finally take in the sight of her new room. Around her king-sized bed were books, comics, and other similar things. Running her hand over the books, she smiled, they were all her favorite books, and a large variety of comics.

Next to the window sat a small chair perfect for reading. In front of the bed was a decently sized fireplace with a large flatscreen TV.

Walking into the bathroom she noticed that it was decently sized, with a large shower, and medium-sized tub. Looking into the mirror she took in her new appearance. Looking over her new face, she made faces in the mirror, before smiling, happy with her new look. She wasn't sure how tall she was, but she was assuming it was around 5'10 or so, which was quite a bit taller than Naomi Scott was, and definitely taller than she used to be. Before she was roughly 5'0 or so.

Deciding she wanted to see more, she reflexively let her Archangel wings out by sort of shrugging, as the wings popped out, they very nearly hit the wall. Looking over her new wings she smiled widely at them, they were badass looking!

Hiding the wings again she smiled, before deciding to get a more…thorough look at her body. Stripping off all her clothing she prepared her shower while running her hands down her body with an appreciative whistle. The first thing she noticed was the six-pack abs she now sported, and her toned arms. 'Damn, I am ripped! Must be because of me practically being temptation itself by possessing that other Lucifer powers'

She continued to look over her new, currently nude body until the shower was ready. Deciding to test the "ability" God gave her, she watched as a rather…large member appeared, alongside two testicles, Looking at the thing she just whistled in appreciation again. She wasn't sure how big it was, but it had to be at least 10 inches and was probably more like 12 inches, which was more than enough for her, potentially too much to be honest. After finishing her business in the bathroom she walked into the admittedly huge closet and got herself dressed in some rather comfortable clothing.

Including a warm jacket, black boots, and some comfortable boxers as she didn't really like panties. After dressing, she walked back into the bedroom and noticed a note below the flatscreen that was mounted onto the wall. Picking it up, she began to read it aloud.

"Dear Luci, as you should know by now, you are in your new home. It is a large cabin outside Forks, you own all the property surrounding the area, you also have your own vehicles, and driver's license. Downstairs on the kitchen counter you will find a phone, it has all your favorite apps, music, and more on it. There is also a set of AirPods next to it, the vampires will not be able to hear what you are listening to through these. You also have a bank account with more than enough money for you to last many many years. To use your ability creation you must simply imagine the ability, and you will know if it can be made or not. I suggest creating abilities you already know of, at least in the beginning." After saying this in one breath Lucifer took a deep breath before continuing to read. She also noticed that she had a British accent now, which she very much liked.

"School starts tomorrow and you are being enrolled the same day as Bella. You will inherently know how to gain other species via your second ability, as long as you see them. Your third wish won't really be usable in this universe. After reading this note knowledge of how to use the abilities of your Archangel and Immortal species will enter your mind. It only tells you how to control them so you don't accidentally kill someone, and how to activate them. So make sure to not ignore practicing your Immortal abilities and your Archangel abilities! You will be able to travel to another universe after Breaking Dawn Part 2 and will be able to do so more freely after that. Others may travel with you as well. Now that the explanation is over, I hope you enjoy the abilities given to you, and remember to always follow your heart! Excelsior!

Signed, The One Above All: Stan Lee, Your Father"

After reading this Lucifer smiled widely, before grabbing the note and tossing it into the currently warm fireplace. Walking downstairs she walked into the large kitchen, which was probably overkill for someone who lives alone. Grabbing the phone she smiled as she turned it on and began to tour the apps she had on it. Before eventually looking at her bank account, her jaw dropped at the balance of "15,000,000,000"

'The old man said that it had money, but not 15 billion dollars! What do I do with this? …Guess my mate, if I have one, is going to be spoiled to hell' thought Lucifer, smiling at the thought of having an adorable little mate she can spoil. The fact that she was so calm after being reborn wasn't lost on her, but she assumed having the power of Lucifer, and being an Immortal calmed her down from any potential panic attack. The idea of having a mate in the first place was incredibly appealing, and the thought of a certain little pixie being that mate made it even more appealing.

Walking through the house she continued to look around, before eventually finding the spacious living room. Like the bedroom it had a flatscreen mounted above a fireplace, the only difference is that they were both larger than the ones in the bedroom.

Finishing her little tour of the house, she walked back into the kitchen and began to prepare herself a breakfast. 'Thank God…or is it father? That I can still eat human food' thought Lucifer as she continued to prepare her food. She ended up making a pretty simple breakfast, that looked way better than anything she cooked before, which she assumed was from her Lucifer side.

Moving into the living room she sat and sipped on her coffee while turning on Hell's Kitchen. While eating she began to think about the first abilities she should make, she wasn't entirely sure what to choose though.

'The amount of abilities out there makes this a real pain in the ass to choose. It's not like I have an encyclopedia of abilities or something' Lucifer thought, however after a few moments of eating she facepalmed and turned on her phone, going to the superpower wiki, and various others.

For the next hour or so she went through the wiki trying to find some abilities before finally deciding on four different ones that she found complimented each other well. She also decided it would be best to wait before choosing the last one. Inwardly she hoped it'd work. Cleaning the dishes, she sat back down and began to imagine the four powers she wanted.

The four powers she chose were the following: Kinetic Energy Absorption (Like Sebastian Shaw), Magnetokinesis (Like Magneto), Molecular Acceleration (Like Gambit), and Adoptive Muscle Memory (Like Taskmaster). Even just one of these was deadly, but all of them combined? More than enough to defend herself…probably. Being able to "charge" objects with Molecular Acceleration was strong, but combine that with Magnetokinesis? And she basically could make homing grenades that move faster than a bullet at times. All she'd really have to do is get some nails and just launch them at enemies. Add in Adaptive Muscle Memory where she can learn how to throw a wide array of objects just by watching someone else do it, and she would be a serious force to be reckoned with. The last ability would be decided on in the future. Not to mention kinetic energy absorption which would make it nigh-impossible to actually harm her.

Continuing to focus, Lucifer sat imagining the four abilities. After a minute or so of doing this, she felt a new sensation fill her. As if a new part of her had been unlocked, or…multiple parts. A new sense filled her head, as she sensed objects in her surroundings. Opening her eyes and focusing on the sensation, she realized that she was sensing metal. Seeing this she smiled wildly, understanding that she had gotten the abilities.

Getting up, she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife before walking outside. Following her instincts, she began to "charge" the knife for only a second or so, as it was small enough that it didn't take long to charge.

*BOOM* A rather loud boom filled the silence of her home and its surroundings. The knife had exploded in her hands, but yet again she followed her instincts and absorbed the explosion via the third ability she had chosen, Kinetic Energy Absorption. The feeling she got from absorbing it was like a boost, it was strange, but welcome. Clenching her fist she smiled, happy with these new abilities.

She continued to mess around with the three abilities for the next few hours. Mainly focusing on Magnetokinesis, pulling metal from the ground with slight difficulty, lifting various other metals, and more. Eventually, she wants to try and manipulate the iron in the blood, which should theoretically allow her to pop people like balloons with enough practice.

The last ability she needed to try was Adoptive Muscle Memory. Walking back into the living room once more, she turned the TV on and began to play Karate Kid. Watching the movie, whenever any sort of action scene began to play, she mimicked the moves perfectly. Next, she tried it on some YouTube videos and even used it on a gymnastic move, yet again mimicking it perfectly.

Smiling after her final test of this power she began to mull over the new abilities 'Each of these powers is definitely helpful, and quite a bit easier to control than I imagined. I'm assuming my Archangel nature may have an effect on that part. The fact that I can't control my feathers with magnetokinesis is kind of disappointing, although I can eventually choose an ability like wing blades similar to Angel from X-men Apocalypse'

'The last ability will probably be of a more passive nature, maybe something like regeneration similar to Wolverines, or even Immortality would work. Guess it would be best to work on the finer part of controlling these powers until tomorrow' Thought Lucifer as she began to cook her dinner.

"Hopefully Bella is better than in the movies, but I honestly doubt it. If it becomes too much of a chore then I could just leave I guess. Edward will probably be more annoying than her, only because of what is probably going to be constant attempts at reading my mind, which he will fail at. If me being an Archangel didn't stop him, then me being an Immortal definitely should" Said Lucifer, talking to herself, something that she used to do all the time, mainly because she found it weirdly comforting.

Continuing to make herself dinner, she began to speak once again "The rest of the Cullens shouldn't be an issue, as I doubt Alice can see me due to my nature, Rosalie might be passive-aggressive and that's about it. Emmett is pretty kind as long as you don't harm his family, and Carlisle and Esme are pretty much the same. The shapeshifters might get annoying, but probably not enough to warrant any sort of action from me, and once I find the way to become a shapeshifter, I highly doubt they will do anything. The Volturi are the only genuinely problematic group, as while they can't actually kill me, they can still annoy the shit out of me"

"Really as long as they don't do anything too stupid then I'll leave them be, as I hope they do the same with me. I suppose I should use the same logic with the Cullens as long as nothing changes that. Learning control over my Magnetokinesis is pretty much a full priority, as well as feeding. I may be an Archangel, but I am also an Immortal, and I probably will need to get my fill of blood tonight" said Lucifer.

Having finished cooking her meal, she sat down and began to eat.


That night, Lucifer got dressed in darker clothing and left her home. Deciding it would be best not to drive, she began to super speed through the forest, being as silent as possible. After a few minutes of running around, she finally made it to Forks, and began to look for her "prey". It didn't take long before finding the perfect person, as she watched a clearly drunk man begin to undress a clearly unconscious woman in an alley. Jumping onto the building above, she looked around and made sure no one was around, before silently hopping down into the alley, behind the unsuspecting man.

"Fucking *Hiccup* whore thought she could keep blowing me off *Hiccup* well I'll show you, you little slu-" The man couldn't finish his sentence before a hand wrapped around his throat tightly. Lucifer cared not for taunting the poor excuse of a man and decided to just feed and get this done with. The man tried to fight off her strong hand, but she ignored him as she grabbed a knife from a pocket with her gloved hand. Not allowing the man to speak, she swiftly slit his throat.

Lucifer had been a normal person in her past life, so she should have been freaked out about what just happened, but instead, she found the scent of the blood to be tantalizing, so, she dug her teeth into his slit throat and began to feed on his blood. The taste was like nothing she had ever had before and was truly delicious. 'No wonder Stefan was a ripper, this shit is delicious!' thought Lucifer, as she continued to drink the now-dead man's blood.

For nearly a minute she simply sat there, drinking the man's blood. Eventually, however, she pulled off sighing in contentment. Cleaning her face off, she looked at the dead man and began to think of what to do with him, before deciding on just tossing him into a river somewhere. The woman was still unconscious on the ground, and honestly, Lucifer wasn't entirely sure what to do with her. Eventually, she decided to leave an anonymous call to the authorities using the best impersonation of the man's voice she could. After that, she cleaned any remains of the blood, before grabbing the man and flying off to the nearest River.

After a few minutes, she finished the task and began to return home. While in the skies returning home, she began to think about what just happened 'Old me would have freaked out after killing a man and drinking his blood, but now I felt absolutely nothing while doing it. I can't tell if I should be worried or not over that. The fact that the blood was so tasty doesn't help my conscience either, at least he was worthless trash'

Finally landing at her home, she walked in with a sigh and walked into her room. Once again she stripped, and took a nice long shower, before going into her closet and gathering some sleepwear. Laying her head back into the comfortable bed she sighed, knowing that she had school tomorrow, and she would probably have to deal with Bella and the Cullens.

Slowly the warm embrace of Morpheus overtook her, and she slept. Ending her first, eventful day in the universe of Twilight.


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Current Bio

Name - Lucifer Morningstar (Luci)

Species - Immortal (TVD), Archangel (Lucifer)

Current Universe - Twilight (Movies)

Current Location - Home, Forks, Washington State.

Current Appearance - Naomi Scott

Wishes - Ability Creation (Limited), Species Adaption? (Couldn't think of a better name), Perfect Host.

Abilities via ability creation - Magnetokinesis, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Molecular Acceleration, Kinetic Energy Absorption.

Status - Well Fed, First Kill

Talent - ??????? (Locked)

Mate - ????????

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