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76.92% The100 / Chapter 10: I am Become Death

Chapitre 10: I am Become Death

Shadow's POV

We waited until daylight to travel to the sight, when we get there the horrors turned my stomach. Bellamy carries a gun as we walked together through the site. All the dead and burnt bodies only made me think that maybe Marcus Kane had been on his ship, Maybe I wouldn't have to tell Izzy about him. "You talk to your sister yet?" Bellamy asked. I looked over to see her wandering around with someone. "No...not yet" I sighed. Bellamy grabbed my hand, causing me to stop. "You need to talk to her Shadow ," Bellamy says. I nodded "Yeah I know, I will. But right now my worry is about Clarke" I give him a faint smile before walking closer to Clarke. "Clarke you shouldn't be out here," Finn says. "Her mom was on the ship she's looking for answers" Raven stated. "You want to help her, find me the black box, hard drives, anything that will explain why the ship crashed" Raven explained. "Stay sharp" Bellamy called out to everyone with a gun. "Grounders retaliation for what happened on the bridge is coming, It just a matter of when" Bellamy pointed out. "Can you blame them?" Finn asked. "No, we blame you Finn" I simply say. "Maybe if your boyfriend didn't bring guns--" I cut him off. "If we didn't bring guns we all would've been killed" I hissed at Finn. "Why they're coming doesn't matter anymore. It's our job to be ready when they do" Bellamy pointed out. "We on our own now" I sighed. I walked over to Clarke, touching her arm. "Find anything?" I asked her. She shakes her head "Hey, maybe your mom wasn't on the ship? Maybe something happened and she couldn't get on?" I suggested, trying to give her some kind of hope. I knit my brows together as Clarke and I bent down to something that was leaking out of some part of the ship. It smelled horrible, causing me to step back. "Clarke, Shadow! stop!" Raven called out, running over to both of us. Finn, Izzy and Bellamy followed behind her. "Rocket fuel?" Clarke asked. "Hydrazine" Raven corrected her. "English?" I asked. "It's a kind of fuel, it's highly unstable in its non-solid form" Raven explained. "If this stuff meets fire, we're all pink mist" She explained, dipping a rock into it and standing up. "Fire in the hole!" Raven shouted, throwing the rock into the fire. BANG! The explosion made me jump back a little. "We should clear the area!" I called out. "Okay then" Bellamy nodded. "We all move in formation, no straggling, weapons hot!" Bellamy told everyone carrying a gun. "We got to get back before dark!" I added.

Soon as we got back to camp we heard about the news that Murphy was back. It enraged Bellamy. We entered the drop ship "Where is he?" He demanded. Everyone moved out of the way and as soon as I see Murphy flash backs of Charlotte come back. "Everyone but Connor and Derek out. Now!" Bellamy ordered. Clarke and Finn walked in, Clarke seeing Murphy. He looked like he had been through hell and back. "He claims he was with the Grounders" Derek explained. "We caught him trying to sneak back into camp" Conner added. "I wasn't sneaking..." Murphy says, "I was running from the Grounders" He informed us. "Anyone see Grounders?" Bellamy asked, looking at Derek and Conner. They both shake their heads no. Bellamy raised his gun "Well, in that case..." Finn darted at him, hitting the gun "What the hell is wrong with you?" Finn hissed. "We were clear what would happen if he came back" Bellamy raised the gun but Finn stepped in front of Murphy. "No! If he was with the Grounders, then he knows things that can help us" Finn pointed out. Finn was right about this one, no matter how much it hurt to have Murphy even in the same room as me. "Help us? We hanged him, we banished him and now we're gonna kill him so get the hell out of my way" Bellamy shouted at Finn. "No. Finn is right" I sighed as Clarke approached Murphy. "Like hell he is! Shadow, think about Charlotte!" he yelled at me. "I am! All I do almost every day is think about Charlotte!" I yelled back at him. "But what happened to Charlotte was just as much our fault as it was his" I stated, the words leaving my lips giving me a little relief. "He's not lying, His fingernails were ripped off" Clarke informed us. "They tortured him" Clarke sighed. "You and the Grounders should compare notes" Finn hissed. "The Grounders know we're at war," Bellamy says. "What did you tell them about us?" I asked Murphy. "Everything..." He stuttered out. I gulped down as Bellamy turned to me, his eyes pleading to let him kill Murphy. "Once he's better we find out what he knows then he's out of here, okay?" I suggested, giving him soft eyes. "What if he refuses to leave?" Bellamy asked. "What do we do then?" He asked. "Then...we kill him" I shrugged.

I didn't feel well, maybe it was the fact Murphy was back. "Hey, can we talk?" Izzy asked, grabbing my hand, "Clarke! Where's Clarke?" Conner called out. I rushed over to Clarke and Conner to see him bleeding out from the nose and eyes then looked over at Clarke to see blood coming from her eyes. "What the hell is going on?" I asked as more coughing through the camp started. "Shadow, Raven get away from us" Clarke ordered. "What?" I asked her. "What?" Raven asked. "We're the ones who brought Murphy in" Clarke pointed out. I rushed, following her to the dropship to see Murphy puking up blood. "Murphy...Hey, look at me" Clarke says to him. "I need you to tell me exactly how you escaped the Grounders" Clarke begged him. "What happened?" She asked. "I don't know. I woke up and they forgot to lock my cage there was no one there so I took off" He explained. I let out a heavy sigh when it hit me "They let you go..." I breathed out. Bellamy then walked into the tent. "Shadow! Bellamy stay back!" Clarke ordered us. I stepped back a little. "Did you do something to you?" Bellamy asked. Clarke shook her head and Bellamy's eyes went wide to see blood coming from Clarke's eyes and Murphy puking blood. "What the hell is this?" Bellamy questioned. "Biological warfare" Clarke spoke. "You were waiting for the Grounders to retaliate for the bridge? This is it" Clarke explained. "Murphy's the weapon..." I whispered out.

Clarke had put everyone that is sick in the drop ship. "Is there your revenge? helping the Grounders kill us?" Bellamy asked Murphy. "I didn't know about this, I swear" Murphy sighed. "Stop lying!" Bellamy hissed. "When are they coming?" I asked Murphy. "Murphy, think all right?" Clarke suggested. "What can you tell us that's useful? Did you hear anything?" Clarke asked him. Murphy shakes his head "They are vicious, cruel" He informed us. "You wanna see vicious?" Bellamy asked. "Hey...don't Bell" I get in front of him, stopping him from getting any closer. "Whatever this thing is, it's spreading through contact" I explained to Bellamy. "Clarke!" Finn comes rushing into the dropship. "Finn you shouldn't be in here. No one should" Clarke shakes her head. "I heard you were sick" Finn pointed out. "Clarke? What is this?" Finn asked. "I don't know, some kid of hemorrhagic fever. We just need to contain it before--" She cut off when Derek began to seize behind us. Clarke tried to rush over to him but Finn grabbed her. "Hey! Don't touch me. You could get sick! Wash your hands now!" Clarke ordered him. "What the hell is happening to him?" I asked. "I don't know" Clarke answered. Suddenly Derek went limp and Clarke bent down and touched his neck, letting out a sigh. "Is he...." Bellamy couldn't finish the words. "He's dead" Clarke informed us. Bellamy's expression of terror and rage-filled his face as Clarke gave Finn alcohol to wash his hands. "What do we do?" Finn asked. "Quarantine" Clarke stated. "Round up everyone who had contact with Murphy. Bring them here" She explained. "And everyone they had contact with?" Bellamy asked. "Well, we have to start somewhere" Clarke stated. "Conner, who was with you when you found him?" I asked. "Who carried him in?" I asked. "The first person that was there was Octavia" He answered. Bellamy's eyes go wide as he took off towards her tent. He came back with Octavia and Clarke examined her as we covered our faces with a cloth. "Okay, we're done," Clarke says to Octavia. "No visible signs of swelling or bleeding" Clarke informed Bellamy. "So you're saying she doesn't have it?" Bellamy asked. "I'm saying she doesn't have symptoms, but that could change" Clarke pointed out. "We need to keep her here just in case" Clarke informed him. "No way. Look at this place. She'll get sick just being here" Bellamy pointed out. "Do you want to stop the spread or not?" Clarke asked him. "Look, I'll keep her on the third level with the people who aren't symptomatic yet," She tells him. "Think of it as a way to stop her from sneaking out again" Clarke pointed out. "Screw you, Clarke," Octavia said. "I'll let you know if her condition changes," Clarke says to Bellamy. We both nodded before we walk out of the dropship.

We all watch as another person is being carried out of the dropship, dead. "All right. The show's over. Get back to your post" Bellamy called out. I felt even worse than I did before. "You have enough food in there? Water?" Bellamy asked Clarke. "Yeah. Some medicine might be nice" Clarke joked a little. "I'll see what I can do," Bellamy says. Clarke goes to turn and walk back into the dropship. "Octavia? Are you okay?" Bellamy asked. When she didn't answer Bellamy walked forward "Bellamy wait!" I hissed, grabbing her arm to stop him. "She's not here" Clarke blurted out. "I sent her to Lincoln" Clarke explained. "Look, if there's a cure he has it" She pointed out. "I didn't tell you because I knew you wouldn't let her go" She added. "If anything happens to her, you and I are gonna have some problems" Bellamy stated. He walked over to someone "Out of my way!" He shouted. The guy turned around, eyes bleeding. "Dude...your eyes!" Someone shouted. "Nobody touches him!" I hissed. Someone took out a gun, pointing it at him. "Get to the dropship, now" Bellamy ordered him. He walked forward and I looked over to see Izzy fainting next to Raven before puking blood in someone's face. It turned south from there, people pointing guns at one another. "Calm down!" I screamed. BANG! BANG! Everyone stopped, looking over at Clarke. "This is exactly what the Grounders want. Don't you see that?" Clarke asked. "They don't have to kill us if we kill each other" She pointed out. Suddenly a guy pointed his gun at Clarke. "They won't have to kill us if we all catch the virus!" He shouted. "Get back in the damn dropship!" He ordered. I walked over to the guy, snatching the gun from his grip and butting the end of it into his throat. "Not to state the obvious but your quarantine isn't working" Bellamy stated. Suddenly Clarke started falling to the ground. Finn rushed over to her, picking her up. "Finn don't touch her!" Raven shouted. "Hey let me go. I'm okay" Clarke says to him. "No, you're not" Finn pointed out. "Octavia will come back with a cure" Clarke sighed. "There is no cure" Octavia's voice spoke. "But the Grounders don't use the sickness to kill" She explained. "Really? Tell that to them" Bellamy pointed to the dead people outside the dropship. "I warned you about seeing that Grounder again" Bellamy shouted at him. "Yeah? Well, I have a warning for you too" She hissed. "The Grounders are coming they attack at first light" She explained. Everything around me begins to spin. Octavia helped Finn get Clarke and my sister into the dropship. I felt wet liquid streaming down my cheek, I reached up and touched it to see the red. "Bell...Bellamy?" I whispered. He turned around, eyes wide. "Shadow get into the dropship now" Bellamy ordered me. I try to take a step forward but the ground was coming at me as I felt my eyes roll in the back of my head my body went limp and everything went out.

I open my eyes slowly to see a bunch of people in the dropship. I sit up, looking around for a moment to. I begin to stand up and help Murphy take care of everyone else. "How are you already feeling better?" Murphy asked me. "Clarke was one of the first ones to get sick and she's not better" Murphy pointed out. "Don't know.." I sighed. When I see two people bringing Bellamy in the dropship. "Bellamy?" I asked, getting up as they dropped him on the bed. He began to cough as I turned him on his side. "How? How are you sick?" I asked. "He carried caught you before you hit the ground..." Murphy informed me. "You did?" I asked him. He nodded "Someone had to.." Bellamy coughs out. His breath was shaky. "I'm scared..." he confessed. "It's alright...I'm here Bellamy" I grabbed his hand. "I'm glad you're here," Bellamy says, rubbing my hand. "Just get some rest now, okay?" I suggested to him. He nodded before his head dropped to the side. I stayed with Bellamy the whole entire time he wake up as Murphy brings over some water. "Here" He offered Bellamy. "Get the hell away from me" Bellamy hissed. "Bellamy you're sick okay I'm just trying to help" Murphy tells him. "When I get better if you're still here..." I cut Bellamy off as I walked back over to them. "Hey, I got this" I tell Murphy. He handed me the water and walked away from us. Bellamy sat up straight as I handed the water to him. "Here, drink" I say to him. "You feeling better?" Bellamy asked. I nodded "Yeah, much" I smiled to him. "That's good" Bellamy said. "You seen Octavia?" He asked me. "She was up all night helping people so Murphy gave her a break" I sighed. "Don't tell me you trust him now" Bellamy begged. "Trust? No, but I do believe in second changes, though" I pointed out, looking over at him. He looked away for a moment "You risked your life for me Bellamy, knowing you could die getting sick and you still risked it, why?" I asked him. He looked over at me, grabbing my hand "Because, I care about you" he confessed. I leaned forward, placing a small peck on his cheek. "Thank you..." I whispered. For the first time I had seen Bellamy Blake blush, turning his head away. "It's almost dawn, better get everyone inside" Bellamy suggested, changing the subject. "If we lock the doors, maybe the Grounder will think we're not home" He pointed out. Clarke comes over "Not everyone is sick" She pointed out. "Sick is better than dead" Bellamy stated. "You don't think Finn and Jasper are gonna pull it off" Clarke pointed out. "Do either of you?" Bellamy asked us both. Clarke sighed "I'll get everyone inside" She stated. The air was cold as daylight began to hit we had started to get everyone inside. Suddenly BANG! A huge explosion caused everything to shake and we all looked up to see the cloud of smoke. "They did it..."Bellamy whispered. "I am become death, destroyer of worlds" I mumbled, causing Bellamy to knit his brows together. "It's Oppenheimer, the man who built the first--" Bellamy cut me off. "I know who Oppenheimer is Doe" Bellamy smirked. I glanced up at him, giggling at the same time he chuckled.

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