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41.37% The Way We Were / Chapter 12: Soccer, Hot Pot, and Revelations...

Chapitre 12: Soccer, Hot Pot, and Revelations...

The sun shined brightly into the private room, causing the dozing woman in the bed to stir. Gently rubbing her sleep crusted eyes, the teen sat up in the large bed, and slowly looked around the room. She smiled when she spotted the two yōkai sitting at the small table.

"Morning," Kagome greeted, glancing the two then out the brightly light window. She yawned and scratched at her knotty crown. "What time is it?"

Sesshōmaru returned the greeting while dishing some food on a plate. "Morning. It is a little after nine."

A small frown marred her serene features when she heard it was after nine. "Why didn't you wake me?" naturally asked the drowsy woman maneuvering so she was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"We thought you would like to sleep a little longer?" He candidly answered while piling some more food on Malakai's plate. The adorable toddler smiled at the man then turned to his mother, heartily agreeing with his father. "Sweep. Mama."

"You wanted mama to sleep?" Kagome questioned the tiny yōkai while amusement tugged at her full lips.

"Hai." He said as he grabbed at a sausage and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Well, little man, mama did just that." She quipped before her eyes drifted to the platter of food. "Mmm…I see you ordered breakfast."

"I did." Sesshōmaru replied, beckoning her forth to join the morning meal. "Come sit and eat."

Getting up from the bed, Kagome made her way to the empty chair and carefully sat. She tentatively reached for the unused chopsticks and carefully began to dig into the made plate. "Thank you," said the hungry teen between bites.

"Of course. Now would you care for tea or coffee?" the yōkai asked, motioning towards the two small pots residing on the table.

Usually, she would have coffee, but lately, tea has been her go-to. "Tea, please." Picking up the small cup, she thoughtfully watched as he carefully poured the hot liquid into it. When he pulled back the pot, Kagome proceeded to swirl the brown tea before tasting it. The sweet and fruity flavor hit her tongue, and the woman instantly recognized the drink as Oolong. It was good though her mother's tea was better.

Sesshōmaru's deep voice cut into her musing of her mama and the woman's brewing abilities. "What time is your brother's game?" He asked, picking up his cup and sipping whatever was in it.

Chewing, Kagome contemplated his words before swallowing. "It starts at noon." She said as she reached for a sausage.

"Then, we should finish eating so we can get ready." He wisely said while flicking his chopsticks at her full plate.

"Sounds like a plan." She replied with a toothy smile and started working on the jam-packed dish.

Before too long, the food was gone, and now the trio was going about getting ready. In the bathroom, Kagome was putting on some light makeup while Malakai splashed around in the bath. She was dressed in black jeggings and an oversized forest green cable knit sweater.

The hair on the back of her neck stood on end, causing Kagome to flick her gaze to the doorway in the mirror. Sesshōmaru stood there clothed in jeans like the ones he had been wearing yesterday along with a maroon long-sleeved turtle neck. He casually leaned against the frame his burly arms crossed over his chest as his intent gaze bounced between her and their son; her mouth watered at the tantalizing sight and a jolt shoot through her center.

The spicy scent of her arousal hit his senses, but Sesshōmaru did not comment though his golden eyes darkened, and his mouth twitched as he spoke. "I see no need for makeup."

Her eager lips curled up in genuine amusement, and she had to pull the mascara wand away from her eye when a giggle rushed forth. "I mean...if you want to wear makeup, go for it. I'm not going to stop you."

A growl of annoyance rumbled from the man, and his golden eyes narrowed. "I did not mean for me."

Shrugging, Kagome resumed coating her lashes. "Sometimes, it's nice to put some makeup on to make you feel beautiful."

His response caught her off guard even though it shouldn't have. "You are beautiful." He said as if it were a natural thing for him to say.

Trying to pretend his words had not knowingly caused her heart to skip several beats, she snorted quite loudly and flicked the wand around. "You are biased." Kagome quipped while stuffing the wand back into the tube and twisting it closed.

Sesshōmaru chuckled loudly and pushed himself away from the frame. "That I am." He said, changing the subject. "Are you almost ready?"

Tossing the mascara into her makeup bag, the teen inclined her head in the direction of the bathtub and the babbling toddler. "Almost. I just have to finish what is left of my makeup and do my hair then get Malakai out of the tub."

Glancing from her relaxed form to the active hanyō, Sesshōmaru stepped out of the doorway. "I will get him," He offered, snatching a fluffy towel off the rack and slowly approached the bath. "Pup. It is time to get out," stated the man as he knelt beside the tub.

Malakai peered up at his father and frowned. "No!" He cried, smacking his hands against the glossy surface and continued to say no.

Kagome's lips twitched at their son's defiance, pausing once again to watch what the large inuyōkai would do.

A reprimanding growl rumbled from the crouching man, and a stern command came next. "Come."

The pup jumped at the unexpected rebuke his bright eyes widened in surprise and quickly bared his neck in oblivious submission. "I go." He said meekly before getting to his feet and holding his arms out to his father.

"Good." Sesshōmaru imparted clearly pleased by his son's reaction. He wrapped the towel around the small child, careful not to get the cloth edges wet before bringing him to his side.

Standing, the pleased yōkai turned to the gawking woman drying off the pup as he spoke. "Finish with what you were doing. We will be ready when you are done." With that said, the duo vacated the room, leaving the teen to her thoughts.

Her astonished gaze trailed after the pair then returned to the mirror staring at her stunned features. What had she just witnessed? Kagome had been expecting much more of a fuss from the tiny yōkai but was shocked at the compliance from just a growl and a calm command. Was it an inuyōkai thing? Maybe something to do with the pack? It had to be because she had never seen Malakai respond with that amount of obedience. Sesshōmaru was an alpha after all, and his instincts would demand respect and submission from anyone, including their son and even herself.

Her stomach did a bunch of somersaults at that thought, and she watched as her cheeks bloomed with color. Pressing a manicured hand to the heated flesh, she jerked her head, tearing her glittering eyes from the image to the makeup bag.

Reaching in, she pulled out a tube of lip gloss and twisted it open to swipe some on. Once her lips were glossy, Kagome closed the cap and pitched it into the bag before grabbing the brush. She ran it quickly through her inky locks and placed it into a high pony. Using a flat iron, she curled her bangs and the ends of the pony breaking up the curls once cooled. Kagome shut off the device leaving in on the counter space to cool then made her way out of the room.

The teen quickly spied Sesshōmaru sitting on the edge of the bed, gently brushing the tangles out of Malakai's dark hair. Once it was smooth and tangle-free, the yōkai picked up a light grey slouchy beanie and arranged it on top of the pup's head. He quickly stood up, looking quite pleased with himself as their son smiled up at him, preening under the older yōkai's attention.

Kagome silently chuckled at the welcomed sight. Malakai looked so adorable, staring eagerly at his father as if he hung the moon in a beanie, a hooded olive long sleeve, and a pair of grey pants.

She cleared her throat, drawing both yōkai. Malakai brightly smiled when he spotted her. "Mama! Look." He crowed happily, patting his tiny chest.

"I see baby. So handsome you are," cooed the teen mom while making her way to the bag on the bed. "Are we ready?" She promptly asked, grabbing the much-needed diaper bag slinging it over her sleek shoulder then tossing in her pocketbook.

"Yes." The large yōkai said as he scooped up the young child walking to the nightstand to snag his wallet and keys before heading for the door.

"Do you know where we are going?" Kagome inquired as they made their way out of the room to the bank of elevators.

"That is why we have a GPS." He quipped cheekily and pressed the call button when they reach the metal doors.

"So," She paused dramatically then flashed the yōkai a toothy grin. "I take that as a no."

"Hn." Sesshōmaru grunted but said nothing more to confirm or deny her retort.

The irritated teen glared at the man next to her and snarled. "I hate that!" Why did he insist on doing that? Couldn't he just be less of an asshole? For the love of the gods, this man drove her up the freaking wall.

"Yes, I know." He said as his lips twitched in amusement.

Like she said, up the freaking wall. "Jerk." She uttered, still glaring at the laughing yōkai as they hurried into the lift.

By the time the trio made it to the soccer field, they had a few minutes to spare. Sesshōmaru and Kagome weeded through the crowd scanning for her mother as they went. "There's Mama." Stated the shorter teen pointing in the direction the older woman was waving.

When they squeezed onto the bench, the pup in her arms smiled brightly at his grandmother. "Baba!" He cried and reach out to her, wiggling in his mother's hold.

"Hello, love. Come here, my sweet boy," The older woman warmly greeted the toddler plucking him out of her daughter's arms and setting him on her warm lap. She kissed his dark head, then peered over and welcomed his waiting parents. "Sesshōmaru. Kagome. Did you have trouble finding the field?"

Kagome bobbed her head while placing the diaper bag at her feet. "No trouble since we used GPS to find it. Though we hadn't realized our hotel was on the other side," She said with a snort and shoulder bumped Sesshōmaru beside her. The action didn't move the large yōkai in the slightest and had him rolling his golden gaze.

Smiling at the young couple and their warming interactions, Yuna inquired about their lodging arrangements. "Which hotel are you at?"

"The President Hotel Mito." Responded Sesshōmaru, ignoring another round of shoulder bumping.

"We were going to go there also, but they didn't have enough rooms. We ended up at the Hotel Terrace the Garden Mito," replied her mother while lightly bouncing Malakai, causing him to giggle. Laughing along with the pup, Yuna bounced him some more before turning back to the couple. "Did you get in pretty late?" she asked.

Smiling at the joyous toddler and grandmother, Kagome shook her dark mane about once again. "No, we arrived around supper time. We had enough time to check-in, eat, and have some fun at the local gaming center."

"Good." Grinned the older woman, then swung her gaze to survey the massive green. "Oh, there is Sōta." She happily announced, motioning to where his team was coming onto the field.

"Where?" Kagome asked, looking at the sea of brown and black, not seeing her little brother at all.

"Number three. He is near the goal as a defender." Yuna proudly informed eyes twinkling as she watched the teams get into formation.

Looking in the direction her mother had told her to, Kagome finally noticed the number three. "I see him." She said brightly and spied Sōta talking to the goalkeeper before moving back into his position to wait for the game to start any minute.

Seconds later, a whistle blew then the ball was being quickly passed from player to player. Her brother shot forth, stealing the ball and kicking to a teammate. "Go, Sōta, Go!" Kagome cheered, waving around a team-colored streamer her mother had passed to her.

Sesshōmaru spoke over the cheering directing a question to her mother. "He is very good. Is he thinking of continuing at university?"

"When the time comes, he is," replied Yuna helping Malakai wave a streamer about.

Kagome had known that Sōta enjoyed playing, but she hadn't realized that he was going to continue at University. "I didn't realize that he was that serious about soccer." Her brows furrowed as she muttered to her proud mother.

"Yes, he is quite serious and hoping of going pro eventually." Her mama said with a load of pride.

Sōta had never mentioned playing at Uni or going pro, but they hadn't really spoken about things like that. "Wow. Does he know what he wants to study at university too?" She asked, curious about her younger sibling and his clear plans.

"I believe he has mentioned sports medicine." Answered the older woman cheering when Sōta's team scored.

The pit in Kagome's stomach churned uneasily at the new information. She couldn't believe her little brother already has his life charted for himself. There was still another year to go for herself, and she wasn't even sure what she wanted to do at university much less for the rest of her life.

Her stomach continued to restlessly roll as she tried to focus on the soccer game, but her mind kept going back to her undecided future. It worried her that she had no clue what she wanted to do while her baby brother had it all figured out. How was that possible? She was a mother for freaking sake and should know what she wanted instead of being undecided about her and her son's future. Despite her mind being somewhere else, the game went on and, in the end, Sōta and his teammate's won.

When everything was wrapped up, they had decided to go out to eat to celebrate. On the way to the restaurant, Kagome's mind was still troubled as she gazed out the window and excessively chewing at her bottom lip.

The yōkai eyed the quiet female a frown marring his sharp features. "What is wrong?" He asked as he wove through the traffic.

"Nothing." She said, pulling herself away from the window with a faux smile and obnoxious cheer.

The look he sent her told her he didn't believe the act. Scoffing, Sesshōmaru tapped the steering wheel in evident annoyance. "You cannot lie to me. Now tell me what is bothering you."

Dropping the fake smile, her shoulders drooped, and a frustrated breath escaped while she fell back against the seat. "I just realized that I have no clue what I want to do with my life while my little brother has his path all laid out."

"You have had other things on your mind. Understandably, going to university would be the last place on your list." Reasoned the yōkai not bothering to take his eyes off the road.

Kagome wasn't so sure that it was a reliable excuse. She still should have thought of their future instead of being too wrapped in self-pity and heartbreak. "I guess…" She hesitantly replied with a shrug of her bowed shoulders.

"There is no guess." Sesshōmaru said sharply, drawing the sagging woman's attention as he continued, "Any other teen would have crumbled under the extreme pressure, but it says a great deal that you did not. Now it is time for you to think of the future and where you would like to go."

"That's the problem." She reached up to rub her brow in frustration. "I'm not sure what I want to do."

"In time you will," He responded like an old Wiseman in a temple.

It was very much like him and had Kagome fighting the giggle even though she was flustered. She tried covering it by asking a question of her own. "Do you know what you want to major in next year?"

"Business management. It is inevitable that I will join the family company. I would like to get my position on merit and not because I am the son of the owner."

Of course, he would. It was not like the yōkai to coast through life just on his parentage alone. Though if anyone would have asked, she would have sworn the man would have gone into something other than business, especially with how he feels about his father. "I was for sure that you would want to do something else."

"The company has been in my family for generations." He explained as his golden gaze flicked to her, then back to the road. A sneer of disgust contorted his sharp features as he spoke. "I cannot let it go to someone else or Inuyasha. The boy would run the company into the ground before a year was through."

"Your faith in him is remarkable." She quipped dryly and rocked her bright eyes to the roof of the car.

"I am surprised he can take care of himself." Sesshōmaru retorted as his playful gaze returned, and his lips twitched. He was clearly amused by the thought.

"You act like he is challenged or something." Kagome chuckled into the palm of her hand, loudly snorting as she did so.

"I believe he may have been dropped on his head as an infant." He quipped, trying to sound serious while he smiled cheekily.

"That is terrible!" she cried into her hand then reached out to bat at him playfully.

Not bothering to dodge the hits, Sesshōmaru laughed heartily. "Do you have any other explanation as to why he acts the way he does?" He asked as he pulled the vehicle into the designated meeting place.

"I do not." She stated with a shrug. "He is just Inuyasha."

Sesshōmaru snorted at that and parked. Kagome scrambled out of the car while her ex grabbed the younger yokai. They then hurried into the hot pot restaurant and let the hostess lead them to a table for five. The woman scurried away to grab a high chair for Malakai as the couple sat down.

Kagome examined the menu picking up the marker and glancing at the demon across from her. "What do you want?" She asked while uncapping the pen.

Thanking the hostess when she delivered the high chair, Sesshōmaru placed the toddler in the seat as he let her know his choices. "Check Beef, Pork, and Lamb."

She checked off the meats and smiled when she spotted her favorite. "Ooh, Tofu." She marked the spongy goodness then went about scanning the list.

"Don't forget potato and mushroom," came her mother's voice from the other end of the table.

Looking up from the menu, the teen smiled when she saw her mother and brother. "Mama! You found us. Anything else you want?"

"Udon noodles, daikon, and spinach." Offered the older woman placing her coat on the back of the chair. "I'm going to go get the dipping sauce," Yuna said before stepping away from the table.

Kagome watched her mother make her way to the sauce station and answered the questioning look the older demon was giving her. "Mama makes her own signature sauce. You will like it." She reassured the man with a gentle smile and continued to check off the things they wanted in the hot pot.

"It's so good." Agreed Sōta plopping in the seat beside her then leaned in to tell her what he wanted. "Sis, I'd like some tomatoes, corn and dumplings."

They had checked off so many things and was glad they had a large pot coming. "Okay. I think we have enough," Kagome informed the duo as she smiled politely at the waitress delivering the large pot to the heater.

Handing the lady the marked menu, she turned to find her mother carrying a tray full of her signature sauce back to the table. She carefully set it by the heating pot and sat in the empty chair next to Sesshōmaru. "Would anyone like some tea?" Her mother asked, peering at the teens and motioning to the pot of tea.

"I would like some Mama." Offered Kagome lifting an empty cup.

Sesshōmaru agreed. "As would I." He slid his cup closer, so the older woman could fill it with the steaming liquid.

Sōta held up his drink and declined his mother's offer making a face at the teapot. "No thanks I have a soda."

Yuna smiled at the horrified look her younger child was making and shook her head in amusement as she went about pouring some tea for the others.

The pot on the table began to bubble rapidly by the time the plated food was set upon the glossy surface. Sesshōmaru carefully started to place the foods in the rolling broth that would take longer before dropping in the meat.

They ate in silence until Sesshōmaru asked her brother a question. "Sōta, how long have you been playing soccer?"

"For a couple of years now though the last two, I have been much more serious about playing." He said between bites.

Kagome wasn't sure if the yōkai realized what he was doing as he added more pieces of food onto Malakai's tray when the pup released a low whine while he continued his conversation. "Your mother mentioned that you are hoping to play at university then go pro."

Sōta shook his dark head as he finished a dumpling. "Yeah, that is the plan."

"It is always good to have one," He wistfully smiled at Sota then dropped his golden gaze to the little yōkai beside him as he gently continued. "because you never know when plans can change, especially in the next coming years."

Yuna's understanding gaze flickered between Sesshōmaru and Kagome before agreeing with the Inuyōkai's wise words. "That is so true. Life can be very fickle and change in an instant. Sometimes for the worst and sometimes for the best."

"It is how we deal with those changes that matter anyway." Kagome piped in as she stared at her chopsticks picking at the food on her plate.

Sesshōmaru's next words had her looking up in surprise. His tone was even softer than before and was tinged with what sounded like regret. "No matter how long it has taken to deal with them."

She knew he was no longer talking to her brother when his warm eyes bore into hers. It caused her heart to rapidly flutter while she tried forcing the dust of pink that wanted to bloom. "Yeah, no matter how long..." the flustered teen muttered as she tipped her face back to her dish to mask her reaction.

Mother and son glanced at one another then to the silent couple before quietly digging into their meals. No one said anything else as they ate their fill of the hot pot.

Later they went their separate ways, Mama and Sōta going back to their hotel while the trio had ended up at a play center where they let Malakai run off his excessive energy. Now the couple was driving to the hotel for the night.

With Malakai facing the other way, Kagome couldn't tell if he had finally crashed. "Is he sleeping already?" Whispered the young mother just in case the pup was indeed sleeping.

"Yes, he didn't make it passed the first block." Sesshōmaru informed her as he turned down a road that Kagome knew was not a way back to their lodging.

"Hey, this isn't the way to the hotel." She voiced with a slight frown and a crinkle of her brow. 'What was he up to now?' Wondered Kagome as she witnessed him merely shrug.

"I thought we might make a detour before going back." He admitted without taking his eyes off the road.

She watched the scenery pass by for a few minutes then spoke up once more. "Where are we going?" asked the woman as her curiosity got the best of her.

His lips curled into a small grin and vaguely answered her question. "There is a place we should see."

Rocking her gaze to the side window yet again, Kagome didn't comment on the vague response and let the yōkai take her to where ever the hell they were going. There was no sense in making a fuss when he clearly wanted to show her it.

He drove along multiple roads until coming upon the must-see overlook. The sun was sinking into the horizon when the yōkai stopped the car to park. The lights of the area began to awaken as the sky became dark.

Kagome watched the breathtaking scene for some time before she pulled away to glance at the silent man. "It's beautiful out here." She uttered, breaking the stillness.

"It is." Agreed the yōkai but said no more.

The soft snoring coming from the back was the only sound in the vehicle as the teen tried again to start up a conversation. "Today was nice." She softly admitted aloud sneaking a peek from the scene to the quiet yōkai.

His golden gaze caught hers and a small smile settled on his lips. "It was."

Kagome felt herself smiling back at the man. "I'm glad you invited yourself to come. It's been fun." Her face delicately flushed when the words spilled forth, and she nervously lowered her gaze to the scene below.

"As am I." He earnestly whispered, drawing her attention swiftly back to him.

The teen stared at him wide-eyed, biting her lip while she contemplated what to say next. "We should do this again. That is if you want to," She nervously admitted cheeks flushing some more and her teeth sinking into her bottom lip again.

The small smile grew wider as his eyes sparkled with delight. "I would like that very much."

"Good." She said before peering out the window this time watching the twinkling stars.

Her nickname drew her focus from the night sky. "Gome?" Sesshōmaru softly whispered in the stillness.

"Yes?" Kagome hesitantly asked the inuyōkai; unsure of what the man wanted to talk about.

He appeared to be weighing his words before finally speaking. "I wish to discuss our relationship." The yōkai swallowed roughly and seemed to be waiting on the edge of his seat.

The amiable smile fell, and it was replaced by a frown. "We have no relationship." She pointed out rather harshly.

Scoffing, the demon ran a hand through his long mane and wholeheartedly disagreed. "It goes without saying we do."

Kagome crossed her arms over her chest and loudly snorted. "One weekend doesn't change things, Sesshōmaru."

"I know that," He growled in frustration then sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose. His tone softer as he continued. "but you cannot deny that you and I work."

Kagome knew that he was right and that she couldn't refute his words. They did work rather well together, especially where it came to Malakai. Grudgingly she had to admit that parenthood suited the yōkai. "We do." She replied honestly.

"Then, consider giving us another go." He quietly requested his warm eyes imploring her to mull over his appeal.

The question echoed within her mind and caused her heart slammed sharply against her breast bone while her tongue felt like it was coated in sand. She could not believe what he just asked. It was too soon to consider getting back together -Hell, any rapport that they do have was on thin ice even if they did work well with one another. "I…I don't know." Kagome tentatively stuttered. "Our relationship is complicated, to say the least." Which was true; It was very complicated.

"It is." Sesshōmaru agreed once more.

She should have said no and nipped it in the bud, but for some reason, she couldn't do it. Instead, words of compromise escaped. "Why don't we just see how things play out and not put a label on it. There is no rush. Let's take it one day at a time." The nervous woman peered up at the inuyōkai with a pleading look. She sincerely hoped he wouldn't be stubborn and push this tender topic.

"One day at a time." He slowly repeated as if he needed confirmation.

"Yes." Kagome replied as her stomach twisted sharply.

"Fine," The inuyōkai sighed in defeat and didn't seem to want to argue with her proposal. "we will do as you suggest."

Her mouth fell open in surprise, and she blinked at him owlishly. "Really?" She squeaked and eyed the demon in question.

Sesshōmaru gently shook his silver mane about and shrugged. "If that is what you wish, then that is what we will do." He confirmed before leaning against the seat to stare out of the window.

"That is what I want," Kagome spoke in hushed tones as she followed suit.

The cab fell silent as the couple stared at the glimmering skyline, both contemplating what had just happened seconds before.

next chapter
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