Wang Ran asked Lin Momo to bring a swimsuit up.
After Ada changed into it, Wang Ran finally heaved a sigh of relief.
That was too much.
However, Ada was still very lethal in her swimsuit.
In terms of size, she was definitely not inferior to Lin Momo.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."
Lin Momo could not help but click her tongue.
Wang Ran felt a little helpless.
What did he do to deserve such contempt...
After swimming for a while, Wang Ran finally calmed down.
Although he had solved the invasion today with relative ease, Wang Ran could not discount the dangers of such invasions.
There were only about ten-thousand zombies this time.
If there were hundreds of thousands of Mutated Zombies, he might have been in trouble.
The next time this happened, he would not be able to stop it alone.
They would run out of ammunition eventually, and they would have to resort to melee combat.