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50% To Love-RU; With My trait True Singularity / Chapter 2: Chapter 1; Sick?

Chapitre 2: Chapter 1; Sick?

Disclaimer: I think I should spoil it before you start reading. Sora will be Idiot, not like that, it's just he lacks some common sense, yet he doesn't, he is weird that's all.

You will know if you stick together!


"I'm off to school," shouted a male, who was wearing the shoes. He slammed the door behind him, leaving a faint echo in the quiet house.

"Okay, take care." someone said from behind. It was a girl's voice.

She has gold-brown eyes and brown hair and looks really cute, wearing an apron, sitting inside while she eats traditional Japanese breakfast.

After finishing it, she placed the plates near the sink and went upstairs.

Opening the door of one of the rooms, she entered inside.

The room appeared dark; the window and curtains were closed.

She reached out and gently pulled the curtains further open, letting a sliver of morning light illuminate the room.

At one glance, It was a normal room. Posters of superheroes and anime characters plastered on the walls.

A study table in the corner, books were placed on the desk.

Along with it, a photo frame in which 5 people were smiling under the Sakura tree, and lastly, there's a bed, where a boy was sleeping.

There were multiple medical equipment placed all around him, making the room appear more like a hospital room than a normal one.

Warm sunlight glowed on his face as he slept peacefully.

His chest rises and falls with each breath, a reassuring sign of life despite his corpse-like appearance.

Needles were sunk into his arms, along with some equipment attached to his chest and a monitor showing his heartbeat.

The boy looks fragile and young, 12-13 years old. His cheeks are sunken, his skin pale as white, and his body is skinny, despite that, he looks very cute and adorable.

He has a unique hair combination mixed with ashen-grey and jet-black that covers his charming face. A big blanket covers his body.

If not for lying on the bed and his condition, he would look better.

"Onii-chan, when… are you going to wake up? It's been… eight days," she choked out, the words rasping in her throat.

"Eight… days since you fell asleep and never woke up," placing her hands on his cheeks, her fingers ran through his hair, her touch of feather-light, as if he was a fragile glass and would break if put a little more strength.

"Mom and dad are waiting for you to wake up. They worry about you." She muttered, a tear escaped, falling down her cheek.

"I miss them too. I miss everything. Please, Onii-chan, wake up. Please come back to us." She pleaded, yet she didn't receive any answer.

She caressed him for minutes, before looking at the clock.

"I… need to go to school, or I will be late. Please take care until I'm back." She wipes her tears from the corner of her eyes.

Before leaving, she leaned down and kissed his forehead, her lips remained on his forehead for a moment.

She gently strokes his cheek, then, with a final glance at her brother, she turns and leaves the room, quietly closing the door behind her.

[Place unknown]

Same darkness, same void. But this time, it feels different. Like I'm not just floating, but sinking, pulled by an unseen current.

Then, a screen pops out of nowhere.

Seriously, where am I? Who… wait, who am I again? My memory's a foggy mess, but hey, at least I don't have a headache (yet).

Wait, speak of the devil, a throbbing pain in my head, like a thousand needles digging in.

Ah, consistency is key, even in comas.

Images flash with two distinct lives playing out in fast-forward.

Two lives, two deaths. Reincarnation speedrun, anyone?

Both me, always on a bed, hooked up to machines that kept my fragile body alive.

'Are these my memories?' I thought, feeling an intense and painful headache. It felt horrible, yet it disappeared as if it was never there.

I had always thought like 'I wished I was born a little stronger…'

My body was fragile, weakening and succumbing to illness.

My memory lapsed as I would often blank out countless times, drifting into slumber just like this.

As time passed, self-rejection became inevitable, my body started to eat me alive.

I felt myself drowning, yet I couldn't even gag or ask for help.

I died in my first life, but not in this new one, it seems I'm in a deep coma. Not much of an upgrade, honestly.

Looking at both my lives, I found the difference in how my family treated me.

In my first life, I was a prince… okay not prince, but rich and affluent, but with a silver spoon and with addition to it, I got extra packages or beginner's packages, a platinum grade illness.

Being a rich kid with a terminal illness is like having a Ferrari with no engine. Looks good, goes nowhere.

There's a fading memory I remember of snippets of their visits, their forced smiles and hollow reassurances.

They'd check the monitors, exchange worried glances, then vanish back into their busy lives.

But I couldn't blame them.

My existence was a drain after finding the disease, I turned into a bottomless pit, swallowing their resources and hope.

They consulted specialists worldwide, each visiting with enthusiasm and pride? They were more like snake oil salesmen with fancy degrees.

At least they looked good presenting their useless cures.

They couldn't cure me, but they cured my boredom with their medical jargon bingo.

Useless men, and their useless pride.

Then, after countless tries, doubt began to creep in, poisoning their affection.

I saw the arguments, heard the whispers about "giving up," and starting anew.

They could've had real kids, healthy ones who wouldn't suck the life out of their bank accounts… maybe they did.

They were young, after all. I felt a pang of something was it? jealousy, but for what?

Jealous of healthy siblings?

Nah, More like jealousy of their ability to breathe without a machine. Grass is always greener on the non-comatose side.

Honestly, I saw they have regained the lost colour in their eyes during their regular visits, which shortened with time passes.

They looked lively from time to time, until they visited me.

I wished they had held onto hope earlier, perhaps... Perhaps I could have recovered.

However, over time, countless resources went to waste.

But in the end, they were humans.

They have patience, which is running out.

They gave up on me, so I gave up on them. Fair enough.

I wished I was dead.

And then, it came, just like I wished.

The big sleep. Not the fun kind, though.

No visitors, just the usual checkup.

The loneliness, the fear – it was worse than any horror movie.

Nobody cared, nobody talked.

Just me and the machines, my prison cell on a deathbed.

In stark contrast, in my second family, although they were a middle class family and were very warm families.

They supported me to the very day, even now.

Our family condition improves with time, providing me with better facilities. They showed me different doctors just like my previous life.

Even after seeing no results, there is something… something about them, they never gave hope, a desire could be seen in their eyes.

Yet, behind their expression of determination, was full of regret and sadness, they were different yet the same, just didn't lose hope.

I had a good family, that was my last thought, and the last memory of I fell into a coma.

I stood there, reflecting the complex emotions swirling in my mind, overwhelmed by a tumult of emotions—regret, longing, and a glimmer of hope.

For the most part of my life, I was like this on the bed.

That's why, I was determined.

I want to go out, enjoy… Just like I saw the smile of my family from the window of the hospital, and on the television, like how my parents would do in this life.

I will be happy.

Once again, returning to the present, I found myself once again amidst emotional turmoil.

The good news is, I'm not dead. The bad news is, I'm stuck in this purgatory replaying my life's greatest hits (and misses).

I don't feel much about my past life, and I don't care.

However, in this life, there were still some people waiting for me.

Those who haven't lost hope for me.

Curious, I examined the screen before me, eager to understand my current situation.

The display was like the Status screen? Like a video game?

Sweet! Finally, something to do besides contemplating the meaning of existence… or the hospital ceiling.



[Name: Yūki Sora]

[Age: 15-Year-old]

[Race: Inferior Human]


[Strength]: 0.35

[Vitality]: 0.17

[Agility]: 0.21

[Endurance]: 0.09

[Intelligence]: 37.76

[Sense]: 0.07

[Evaluation: Physical capabilities below the level of teenagers(>1), yet Intelligent more than any human.]



• [Cursed Soul]:

-Possesses a potent soul, but at a cost; it corrupts the user's body, resulting in the weakness and slowly withering of body.



• [Evolver]

-Holder can evolve without any bottleneck.

-Grants the ability to see personal stats (or Status) and facilitates evolutionary growth paths.

-Users can track their own progress and evolve, progressively becoming stronger.

• [Singularity]

-A unique trait that stands apart from conventional traits.





-This skill enables the user to handle different situations by adjusting their body to respond effectively. It enables quick modifications, ensuring the user can adapt to challenges and optimise their physical response for maximum effectiveness.


Seeing my stats, race, and the most important and ominous trait 'Cursed Soul' left me in shock.

The reason for my weakness became painfully clear, it was all due to this trait.

I felt betrayed and hopeless, but why didn't my other trait didn't work, cause I haven't awakened? or it wasn't me in this life, but someone else who died.

I don't know, however those emotions were real, and I felt I was there.

Soon, excitement surged within me as I saw the next screen.

Why? Because of a skill, I had a feeling it would turn my world upside down.


[Please select your beginner Skill]


1. [Increase strength](common)

2. [Increase Agility](common)

3. [Increase Endurance](common)

4. [Sixth Sense] (Rare) (Singularity)

5. [Enhanced Physique (Unique) (Recommendation)](Singularity)


'Can I also check the information about this?' I wondered, feeling excited, as soon as I saw the skills.

A new screen emerged almost if someone heard my call, text explaining the details.


[Increase Strength] (Common):

-Augments physical power, enhancing muscle strength for improved lifting, striking, and overall physical prowess.

-To level of Trained professional.

-[+3 Strength] & [Increase in muscle's density]

[Increase Agility] (Common):

-Sharpens reflexes and coordination, boosting agility for swift and precise movements, whether in combat or navigating challenging terrain.

-To level of Trained for 3-5 Years.

-[+3 Agility] & [Increase in muscle's density]

[Increase Endurance] (Common): Elevates stamina and resilience, granting the ability to endure physical exertion for extended periods and recover more quickly.

-To level of Trained for 3-5 Years.

-[+3 Endurance] & [Increase in muscle's toughness]

[Sixth Sense] (Rare) (Singularity): Unlocks an extraordinary perception, providing heightened awareness and intuition, granting the ability to sense danger or detect hidden things that can't be seen with normal sense

-To level of Trained for 3-5 Years.

-[+5 Sense]

[Enhanced Physique] (Unique) (Recommendation) (Singularity):

- Gradually Increases the physical limits to the race maximum potential.

-Enhanced all aspects of the user's physical capabilities, including strength, agility, endurance, stamina, mental defence, and other vital attributes.

-Increase the recovery of the body.

-To the level of an average human.

-[Random increase in all stats]

-Growth type, as users evolve further and, the physique brings out maximum potential for next Evolution and hidden potential.


I looked at the 'Recommended skill,' yet before choosing, I checked the other skills.

Reading them, I understood something, my body was weak, which means these are possible enhancements that would be helpful if not for my condition.

Without hesitation, I made the choice of the 'Enhanced Physique,' and soon a warm sensation began to wrap around my body.

Slowly, I sensed myself, getting out from there, leaving cold and empty darkness.

And then, I gradually opened my eyes.


To be continued…


[Word Count]; 2367


Shower me with Power Stones…


A/N: Yeah! Yeah! He has a higher INT stat, however it doesn't mean he is that calculative guy(technically he is.) It's just he lacks common sense, nor does he know his full capabilities.

Here is his image, if it's not present in paragraph comments, please check Chapter comment. {IMAGE}

As the time passes, he will discover his full potential. Also I haven't talked/written about his full capabilities in this chapter, as it's just beginning.

Also, I haven't told this, but his body hasn't developed much due to the trait.

Anyways what I want to say is:

"Don't envy the genius. Envy the goldfish they're explaining quantum mechanics to."

He may be able to understand, but couldn't explain! That's all!

[I should also tell you that, there won't be any Smut/Sex scenes, honestly I'm writing this for romance.]


[Note: Traits are Superior in this fiction than Skills.]

{Extra; Race, Stats and their influences.}

[Race: Inferior Human]


Inferior Humans are like the "lite" version of humans. It is a race marked by fragil body and a struggle against the constraints of their own existence. While they share the humanoid form with their human counterparts.

They have a shorter lifespan – only half of what regular humans get.

They have physiological disadvantage, the Inferior Humans exhibit a frail constitution that renders them more susceptible to physical ailments and external stressors.

But, for compensation of their physical disadvantage, their brain/intelligence is more advanced and developed than other races.

[+10 Intelligence]

[50% de-buff of other stats, except intelligence]





-Strength represents physical power and the ability to exert force. It influences one's effectiveness in activities requiring muscle power, such as lifting, carrying, or combat.


-A higher strength stat enhances physical prowess, impacting combat effectiveness and the ability to engage in physically demanding tasks.



-Vitality is a measure of overall health, resilience, and stamina. It reflects the character's ability to endure, recover from injuries, and maintain sustained physical activity.


-A higher vitality stat contributes to greater endurance, quicker recovery, and increased resistance against various physical stressors..



-Agility refers to speed, nimbleness, and dexterity. It encompasses the ability to move quickly, react swiftly to stimuli, and maintain balance and coordination.


-A higher agility stat enhances mobility, reflexes, and overall finesse. It can be crucial in activities like dodging attacks, navigating obstacles, and performing impossible movements.


Definition: Endurance measures the character's stamina and ability to withstand prolonged physical or mental exertion. It reflects resilience in enduring hardships without succumbing to fatigue.


-A higher endurance stat enables prolonged activity, reduces the impact of fatigue, and contributes to sustained performance over extended periods.


Definition: Intelligence signifies mental acuity, cognitive capabilities, and problem-solving skills. It reflects the character's capacity for learning, understanding, and applying knowledge.


-A higher intelligence stat enhances strategic thinking, problem-solving, and proficiency in skills requiring mental aptitude.


Definition: Sense represents perceptiveness, awareness, and the ability to interpret the environment. It involves heightened sensory perception and the capacity to detect subtle cues.


-A higher sense stat sharpens awareness, improves observational skills, and enhances the character's ability to notice details in their surroundings.


Let's meet Next week again, See you soon :3

Starless_Eclipse Starless_Eclipse

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