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100% The Silver Universe. / Chapter 2: dropped Into A What

Chapitre 2: dropped Into A What

My ears Rang, My Nose Burnt, My Throat Is Itching, I Feel Like I am floating.

I Opened My Eyes Blinking Quickly Feeling the sting and The Liquid, Ugh No the gel Over Me Somehow was Breathable As I gasped on reflex. It Reverberated as It began Whooshing down off of me the Place I was In emptied, I felt the weight of My body return as It was draining Before The Lid Of The Pod I was in Opened and Me who Thought the pod was laying down Fell out Landing hard on the Floor as The Air Was Knocked into my full lungs.

NO! the gel Was The only thing I was Breathing.

I Shivered Flopping to my Side The Gel Turned to Liquid as I gagged it out, It was Like jello That Didn't Quite taste Right. Now it was Like Puke On the Ground As It Continued To Melt into liquid Eventually It Evaporated.

I Heard a nasty Grunt From ahead Of Me that Came With Some Garbled Sounds That I somehow Understood.

" Welcome abduction Subject 199420, You have Been Given a good Set Of Choices This Time. That Is This Time Around Compared To That Of All the Experiments before You. I Guess You Can Call Them The forefathers. As they have given Birth unto you the New Age Of well what Shall We Call You, Ah Yes, The First Survivor of the Chimera project! "

He Thought For a Moment Before Flicking his hands And Continued in his Grated metal Voice Before it cleared up. His Accent Slightly German Came Through as He sounded Younger Than His First Attempt of Speaking.

" Yes, As You can Feel I Took You a Mere Human and Using this New Chimera project. I Added In abducted Alien Species traits, Abducted Animal traits, and Rare Creatures Found Over Thousands Of Years Documented only By The Progenitors themselves! Yes, It is a true Work of art and My Lovely Assistant Gave You Two upgraded implants. She Did This To Help Stabilizing You Although Weak You Can Take Many More Than That but are a Mere Noob Yes So Outstanding! ALTHOUGH You Need To Understand that this was Not Done To Harm You And You Can always Petition for your Rebirth. BUT THINK of the Possibility i have Given You, One could Call it a Curse. I do not See it that Way So... I Ask You to Percieve my side and Carefully Decide What you will Do. "

He had a Nasty look on His face as He sat Back In His Chair I Noticed My Surroundings as He Laughed And Continued like this was Normal!? He was Truely Troubled With a Dark Look in his Eyes.

"The Skills And Traits Of said Infusions are Random And Can Be Tied To Time and Blood Ooh So Outstanding! You May Have Survived But You May Still be a Failure. Go Do Big Things For me My Creation I can Do No More For You Right Now. The Black Pod Over There Will Take you to The Galactic Center, do Not accept Any thing From anyone for Free In The Tutorial. OutSide aid May Harm You Rather than Help, Whilst Doing what I did to you may Seem Beneficial. I in fact Hardened your Journey Yet This Instance or Actualization is Connected it is Considered Seperate From the Tutorial. THUS They Will Begin Round One Of The Original Tutorial like I never Took you or Interfered As Soon as You Enter The Pod To begin. It's Only Been Thirteen Days, Also... No never mind! "

I Looked at him As He Got Up and Left nonchalantly. The Dick Just Left leaving The Door Behind him open. IT Was just Open Which Made me Feel Super Wierd! It was The Door Not the fact that He went through it That Made Me Feel like I was Missing something.

I Stood once again Noticing My Surroundings that had Slightly Changed and then My Own Self, I was Once Again Naked although this time I went on a Whim or Maybe it was a hope and a Prayer either Way I was Rewarded!

I Thought Inventory as It Popped Up I saw another Notice. The Familiar purple Screen appeared.

[FACTION CHANGED.] Title:[ Unnamed.]

[You Have Been Released From Scientific Demon Flex's Lab.]

<Escape Is Not Needed as Your Recreator Told You To Get Out Until He Can Do further Work On You Which May Result In Positive or Negative impact.>

SideNote (You will be Called Back After Completing the Tutorial or Maybe later. Oh And remember that you Die, You Come Back Here! Since I don't want To See you Until I can Add More Into You I ask that you just Don't Die.) < Base Set To Faction Center.>

I Was Immediately Unable To Sit still, in my chest I Felt a Fluttering As I Stood and Bolted out the Door.

The Room had a Black Pod That I Out right Ignored First, I Would Check This So Called Lab out.

I Was Through the door He Exited but Returned To My Position in the Room Dead Center With a Purple Window.

" Ah Ah Ah No, You are not a trusted Friend. As You are Just my new pal who Doesn't seem to be Mad I did some Experimenting I will be kind to You, No Entry Into My Main Lab Until After You Get Friendly Status With My series the Lower Floors of failure are Open to You and All The Others... Or You can attempt to Make Level Twenty before tutorial, This Is not a Request But a Requirement for me To give Any more explanations the First thing is Just a Preference. Cannot have To Many Angry Experiments Flailing about, So Although You Can Explore My Lower Lab, I will Make it a Small dungeon For You. Who Knows You May Actually be Able to use Something From down There?"

< Lower laboratory access gained>

[ You May now Explore The Lower Floors below and On Your Floor < Floors B 1 - B 7> You are in Corridor 1 of Floor B 7. As Your Room Is in an Instance This Corridor will Be Called Neutral ground. you Will Recieve Monthly Stipend For Living In Dangerous Conditions.]

<100 Credits Awarded>` Thanks For Accepting Poverty.~

I was Befuddled By the News But My Mind began To Stir As The Next Prompt immediately Drained My Happiness.


< Time Limit - Limitless>

(Gain Respect Enough To Gain Confidence as You May Be Free But are Not Masterless!)

< You Live In An Instance Of Rank O - (lvl-50<100) As Such The Level Far Exceeds You. To Free ones Self Of the Surroundings Options Like Helping a Brother out as Flex has Inducted You Into his Faction (As Of Yet To Be Named), As You are now Factioned Together. His Reputation is affected By You In EqualLogic Ananemity Has Been Set To 25% Of Whole Factions It is In the Interest of You To Connect with the Members Available to you!>

[ Figure out how To gain Access To The Higher Floors, Floor B 8 To Floor 1, 2, 3, 4, And 5.] < Escape Is Not a necessity But access into the freedom of the Galaxy Is Only Three Floors away> (after the Tutorial that is... )

* Rewards* "These Things are fucking annoying dude. - I own a few Sparkling things and some other shit Like Maybe That Can Appease you. Make Me Aware that you exist Beside Bothering me with these annoying Screens. I Mean it's a Hassel Making Choices For Rewards And Crap... Although You are Way Under Qualified to walk around my Lab, Yep Any how Don't give up too Quickly. Now Leave Me the hell alone The Next Few Quests I am Setting to Random Rewards!"

I was Tired Of Reading when I Looked Over And Noticed the Room Shifting into an Ideal Image I had A Chair, a Bed, And A Restroom. The Room Shifted Into a Comfy Place Although It was all A Dull White, The Only accents Is Grey although I Saw Metal Reflects as the Metal Was very shiny but what Broke My concentration was me! I saw Myself In that Image and I Looked Normal Like a Human Besides My New Colors!

I was now Purple Eyed, My Dull Grey hair, accented my Now Brown Skin. I Smiled over the Eyes I felt like an Anime Character with the Purple Rings that Led Me to Noticing My Sharp Ass Teeth making my smile Turn into a roar Of Laughter. I Looked rather good Well A Sad Type of good Puting on my Equipment which Made Me look Like a Villan.

The Smile Which I Definitely knew was not normal For a human being honest opinion though I was Not Angry at all?

Let me Be Clear I Am In No Way Mad! Confused Yes, Although I Can Get Behind This Look. if I am being honest about this I am on cloud nine!

I Noticed In My Inventory There Was a Box Small silver, Yet When I Pulled it out The Nameless Box Disappeared from Sight and Only a Screen Was Left.

" What The Heck is Going on!?"

I Looked at my Bed Then The Pod and The Door... I Decided On Checking out the Floor. I wondered a Few Loose Thoughts About A weapon And Was Immediately hit with Information.

" The Ability To Summon us Is In The Skills List although, You can Always Just call Our Names Mentally."

Tetly appeared on my Shoulder As The Raven Appeared On My Head Small And Menacing Like a Black And Purple Phantom of a Raven Hollow and Mechanical. The Gears Whirred To Life as He Spoke Happily.

" I Am A Weapon In Case You Forgot, I Dig The Look Master Rather Sharp Now I see better than That Bland Look Before, pastie Was It!"

tetly Shuffled On my Shoulder before Speaking.

"Well Raven, Maybe we Should take assessment of What we have. I was Given Some insight into my ability, Although I would Like to test it out.

I Looked at His Little black Specks for eyes As I Smiled.

" Ew Don't Do That You Look Like You are About to eat Turtle Stew..."

He Went into His Shell As I Chuckled.

"Well Let's Start With This Madness first, Pistol Form Phantom, Also Maybe let's Expand On Working our Awareness.

Do Not Be Scared To Speak Even If It means Loosing our stealth. Understand?"

The Both of them Gave a mental Reply and I totally Forgot about that As I reminded myself To make use of it.

" Now where do We start, Technically I am In a Game That Has Real Connected force in the World that I am From... Is There anything I should Note before we Surely Mess Up?"

Tetly Shuffled as He Thought Before giving me an Answer.

" one note worthy thing is You are not actually In the Central Hub, NOR have you entered the Tutorial. You Right Now are In Something like Your Home Base, That Is Connected Throughout channels In the Full System as you Are now I can't explain To Deeply But Layers Exist as You will Come To Understand. It Seems I am Able to Interface to the System but am Unable to Freely Share as Something is Limiting what I can And Can't."

Thinking through the Situation I Decided against Actions over the Wierd Scientist Flex. LET'S Expand on the Situation, I am In a Layer of the game and This is a Secondary home base... although There are some things I don't understand I can Use this to my Benefit I just don't know how yet.

< +1 For Adapting>

I Noticed the pop up in the Corner of my View But Didn't know What Of The + 1 increased or changed? NOR, did it hinder me?!

I Shrugged it off as I Stood walking to the door I Was Going to open it but it did so for me. I Smiled and Stepped through into a Corridor that had Only a Green line that Stopped about three feet on each side of my Door. after that The Line was red on the wall I Chose Left as I Lifted my Pistols in front of Me. My Arms Were tired Five Minutes later and I had Only walked about a few hundred feet.

" Is there a need For you to raise them So High? when I Can appear In 0.01 of a second and Can React Even Without You?"

I Looked at the Pistols in my Hands and Said stupidly?

" Without me, like I Am Not Needed to even Fire?"

He Shook In my Hands As His Form Melted Off his Metal Gears Clicked As He became a Pair of Liquid metal Gloves. As he Solidified I heard his voice in my head.

"Is This Suitable For you As a Gun Form? You can Now Fire From any Angle, the Only Problem Is The Increasing chance Of Friendly Fire."

" Fuck It!? shoot me Too Then But Is There a Way We can Work Together so I don't die. Often..."

I Heard a small Whirr, And Then Heard Tetly.

" I can Actually Add To That The Shield Ability is passive and Can Recurve Some Of the energy and Even a Few Frequency Ammos. So If I am Here You Can Fire in any Direction, Although that Doesn't Make You Invincible Since we can Take Physical Damage..."

I Put My arms Down And Just walked the hall Was A Twelve By Twelve Hall way. The Walls Were So bland that it felt Monotonous.

In My Head I heard.

" Don't Bitch, I was Thinking of How Weak you all Are! It's Not like you... Fuck It Here Is To Thinking of You"

I Froze When I heard a Tink Like Metal The Sound Apeared and Rapidly became more alarming. As the Source Rounded the Corner The Two Legged Creature Saw Me And Stuck out its Tounge.

" Is That a Fucking Velociraptor Frog!?"

The body Shifted as Two Wing Spread Out and a name Appeared.

<Flipp Wing Velocifrogator> * Level 63*

" Run..."


The Bastard Jumped Forward as It's Mouth Opened Like an alligator making a Screech Like nails on a chalk Board. I was stiff in place as my hands Felt hot the Sweat Felt real as it built up on my hands.

" Move Forward Now!"

Tetly Yelled at Me As The Creature Grew Closer.

I Hesitated Stepping Backwards bumping Into a Wall, Looking the Hallway That was Once there was Now Gone. The Blank Wall Was Solid as I knocked on It Hearing a Scream In My Head.

" Duck Lean Right Now!"

I Fell To My Knees Leaning Right and I Felt My Arm go Limp.

" Stand The Fuck Up Now, Push Your left Hand Straight up!!!!"


I Tried To Do So As My Whole Body Quacked My Arm Shot Up In the Next Second. I felt a Warm Liquid Cover me And Felt Three Pulses half Of All My Energy Faded as I Felt The weight of the Creature Slump Down.

< Creature Dead- Exp Null>

loot* (Blood Vial) ( Core) ( unknown Metal Claws)

The red Gushed over me And the Floor below me as I felt My head Spin the Room Shifted and then I heard the sound of Speech before it could register I looked over.

I swung my arm but there was No feeling or Reaction...

" Focus You are bleeding out!"

I heard Tetly as I looked Down harder and My arm Was Laying Next To Me Partially in the claw Of The Beast. my Other arm was In the Weak Skin Under its jaw, My hand It was covered In steaming Mush That when I pulled out I registered as Cooked Brains Of the Thing I Just Killed?

I Pushed it Off of me to My Left Side it was the only arm Left to use Grabbing My Arm as I Lifted it up.

" Good This Much I Can Do This Is Going to Hurt Pal I'm Sorry!"

I Felt a Searing Pain As My Left hand Pulsed a Pure purple beam. I WAS Holding my Wrist as the Beam Shot out of My wrist Of my Left Hand. It perfectly Melted me as It Fused My Flesh Smelling Like Cooked Pork, I had A Ting in my Nose As The Rest of My Energies Drained. I watched them Hit Rock Bottom in The Mental Image as My Health Bar Froze. It Had three percent left blinking as My Mind shut Down I Heard The Voices Of Tetly and Phantom As the Voices Became Nothing but static and Then Nothing?!

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