The gemstone on Athan's forehead shined before countless tendrils appeared on his body as if channeling the intense energy of Abyssal Blood Crystal into every fiber and cell of his body for a brief second.
His body slightly changed as he became taller; his hands and legs became finer with stylist protruding patterns that looked like small black pipes with white and red patterns.
This was his third void frame: Arcane Lord.
Athan pointed his finger at Yokan as a small orb released from his index finger. That orb went on top of Yokan before covering him with a whirling barrier of darkness and whiteness.
"It looks like you were the one who destroyed that mountain," the middle-aged man spoke as he narrowed his eyes and exploded with even more power and summoned two gates of hell behind him as two large great demonic swords came out from them.
The man held those swords before the hell gates released ten hellish beasts of different types.
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