Little Yang, for the first time in its admittedly very short life, felt.. tired.
It felt many things. It first felt really fond of the man with the straw hat... although after he took it off while resting by little yang's side, he never had a chance to take it back. So now he's just the man with the weird curved stick connected to a weird thin line.
Err... Little Yang felt tired just describing that long name.
Little Yang also felt annoyance, then pride, then expectation, hope, and then surprise... despair, and immediately after, complete anger.
It didn't know the names of these feelings though. It just felt like it felt a lot and felt tired from feeling a lot. It didn't know if it was more... exhausted from the feelings or it's rampage against that annoyingly dodgy man with the weird stick.
Far in the sky, once more, a bunch of old trees, plants and other such natural spirits gathered. They normally gather once every couple of millennia, but ever since the little seedling arrived at this place they realize it's been... quite busy.
The beautiful monk at sat at the center, her visage visible beneath the golden hued Bodhi tree.
"*Cough*... Did you manage to grab him and beat the sh!t out of him?"
Yang San Shu was another party witnessing the whole thing going down. He would've taken action in another couple of moments. Well, not really. He felt like rolling around and doing nothing all day, honestly. He wasn't used to doing so much so quickly, not anymore anyway. This old Parasol Tree had been retired for a long, long time.
The beautiful monk's mouth curved in a barely perceptible grin.
"..I managed to take his shirt."
She waved her hands and the Bodhi tree shook, revealing a gloriously tattered shirt atop it's branches. It smelt with all the salty glorious fishy smells of the open ocean and long voyage, of sweat and dirt, of days and months spent without bathing.
'*Squawk!* He's naked now, *squawk!*'
A bunch of barely muffled laughter echoed. A black feathered bird spoke towards a man who's eyes were concealed by cloth. This blinded fellow... Åskr - Yggdrasil, was the compatriot that once accompanied the one eyed sky king from an epoch past.
This grand figure was struggling to conceal a joyful smile on his blinded face.
"..yes. He might have to get a change of clothes for the first time in his life now."
"Ha, hahahahaha! Haha! F*ck! Today's a good day. I'll drink to you damn baldie, and of course to our little friend!"
A boisterous, booming voice echoed from a thick bearded visage. His beard was thick as groves, voice as jovial as the drunken civilization that had worshipped his domain.
Sharp and violent as he was, this man never could turn down great celebrations, and what better moment to celebrate then the growth of a little neighbor... and the misery of an annoying acquaintance?
Yang San Shu felt bothered that these fellows had forgotten about the more pressing matter he had been involved in. Well, perhaps not forgotten so much as that they're too... 'preoccupied' to assist their good retirement home neighbor.
"Hm... that little fellow exceeded all expectations I had. To think he would be able to draw out my flames this early.. *cough*. Incredible. Truly incredible. "
A breathtaking, androgynous visage with beautiful long hair of verdant hue revealed themself at this point.
"Incredible to exhibit your flames? I'd call this a tragedy rather than a boon. The little had every opportunity to walk on the lord's light, yet he was tainted by your mythical bluster."
'Oh great. Now of all times.. this day keeps on getting better'. Yang San Shu thought.
"*Cough.* Look who decided to leave seclusion. Since when did you join any of our little meet ups?"
"I couldn't stand by and watch. It's been exactly one epoch - one, bloody D*MNED epoch, since ANYTHING new came here. A little seed from a distant place arrived all the way here, only for you to the be the first to lay claim? I thought you'd retired you old bastard!"
The beautiful monk frowned.
"For being acquainted with an enlightened one, you really never gathered any... class. How are you so vulgar for being so .. *ancient?*"
The androgynous green beauty smiled a sweet smile. It would've been a scene worthy of eternal preservation if it hand't been for the veins of anger clearly visible.
"For someone who failed to grab that fishf*cker and drag him here you sure say a lot of sh*t. You had the chance to have the little fellow inherit your path, yet you left after leaving it that... thing. I thought you gave a sh!t about the future of your beloved Buddhism."
"Thing... that... 'thing' is just a piece of primordial earth. Nothing more."
All of a sudden, the place turned completely silent.
"...Oh. Yeah, sure, that fishf*cker would just casually take out the first earth born when turbid and clear was split.. and use it as fishing bait. You.. you senile monk, you left it for a NEWBORN?"
The green visage waved her hands and from the heavens, chains of light shot towards Little Yang's rooting place.
The blind figure knocked at the ground with his staff. The entire plane of the vast green shook, from the earth millions of thorns shot and stabbed towards the chains in and instant, locking them in space like a million locks and keys.
"...You old bastards, I know you're a bunch of cruel, disillusioned old bastards but the protection of the newborn should be a law all should keep! It's my law as the birthkeeper of nascent eden - You shall not harm within my domain!"
A deep roar reverbrated and the heavens burst with light - all clouds dispersing. In the skies, countless shining burning swords pointed at the ground and stood ready to rain down.
The parasol tree sighed in his heart and wished mouths weren't just for show. He waved his hands and silently,- instantly,--- an ocean of milky white flames swept the entire plane of the vast green in an instant .
The chains, locked in the heavens above by the million thorns vanished altogether. The prior confrontation dispersed like a dream into memory. The difference now, is that a beautiful, tiny light both bright and blue appeared by his side.
Little Yang realized that it had, once more.. became a ball of light. Once more, in an unfamiliar place.
It was planning to 'sleep' for some time. It felt that in falling asleep it would be able to... rest? Its thoughts and emotions. No, organize would be more correct.
More importantly, it finally got hold of the extremely delicious smelling bag. Little Yang planned to enjoy it... eat it like it ate up the soil and delicious fresh water. The essence of the vast green. It believed that the bag was going to be as good. Would be more good. Very good. Good smell. Yup.
"...This.. this colour... can it be?"
Little Yang was broken out of its stupor by a soothing voice. It 'looked' and perceived a very beautiful lady with very pretty green hair. She was currently crouching over and looking very, very closely at it. It made Little Yang feel uncomfortable.
"How did he, this.. this cyan radiance shining like a sapphire teardrop, this... this is a color that can't exist in the waking לאחר יציאת עדן world!"
Space cracked, and an extremely handsome golden figure clad in ruby-gold colored embroidered robes appeared behind the beautiful green lady... and hugged her from behind.
"Correct.... It's the same comet that led the youth on his voyage to the island of origin all those years ago. The blazing crimson star's constant companion, and the same light whose's descent marked the end of the age of gods."
The beautiful lady flinched from suddenly having someone breathe and speak by her ears so intimately, and with a vengeful force turned and smashed her knee at the golden man's lower body.
"Haha! As cute as always!"
The kick landed squarely and created a horrifyingly powerful quake in space as the golden haired man was knocked away, but it didn't seem to have hurt him as he landed without a flinch.
"I don't remember inviting you.. *cough".
"After that feisty red girl openly crashed to your retirement home, i'm only impressed i'm the first one to arrive here. Well, not first apparently. Only... --"
The golden man arrived near Little yang and took a close look
-I wasn't expecting the first guest to arrive after this tiny blue star instead of the bright red one."
Little Yang felt confused. Why do people call itself a blue star? It knows itself as a droplet of water, a seed, a stalk... as little Yang. It knows what a star is and understands that when it 'looks' up there, it can see a star. But it's on the ground.
Well, it's not on the ground right now. It's back to being a...
'oh'. It thought it knew why it was a star now. It's in the sky, it's floating and it's shining.
Little Yang thought all this, but didn't like the golden haired man looking over itself and so he decided to do what it did against the Fishy man with the weird rod.
It tried to beat him!
Little Yang moved and 'headbutted' the golden man's face!
The golden haired man was caught off guard when the tiny blue ball smashed into his face, and he flew splendidly... far enough that his gorgeous robes got snagged onto the same branch where the salty shirt was hung, atop the bodhi tree.
— Un nouveau chapitre arrive bientôt — Écrire un avis