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40% the revenge-curse of the eliments / Chapter 2: chapter two

Chapitre 2: chapter two

Raven had made it too mt. Sergio and she was argueing with the lords of eliment. "Let him go" raven shouted. "No he dies along with you" the lords of eliment said too raven. "Id like too see you try if you havnt forgot i got an extra power inknown too any" raven said with a smirk. "You forgot we know what kills you" the earth eliment said. The ice eliment destracted raven while the wind eliment breezed in and stabed raven with a mecasa crystal sword leaveing a shard of red colored crystal sticking out of her skin and causeing blue blood too spill down ravens shoulder. As raven fell to her knees she asked "how"? "Well we were there when nastradamus was destroyed and when you moved too jupitar we followed patiently awaiting this moment" the ice eliment said to raven. Raven fell from her knees too the ground and stoped breathing so the lords of eliment were about too leave when the ice eliment turned too thomas and asked "what do we do with the boy"? "Leave him hell starve too death" thomas said as he and his gang disapeared. Hatake burned the ropes off of his wrist and ran too raven after healing her wounds she began too breath again but she did not wake up. Hatake took raven too a hospital only too find out she was in a coma. "Oh, raven how could thomas do such a thing to such a beautiful women like you i swear my flower we will take down these evil beings together" hatake said too raven but he knew he was pretending to love her only because she didnt no the truth and had no memory of the truth. Raven was in the plains of valia this is where spirits go to await trial before they find out if it is there time too go or not. Raven walked through this beautiful field with a girl named alison park, alison was from korea she had a bad cold that led to a horrible coma and it scared the five year old. "So your in a coma as well"? raven asked. "Yeah, i may live if so ill find you and sign up for your crew" alison said to raven as she smiled. Raven smiled too. "I miss the land of the liveing its where all the people i care about are" raven said as she stared at the huge and beautiful waterfall. "So…" raven began but she was cut off by a booming angelic voice. "Alison park you dont belong in the field of valia or better yet known as purgatory return too the land of the liveing, raven return too earth and fight the demons of eliment we cant allow them too wipe out all ive created" the booming angelic voice said as both raven and alison disapeared. Raven felt a tingeling sensation as her spirit was returned too her body. Raven opened her eyes and looked around, the first thing raven noticed was she was in a hospital room. "Your an angel how can you be harmed" a small child asked. Raven knew this child she met her in the fields of valia. "How do you no im an angel" raven asked the small child. "He showed me" the small child said as she pointed too a picture of god hanging on the wall. "Well he sent me in a some what humen form too save the world, where are your parents"? Raven asked. "I dont no" the little replied sadly. "Do you want me too help you find them"? Raven asked. "Yes please, im alison park by the way" alison said too raven. "What a pretty name raven told alison. "Thank you my mommy named me i was named after my mamaw ally" alison said too raven. "Alison how old are you"? Raven asked. "Im five years old" alison said too raven. Raven pulled her iv's out and walked with alison everything was fine till raven and alison stunmbled upon the dead bodys of guk and hyun jun park. Alison was angry she began too glow an eary white color. "Who did this" alison screamed. The lords of eliment steped from the shaddows alison sent the ice eliment slamming into the nearest hospital wall but she stoped glowing when she noticed who the air eliment was. "Uncle jung, how could you she was your sister and you side with these murderers" alison cried. "Raven i see your doing well" thomas said too raven. "Yeah after you heathens tried too kill me" raven said too thomas. "With every year your family has been trying too kill us for years now" thomas said too raven. "You have tried too kill out all humens its wrong i mean arnt you humen your self thomas"? Raven asked. "No not any more im not thomas said too raven. A voice was heard down the length of the hall way raven yelled "help please" even no she knew they were dead. It was hatake and a nurse. Hatake ran to ravens side. The lords of eliment vanished. "Alison is going with us" raven said too hatake. "Alright" hatake said too raven. "You cant leave yet" the nurse said too raven. Raven grabed hatakes pistol and pointed it at the nurse. "Im leaveing" raven said as she went back too her hospital room and got dressed then she left with young alison and hatake. "So where are you from"? Raven asked from the corner where she sat in her chair. "Nastradamus" alison replied. "Thats where i used to govenor as princess before it was blown up that is" raven said too alison. "Wow so your a princess"? Alison asked as she began to bow. "Arise dear alison im the same as you" raven said too alison. "Can you adopt me"? Alison asked. "Yes, i no a man who can help us i need a few things fixed on my ship as well any ways plus i wouldnt mind seeing my old friend again" raven said too alison. "Whats his name"? Alison asked. "Lamount james" raven said too alison. "Lamount is your friend"? Alison asked. "Hes a friend of my family and has been for years" raven replied. "Look i must sail my ship now we will need too make too turtuga in a day we cant if i dont sail my ship" raven added too the conversation as she walked back out on deck and up too the wheel. Pistol annie walked up to raven and said "will all do respect captian arnt we takeing a risk takeing in a child i mean were already in a lott of danger as is, its not fair too put alisons life on the line shes only five". "She has no one too protect her annie i saved you life of farm work your father is clayton hamilton the richest rancher in tombstone arizona so now im saveing alison from a life in a foster home, dont you see annie she is one of us she is an air magi" raven said too annie. "Maybe an ophanage would be better for alison though she would be better off" annie argued. "Look annie im captain what i say goes savy" raven said as she turned back too steering her ship too turtuga. A day latter the revenge docked in a port just out side of turtuga where a small dock house set. Raven steped off the ship and knocked on lamounts door. A rinkled old african american man answered the door. "Raven is that you"? Lamount asked. "Yes its been a while i know i need a few favors" raven said too lamount. "All ya need to do is say it child" lamount replied. "Im not a child but first off the revenge needs a few repairs and i want to adopt a young child as my own" raven said too lamount. "Ok will do on both, but the child will need too be present too answer a few questions" lamount said too raven. Raven looked too hatake and asked "hatake my love will you bring alison down"? "Shure thing my love" hatake replied as he done as raven had asked. After asking the questions he needed too no lamount looked at raven "the adoptions done but given the damage too the hull of the revenge it will take at least three months too fix it i can how ever give you a loner ship too sail around for now it may not be as fast as the revenge though" lamount said to raven. "Well take the replacement ship for now ill be back for my ship in three months i trust you'll treat her well"? Raven asked. "Raven cornilius vernon dont ask stupid questions like that lamount has always taken very good care of the revenge" marry scolded raven. "Sorry lamount" raven said as she began too walk too dock b where her replace ship was docked alison followed right behind raven. Raven went to the captains cabin and went too sleep alison crawled in beside raven and put her small arm around raven with her deep blue eyes transfixed on ravens sleeping form. Mean while marry and fenix were talking too lamount. "Your daughter needs too no why the lords of eliment want her dead she deserves this much" lamount said too marry and fenix. "We cant tell her lamount shell hate us forever we just cant" marry cried. "Why do they want her dead so bad"? Hatake asked. "If raven dies it breaks the seal and releases the beast that was sealed in ravens unconstious mind, and the ravens mind can be controled the kagegente is a huge spider with a vampire like head the kagegente feeds on destruction by sealing it in raven she can use his powers too boast her powers and with him in her uncontious mind he cant harm her in a dream either, raven is part of the few too be sealed they call these children nasentai childrenin the akusin langauge" lamount said too hatake. "I speak akusin my grandfather was was an akusin he was from akusa im one of the manny nasentai children i was sealed with the dragon of death we are angels you know sent from our celestial planets" hatake said too lamount. The air on the dark serpent became chilly wakeing both raven and alison from there dreams. The room was so misty you couldnt see infront of yourself alison used her magic too clear up the fog, there stood the lords of eliment along with a three headed dog. "Hells hounds huh! Go away im trying to sleep" raven said too the elimentals. "We cant we want too watch you die" the elimentals replied. "Your evil" raven sneered. Duh! Were from hell love you arnt good either you may come from the celestial universe called universe x but your still a pirate" the elimentals said too raven. "That may be so but at least im still allowed in the holy land you were thrown out after your creator the evil one sent you there too kill the altimate power, but you did not succeed did you" raven said as she chuckled. "Ill kill you" the ice eliment shouted. "Go ahead and try and remember good will always beat out evil" raven said too the ice eliment whos name was oden. While the fire eliment raven already knew was thomas, the air eliment was named regus, the water eliment was named raius, and the earth eliment was named dathle. Any ways the ice eliment was about too strike raven when a huge yeti apeared beside alison "drulak attack" alison shouted as the yeti began too attack the ice eliment injureing him. The elimentals disapeared after saying "we will return and kill all of you vernons"!!!! Alison ran up ran up too the yeti. "Drulak thank you so much im so glad you live in my uncontious mind" alison cried happily. "I am too" the deep voice of the yeti sounded before he disapeared. "What was that"? Raven asked. "I was sealed with a yeti at birth he wasnt always that kind" alison said too raven. "Howed he change"? Raven asked. "I was kind too him we play all sorts of games in my sleep" alison said too raven. "Lets go seek the others i need answers" raven said as walked and tried too fathom her earlier dream. Ravens dream…

A spider vampire apeared raven began too freak out because she hates spiders "be still the only way ill hurt you is if you give me probable cause too do so" the spider vampire said too raven. "Who are you and what is it you want"? Raven asked. "I am spunvali i was sealed with you at birth we could have been working together but i was hidden from you for quiet some time" spunvali said too raven. End of dream. Raven found her parents and asked with irritation "who is spunvali"? "We wanted to tell you" was all marry could say. "So its true" raven shouted as she ran off, hatake ran after raven finding her seting at the pier sulking angirly. Hatake sat beside raven and said "at least you wernt sealed with the dragon of death as a kid i was called the angel of death and picked on no kid wanted too play with a beast who takes lifes, so uh!, ceresha was my only friend and still is, im from akusa my native tounge is akusin" hatake said too raven. "Then how did you end up in japan"? Raven asked. "I was adopted by the emperor after my parents were murdered, by the way the dragon of death is a female" hatake said too raven. Raven kissed hatake and one thing lead too another. Raven and hatake slept outside that night. Raven woke up when it began too poor down rain. Hatake was bathing in the ocean in nothing but a pair of shorts. "Like what ya see love"? Hatake asked. "What"? Raven asked dumbfoundedly. "Well your gawking at me like im a juicy chicken sandwitch" hatake said too raven. Ravens cheeks became a bright shade of crimsom as she became embarrassed. "Was i, i gotta get back too alison shes probably worried sick about me" raven said as she scurried off too the dark serpent where she found alison crying. "Alison" raven said as she placed a hand on her shoulder. "Dont call me that please call me elizabeth from now on" as she ran off the ship and into lamounts house. "Lamount" alison shouted. Lamount limped into the room where young alison stood. "What is it child cant you see im busy" lamount said too alison. "I want to change my name too elizabeth vernon" alison said too lamont. "Ok step in here sign this paper work and then ill give my stamp of aproval" lamount said as he went back too reasing his book by elmirs franks called in the heat of fire. Alison signed her paper work but when alison was done she sat there silently waiting for lamount too be done reading his book an hour latter lamount finally closed in the heat of fire. "Im done" alison said too lamount. Lamount looked over the paper work alison signed then gave his stamp of aproval. "Your now elizabeth vernon enjoy" lamount said too elizabeth. The new Elizabeth walked out to find the entire crew stareing at her. "Listen up my name is no longer alison its elizabeth so call me that" elizabeth said too the crew. A month latter raven was puking her guts out in the toilet yet she had no idea why. Though it could be ravens worst fear that shes pregnant. Raven knew it was a bad idea to bring another life in too the dangerous enviroment that is her life. Yet if raven ended up being pregnant she did not believe in abortion and she would not adopt her child out too some stranger she had intentions of knowing. No, if raven was pregnant she would just half too raise her child her self. Raven was broke from her trance by some one holding her hair up it was hatake. "Do you think you might be prgnant love if so well raise out child together" hatake said too raven. Raven smiled for she knew hatake would make a wonderful dad but she was still afraid the lords of eliment would harm her child, no, raven wouldnt allow that too happen. At that moment raven had too release more of her stomuch contents. Raven was soon taken too a doctor where she found out she was definately pregnant. What she didnt no was that it was twins one a boy one a girl. Raven was put on bed rest since she was a high risk pregnancy. The whole crew and raven decided too stay at lamounts house. Raven was tended too twenty four seven. Soon nine months had passed and there was a complication with the birthing process. "Sir we half to do an emergency sesection if we dont both the baby and raven will die" the doctor said too hatake. "Please save them doctor" hatake begged of the doctor. "I will see what i can do sir in the mean time since its so sirius i can not allow visitors" the doctor said too hatake. Hatake went back too the dark asending sending a person every hour too check the statues of the birth. Hatakes relief came when elizabeth returned saying "she has delivered twins, a boy, and a girl, the doctor is accepting visitors now". Hatake walked into the room he saw his beautiful daughter all wraped in pink and she looked identical too her mom exept she had her daddys skin color. The he looked to the blue blanket that held his handsome little son who looked just like a baby version of himself. "There beautiful" hatake beamed with joy. "Our daughters name is kinako sinabe and and our son is named yasuo sinabe" raven said with tears of joy flowing from her eyes as she watched the bundles of joy fall asleep. "There perfect" raven said too hatake. "So im here let me have our children you get some rest you deserve it" hatake said as he placed there two children in the incubater like bed and fell a sleep on the couch. The next morning raven, kinako, and yasuo were able to leave the hospital this made not only raven happy but her entire crew especially hatake and elizabeth.

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