"Are you alright?"
Althea stopped in her tracks and looked worried at Hex. Hex grimaced. He gritted his teeth and nodded at her.
"Go with your team. I will go the other way."
He shouted over his shoulder as he already moved past her. He didn't wait for her to protest. His chest hurt like hell. The pain didn't come from the blast or debris. Although he still felt the sting and prickle on his back. His chest hurt because of the multiple energy manifestations appearing in the air.
Sometimes the greatest gifts can become the greatest of curses. Hex realized the truth in that. His sharp and enhanced senses helped him avoid many struggles and risks. But their sensitivity picked all the energies around him.
Hex looked up. The dark sky was more lit at the moment than during noon when the sun stood at its zenith. The magnificent Hawk phantom was being besieged by two other phantoms. Their appearance drew his attention.
Working on edits. Please don't waste your money.