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100% Transmigrated into Severus Snape with Golden Trio back in Time / Chapter 93: 93) The Yule Ball - 3

Chapitre 93: 93) The Yule Ball - 3

Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood on the outskirts of the bustling crowd. The trio observed the animated conversations and laughter that filled the grounds. Harry couldn't help but feel a pang of unease at the sight of a particular couple amidst the crowd.

His mother's parents.

Ron noticed the tension in Harry's expression and nudged him gently. "You alright, mate?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

Harry forced a smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Yeah, just... wasn't expecting to see them here," he replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Hermione placed a comforting hand on Harry's arm, offering him a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Harry," she said softly. "They're your family. I'm sure they'll be happy to see you if what Lily tells about them is true."

Harry nodded, though the knot of anxiety in his stomach refused to loosen. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the inevitable encounter as they made their way towards the group.

Lily beamed with pride as she spotted Hermione, Ron and Harry making their way towards them.

"Mom, Dad, I want you to meet another of my friends," Lily exclaimed, her voice bubbling with joy as she gestured towards the group gathering nearby.

"This is Hermione. She's my roommate. This is her date, Ronald Weasley. There's Harry, he's also a Gryffindor and Mary's date for the evening." Lily announced proudly to her parents.

"It's lovely to finally meet you all," Mrs. Evans said, her voice warm and welcoming. "Lily has told us so much about you."

The trio nodded. Harry forced a smile to his face. He was suddenly happy that Mary had chose that exact moment to enforce her arms around his own. That gesture was enough to make him more confident inwardly.

"Ladies and gentleman!" The announcer started with a ecstatic voice.

Whatever Harry was about to say was instantly dwarfed by the announcer's announcement regarding champions.

"Oh my, Severus is going to be over there?" Mrs Evans remarked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"He will be there, mom." Lily replied with a smile.

Harry's stomach dropped at the way Lily spoke out his name. He had known from Hermione that Snape and his mother had been friends, but Hermione had told that their friendship had fallen apart. To hear such giddiness in her voice made his stomach fall.

Mr. Evans followed her gaze, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he observed the tunnel. They all silently watched the champions and their dates coming out of the tunnel.

They all watched patiently as the champions made their way. Finally, it was time for Hogwarts champion. The moment Severus emerged, the arena of Quidditch was filled with cheers and applauses.

"He looks quite dashing with his date, doesn't he?" Mr Evans remarked with a smirk.

He turned around to see stunned gazes from Lily's girlfriends and other students.

"Holy merlin! That's Francesca Zabini." Marlene whispered jaw dropped seeing the girl with Severus. She remembered the Slytherin senior girl very well from the early years.

Lily glanced over at Severus and his date, a soft smile spreading across her face at the sight of her childhood friend enjoying himself. There was a gentle smile playing on his lips as he walked down the ramp with her. "Yes, it is," she agreed, her voice tinged with fondness. She strangely felt her stomach dropping seeing them together, laughing and with arms in arms.

Nobody saw the slight understanding in the eyes of Harry as he saw the girl. 'Zabini's mom', he realised.


He was getting bored from all the talking the others were doing. He looked at the equally neutral faces of Bellatrix and Narcissa, who were clearly in the same boat as him.

Severus approached Bellatrix with a confident stride. Atleast, he should keep his ruse. His dark eyes met the steely grey of hers with a hint of mischief as he extended his hand towards her. "Miss Bellatrix, would you do me the honor of a dance?" He asked politely.

Bellatrix's lips curved into a disdainful smirk as she accepted his invitation, her hand fitting perfectly into his. "Fine," she replied calmly, her voice dripping with a mix of bitterness and forced politeness as she glanced at her family members watching. Her father's eyes went a little dim as she accepted calmly.

As they made their way to the dance floor, Severus couldn't help but notice the scornful glances exchanged between some of the Black relatives. He ignored them, focusing instead on the task at hand.

Once they reached the center of the room, Severus and Bellatrix fell into a rhythm as they waltzed together, their movements fluid and effortless. The music swirled around them, cocooning them in a world of their own. Away from anything else, as they danced together.

In the quiet lull of the dance, Bellatrix leaned in close, her voice barely above a whisper as they swayed. Her voice now was filled with venom. "Prince, what game are you playing by bringing the squib members of my family and my blood traitor of a sister to the ball?" She spat, her tone laced with bitterness as they moved left following the music.

Severus's smile remained fixed, though a flicker of annoyance crossed his features at her tone. "Oh, Bella, always so bitter," Severus retorted with a smile. His eyes narrowed slightly. "Can't we simply enjoy the evening without you poisoning it with your hatred?"

Bellatrix's expression twisted into a sneer, her grip tightening around his hand. "You think this is a game?" she hissed, her voice laced with contempt. "You're deluded."

As they continued to dance, the tension between them palpable, Severus couldn't resist the urge to taunt her further. "Come now, Bella."

"Where's your sense of fun? Surely dancing with your future husband should be a thrill for you. And for a reminder, I brought them so that you and Narcissa won't be here in the public eye, while the marriage is announced. We have to delay, and your father or uncle can't do that unless he wants the fury of the Dark Lord. You don't have to like me, Bellatrix. But I am only making things easy for you all."

Bellatrix's sneer dropped hearing that. She hadn't thought that. But then again, she hardly thought about the finer things in life while doing majority of the stuff.

Bellatrix's laughter was bitter, a harsh sound that grated against the music as they twirled across the floor. Her grey eyes looked curiously at him now.

"What would you even achieve by doing that? We will be judged sooner or later." She asked curiously with a hint of bitterness. Already there was a lot of awkwardness with everyone there. That coupled with the tension between her and Narcissa regarding the future, it was a disaster already.

"You will be. But I can change the amount of brunt you both take. Better to sit in your room and hear it, than feeling it in a ball with judgemental eyes all over you. Besides, what husband would I be, if I didn't protect my two beautiful fiance's from slander?" Severus asked softly as he twirled her around.

"A bad one for sure." Bellatrix replied nervously as they moved back to the waltz position now.

The music ended and a new melody started to play. Both of them knew that they had to return back now.

As Severus and Bellatrix returned to the family gathering, the atmosphere seemed to be crackling with tension. He watched Nymphadora copying Cygnus' dour face while Druella Rosier rocked the little kid in her arms.

Severus nodded politely to the Black family members as he rejoined the group.

Bellatrix moved back to join her family. She cursed her whole family for once again arriving like a huge lump. If there weren't so many of them, she could have been more free to talk and move.

Severus observed the dynamics of the group with keen interest. It was clear that Walburga Black was barely holding her mouth. Somewhere down the line, Alphard Black had decided that he was the one whom Nymphadora should imitate as the man was purposefully trying to garner the attention of the kid.

"The announcement?" Orion exquired calmly with a soft frown. Besides him, Severus could spot Regulus, who had arrived with his date to meet his family and join their group. The boy's eyes were curiouser as he spotted everyone unfamiliar in the group. Severus didn't recall the girl. She seemed to be of another school to him.

"We can do that tomorrow. There's no need to do it now." Severus replied calmly. He could see the signs of relief on the faces of every other Black. They all knew what could be the situation at the party.

"He will be angry." Orion whispered softly with a pointed eye to Severus.

"I will deal with him." Severus replied calmly to the Black Family patriarch. Technically, Arcturus was still the Black Lord in name, but Orion handed every business of the family.

"Blessed Merlin's pants!" They all turned around to see the swearing person. They weren't the only ones. The people around them had joined them too.

"Sister." Marius Black smirked like a cheshire cat.

"Marius!" Gasped the woman in stunned awe and amazement. Her face was a mix of emotions as she looked at the man infront of her. Wasting no time, she quickened her steps and enveloped the middle aged man with a heartily hug.

"Cassiopeia." Marius spoke up, burying his head on the shoulders of the lady. He couldn't believe that he was finally amongst his blood. There were so many emotions inside him today. All waiting to be released like a bubble.

The other people in the area silently watched in amazement and surprise as the fiery and the headstrong Cassiopeia Black cried happily on the arms of another man. Those who knew of her reputation knew that it was only once in a lifetime moment for them to witness.

"Cassi, Marius. Control yourself. You are embarrassing all of us now...." Arcturus spoke up with a sigh. The papers would have it in headlines tomorrow.

"Let them be, Arcturus." Melania interrupted her husband. She was honestly enjoying the crude and stern Blacks having a meltdown. She had always felt the honesty of Arcturus as he talked about his family. Today, she was personally seeing it too.

"Aren't they a sight to watch?" Francesca commented amusedly seeing the way the Black Lord shut up, hearing his wife's words.

Bellatrix nodded. She had always found it to be odd. Grandmother Melania always had that power within her, though she never used it or showed it in public. Always letting Arcturus do what he want.


As Druella and Cygnus approached Andromeda and Ted, the tension in the air gradually increased.

Andromeda stood calmly, though her heart raced with apprehension. Ted nodded along but he dearly desired to escape the situation which was going to be evident.

Nymphadora, their young daughter, pointed excitedly to her parents as they approached, her face lighting up with joy at the sight of them. Cygnus held her in his arms, his expression stern yet tinged with a hint of affection towards his granddaughter. Andromeda could clearly see it.

Ted instinctively took a step back as they approached closer, but Andromeda placed a reassuring hand on his arm. The hand silently urging him to stay. "We should talk," she said quietly, her voice steady despite the turmoil roiling within her.

Druella offered a polite smile, her tone warm yet tinged with a hint of formality. "Andromeda, it's been so long," she remarked, her eyes scanning her daughter's face for any sign of emotion.

Andromeda simply nodded in response, her gaze flickering briefly to Nymphadora, who remained in Cygnus's hold, her small fingers reaching up to touch his greying hair. A pang of sadness washed over Andromeda as she watched her daughter, so innocent and yet already marked by the divisions of their family. Everyone had done their fair share to botch things up for them. All of which was haunting them now.

Cygnus gently handed Nymphadora over to Andromeda, a small smile graced his lips as he looked at his granddaughter. "She's a great child, Andromeda," he remarked, his voice soft with affection. He allowed himself the emotion for the first time in the evening.

Andromeda nodded, her heart swelling with both love for her daughter and a longing for her father's approval. Those words meant so much to her despite everything. "Thank you, Father," she replied quietly, her voice tinged with the same suppressed emotion as of her father.

Cygnus met her gaze, his eyes reflecting a mixture of warmth and reservation. "Take care of her, Andromeda," he said, his tone gentle yet firm. "She's a precious gift."

Andromeda nodded again, swallowing back the lump in her throat as she held Nymphadora close. "I will, Father," she promised, her voice barely above a whisper.

For a moment, they stood in silence, the weight of their unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. Andromeda couldn't help but wish for more, for a smile, a hug, a sign that her father still saw her as his daughter, despite their differences.

But Cygnus merely offered a nod before turning away, his expression inscrutable as he left from there to join the rest of the family. Andromeda watched him go, her heart heavy with the weight of their fractured relationship.

As she held Nymphadora close, she couldn't help but wonder if there would ever come a day when her father would look at her with the same love and acceptance he once had.

"I must say, Mr Prince is a remarkable young man." Druella spoke up softly looking at her daughter. She had to be reserved as the world and the society demanded. Though, she could care less.

"He is." Andromeda replied with a nod. Besides her, Ted did the same.

"Take care of Nymphadora, Andromeda. You will have your sisters there soon." Druella said with a nod as she turned to leave her daughter and her husband.

Andromeda wanted to speak but held down her words. She knew her words won't have any affect on her mother. And what did she meant by her sisters being there soon?


James looked around the ball. He had finally settled on a Ravenclaw girl, Rachel, after Lily spurned down his efforts every time. He wasn't the only one. Even Sirius had decided to bring a Ravenclaw girl with him.

Sirius's gaze darted across the room, his brow furrowing in confusion as he spotted his grandfather, Pollux, and his great aunt, Cassiopeia, approaching. He had seen them earlier with a strange man, a man he couldn't quite place. The man had that familiar Black family facial features, however Sirus hadn't seen him ever before.

"Oh Shit!" He swore loudly as he realised that they were coming to them. How could he forget. Aunt Dorea was also a Black.

He moved behind Harry as he tried to keep himself away from the eyes of his family members.

"Dorea." Cassiopeia called out to the Potter woman. Dorea Potter turned happily as she embraced her sister warmly.

"Charlus." Pollux greeted calmly. "Fleamont, Euphemia, a pleasure to meet you both too."

"We feel the same Pollux." Fleamont replied with a warm smile. He had his fair share of meetings with Blacks. One thing was always certain though with them, they were funny to rile up.

"Charlus.... Euphemia, Fleamont." Cassiopeia greeted the other Potters too.

"It's an honour to meet you Mr Black, Miss Black." James spoke out warmly as he spotted the side glare his father was giving him.

"Harry. Show some manners." Dorea scolded lightly to the boy. She knew the boy would be confused, but it would be rude if he didn't greet them.

"Sorry. Hello Uncle, Aunt." Harry greeted instantly as besides him Mary did the same to the Black family members.

"Do you need an invitation card to greet us, boy?" Pollux demanded harshly as he spotted Sirius hiding behind Dorea's son.

"Sorry, Grandfather, great aunt." Sirius replies with a bitter voice. Pollux was about to reprimand him when Cassiopeia cut him.

"Dorea, dear," she said, her tone gentle yet tinged with sadness and warmth alike, "there's someone I'd like you to meet."

"This is Marius." It was the only thing which Cassiopeia spoke. However that one sentence was enough to change the conversation.

Dorea immediately felt her legs weakening. She slowly walked towards Marius cautiously. Her eyes searched his face and she could see the traces of the elder brother, she hadn't seen since childhood. "Marius," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, "it's been so long."

Marius smiled sadly at his sister, his grey eyes filled with regret. "Yes, Dorea," he replied softly. His own voice was thick. "It has."

Dorea immediately engulfed her brother in a hug as her eyes teared automatically. They broke the hug after some moments as Dorea's face was full of happy tears.

"Harry, Charlus. This is my brother Marius. He was blasted off the family tree for being a squib in childhood." Dorea spoke up, her voice was thick with emotions as the memories of that grim day emerged in her mind.

Harry remembered seeing the name in the family tree. So did Sirius. Charlus was quick enough to take the conversation as he embraced Marius with a side hug too. The young ones watched as Charlus slowly made the conversation connecting everyone.

The Potters talked with Marius warmly. Finally it was Dorea who asked him about his whereabout.

"Where had you been, Marius?" She asked excitedly. She couldn't help but dread the answer a little.

"Father gave me to Uncle Phineas. He asked him to raise me away from Britain. Remember him, the one who was blasted off the family tree for supporting muggle rights. Well, we grew up in States for a while, then moved to Sweden." Marius replied with a smile.

"Is he still alive?" Dorea asked amazed. She hadn't thought that her father would actually do so. She had always believed that her father would have provably sent Marius to some orphanage.

"Dorea, he's here in the ball. He's with the other Blacks currently. Marius' wife and son and Uncle Phineas' family are mingling with the others. You're the only sibling who didn't see Marius, so we brought him here." Cassiopeia replied with a smirk.

"How big's your family, Marius?" Dorea asked excitedly. To think that there was another branch of Blacks now. It was quite an interesting thing.

"A wife, a son, a daughter. Though she's in States. She studies there in Salem." Marius replied proudly.

"Is she a witch?" Cassiopeia asked excitedly. The news was a surprise to even them. Neither Pollux or Cassiopeia had met Marius' family till now. They had come for Dorea before meeting them.

"She is. You know, she speaks snake too." Marius boasted proudly.

"A parselmouth?" Dorea asked shocked. What an amazing news it would be. A parselmouth in the family would be a no small thing.

"Yupp." Marius replied with a joyful smile. To think that such a trait had passed on to his daughter was no short boast. He would enjoy rubbing it in his family members faces.

"Wow. You must bring her for Christmas, Marius." Pollux asked greedily. To have a parselmouth among them would be no small thing. One of his blood had turned to be a metamorphmagus and another had turned to be a parselmouth.

"Can't guarantee it, brother. If it weren't for Severus ' invitation to us, we wouldn't have even arrived here. Somehow the boy managed to track us all and invited us to attend the ball. Otherwise, I don't think, I would have ever returned here. Though, I thank myself that I made the choice ultimately. Atleast, the sight of Hogwarts is worth a shot, so is meeting y'all." Marius replied with a smile.

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