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32.18% Traveler's Traveling Companion / Chapter 28: It was only a matter of time, really

Chapitre 28: It was only a matter of time, really

"Thank you for gathering here today."

In order not to startle the citizens of Mondstadt, Dvalin ended up landing on a clearing near Whispering Woods. Not like they could miss the gigantic dragon anyway, but it's the thought that counts. After Barbatos bid Dvalin goodbye, we continued our walk towards the city.

The relaxed atmosphere within the group was dashed the moment we saw several wooden barricades surrounding the bridge towards the city alongside several knights resting close by. Some were wounded, some were unconscious, but thankfully most of them seemed to be okay.

Jean practically sprinted towards the closest knight to ask for a sitrep.

Currently, our group is gathered together within Jean's office, minus Diluc. The moment we entered the city, the red-headed Batman excused himself, saying that he'd ask about the situation from his own sources.

'He wouldn't be caught dead anywhere near the Favonius Headquarters, I suppose.''

Aside from the members of our group, the other ones present are Jean, Amber, Kaeya, and Eula.

"I've been briefed on the situation, but I would like to hear the details from each of you directly. Let's start from you, Eula."

Hearing her name being called, the bluenette nodded and cleared her throat, before starting her report. "During our regular patrol, my team, alongside Outrider Amber, managed to spot quite a sizable amount of hilichurls approaching from the east. They seemed to be marching together, not unlike an army. Quite unusual, seeing how coordinated they were. I suspect that something else is at play."

"Hmm, the Abyss Order." Crossing her arms on her chest, Jean nodded in response. "It seems that while we were away, they led a different army of hilichurls towards the city. Regardless, it's thanks to your action that the rest of the knights were able to prepare the defenses on time."

"Ah, actually," raising her hand, Amber waited for Jean's permission before continuing, "our defenses were only able to last as long because of Albedo's help. I tried to get him to come, but…."

"It's fine, Amber. I know what kind of person Albedo is."

'The reclusive genius who finds maintaining relationships tiresome. The kind of person edgy teenagers aspires to be, but only ended up succeeding at everything but the genius part. Not that I'd know, of course.'

"Acting Grand Master."

"What is it, Eula?"

"Is it wise to have the four of them present during this meeting? Three of them are foreigners, are they not? Not to mention the bard." As she said that, she leveled a glare towards us, her wariness at full display. Venti took it in stride, even strumming the Holy Lyre in response which only seems to further anger Eula.

"Ah, it's fine. They've been assisting the knights on several matters, and are particularly instrumental in dealing with the Stormterror issue."

"I see. Pardon my rudeness, then." Seemingly satisfied by Jean's reasoning, Eula's eyes soften, before returning to her usual indifferent demeanor.

"Kaeya, anything to report?"

"Quite, Acting Grand Master." Despite his seemingly frivolous attitude, even the cavalry captain abided by the formality this meeting had. "While the other knights were busy defending the city, I was making sure that none of the Abyss Order entered the city."

"I see. Anything of note?"

"One stands out in particular." Placing his hand under his chin, Kaeya continued. "While there are some that managed to get inside, they've been promptly dealt with, while the one I've managed to capture have said some rather interesting things.

"It seems that the Abyss Order has been united under a single leader, and he is the one who hatched the plan to turn Dvalin into their weapon of war. The Abyss Order refer to him as 'the Prince.'"

"A leader? That seems to match with what we've heard. One creature in particular refers to a 'His Highness' at some point." Hearing Kaeya's report, Jean clicks her tongue. Massaging her temple, it looks like she's restraining herself, most likely not wanting to appear frustrated in front of her knights. "Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about that. For now, focus on safeguarding the city.

"Meanwhile, I'll be dealing with the mess that the Fatui has caused. Bar- I mean, Venti, can you stay? You too, travelers, there's something I'd like to discuss with the three of you. Everyone else is dismissed."

The knights gave a salute towards Jean before leaving the office. Once the others had left, Jean sat on her desk, before addressing the four of us. "I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for lending your assistance to the city."

"Of course I would help! Even if I was not present most of the time, I do still care about Mondstadt."

"Glad to be of help, Jean. Right Paimon?"


"Well, I'm getting paid for this, sooo…."

"Really, Yuu?" Feeling her hit my sides, I turned towards the blonde only to be met with a disapproving glare. "Do you really have to put it that way?"

"What? It's true!"

"Well, yes, but you can't just say it like that. It's not polite."

"That's rich coming from you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Umm….." Looking awkwardly at the situation, Jean broke us out of our quarrel. "If I may, travelers, I would like to continue our conversation."

"...right. Please continue, Acting Grand Master."

Nodding her head, Jean first turned towards Lumine. "Lisa has talked to me about her progress on the ley lines. She said that she'll probably be finished in a couple of days. Hopefully, she returned with some good news about your brother."

"Thank you, Jean."

"It's the least we could do. As for you, Mr. Yuu, I'm afraid it would take some time to prepare the Mora we owe you. It should be ready by the time Lisa is done with her work, so the two of you can come together."

"I see. Thank you, Acting Grand Master."

Smiling in response, Jean nodded before turning towards the Anemo Archon. "I'm afraid you'll have to return the Holy Lyre to the church, Venti."

"Aww." Holding the lyre closer to his chest, he pouted in mock defiance. "Can't I keep it? It is mine after all."

"Unfortunately, no. It would be very remiss of me as the Acting Grand Master to not return a stolen national treasure."

"Sigh. It was nice having you by my side while it lasted." Strumming the lyre one last time, Barbatos played a short melody before giving it to Jean.

"Thank you." Receiving the lyre, Jean opened one of her drawers, and carefully put it inside. "I'll have the knights deliver this to the church later."

"Anything else, Acting Grand Master?"

"No, that would be all. Thank you once again for helping us travelers. May the wind guide you on your journey."

Bidding her farewell, the four of us left the knights headquarters.

"Ah, now that we've beaten Dvalin, we should celebrate!" Floating around happily, Paimon landed on top of my hat, bouncing up and down in excitement. "Come on, white mask, let's go to Good Hunter!"

"I'd prefer Cat's Tail, but that's fine I guess. Before that though…." Seeing the carefree bard next to me, I can only hope he would heed my warning. "Venti, can we talk for a moment?"

"What's the matter, traveler?"

Grabbing his hand, I led him away from the knights on guard towards the low stone wall before putting up a silencing barrier around us. "Okay, this should do."

"Oh, must be something important." Releasing our hands, he jumped into the wall, swinging his legs back and forth in anticipation. "Go on then, I'm all ears."

Sitting next to Barbatos, I picked up Paimon from my hat and put her on my lap, gently patting her like I would my cat. She seems to enjoy it, if the constant giggling is any indication. "Just wanted to give you a bit of warning."

Standing in front of me, Lumine starts rubbing Paimon's chin, causing her to melt into my lap even further. "The Fatui Harbingers, by the order of the Tsaritsa, have been tasked with retrieving, by any means necessary, all the other archon's Gnosis. You should be careful not to be alone, or drunk, or being alone and drunk at the same time."

Closing my eyes, I enjoyed the refreshing breeze under the warm afternoon sun while patting the cat replacement that is Paimon. After all the bullshit I had to go through at the cliff, being able to just bask under the sun and relax is such a delightful experience.

'The idea of simply shutting myself inside a Serenitea Pot is getting better by the day.'

Not hearing any kind of response, I opened my eyes, only to see two pairs of eyes staring incredulously at me.


"How do you even know these things?"

"Uhh… don't worry about it. Just take it as it is."

Despite the skepticism, Barbatos relented. Leaning his body on his hands, the bard looked up towards the skies. "My Gnosis, huh. I knew she had changed ever since five hundred years ago, but…. Sigh. What is she up to this time?"

Picking up the delirious Paimon, Lumine held her close in her arms before claiming my lap in her place. I wrapped my arms around her waist just in case she fell off. "What happened five hundred years ago, Venti?"

"Sorry, traveler, but I'm not at liberty to say. All I can tell you is that it was a great catastrophe."

"Despite being the God of Freedom, you're not so free after all, huh?"

"Ahaha, you'd be surprised. Even I have rules to abide by, you know?"

"Hmm." Leaning against Lumine's head, I took a whiff of her hair. A distinct floral scent, pleasant yet not too overpowering. Is it the flower on her head? Inteyvat, was it? "Well, I've said what I wanted to, so it's up to you now. I was planning on telling Jean about this back then, but I don't think you want others to know about the whole Gnosis thing."

"Mhm. I appreciate it, traveler."

Seeing that the conversation is over, I dispelled the barrier and went back to enjoying the breeze. Having a beautiful girl sitting on your lap certainly made things better.

'Now that I think about it, can these mechanical legs even get cramps?'


In the end, we didn't talk about anything else before Barbatos suddenly bade us farewell and left. I'll admit, I'm a bit worried about this, but honestly, I don't think anything I do would help much. I would suggest hiding, but I don't think the God of Freedom of all people would like that idea. Fighting Signora would also be a bad idea, especially if she ends up burning this entire city to the ground.

I'd like to think she has more self-control to not do that, but honestly, Mondstadt is too much of a bad memory for her that I wouldn't be surprised if she lost it when provoked. Not to mention Barbatos wouldn't hesitate to insult her should he be given the chance, if the game was anything to go by.

'He might be better here, but I don't actually know much about him that I can't say for certain he wouldn't go off on her. Huh, maybe interfering too much would just make things worse.'

I suppose the worst case scenario would be Barbatos losing his Gnosis in the best of situations, but hey, at least I'd still be alive.

After Barbatos left, Paimon practically dragged us to Good Hunter and indulged herself in as much food she could consume. I ended up spending most of the time after finishing my food talking to Lumine while watching Paimon devour the veritable feast in front of her.

'This should be fine right? It's not like this would be a daily occurrence. I'm getting paid a lot anyway, so this should be fine every once in a blue moon.'

It certainly helps that words have already gone out that we were practically Mondstadt's heroes. The discount they gave us is greatly welcomed.

"Mmmm… that was delicious. Ehehehe, thank you for the treat, white mask!"

"Glad you enjoyed yourself. Would've been much better if it wasn't at the expense of my wallet getting closer and closer to bankruptcy."

"You're exaggerating again, Yuu."

"If she keeps this up, it really won't be an exaggeration."

Suddenly, she let out a yawn, her floating getting more wobbly by the second. "Fwah… Paimon's sleepy…."

Before she could drop into the table, Lumine grabs her and pulls her close, nuzzling her head all over the fairy. "Hmm… it's okay, Paimon, you can go to sleep if you want, we'll pay for the food."


"Shush." Seeing Paimon weakly nodding in response, Lumine hugs her one last time before kissing her on the side of her face. "Sleep tight, Paimon. Yuu, anything you want to say?"

"What am I supposed to say?"

"Well, wishing her a good night would be a start."

"Sigh." Reaching my hand towards Paimon, I gently pat her head. "Sweet dreams, little fairy. We'll see you tomorrow."

With that, Paimon suddenly disappears, leaving broken constellations floating around where she was before it vanished.

"Shall we go?"

"Where to?"

"Where else? The most relaxing place to be in this city, of course. Besides, after everything that happened today, I need to de-stress. And what better way than to drown myself in cats?"

"Fufu, you really love cats, don't you?"

"Of course." Taking her hand, I paid for our food before making our way to the best tavern in Mondstadt. "They're the best. I used to have one, with beautiful white fur and brilliant blue eyes. Shame that I'd never see him again."

"Oh…. Did he die?"

"Not the last time I saw him."

"What does that mean?"

"Don't worry about it."

Letting out a huff, she decided not to ask any further. Looking at the orange skies, it seems that we've been staying at Good Hunter for quite some time.

'Sure doesn't feel like it. I never thought watching Paimon eat is a great way to pass the time.'

Opening the doors towards Cat's Tail, we were greeted by an enthusiastic Margaret alongside Prince, who is dressed to the nines if we go by a cat's standard.

"Ah, Mondstadt's heroes in the flesh. Thank you for blessing my humble tavern with your presence."

"Shut up, Margaret." Jokingly rebuking her, we walked closer towards the bar. Seeing Prince wearing a bow tie alongside a small hat, I couldn't resist petting the adorable black cat. "And how are you doing, Prince?"


"Good boy." Without ever stopping my hand, I turned towards Margaret, who was busy filling in some kind of ledger. "So, what's with his outfit? Not that it's not cute, but is there a special occasion?"

"You're kidding right? Of course it's to celebrate the hero's triumph against the dragon! Even he has to dress up for such an event. Isn't that right, Princey?"


"But nevermind that." Seeing our hands holding each other, Margaret let out a hum, her eyebrows raised in surprise. "I have to say, Lumine, I didn't expect you to get through to this blockhead. How long did it take?"

"Fufu, surprisingly, it did not take long. I think, deep down, he's really just lonely."

"I see." Putting down her pen, she reaches over the bar top, pulling us into a hug. "Congratulations, you two. I wish you all the best. And Lumine, make sure to tell me if Yuu does anything stupid to you, okay?"

"Again, I have to remind you that you're not my mother, Margaret."

Laughing at my retort, Lumine returned Margaret's hug. "Of course, Margaret. You don't have to worry too much though, he's been surprisingly sweet."

"What do you mean, 'surprisingly?'"

"Do you know what you look like to other people Yuu?" Margaret, releasing us from her hug, closed her ledger before laying her head on top of her hand. "A mysterious traveler wearing a strange mask who turns out to be a very strong and capable adventurer. Katheryne has nothing to say but praises for you.

"And the fact that you came from Inazuma doesn't exactly help either. The few Inazuman that came to this city either looked depressed and tended to seclude themselves, or were apathetic towards others and very irritable."

"Is that why people tend to avoid me during my first week?"

"Pretty much. Don't take it to heart though, that's just how people are." Shrugging her shoulders, Margaret pointed at one of the rooms at the other end of the tavern. "I've reserved one of the private rooms for you, so feel free to use it. Just for today, everything is on the house. Enjoy yourselves, you definitely deserve it."

"Thanks Margaret."

"Will you be having the usual?"

"Just the drinks this time. We've already eaten."

"Understood. Run along then, I'm sure you two are eager to have some time to yourselves."

After thanking Margaret, the two of us approached the room in question when the door suddenly opened on its own.


"Mhm, can't help but wonder whether it was designed for the customers or the cats."

"Hmm… definitely the cats."

Inside the room was a couch with some cushions shaped like a cat's head. On both sides of the couch are a cat's playground, with the one on the left being the bigger one. It has a cathouse, a perch for the cat to climb on to, and a yarn ball tied to a piece of wood.

Close to the door, there was a small, round sofa in the shape of a cat's head. Next to it, an orange tabby cat was woken up by our entrance, stretching its body before it jumped down from its resting place and approached us.


"I want to bring you back with me so bad you little rascal." Letting go of Lumine's hand, I dropped my bag close to the door before picking up the cat, bringing it close to my face. "I always wanted a cat like you. Shame that the one I had that was similar to you died."

"How many cats do you even have?"

"A lot." Carrying the cat like a baby, I moved towards the sofa before melting into it. I couldn't help but sigh at how comfortable it was. "Most of them either went missing, dead, or adopted until I ended up with one left."

"The white one?"

"Yep. Mind you, the ones that went missing were because we moved house at the time, and my parents wouldn't let me keep most of them. So they ended up becoming abandoned. Still hurts till this day."

Taking a seat next to me, Lumine stretched her body a little before picking up the orange cat from my arms. "Why? Do they not like them?"

"They do, we just had too much at that point. Like, tens of them. Some that managed to get adopted were fine, but the others? Well… I can only hope someone was kind enough to pick them up and take care of them."

Makes me want to cry every time I remember. Not to mention my favorite one was one of the missing ones. God, I was so mad at my parents when I found out.

'The one day I decided to be social and hang out with my class for a single night. Ugh, never again.'

Relaxing on the sofa made me let out a yawn. With all the tension out of my body, I was reminded of the sleepiness I've been holding back.

Suddenly, I felt myself being dragged by Lumine.

"Here." Grabbing my shoulders, she took off my hat and laid my head on her lap with my back on the sofa. Picking up the tabby cat on the table in front of us, she placed her on top of my chest. "You've been going on and on about being drowned in fluff before, so this should be okay right?"

Familiarizing itself with its new bed, the cat started to knead on my clothes while loudly purring. God, cats are the best. "Yeah. Yeah, I can get used to this." Letting out a yawn, I relaxed myself, feeling a lot sleepier than before.

"Get some rest, Yuu." Feeling her hand brush against my cheek, I felt a pleasant warmth coursing through my entire body. "I'll wait."

"Mmm… you sure?"

"Yup." Moving her hand towards my hair, she gently brushes them with her fingers. "Sleep tight."

'Oh well. It wouldn't hurt to take a short nap.'

I closed my eyes, trying to catch up on some much needed sleep. When I woke up, the lights in the room were turned on, and the sunlight streaming through the window behind the sofa was no more.

Moving my hand to rub my eyes, I was stopped by the rock-like texture of my mask, reminding me that I was still in Cat's Tail.

"Good morning, sleepyhead. Or would that be good night?"

Blearily staring at her face, I slowly got up from her lap before looking around the room. The tabby cat was currently on the lower perch of the playground swinging its paws at the yarn ball that was swinging back and forth.

Two drinks were on the table, one of them empty and the other full. Grabbing the glass, I was surprised to find that it's still cold. After tilting my mask and taking a sip, the refreshing chill running down my throat made me feel awake.

"That's the stuff."

"Feeling much better now?"

"Yeah." Raising my arms, I stretched my body as far as I could before feeling the familiar cracking of my back. God, that was great. "How long was I asleep?"

"Two hours, give or take."

"Oh. Sorry. Does your leg hurt?"

"They're fine, don't worry."

Taking a sip out of the Signature Mix, I heard a slight rustling sound coming from next to me before a sudden weight was placed on top of my lap.

Carefully putting back the drink on the table, I saw Lumine, stretching her legs on top of the sofa, smiling brightly at me with her head in my lap.

"My turn."

"Hmm." Instead of saying anything, I started brushing her hair, running my fingers through her scalp, enjoying ourselves in each other's presence.

"Do you remember your promise?"

"I do."

"Hmm." Reaching her fingers to my face, she gently taps at my mask. "Would you take it off?"

"Someone could enter at any time, you know?"

"Don't worry." Rummaging through her pocket, she pulls out a key. "I knew you'd say that, so I asked Margaret for this spare. She already locked it from the outside, so no one would be able to go through that door."

"Sigh. If only you put this much thought into anything else, I wouldn't have to worry about you so much."

"Fufu, this matter in particular takes priority."

"Of course it would."

Finishing the last of my drink, I put the glass away before putting my hand on my mask. "Hypothetically speaking, princess, if I were to take off my mask, and it turns out that there's another mask underneath, what would you do?"

"I would hit you."

"Haha!" Looking at the angry look on her face, I squished her cheek together, trying to erase the anger out of her. "Good thing it's hypothetical then."

"It better be."

"Don't worry, it is."

Running my thumb through the base of my mask, I hesitated a bit before eventually taking it off. A promise is a promise after all.

With the mask off, I took a breath for what felt like the first time. For the first time in a long time, I felt free. Not having to wear this mask, even if it's limited to this room, felt so very liberating. Looking down towards Lumine, I could see her eyes widen in surprise.

Her golden eyes stared at the indigo orbs transfixed on her own.

"What do you think? Quite handsome, if I do say so myself."

'Shame that it's not exactly mine.'

Waiting for her reply, I was instead met with silence.

"Hello? Princess, are you there?"

Before I could call out once again, she raised her hand towards my face, hesitantly running through them with her fingers, like she was handling something delicate.

"You okay?"

"Huh?" As if waking up from a trance, the blond traveler stammers before eventually calming herself down. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. I just… I don't expect you to actually take it off."

"Wow, you have so little faith in me. I'm sad to hear that."

Instead of responding, she got up from my lap and stood up from the sofa.

"Where are you going?"

Not taking her eyes off of mine, she makes her way in front of me before straddling my lap and placing her arms around my neck, face as close as can be with my own.

Seeing the intimate position I found myself in, I swear I could practically hear my heart beating out of my chest. Being this close to her without any obstruction is nerve-wracking. Not having my mask to hide behind makes me feel exposed.


"Yuu." Feeling my breath quicken at her close proximity, the nervousness running through my body is at an all time high. "Why can't you just stop wearing your mask all the time?"

"If you can somehow eradicate the entire Fatui, then I'll consider it."

"You're asking for too much."

"I know."

We sat together in silence, not taking our eyes off of each other. Before I could crumble out of nervousness, she opened her mouth. "You know, you were right."

"About what?"

"That you are, objectively, good looking."

"I told you so."

Slowly putting my arms around her neck, the sigh she let out felt warm on my face. I feel the already tense nerve on my body being stretched even further.

"What now, princess?"

"Hmm." Tilting her head, she was silent for a bit before throwing the question back at my face. "What do you think we should do, Yuu?"

"I'd like to think I have an idea, but I'm not sure if it's a good one."

"Well, whatever it is," at this point, her voice was reduced to a whisper, "I don't really mind, you know?"

"Are you sure?"

Nodding her head in reply, I mulled it over for a bit. Honestly, I am very scared of making a mistake, but she said she was fine with it, so there should be no problem right?

'Fuck it.'

When I moved to close the distance between us, all I saw within her eyes was the adoration she held. Eyes full of nothing but affection towards the fellow otherworlder in front of her.

Hardening my resolve, I closed my eyes, before closing the distance between us.

It was not electrifying, nor does it feel like a blazing inferno. Instead, it felt as if a slow burning flame was running through my entire body. Our distance was closed, our lips connected. It felt good. It felt right.

It was nothing over the top. Just a simple kiss on the lips, filled to the brim with as much love as I could possibly convey in that one action.

'Love. Something that always felt so out of reach.'

Honestly, I'm not quite sure how long we ended up kissing, but eventually the two of us separated, with both of us panting for our breath.

The moment she caught her breath, she started giggling, cupping her hand around my face before giving me another kiss. A short one, this time. "Fufu, you look so cute when you're blushing."

Feeling embarrassed at being seen through, I turned my head away from her gaze. "I want to die."

"Unfortunately, I won't let you."

"I hate that I'm so easy to read."

"I, for one, prefer seeing you like this."

Letting out a groan, I turned towards her once more, only to see her giving me the most beautiful smile I've seen from her.

She pulled me closer, our noses touching and our lips just shy from making contact once again. "You know, Yuu, there's something missing about this."

"Hmm? What would that be?"

With both hands still holding my face, she gently grazed the edge of my lips with both of her thumbs. "Usually, before a couple go for the kiss, they profess their love for each other first, you know?"

"...do I have to?"

"Of course. There's an order to everything."

"...and you won't stop pestering me until I do?"

"Fufu, nope~"

Resigning myself to my fate, I mentally prepared myself and took a deep breath. Looking straight at Lumine's golden eyes, I couldn't help but think about the past few days we've been together.

What started as a challenge, ended up developing into something genuine. After everything we've been through, every interaction we've had, I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that I care for this blonde traveler. That I like her.

That I love her with all my heart.

"I love you, Lumine."

Despite the heat rising to my cheeks, I tried my best to maintain eye contact with her.

Suddenly, without any warning, I was pulled hard towards her, our lips practically crashing on each other. Clearly, she was no longer holding back. With one hand on top of my left cheek, the other one made its way to the back of my head and grabbed a handful of my hair before pulling me closer, pressing me even harder against her.

The pressure of being basically crushed onto her made me involuntarily open my mouth, which she took as an opportunity to shove her tongue inside.

It was overwhelming, to say the least. Since this is my first time, I have absolutely no idea what to do. I tried to resist and fight back, but she was unrelenting. Feeling one of her hands making a mess of my hair, she explores the inside of my mouth without any obstacle.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, she released her hold on me and slowly separated the two of us, her tongue sticking out while panting for breath.

"Haaa… haaa… you suck at this."

"Well… forgive me… for trying my best… despite this… being my first time."

"Is that… so…?" With a hungry look on her eyes, she licked her lips and tightened her grip on me, acting like a predator that had just caught its prey. "Well. I suppose I'll just have to… teach you all about it, hmm?"

'Oh boy. This is going to take a while.'


"Have a good night, you two!"

Feeling myself being dragged by the blonde traveler, I was vaguely aware that we were walking towards the exit.

Honestly, I'm not quite sure how long we were making out inside that room. It felt like I haven't stepped out in days for what may have only been a few hours at most.

"We will. Thanks for the treat, Margaret!"

When we continued our make out session, she was a lot less intense than before, slowly moving her tongue towards mine and guiding it the entire time.

It was like a dance.

Sometimes she would take the lead, not as hurried in her movement but aggressive all the same, unrelenting yet not quite domineering.

Sometimes she would relinquish control to me, letting me prod the inside of her mouth, all while occasionally intertwining our tongues together.

I was quite out of it midway through, and I still am even now.

I felt like I was in a fever dream.

Yet, the warmth of her hand in mine and the rustling of her hair on my shoulders made it very clear that this is not, in fact, a dream.

"We're here, Yuu."


Suddenly becoming very aware, I find myself standing in front of the door to my room. The familiar sensation of the mask on my face and the slight weight on my right shoulder brought me out of dreamland back to reality.

"You okay?"

"Uh… yeah. I… yeah."

"Fufu, was that too much for you? Well, too bad." Before I could ask her what she meant by that, I suddenly found myself with my back pressed against the door. Lumine, slamming her hand right next to my head, had a smug smile on her face. "We'll be doing that a lot more from now on."

'My god that's hot. And no boner-kun, you gotta go back.'

"...we should head inside, princess."

"We should, shouldn't we?"

Having my freedom returned to me, I quickly rummage through my bag before inserting the key and opening the door.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I walked towards the bed and placed my bag on top of it. Opening the cover, I grabbed the water flask and took a sip, checking the supplies within while I was at it.

'Hmm, potions are running low. I should stock up tomorrow. Actually,' walking towards the window, I saw Timaeus at his usual spot, having just finished whatever experiment he did. Right now, he was packing up his books and notes into his bag, 'might as well do it now before I forget again.'

"I'll be right back."

"Hmm? Where are you going?"

"I'll be seeing Timaeus for a bit." I said, as I pointed outside the window. "It won't take long, so you don't have to come."

"Sure." Nodding in response, she stretched her body before laying down on the bed. "I'll be the bed warmer in the meantime."

"...please don't say it like that."

"What? They're quite the popular profession, you know? Especially in this one place I visited where it snowed all year around. Quite the beautiful place if you ignore the perpetual coldness of it. Unless, of course," sitting up from the bed, she wiggles her eyebrows at me, "you were thinking of the other kind?"

"Good night, Lumine."

Before she could reply, I slung my bag around my shoulder and closed the door.

Walking down the stairs, I saw Ms. Heidi behind the counter, busying herself with the book in her hand. I briefly greeted her to which she only nodded in response. Must be quite a good read if she was so focused like that.

Exiting the inn, I walked over towards the alchemy table and patted Timaeus' shoulder. "Hey, Timaeus. How was the experiment today?"

Startled, he slightly jumped before hurriedly turning around, only to sigh in relief. "What the hell, it's just you. Don't scare me like that."

"Ahaha, my bad, my bad."

Grumbling at my response, he went back to collecting his notes. "To answer your question, it went great actually. Especially since Mr. Albedo is back in Mondstadt."

"I heard from the knights. They said his alchemy was instrumental in defending the city."

"Yeah, his knowledge of alchemy is on a different level. I hope I can be an amazing alchemist like him someday. But nevermind that." Erasing the dreamy look on his face, he closed his bag before turning towards me. "How can I help you, Yuu? Ah, perhaps you need more potions?"

"Got it in one, Timaeus."

"It's on that box down there, next to the shelf. There are two bottles for each element. Hopefully it helps."

"Thanks. Here's your payment. Oh, and the empty bottles too."

"People usually keep them, you know? Are you sure you want to give them back?"

"Not much I could use it for, so why bother keeping them? Although… you can repay me by giving me a discount in the future."

Putting the bag of Mora inside his bag, Timaeus set it aside before carefully lining up the bottles on the shelf. "Haha, ever the haggler huh, Yuu? Well, I suppose I can give you that, at least."

"This is why I like you, Timaeus."

"Ha, you flatter me."

After the bottles are in place, Timaeus grabs his bag before bidding me farewell. Seeing his figure getting further away, I crouch in front of the box, carefully putting the potions inside my bag.

The night is quiet at this late hour. The store next to the alchemy stand is closed, the souvenir shop was missing the familiar harping from Marjorie, even Sara was no longer manning the stall in front of Good Hunter. Although the sound coming from the inside means they still have customers to serve even now.

'Hmm, what should I do tomorrow? Should I refine my combat skill even further? Or maybe now that there's nothing urgent, properly explore the Mondstadt region? Going around looking for treasures doesn't sound half bad.'

"I was wondering whether it was true, but you really are here, aren't you?"

'God fucking dammit.'

Turning towards the source of the voice, I was met with the sight of a woman in a white dress, covered with a red coat so long it practically drags itself on the ground.

"Look at you. Did you have fun playing the role of Mondstadt's hero?"

With half of her face covered with a crown-like mask, her visible eye looked at me with disdain. Floating next to her is a white catalyst, the cryo delusion serving as the antithesis to her burning flames.

"It's a displeasure to meet you in this deplorable city, Scaramouche." With her hair tied into a bun, she flips them aside, greeting me with a voice dripping with sheer arrogance. "Or would you prefer the name 'Kamiyama Yuu?'"

'Fucking hell, seriously?! I knew it, going outside brings nothing but trouble. I should've just shut myself in my room goddammit!'

Trying my best to keep myself calm, I stopped what I was doing and stood up, facing her directly.

"I'm afraid you have the wrong person, miss."

"'Miss?' Fufufufu, ahahahaha!" Covering her mouth with one hand, she somehow managed to laugh hysterically while still looking elegant. The moment her laughter died, she once again returned to being the arrogant harbinger, with the only difference being the slight amusement in her eye. "Hmph, cut the act, Scaramouche. As much as I detest you, I'd never mistake you for anyone else, even with that stupid mask on your face."

'Sigh. It was worth a try. Alright, stay calm, stay calm. Just… channel your inner edgelord and do your best to impersonate Scaramouche.'

"Fufufu, ahhh... way to ruin my fun like that, Signora."

'Just be as sharp-tongued as you possibly could.'

"Besides, shouldn't you focus on doing what you came here for?" Closing our distance, I look up towards the arrogant harbinger. "The Gnosis isn't going to just conveniently land on your lap, you know?"

"Hmph, that's what you think. But really," rummaging through the pocket in her coat, she pulls out a queen piece, shining with a teal color that constantly emanates anemo energy, "it's just that easy."

'Barbatos you absolute moron.'

Raising it in front of her face, she briefly admires the divine creation that is the Gnosis. "Mondstadt's rodent ruler, drunk out of his mind. Honestly, it was no challenge at all." Returning the Gnosis into her coat, she turns towards me. "And what have you achieved, oh Balladeer? I heard you were playing house with a certain blonde traveler and her companion. What is it that you hope to achieve?"

Before I could answer she let out a mocking gasp. "Oh! Could it be? Could it be that the heartless puppet has finally found a heart of its own? Ahahaha! Hysterical! I bet The Doctor would simply be overjoyed at the news, no?"

'Stay calm. Stay calm.'

"Fufufu, a heart? I have no need for such a thing." I replied, before spreading my hands, as if emphasizing the importance of my non-existent objective. "It's called subterfuge, my fair lady. Though I suppose someone as pompous as you wouldn't even begin to understand what that means."

Taking a step further, I continue my act. "Still, it was quite surprising to see that Mondstadt is still in one piece. It seems that the witch still has some common sense, huh? I would've thought you'd reduce this city to ashes by now.

"Or rather." Letting out a mocking laugh, I noticed the anger creeping up Signora's face. "I'm surprised you even managed to succeed at all. I never thought you were the type to be capable of holding back your emotions."

"Looking down on me, Scaramouche?" Crossing her arms, she let out a scoff. "At least I managed to retrieve what the Tsaritsa asked of us. You, on the other hand? What have you accomplished? Absolutely nothing."

"Ahahaha! So it all came down to being the loyal dog that you are, huh, witch?"

"Watch your tongue, puppet."

The cold of the night suddenly intensified. Looking at the ground surrounding Signora, I could see ice starting to spread towards my direction. Trying my best not to instinctively dodge, I stood still, letting the cryo energy solidify and froze my legs.

"See? This is what I meant. Incapable of holding back your emotions." I tried to discreetly move my legs, but it was no use. "Come, then, are you going to kill me? You certainly could, but if you do… fufufu, I'll make sure that the Tsaritsa will be more than just disappointed in you."

Glaring at me with hatred, Signora is silent for a while. Eventually, the ice retreated, before a strand of flame erased any trace of cryo energy on the ground, alongside the ones trapping my legs.

"Here's a little advice for you, Scaramouche."

Throwing my hat away, she grabbed me by the collar. Within her eyes, I swear I can see the burning flames she's holding back within her. "Stop pretending like you're above everyone else. Because you're not."

Harshly letting go of my jinbei, she scoffed before turning around and started to walk away.

"And you never will be."

Instead of replying, I merely watch the departing figure of the Fair Lady. Turning around, I grabbed my hat off the ground and made my way towards the back of Timaeus' alchemy stand.

Seeing that the coast is clear, I lean my body against the wall and collapse to the ground not a moment later.

"Fuck me…."

'Things have basically gone down to shit. The only silver lining would be the fact that she thinks I am Scaramouche, but god knows that wouldn't last long.'

Hugging my knees close to my chest, I just sit there, wallowing in misery, thinking of all the potential problems coming my way.

'I sure hope they don't actually send Dottore my way.'

Suddenly, someone took my hat off of my head. Surprised, I instinctively created an anemo ball on my right hand and was about to send it to the person responsible–


"Hey." Holding my hat close to her chest, she ruffles my hair gently. "Can I sit here?"

Dispelling the anemo energy, I retracted my hand before sitting back down "Knock yourself out."

Placing my hat on her lap she sits next to me before leaning her head on my shoulder.

The silence was deafening. She wasn't saying anything, and I didn't know whether she managed to listen to me and Signora's conversation or not.

Eventually, it got too much that I broke the silence first.

"Were you listening?"


"How much?"

"Pretty much everything."

"Are you angry?"

"Angry?" Letting out a hum, she takes a moment to think before arriving at an answer. "Well, I'm more upset than angry, really. And that's mostly because I saw you meeting with another woman."

I couldn't help but laugh at her words. I suppose that would make sense. Unfortunately, other than her looks, Signora is not really someone you'd like to be with. "I'll be honest, I was expecting you to jam your sword into my stomach the moment you see me."

"The thought did cross my mind." Placing my hand around her shoulder, I pulled her closer towards me. "But then I remembered that Venti did call you an otherworlder, so you couldn't have been the person she said you were."

"Glad you remembered then."

"Is that why you hide your face? Because you look like this Scaramouche person?"


"Must be rough."

"You have no idea."

We continued sitting on the ground in silence for a while longer. Eventually, Lumine stood up and placed my hat back in my head before offering me her hand. "Let's go, Yuu. You have some explaining to do."

"May I ask for an extended deadline?"


Letting out another sigh for the umpteenth time, I grabbed her hand and pulled myself off of the ground. "Can't be helped then. I suppose this is long overdue."

"Indeed it is, 'Scaramouche.'"

"Don't call me that."

Evfrnet Evfrnet

I recently found out that writing romance in first person is infinitely harder than in third person.

If you find yourself cringing at some of the scene, don't worry, it was way worse for me considering I had to rewrite some of them multiple times.

This would be the longest chapter I've written at 7.4k words. Hurray for me!

Anyway, enjoy the chapter.

next chapter
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