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50% The Strongest Emperor(DxD x Sister New Devil x Rosario Vampire) / Chapter 18: The Holy Demon Sword Brynhildr

Chapitre 18: The Holy Demon Sword Brynhildr

When Moka, Jack, and Amara returned to his house in Japan, he ruffled his hair a bit as he didn't like feeling the lingering attachments of Other Jack. it was incredibly annoying which meant he would have to deal with that soon. 

Regardless he focused on the task at hand. He turned to Moka who was really enjoying the feeling of teleporting. 

"You know, I could probably teach you how to teleport. It is really convenient." 

Moka instantly liked the sound of that. 

"That sounds great, thank you. I will be able to visit my family more." 

"Exactly, until then I am going to my room." 

Moka nodded. 

"In that case, I will go home, I still got to unpack." 

He waved her goodbye as she left the house. When she left, Jack walked up stairs to get into his room. When he and Amara were inside, he locked the door behind him before sitting down on his bed. 

"Fucking shit." 

[You ok?]

"I am fine, it is just annoying, but I should have expected this to some extent. I did assimilate his soul no matter how splintered it was." 

[True. You can handle it, you can handle most things.] 

"Thanks for the confidence. Time to get back to the grind." 

He pulled out the Elemental Lord Technique Grimoire his Mother lent him to start studying. 


After Jack met Moka and introduced Aya into his world, just as Azazel had recommended he made a slight mental suggestion to her parents. This made it so they would be more accepting of her spending more time out of school. 

Moka who had been transferred to his Middle School wanted to learn more about the human world so he and Aya went with her to ensure she didn't stand out as a Vampire. Jack skipped a lot as he mostly continued studying magic with his mother, which was one of his passions. 

His Father continually pushed him in his Ki training which allowed him to not just enhance his strength, defense, and speed, but even to send our massive Ki blasts through his kicks and punches. 

That synchronized perfectly with Procellarum Phantom and the Abyssal Eclipse Gear. Through the Boost which Apophis had replicated to a degree, his abilities could become even more dangerous to his foes. 

He could even channel his Ki into his Dark Light Constructs like his Spears and swords to send massive Ki slashes and thrusts. Ki fighters were quite rare in the Hero Clan as most relied on Mana, Spirit Magic, or their Weapons to battle. 

Those who unlocked their Ki, like Jack Sr, and Jin were the elites who could break their limits. Then there was Jack who had Ki, Mana with Fallen and Dragon properties, and Divine Energy. 

Combining all three magnified their effects only that it caused him to burn through his reserves faster. He did have large reserves of Mana and Ki except that his reserves of Divine Energy were lacking. 

His Mother had done good work to reawaken her ancient inheritance, but almost three millennia had passed since their godly ancestor. He would either need to awaken more of it himself or consume a god's Divine Energy. 

Three weeks following his meeting with Moka, Jack was currently sitting on his bed in only his shorts as he was meditating. His Dark Gauntlet was laid across his lap as he was currently in his soulscape. In his Soul Scape Apophis was in her dragon form lazily floating in the dark water of his soul around him.

He turned to her as she gazed at him with her three eyes. 

"Apophis, I think it is time for me to make the trade for my Dragon Organs. My strength is rising steadily, and best of all, I am entering puberty. That will be a time of growth and when my body is at its most malleable."

Apophis agreed with that because as he grew into an adult, his Dragon Organs would grow with him. They would adapt to his changing body.

"Alright then, I take you will follow the example of Jack and change your Heart, Lungs, liver, and kidneys?" 

"Yes, he changed his liver and kidneys to make sure his blood was filtered properly as Mana was infused into the air he breathed and directly into his blood. That also included his Adrenal Glands so the adrenalin pumped into his body was Draconic making him more savage in combat. 

However, I have two more to include. The Pituitary gland and Hypothalamus, two glands in my brain." 

Apophis knew what he was talking about. 

"The pituitary gland is what starts puberty and the hypothalamus is what kick starts it. They also regulate the hormonal balance of your body and the basic bodily functions. Since they will turn into Dragon Organs you will be pumping your body with heavy loads of Draconic Testosterone and Hormones. 

It will also synchronize with your evolved Adrenal Glands meaning you will be getting your body flooded with Draconic Adrenalin, Cortosale, and Testosterone. You will be more aggressive, and more violent and your growth will explode. 

So will your strength increase though?"

He knew all that, but it would also increase all his other abillities. His new organs wouldn't just be plain Dragon ones, they would contain all his unique powers. 

"Do it." 

Apophis nodded as she focused on his body. Instantly he felt his heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, and hypothalamus all begin to burn. He was kicked out of his Soul Scape and placed back into his body. 

His body began burning up as those organs were mutated into Draconic Organs. Amara who was in his room meowed worriedly so he fell in bed. He couldn't talk while his lungs changed, but he mentally reassured her. 

'I am ok. This is part of the plan.' 

His brain felt like mush as while the pituitary gland and hypothalamus were small, they were major glands. This process of turning them into Dragon Organs caused them to kick start. 

The process would be gradual at first, but he had effectively sent his puberty into overdrive. He closed his eyes and fell asleep as he preferred to let this pass by in his sleep. Amara jumped onto his chest and began to gently kneed his chest before curling up to make sure he had company. 

The next morning, Jack didn't wake up early as he normally did, he ended up sleeping in until noon. When he finally did wake up and he opened his eyes his eyes were completely different. 

His sclera or the white part of his eyes turned pitch black while his dark blue eyes turned into draconic slits. Inside his chest, his heart now a proper Dragon Heart was infusing his blood with his unique energies. Ki, Mana, and Divine Energy all at once. 

When that energized blood entered his lungs, Mana-enriched oxygen was pumped into his bloodstream. That then flowed through his entire body before being filtered by his new liver and kidneys. 

In his head, he couldn't feel it directly, but he knew that his pituitary gland and hypothalamus glands were starting their work. He had already started puberty like a normal individual, but this would just magnify it tenfold. 

"God I hope I don't turn even bigger than I already was." 

[I wouldn't worry about it too much. You will be as tall as you need to be, and this will allow you to one day have your own Dragon Form. Look on the plus side, your Balance Breaker will be even stronger than before.] 

He ran his hand over his eyes causing them to revert to normal. 

"Now that I think about it, I know I can go Balance Breaker. I was quite close, but this just made it even easier." 

[Then you should know that the first Balance Breaker of the Abyssal Eclipse Gear is quite similar to the baseline Scail Mail. It did carry the properties of the Abyss Side of the Twice Critical, so be ready for that.]

"Better yet, I should be able to merge it with my second Sacred Gear." 

[Now you got my attention.]

Jack knew that so he stood up causing Amara who was sticking close to him to meow to get his attention. He smiled as he picked up his big fluffy cat. 

"Thank you, girl, I appreciate your care." 


He carried her over to the mirror as he looked at himself. Only a single night had passed and he could swear his muscles looked stronger. He ran a hand down his chest and felt that his skin was tougher. 

"Am I going to go through a molting period?" 

[Most likely, Dragons molt their old scales every few centuries. Now that I think about it, if we go to Egypt, we could find my counterpart's scales. Since we are just alternative versions of the same dragon, our lairs should be the same. 

I used to collect the scales I shed as part of my hoard.] 

"Very good idea." 

He waved his hand and he magically conjured a new pair of black steel-toe boots, black jeans, a regular t-shirt, and a zip-up hoodie. Once he was dressed he went downstairs where he saw his family and his sister sitting with Jin. 

Amara was still in his arms so he let her get onto his shoulder. He liked that as she was his ride-or-die partner. When they came down, unlike when his parents had been sealed and unable to detect what he was doing all that well, now they could.

Jack Sr, Esmeralda, and Jin all could tell he had done something big. Jin in particular was part dragon himself. Seeing how everyone was looking at him he just explained it. 

"I got an upgrade last night. I got some Dragon Organs now." 

Jack Sr knew that was something that hoasts of Ddraig, Albion, and other Dragons often did when they wanted to transcend their humanity. Jack though was already above humans so this was just going to make him even stronger. 

"You feel ok?" 

He nodded. 

"Better than ok. My heart and lungs will let me fight on just like a dragon. My kidneys and liver will make it almost impossible to poison. My metabolism will be even stronger meaning I need even less rest than before." 

Hearing that made Esmeralda smile. 

"Ah, so you can train even longer?" 

He also smiled as that was perfect news. 

"Exactly, my recovery time is even faster now." 

Jack Sr was smiling as well training with his son was helping him get back into the groove of things. 

"Very good to hear." 

Jin cleared his voice as he wanted to get things back on track. 

"Very glad to hear of your continued strength increases. But remember when I said I was going to allow you to try to bind Brynhildr?" 

Jack nodded. 

"Yeah, you said you could get it done?" 

Jin glanced over at Jack Sr before he explained how they had achieved this chance. 

"Well, your Father went with me to meet with the elders of the Japanese Hero Clan. Since he wants to get back into the game, he has agreed to go on special missions for the clan that needs someone off the books. 

In exchange, he and I scheduled this chance. You ready?" 

Jack was ready thanks to his dad and Baraqiel both of who taught him how to fight with swords. Now, he found great use in swordsmanship. If he did have a legendary sword like Brynhildr he would be far more dedicated to swordsmanship. 

"Sure am. Is it just going to be me and you or is Dad coming too?"

Jack Sr stood up as he was allowed to enter as long as he was with Jin. 

"I will go too. I want to be there just in case things go sour." 

Esmeralda obviously could never come close to the Hero Village so she didn't bother. 

"Good luck you three." 

Amara corrected her with a well-pinpointed meow. 


Esmeralda shook her head. 

"You four." 

Amara almost smugly on his shoulder gazed at her. Jin teleported them all to the Japanese Hero Village. Specifically, he teleported them into his home which was in the center of the Village. The house was a traditional Japanese house where Jin and Basara lived. 

Jin turned to Jack as he was the one who was going to try to bind Brynhildr to himself. 

"Be careful ok, the sword has both Brynhildr herself and the Cursed Spirit she sealed away. Those of weak willpower will get their minds possessed." 

Jack wasn't worried as he was of strong will. 

"I don't think this spirit has ever met someone like me. Let's go them." 

Jin nodded as he opened the sliding door before leading them into the village proper. As Jack had expected the Village was quite frankly, a village. Each house looked to be rather traditional with the people dressed conservatively. 

Most looked like farmers, but he could tell these people were warriors. Children ran around some playing, but not playing like normal kids. They carried wooden swords, spears, and other weapons as they sparred with each other. 

Among them was Basara who was sparing with a blonde boy. The boy used a wooden spear while Basara held a sword. Both were the same age, but Basara was faster, stronger, and far more resilient thanks to his hybrid nature. 

Not even he knew, but when Jack approached Basara Ddraig could tell. Basara and his friend stopped sparring as the three approaching auras were powerful. Takashi knew Jin well, but Jack and his Father were new. 

"Who are those?" 

Basara explained. 

"Jack Owens and his son." 

Takashi instantly knew which Jack he was talking about the old rival of Jin. 

"That is The Hero Of The Deep Sea?" 

Basara nodded. 


Already Takashi wanted to talk to them, but right now wasn't a good time. Instead, Jin just waved at him as they moved deeper into the village where the shrine that kept Brynhildr was kept. 

Jack manifested the Abyssal Eclipse Gear which began to glow as he grew closer to the sword. Eventually, they arrived at the shrine of what the Heroes of The Village called The Sacred Demon Sword, Brynhildr. 

Jack could see the sword which was glowing in a dark purple aura sealed behind an enchanted gate. Jin stepped forward and he opened the enchanted lock by sending the right Magic Frequency that opened the sealed gate. 

Once it was open, Jin looked at Jack. 

"Go in and give it a try. Those weak will get possessed by the Cursed Spirit in the sword, but those like you, me, and your Father can fight it off. Just be careful." 

Jack walked forward and he clenched the clawed fingers of his black gauntlet. 

[Let's show this Cursed Spirit and Valkyrie who is the master?] 

When he reached the stone pedestal surrounded by enchanted metal rails. Despite this sword's power, for some reason security was lax as shit. 

'Then again, that is how Basara got this sword.' 

He reached out with his left hand before he grabbed the handle. The moment he came in contact with the Divine Demon Sword he grit his teeth as he could feel the Cursed Spirit try to instantly take over his body. 

He grinned as his eyes reverted to their new true state, black sclera, and draconic dark blue pupils. He began to flood the sword with his Fallen Dragon Mana, Ki, and Divine Energy all at once before he lifted it off the ground. 

His grip on the blade increased as he could feel the Evil Spirit begin to settle down. In Shinmai, a weak fool named Saito became possessed and killed many in the Village before Basara used Banishing Shift to save his friends. 

It got more killed and got him banished, but Brynhildr bound herself to him to survive. Another thing was that Basara's Demon blood had suited the sword, but it seemed him being the host of Apophis, a dragon of Darkness, Chaos, and Evil was dark enough. 

He was also part of Fallen Angel and Fallen were considered sinful creatures so when the Cursed Spirit tried to take over his mind, it not only failed, it got sent hurling back into the sword. 

Brynhildr herself despite being dormant most of the time partially regained consciousness just enough to judge him. It didn't take long for her to accept him when she felt his strength and unique constitution. 

Once both Cursed Spirit and Valkyrie accepted him, the Holy Demon Sword Brynhildr was his to control. When that happened, his entire left arm was encased in a black and silver gauntlet up to his elbow. 

Brynhildr wasn't glowing a bright green like when Basara used it, instead, it gained a dark blue and black glow to it. The Green gem also seemed to turn dark blue almost black as his power fueled it. 

He grinned as he raised the sword to the sky causing a massive pillar of dark purple energy to rise alerting all in the village. Jin smiled as he saw that Brynhildr had been tamed. Sure he was a bit miffed it wasn't him, but that was in the past. 

As for Jack, he became even deadlier to the threats of this world and those beyond it. 

'Wash your neck for me Ragalzeva. I am coming for you.' 

next chapter
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