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66.66% Thorned family tree / Chapter 4: Shacky introduction

Chapitre 4: Shacky introduction

Percy wanted to rip someone a new one. Anyone could have ended up imbeded into a wall with his mood.

Although he was willing to try to restrain himself when faced with the younger boy.

Harry stared at Percy, it took him a moment to realise he wasn't looking at Tom Marvolo Riddle. They had nearly the exact same eyes.

Tom's eyes were cold and calculated. His were different, at the moment the grandson of Voldemort held a stormy gaze. Harry wasn't sure why, but this was a storm he didn't want to get caught up in.

He stared at Harry, silently daring him to try anything.

Despite being in the house of the daring and the courageous Harry was frozen. He had just heard about the carnage he had caused.

"Young man best to step away." Interjected Molly Weasley her wand raised, but not aimed directly aimed at him. Trying her best to sway the situation in a more peaceful direction.

"And if you have any brain cells left you'll step the hell away from my son, before I officially lose my temper any further." Coldly replied the son of Poseidon.

Harry pressed the tip of his wand to Percy's throat.

"You're too lose." He casually stated.

"What?" Harry said bewildered, not caring in the slightest about the comfort of his personal space.

Faster than Harry could blink the grandson of Voldemort batted his hand hard enough to knock the wand out of his hand. He snatched it out of the air, making the young wizard stumble back in shock.

He loosely held the piece of magical wood in his hand. Inspecting it closely with some curiosity.

Ron and Hermione had both jumped to their feet wands raised. Same with Ginny who looked much more hesitant than the former.

"Step away from him." Hermione tried to command. Only to be leveled with a wolf like stare that left wanting to scamper.

"Now now, there is no need to be so agressive against our guest." Calmly stated Dumbledore stepping inside of the room. Defusing the situation with his presence alone.

At least on the order's side.

Discarding the wand Percy stomped towards his son's crib. Molly suddenly throwing herself between him and the child.

Percy nearly punched her into the ceiling.

"The child is his Molly, you can step aside there is no fear to be had."

The mother looked properly flabbergasted, there was no way this seventeen year old be a father.

"He was under veritasium." He added begrudgingly convincing her.

She stepped aside, Percy peered down at his son his face growing softer like a suddenly calm tide.

"Hey buddy." He spoke softly picking him up. Frowning as he noticed his son's eyes were reddened from crying.

He hugged him to his chest letting out a deep sigh. "You don't have long to explain to me what is happening." Coldly growled the demigod.

"It is quite the long story. Best to take a seat." Advised Dumbledore.

"I'll stand." He bluntly replied.

Harry could hardly contain his anger. The mere way Percy held himself. He held himself like he had done nothing wrong. As if he had every right to be angry.

Had it been about anyone else Harry might have been aware of how irrational his thoughts were.

Dumbledore took his time explaining the situation. The rise of Voldemort, the effect he had on the wizarding world.

And the murder of Harry's parents.

Harry thought he caught a glimpse of sympathy in his eyes, but that couldn't be possible.

"So because I'm related to him, all of you assumed I was just like him?" Percy stated coldly scanning the room. Many looking quite sheepish.

"Can you blame us, you crippled several wizards!" Hermione snapped without thinking. She stood tall not flinching away from Percy's glare, the deep desire to prove she wasn't afraid; blinding her to the thin border between bravery and stupidity.

"You become a parent and have a group of random people attack you for no damn reason and you can ride that high horse all day long if you want." Percy shot back bouncing his son.

"How do you even have a baby!" She snapped again ready to pull her hair out of her scalp. The very question burning her tongue ever since she layed eyes on the child.

"Now that's a very personal question. What do they not give you health classes in Britain?" He snarked making Hermione sputter angrily.

"Now now that is enough children." Chastised Dumbledore. "Now Perseus."

"Perseus is for people who want to kill me."

"Well then Percy."

"That'll make thing easy." Ron muttered earning an elbow in the side from his sister.

"We have a brother named Percy, kind of a git." She shrugged at Percy's inquisitive look.

"Ginny!" Sternly exclaimed Miss Weasley putting her hands on her hips.

"What everyone is thinking it?!"

"He's still you're brother."

"And I doubt be still sees me as a sister." She huffed back a little sad.

"So my grandfather on my mother's side is a mass murdering racist megalomaniac?"

"That doesn't sound familiar at all." He quietly grumbled to himself.

"Yes that is an apt way to describe him. He has risen and with the recent discovery of you're existence we couldn't take any chances."

Percy rolled his eyes at the all too familiar speech. It was like the gods all over again, only now they were nearly as common as humans.

"So what you expect to stay in my little canary cage until you can kill him?"

"That would be the wisest course of action yes." Nodded the headmaster.

"Yeah that's just not happening, I got a kid to raise and I'm not doing it in the midst of a war, or in this haunted house."

"Gotta agree on him there." Hummed Sirius leaning against the doorframe. "No kid ever ended up well raised in this wretched place." He chuckled under his breath, "beside he'd just get in the way."

"Right back at you asshat, so I'm leaving."

"Do you really have no curiosity to explore this whole new world?" Questioned Dumbledore "not in the slightest." Huffed Percy "now where's my baby bag?"

"I left in the doorway." Molly said faintly as Percy already turned on his heels.

"Voldemort will come for him."

Percy stopped in his steps. Glancing behind him at Harry.

"He comes for everyone eventually. What makes you any different?"

"If he tries he'll die." Percy replied like it was obvious. Harry scoffed "sure a non magical being

defeating history's most powerful dark wizard."

"Watch out kid, history is never completely as it's written."

"Don't call me that!" Snapped Harry getting in Percy's space.

"You don't have a choice in the matter."

"Want to say that again." Percy scowled sending the young wizard a glare.

"This doesn't concern me."

"He's you're grandfather of course it concerns you!"

"Look I'm sorry for you're parents, but you're trying to shift the blame on someone you don't even know."

Harry scowled himself, Percy had hit the nail right on the head. He wanted someone to blame, Voldemort he was helpless against. He had always been, no matter how many people told him he miraculously defeated him that faithful night.

Harry wasn't sure what to say to being effortlessly read like an open book.

So he went to explode again, but one look from Dumbledore silenced him.

"Please young man, Voldemort wouldn't have a child. He is incapable of love."

"Pretty sure love and lust are two completely different thing." Scoffed the son of Poseidon.

"That may be, but he clearly has a plan for you. He is unpredictable, for all we know you are already walking straight into his trap."

"And what exactly do you propose. You already framed me as a criminal back in America. What's next you'll frame me as a terrorist here!?"

"I had in mind to invite you and you're boy to Hogwarts."

"WHAT!" Exclaimed every students guardians parents and teachers present.

"Where?" Percy questioned.

"Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry." Clarified the old man with a small smile. "There you will be safe and you can be introduced to you're heritage along with you're son's."

Percy looked down at Matthew. The child biting down on his fist. Demigod life was a hard one, something that Percy could spend a lifetime trying to prepare him for, but he simply couldn't. Not even if Annabeth was by his side.

His heart welled up with sorrow as he realized just how short his childhood would be. How many people would try taking their revenge on him through his child? More than he could count that much is for certain.

What if this wizarding world could guarantee him a better life? A peaceful one where he could grow without the constant worry of a prophecy hanging over his head.

No wars no agony, no surviving.

Just living.

"I'm willing to check it out, but if I don't like it I'm off."

"Of course, you are free to come and go as you please."

Dumbledore stated not truly meaning what he was saying. Best to let the boy think he had control of the situation. He seemed much calmer with that illusion.

Percy was led to a proper room, right after recovering his baby bag.

"You know buddy i'm not sure about what i'm doing." Percy gently spoke to the sleeping infant. "There's a lot of people who want and would want to protect you. Hell like you're vodka aunt said you'd have an army's worth of babysitters." He chuckled laying backward on his own bed.

"But that wouldn't stop anything in the end, not really. I don't want you to live like I did. Go throught hell feel a bit of peace before getting thrown back in. Losing everything you've ever fought for. Just because a couple of assholes couldn't be bothered to step off their ivory tower."

Percy sat up again "promise me to never truly trust a God."

Matthew snored softly in response.

"Good baby." Percy smiled slightly.

"You know I won't stop you if that's ever you're choice." He added sadly strocking his hair.

"Personally i've always found the path of the hero a bit overrated, but if you ever choose it I swear on my own life I won't stop you. Even though i'll probably want too." Percy sighed getting under the old covers.

Shortly after he managed to fall asleep.

Of course he didn't sleep peacefully. That was far too much to ask

This dream was strange even for him. Percy stood in the middle of a ruined city. The only thing somewhat standing in the distance being big Ben.

That and the massive tornado of gleaming energy spinning near him with a deafening roar. Percy got closer, actually feeling the pressure of the wind as it nearly ripped the skin off his bones.

He yelled, his voice overshadowed by the wind. He caught a glimpse of silhouette, a small figure in the center of the whirlwind. Their glowing white eyes boring into his very soul.

A single hand was levelled towards him and everything went black.

Percy's eyes snapped open. He panted slightly sitting up quickly to make sure Matthew was alright.

His son still slept peacefully, but the image marked in Percy's mind disturbed him greatly.

Thing is he wasn't sure why. He had seen much more disturbing in real life. He shook his head running a hand through his hair.

Best not to dwell on dreams. Even prophetic one's.

Luckily Matthew hadn't awoken him in the middle of the night. In hindsight he was probably the quietest baby he ever took care of.

Percy sniffed the air, no morning diaper change.

He rose to his feet stretching, sighing as his muscles and bones popped. Matthew chose this moment to wake up. Smiling widely when he saw his father.

"Hey there." Smiled Percy picking him up from the crib. "Ready for the day guppy?" Matthew batted his arms up and down.

"I'll take that as a yes." Percy yawned laying Matthew in the middle of his much larger bed. Percy got changed in clean clothes. Finding a plain black shirt and jeans.

"How we try the onesie Artemis made you?" Hummed Percy rummaging in the baby bag. Finding a soft jumpsuit with a crescent moon stitched right above his tiny little heart.

"Thalia's right I should let her babysit you." Chuckled Percy as he dressed his son. "I mean look at you you're somehow even cuter." Gushed Percy throwing him up before catching him. The room suddenly filled with high pitched giggles.

Someone knocked on the door, but didn't bother asking for permission to come in.

Percy didn't recognize this one, but the tiny whimper Matthew made left him on high alert.

The man had dark greasy hair and a constant sneer on his face and that's all Percy needed to know.

"Can I help you?" Percy asked out of common courtesy. He wanted to tell him to fuck off, but his mother raised him well.

"Professor Dumbledore has judged it necessary for you to possess a wand." Slowly drawled the man. "If you would please come with me." He said already stepping outside. Percy understanding that it was more of a demand than half decent politeness.

And here he thought Brits were the one's with manners.

Percy followed him anyway. Unsure if he could even use the wizard's magic. Not that he needed it. He looked down at Matthew's grey eyes. Suddenly brought back to the sea of monsters. Where Circe herself had told his beloved she had the makings and potential to be a mighty witch.

He tickled his son's chin. Perhaps he'd grow up to be one, but who was he kidding. His son could become whatever he wanted.

He walked after Snape stopping in the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Asked Snape his voice shinning with annoyance.

"I have a baby to feed." Bluntly shot back Percy setting Matthew in a high chair.

"I do not have time for this. Miss Weasley will gladly—."

"I do not care about the intentions of anyone here. Unless I am fighting for my life none of you get to touch my kid." Percy interrupted popping open a small pot of fruit paste.

Snape glowered at the back of Percy's head as the father got to work. Matthew's arms tapping loudly against his chair as he shook them up and down excitedly.

"Yeah you love strawberry flavor don't you." Cooed Percy feeding him another spoonful.

It took a few minutes, but Percy was done feeding him. And cleaning the small mess he left behind.

He set the baby back in his bag and marched past Snape. Ignoring his clear anger.

The accents somewhat made it obvious, but Percy still found himself surprised by the fact he was in London.

His smile faded a little as he remembered it was one of Annabeth's places to visit for it's architecture.

He sighed and followed after Snape. His eyes bouncing all around. Percy hated to admit it, but he was a lot more cautious if not paranoid now that he had a son. He only hoped he wouldn't end up becoming an overbearing figure in his son's life. That's the last thing anyone needed.

London was nice, it was a bit stormy at the moment, but Percy enjoyed it.

Sadly he wasn't here for sightseeing . Apparently he needed a wand. Not that he needed one to kick a wizard's ass as shown by their attempt in New-York.

But Percy was interested nonetheless. Who knows it might come in handy some day.

The professor lead the confused demigod in an alley and grasped his arm. Percy was about to knock his teeth in, but he was stopped as he was suddenly spun around and shoved into a tiny hole; in a show of space breaking proportions as Percy suddenly emerged from what felt like a penny sized tunnel.

Well at least it wasn't shadow travel.

Percy stumbled a bit. He felt like he suddenly stepped on another planet.

Everything down to the atmosphere was suddenly brighter. Brightly dressed wizards and witches striding by for their various purchases.

Percy slowly spun around, taking in the energetic place.

"We are not here for sightseeing mister Jackson." Nearly spat Snape.

"Do you have a pole up you're ass?" Innocently asked Percy making sure Matthew's ears were covered.

Snape's eye twitched, the Hogwarts professor thoroughly unfamiliar with children having such a sharp tongue. Especially towards him.

"Ollivander's shop is at the end of this street." Stiffly responded Snape marching towards the shop. His cloak billowing behind him.

Smiling Percy walked after him. Eager to find more buttons to push.

The shop was dimly lit, something Percy's eyes were thankful for. The son of Poseidon scanned the room trying to find the owner of the shop.

A floorboard shifted ever so slightly telling Percy that said owner was on his left. His head turned in the direction of an old man. Who jumped a bit in surprise.

"Well young man I assume this isn't a courtesy visit. He peered at Matthew peacefully munching on his fist still tied safely to his father's back. "I assume this isn't for him either, around eleven years too early." He commented with a small smile, before disappearing into the back of his shop.

"I assume you must be a late bloomer, 16?" His voice queried from the seemingly much deeper store.

"Seventeen." Percy answered sitting down minding his son.

Ollivander suddenly came from the other side. Holding a small box in his hands. He layed it down in front of Percy.

"Pine wood and dragon heartstring core."

The son of Poseidon removed the lid, revealing a wand made from a pale wood like ivory, a crooked handle and very long tip.

"Well give it a flick." Urged the old wizard.

Percy grabbed it feeling a little silly and flicked the wand.

Accidentally blowing a fridge sized hole in the side of the building. Little Matthew erupted into loud giggles.

"Certainly not that." Ollivander blinked at the hole snatching the wand away from the son of Poseidon.

"Maybe this one." He said bringing back another box.

Percy opened it, finding a wand made from darker wood. The handle looked like intertwined vines while the rest of the wand was slightly asymmetrical. Almost as if the wood rippled like water.

"Funny story about this one." Hummed the wandmaker with a small, but passionate smile.

"I carved this wand out of the root of an hazel tree. Said root itself was already carved by the river it grew into. It is one in a million."

Percy smiled slightly and flicked it again. Causing a thin mist of water to shoot in the air. Creating a rainbow through the light that Percy accidentally made in the building.

Matthew made grabby hands towards it. Making Percy chuckle.

He looked down at the wand smiling softly.

Yes this would work great.

"Take care of this one young man. Unicorn hair make the most loyal of wands."

Percy nodded thanking the old wizard before suddenly grabbed by Snape and apparated back at Grimmauld place.

Percy huffed wrenching his arm away from the grumpy man.

"You leave for Hogwarts in a few days mister Jackson. You're school supplies will be provided to you."

With that Snape left the son of Poseidon alone.

"Well kiddo looks like I'm back to school. Well if it gets too boring I'll bring you to meet you're grandpa or something, how does that sound?"

Matthew gurgled a little.

"Yeah, I've got the whole see you show you. And the entire world. All of the good and all of the bad." Percy promised yawning a little.

"How about we take a nap first?"

Matthew pulled on his cheek in response.

"Welp looks like I'm not getting any rest today." He chuckled removing Matthew from the baby bag. Perhaps he didn't need sleep today.

After all he didn't have much time left with him. Children just grow up that fast.


(BTW I caught COVID or some other nasty shit, I'll try to keep up the updates, but it might be slower.)

I know the wand choice might seem a bit bland, but it's very accurate. Fun fact wand woods in the HP verse correspond to the months on the Celtic tree callender. Sort of a zodiac sign. You'll notice that many characters in Harry Potter match these dates. So I used the closest to Percy's birthday August 18.

So use that when making wands for a character in a crossover or for an OC.

Hazel wood

A sensitive wand, hazel often reflects its owner's emotional state, and works best for a master who understands and can manage their own feelings. Others should be very careful handling a hazel wand if its owner has recently lost their temper, or suffered a serious disappointment, because the wand will absorb such energy and discharge it unpredictably. The positive aspect of a hazel wand more than makes up for such minor discomforts, however, for it is capable of outstanding magic in the hands of the skillful, and is so devoted to its owner that it often 'wilts' (which is to say, it expels all its magic and refuses to perform, often necessitating the extraction of the core and its insertion into another casing, if the wand is still required) at the end of its master's life (if the core is unicorn hair, however, there is no hope; the wand will almost certainly have 'died'). Hazel wands also have the unique ability to detect water underground, and will emit silvery, tear-shaped puffs of smoke if passing over concealed springs and wells.

This description comes from the wizarding world website it ironically sounds a lot like Percy and the wand core even more. The water part is even better, not that Percy actually needs it tho.


Unicorn hair generally produces the most consistent magic, and is least subject to fluctuations and blockages. Wands with unicorn cores are generally the most difficult to turn to the Dark Arts. They are the most faithful of all wands, and usually remain strongly attached to their first owner, irrespective of whether he or she was an accomplished witch or wizard.

Minor disadvantages of unicorn hair are that they do not make the most powerful wands (although the wand wood may compensate) and that they are prone to melancholy if seriously mishandled, meaning that the hair may 'die' and need replacing.

This just screams loyalty and goodness. Something that fits percy very well.

next chapter
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