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80% The Thread Nicker (PJO OC story) / Chapter 20: Hunting a Sannin

Chapitre 20: Hunting a Sannin


Disclaimer- I own nothing here but my character.


King woke up in his Hospital room 2 days later. He looked around his room and noticed there was no one there he went to close his eyes again and go back to sleep when the door slid open. He looked and saw the Uzumaki Twins, Lord Third, and Jirayia all walk into his room. He sat up and looked at them all "Yo." King said giving an eye smile and a small wave. "Ah, young Harlequin! It's great to see you awake." Hirzuen said smiling. "I thought you died Dattebayo! Jiji won't tell me what happened! And there have been crazy stories going around." Naruto said. "It's good to see you are okay. Harlequin-kun." Natsumi spoke. "What's everyone doing here?" King said as he made his way out of his bed. Natsumi's face got very red before she had a small nosebleed and turned quickly away. King looked confused until he realized he didn't have anything on but boxers. "Oh," King spoke softly. "If you'll excuse me." King sighed as he went to the bathroom and put a change of clothes on. He walked out of the bathroom. He picked up a passed-out Natsumi and sat her on the bed. "Why did her face get so red? Is she sick?" Naruto asked. King laughed while Hirzuen and Jirayia facepalmed. "Oh nothing Naruto," King said laughing.

"So why is everyone here?" "Just to check on you Jirayia-kun is here to check your seal," Hirzuen said. "It's fine. Minato himself did it remember, Hokage-sama." "Minato?" Naruto asked. "The fourth Hokage," King said. "Woah you met the Fourth Hokage! He's my Hero!" Naruto said. "He is cool I wish I could have met him too," Natsumi said with a small smile on her face now that she was awake. "Yup, I even fought him. Orochimaru revived him and I stalled him until we could break the Jutsu." "Woah! You must be crazy strong!" Naruto said with Wide eyes. "No Minato wasn't even at the peak of his power. He could have used sage mode. Or something that would have been very bad he could have used the Kyubi's chakra." King said. Naruto became Quiet after that. "Well, your fight aside. I couldn't help but notice the Mark of 100 healings is gone from your Forehead. Did you use it?" Hirzuen asked. "Wait the Purple Diamond on his head Jiji?" Natsumi asked looking at King's forehead. Hirzuen nodded. "Sensei this kid had the mark of 100 healings on his head! I thought only Hime had it!" Jiraiya yelled. "Yes, I had it. Also, it's gone because of the sudden influx of Yang Chakra into my system. They canceled each other out. It took a full month to get that mark. It will probably take a while for it to come back." King said wisely. Jiraiya and Hirzuen understood Naruto and Natsumi just sat there one more confused than the other.

{Hokage Office}

"Okay Harlequin-kun I need a favor." Hirzuen asked. King looked with a raised Eyebrow. "What is it?" He finally asked. "I need you to go with Naruto-Kun, Natsumi-chan, and Jiraiyia-kun to find my third student. I have decided to step down." Hirzuen said. "I was planning to hit the road again. I have a new power I need to get control of. However, I'll do this for you after all we are supposed to be allied." King said tying his Uzushiogakure headband on his arm. Natsumi looked down with a frown on her face at what was revealed. "Well Kid you can stick with us to find Hime and then maybe you can travel with me for a while and I can pick your brain about how you work with your new power," Jiraiya said with a large smile as he wrapped his arm around the boy. "I rather not," King said with a deadpan look on his face. "Hokage-sama!" Natsumi called out loudly startling everyone in the room. Hirzuen perked up at her formal tone. "Yes, Natsumi-chan?" "Hokage-sama I am requesting a leave of absence to travel with Harlequin-kun, He is my teacher in my Kenjutsu art, He is also the only person I think can teach me to use my chakra chains more effectively. Please consider this Lord Hokage!" the young girl passionately pleaded to the older man shocking everyone in the room with her request. "Natsumi-chan I am not sure I can allow this-" "But Jiji." Natsumi started to interject to which he raise his hand. "That is because once you find my third student I am planning to step down. Your request will have to go to her." Hirzuen informed. "Hai I understand Lord Third." "Hey, what is the big idea Natsumi-nee why are you trying to leave!" Naruto yelled loudly. "Naruto she makes good points, also if she were to go with Harlequin I would be able to take you and train you more on the Kyubi's chakra." Naruto stiffened for the moment when Jiraiya spoke and looked at King who he thought did not know about the Ninetails. "Do not worry Naruto I know about the fox also Jiraiya has a point you should learn to control the tailed beast chakra." Hirzuen nodded to them all and cleared his throat catching all their attention. "Well it is nice to see plans being made however this is all pending because you must bring back Tsunade-hime."

[Ping! New Quest

Find the Slug Queen

The hunt for The future Hokage and the final of the Legendary Sannin is on.

Reward: ?,?,?

Failure: Death, No Kage for the Leaf]

The two Genin straightened their backs and then bowed before shouting, "Hai Hokage-sama." King just waved him off, "Okay let's get moving to the biggest booze and gambling town in the Elemental Nations." "Ha! That sounds like Hime! Meet at the gate in 15 minutes!" Jiraiya said as he vanished in smoke.

{Eventually on the Journey }

~Isobu, Kurama soon we will come face to face with some of the people watching to capture you two. Can you guys break me out of a Genjutsu from an advanced Sharigan?~ King asked. ~Yes, we should be able to. If there was one of us it might be hard but since there are two it will be easy.~ Kurama said. ~Thanks,~ King replied watching Jirayia fall for the beautiful girl trapped in Itachi's Genjutsu. "Don't wait up Gakis!" The old pervert said as he ran off. "Come on Naruto, Natsumi let's go get a hotel room." King sighed as they walked into the Hotel and checked in.

The twin were on their separate beds while King was meditating on a mat when they heard something. "Knock, Knock" King got up and went to the door. "Who is it?" "Room service." A voice from the other side said. "We didn't order anything," King replied. "It's complimentary." King opened the door. "Well unless Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki became waiters I doubt it," King spoke looking at the two in black cloaks. "Ha look at that Itachi this one knows about us. Too bad we don't know him." King ignored Kisame. "What do you want." "We want Naruto-Kun to come with us," Itachi said. "No," King replied slamming the door in his face. King started to run towards a window grabbing on to Naruto and Natsumi when the door was broken down by Kisame. "That was a very rude thing brat!" Kisame yelled. "Why are you guys after me!" Naruto yelled. "Not you but the Fox sealed inside you Naruto," Itachi said.

Before Itachi and Kisame entered the room they heard a yell. "Itachi Uchiha!" They all looked and saw Sasuke. "Sasuke no! You couldn't even take on the Ichibi Jinchuriki you don't stand a chance!" King tried to reason with them. Sasuke ignored him. "You will pay for everything you have done to our clan Itachi," Sasuke said as he charged up a Chidori. "Damn it Teme don't!" Naruto yelled as he tried to run to help Sasuke only to be met with a wrapped blade. "That's a family manner," Kisame said. "And your fight is with me!" Kisame turned to see King's fist headed to his head. Kisame brought up his sword to block. Once the fist landed there was a kick-up of smoke. "How did that happen?" Kisame asked. "I supercharged my punch with more chakra than usual because I know all about your sword Kisame." "Then you should know it doesn't cut it Shaves!" He spoke loudly as scales started to protrude from the wrapping. "Ahhh." They all heard as they watched Itachi break Sasuke's hand and put him in Tsukuyomi. "This is tiring," Itachi said as he looked King in the eye. "Tsukuyomi!" King froze in place for a second.

Inside Tsukuyomi

"Well then Boy here I am god I will torture you for 24 hours," Itachi said. King started to laugh. "Oh, you screwed up big time Weasel. You shouldn't have tried to get into my mind." "What do you-" Itachi was cut off when he saw two massive figures appear. "So someone is stupid enough to Mess with the Kit huh," Kurama spoke with a smirk. "Oh, it's an Uchiha! I just love Uchiha's." The smirk turned into a sadistic grin. "Leave my Partner Alone!" Isobu yelled as he started Funneling chakra into King breaking the Genjutsu.

Real World

King snapped out of his trance and noticed Jirayia was there and they were in the Toad Mouth trap. "Don't move as long as you are not an enemy you will not be consumed. "Come Kisame. We're leaving." Itachi said as he took one last look at King before they ran away. The trap went away once Jirayia saw the giant hole caused by black flames. "Black Flames? What could have caused this?" Jiraiya asked out loud. "The legendary Black flames of Amaterasu. Will burn 7 days and nights or until its target is consumed it can not be put out by normal means." King answered as Jirayia sealed the flames away. The two looked back and saw Naruto picking up Sasuke. "Watch out Naruto if Hinata sees you with Sasuke she might get upset," King said teasingly. Natsumi started to giggle "Why would she be mad?" Everyone just shook their heads. "Dynamic Entry!"

They heard be yelled as Guy came and kicked Jirayia in the face. King started laughing as Jirayia got up with a shoe print on his face yelling at Guy. King kept laughing after all it's not every day an old pervert gets kicked in the face by a man in Spandex. Guy took Sasuke from Naruto and then rushed off after pleading for them to bring Tsunade back to heal Lee. The group got back on the road to find Tsunade. "Okay, Gakis I am going to teach you a new jutsu," Jiraiya said as he held out his palm. He started to make a ball of chakra and slammed it into a tree. "The Rasengan. An A-ranked offensive Jutsu was created by the Fourth. It also hurts if you get hurt by it." King said as he winced at the last part remembering when he got hit by a lesser-powered one. "Yatta that's so cool! I'm so going to learn how to do this then I'll be able to take on both you and Teme, Harlequin. Believe it!" Naruto yelled. "Nii-san we should first try to learn the Jutsu." The twins were handed a Balloon full of water. "Pop it with your chakra like this," Jiraiya said as he demonstrated. "I'm going to go meditate so I can recharge my Seal," King said as he sat under a tree lotus style. Separating Yin and Yang chakra isn't as easy as you think when it comes to the seal. King had sat under the tree for what seemed like hours drowning out the sound of popping balloons. He felt the chakra starting to separate and latched on to the Yin portion as he excreted the Yang portion from his Chakra Points.

"Okay, Brats let's go!" Jiraiya yelled as he came out of a tree. King opened his eyes. He stood up and stretched. "Okay," King spoke as they all packed up and kept walking. This pattern continued for 2 more weeks. King had almost enough chakra for the Mark of A hundred Healings gathered, while Naruto was on his Second level of the Rasengan, Natsumi was on the final step of the Rasengan. King had helped Naruto improve his control. After all, he took too long to charge up his Rasengan if he could make it faster and one-handed. Natsumi continued her regular reps with her sword every morning before they started their travels. They were on the edge of Tanzaku Quarters. "She's here for sure especially since she is the world's worse gambler," King said looking at the city. "Hey wasn't there a big castle?" King pointed out. "I bet it was your Hime Perv," King said with a smirk. "Let's split up and find her," Jiraiya said. King flickered away to the center of the town and started his search. He made his way to the bar where they would eventually find Tsunade in. He walked in and sure enough 10 minutes later Tsunade came walking in Fuming. There she is. King thought. "Hello Tsunade-Sama." King said as he walked up to her. "Hmm, a brat that knows how to be nice. What do you want." "Just passing through give it some time. Someone else will be here shortly."King said. "Well, leave me alone brat I got some drinking to do." King sighed "Please Lady Tsunade. You shouldn't drink so much." Shizune said.

A few minutes later Jiraiya, Natsumi, and Naruto walked into the bar. "Hey brat how come you didn't tell us you found her!" King just shrugged. "It would have been too troublesome." Jiraiya had a tick on his forehead. "So you old Perv what do you want." "Our old teammate tried to kill Sensei. He's now stepping down and they have picked you to be the 5th Hokage." Jiraiya said seriously. Tsunade scoffed. "Being the Hokage is a fool's job! 3 out of 4 have died so far while holding the position. So find another fool for the job!" Naruto slammed his fist on the table. "Don't you dare disrespect the Hokage like that!" "Yeah, what is wrong with you? The Village Hidden in the Leaf is your home!" Natsumi said furious. King nodded. "You are a shame to the Senju and Uzumaki names. Tsunade Senju. Your Grandfather, grandmother, and granduncle must be rolling around in their graves right now." King said. "What do you know brat!" "Your a drunk old fool!Tsunade!" King yelled. "Let's take this outside brat!" King made his way outside followed by everyone else.

"I'll give you one chance to apologize I am a Sannin you are just a brat." "My name is Harlequin Liones of the Uzumaki clan! Don't forget it old hag! And I won't let you talk down to the Kages. That is Naruto's Dream he is family and I will fight for his beliefs." King shouted playing on Tsunade's drunken state. "One finger that's all I'll need." King chuckled. " I doubt that," King said as he released some chakra and a purple glow appeared again as a rhombus appeared on his forehead. "Wait! How do you have that mark!" Tsunade yelled. "It's an Uzumaki seal. So I can use it if I wish." King charged Tsunade she clocked back his fist and aimed to take King out in one blow. King followed her motions. The fist were about to collide in the middle of them chakra kept building up due to them trying to release the Chakra to hit the other person. Finally, the build-up of Chakra exploded sending both people flying. "Harlequin!" "Tsunade!" Calls were heard. King got up from the rubble on his side while Tsunade got up on her end. Naruto and Natsumi took up a defensive stance in front of King and charged up a Rasengan. "You will not hurt him!" He charged and Tsunade just deflected the move into the ground. "The Rasengan? And my Strength? Jiraiya did you teach them that? The Rasengan is not something he can master! And for my strength, you need superb chakra control!" King scoffed. "Well ya old hag I bet that Naruto can master the Rasengan within a week. Heck Natsumi is also done with hers as well! Also, I know both the super strength and the chakra seal. The scrolls were in the compound." "You were the brat that fixed the compound? I thought I took everything from there!" Tsunade asked. King nodded. "Not everything seals are a wonderful thing aren't they." Tsunade narrowed her eyes. "Fine, I'll take your bet both of you master that move in a week." "Wait why do I have to master it too?" King asked. "Because of your big mouth! You think your control over chakra is so refined so Mastering something like the Rasengan with the proper steps should be easy!" She yelled back. King muttered something about stupid old ladies and troublesome techniques. "Fine if we win you go back to the leaf and take up the title of Kage. If you win we will leave you alone." King said. "Also I want your wallet with all of your funds. I throw in this necklace as well." "Okay, you can give that necklace to Naruto after all the future Hokage should have something from the First," King replied. The group went on their ways King stayed up through the night he had brought with him some balloons and rubber balls so he could practice the technique.

The week went by quickly. King, Natsumi, and Naruto were in a hotel room Naruto had passed out from chakra exhaustion. Shizune started banging on the door. "Hello?" "Have you seen Lady Tsunade?" "Not here. She went out with the perv." King said. Naruto woke up by this time. "We have to find her!" She yelled. "Why did Orochimaru get to her?" "You knew?" "I had a feeling also I smelt the snakes. Let's go find her and the perv." King said getting a nod from them both as they went to the window. Naruto opened the window to jump out as a Kunai was thrown. "Hey, Pervy Sage what's the big idea!" He yelled as he jumped back. "She drugged me!" Jiraiya said. Natsumi and Shizune quickly came to his side to help him. "Because you let down your guard. Let's go get the drunk. Shizune helped get him in a condition to fight at least." King said as he sighed. They ran to the outskirts of the town and found craters. "Looks like Hime was were for sure," Jiraiya said. They kept going to find Tsunade there on the ground. Kabuto was there with a Kunai in his hand spilling blood while Orochimaru stood there smirking. Before Kabuto was about to stab Tsunade with his Kunai they all jumped into the clearing. "Hey, Roachy! How's the Tattoo I gave ya!" King said with a smirk. "Kukuku Harlequin-kun nice to see you. Quite the Crowd you are with. They leave much to be desired." Orochimaru said smirking. "What do you want with Tsunade?" Jiraiya asked. "Oh, I just want her to help me destroy the leaf and get this seal off me." King laughed. "Funny you put seals on people all the time that they can't get off and now it's happening to you." "I'll kill you, boy," Orochimaru yelled as he lunged at King. King sidestepped the blow. "Naruto Shizune take care of Kabuto and Natsumi watch out for Tsunade. Harlequin you with me." Jiraiya ordered. King unsheathed his sword and swung it at the snake. "You'll have to do better than that!" Orochimaru said as we attacked King only to be confronted by Jiraiya. "Summon Jutsu!" Orochimaru yelled as he summoned two snakes. Jiraiya went through the signs. "Earth Style: Swamp of the Underworld!" The snakes were consumed and sunk into the mud. King made a single-hand sign and then spoke. "Water Style: Severing Wave!" A steady and powerful stream of water came from King's mouth as he cut the snakes in half making them poof away. "You annoying boy!" Orochimaru yelled as he went to attack King again. "Rasengan !" They all heard the yell of Naruto thrusting the spiraling sphere into Kabuto's stomach. "Looks like we win the bet," King smirked. He threw three kunai at Orochimaru. He substituted with one of them and when he appeared he had a Rasengan of his own in his hand. "Rasengan!" He landed a hit on Orochimaru's back. He went flying as well next to his side kicked they all surrounded Kabuto and Orochimaru. Tsunade now joined them ready to fight.

Orochimaru was mad he shed his skin. "Enough!" He yelled and then ran through hand signs and slammed on the ground. Jiraiya and Tsunade did the same. "Summoning Jutsu." King was in awe, "The 3-way deadlock!" King said. "Man, I wish I had a summoning." He said sulking, ~You won't need a summon once you master our Chakra you can transform into us.~ Isobu said. ~True.~ King replied as he clasped his hands together and then formed a snake hand sign. "Wood Style: Wood-Dragon Jutsu!" King yelled and a massive wooden dragon came to life. "I thought I would join the party!" He said from the top of the Dragon. "So it was you that summoned the Wooden Dragon against me!" Orochimaru yelled. "Yup! Deal with it!" King said as the fight between the summons and the Wood dragon was underway. With Kings Jutsu helping they took out Manda. "You will all pay for this!" Orochimaru yelled. King appeared behind him and delivered a palm strike to his stomach. "Seal!" King yelled. Orochimaru yelled out in pain. "Ahh! What did you do!!" Orochimaru said as he felt burning. "A necrosis seal. It's just going to keep burning away at you snake." "Kabuto we are leaving!" He yelled out in pain as they poofed away.

"Wooo! That was a workout!" King said. "How do you have a wood release?" Tsunade yelled. "A mutation in my DNA. Just like your Grandfathers. I'm an Uzumaki as well so it just upped my chances." King said shrugging. "Also we won the bet old hag." "Yeah, you did." She slipped the necklace over Naruto's neck and hugged King. "That's for getting my butt into gear." "No problem Tsunade-san." King smiled returning the hug. "Let's get you home." He said with a smile. She nodded and the group made their way back to the Leaf.

[Ping! Quest Complete!

Find the Slug Queen

Rewards: +25 in Luck, +10 level 5 skill disc, +5 levels to Mystic Palm Technique]

A week later a group was walking to the entrance to the leaf. "Halt Identify yourselves!" "Jiraiya of the Sannin and group returning with Tsunade Senju, Shizune, and Tonton the Pig." "Of course Jirayia-Sama it's good to see you." They started making their way to the Kage Tower. "Wait we should go heal Kakashi Sensei, Sasuke-Teme, and bushy brows," Naruto said. "Tsunade-San perhaps you can send a clone to do it?" King suggested. "She nodded, "That's a good idea. But I'm not sure if I can keep enough chakra for them all." King nodded. "Just wake up Kakashi and Sasuke. Lee will need surgery so a clone would not be good." "Okay." She made a clone and the clone followed Naruto to the hospital.

{Kage Tower}

"Come in," Hirzuen said as we had just finished paperwork. The traveling group walked in. "Tsunade-Hime it's great that you are back." "Well, Hokage-Sama my favor to you is done. Looks like it's back on the road for me." King said. "Wait your leaving?" Tsunade asked. "Yeah, I'm not a ninja here I'm technically a ninja of Uzushiogakure even if it's not put together. Plus I like traveling." King said. "Thank you Harlequin." King waved him off. "Yeah yeah." "Wait brat stick around for a few days," Tsunade said. "Okay, I'll stay until you are appointment to the Fifth Hokage," King said sighing. "Yeah, Harlequin at least let me put in my request before you try to leave!" Natsumi spoke up puffing out her cheeks and pouting. "Request?" Tsunade questioned with a raised eyebrow. Natsumi proceeded to ask Tsunade just what she did Hiruzen. "Give me some time to think about it and go over some reports and paperwork. I will have your response before I am officially sworn in at the 5th Hokage." "Thank you Tsunade-sama!" Natsumi cheered excitedly. ~Troublesome I never thought they would agree with her request.~ King throughout. ~What will you do Harlequin?~ Isobu asked. ~I am not quite sure.~


Okay! End of this one! Make sure to vote! Do we bring Natsumi to the Percy Jackson world with a Legacy of Benzaiten and a rival for Annabeth and Zoe. Let me know what you all think about this situation.

Yes, Bring Her Back

No, Leave Her Behind

Give me powerstones. If you want to 😃

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