" Athan! What happened? Where did they take you? "
" Yeah. That middle-aged man. The symbol on his clothes indicated that he was an enforcer. "
Everyone rushed out of the small open-air pavilion, and Athan let each of them finished speaking out their concerns before he smiled and spoke, " Nothing to worry about them anymore. The situation was like this..."
Athan told them everything as their shock grew more and more. In the end, Their jaws dropped to the ground because Athan took out the chaos enlightenment tree on the hill.
" You all finished the events, right? " Athan asked as he waved his right hand while releasing Arachnid's demon web.
Shiromi, Sen, Tealery, Arcued, and Theo blanky nodded at Athan's question while staring at the chaos enlightenment tree.
They also attracted a huge commotion, and many people sitting in other small open-air pavilions arrived there.
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