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94.87% The return of a spoiled villainess / Chapter 37: Plan Z

Chapitre 37: Plan Z

The day after his audience with the Emperor, Devon arrived at the Black Castle in a terrible mood. That news spread through the building like a hurricane, forcing everyone to hide in the corners. Even the castle wall seems to become darker today, making the surrounding looks sinister.

Lord's secretary, Mr. Danton Sin, tried to bypass his boss that day, subconsciously feeling as if the very air around Lord Trevelyan was saturated with poison. Luckily Devon himself didn't leave his study all that much, only going for "some fresh air" a few times to the dungeon.

The only bright side of the Black Judge's moodiness today was that the number of confessions from criminals that day almost doubled. And the only person who wasn't so happy about this delightful fact was Mr. Danton.

The young man yawned for the fourth time and looked around the table covered by all kinds of documents with tired eyes. This yawn, quite normal for an ordinary person, made Sin a little worried. After all, for representatives of his species, sleepiness was a very bad sign.

In appearance, this man still looked quite young. Only his white hair with stricks of blue could arouse someone's suspicions. Other than that, his face with delicate features and too slender figure laked much masculinity. Therefore, many overlooked him as anyone dangerous. And only his eyes, which he often hid behind round dark glasses, betrayed that he belonged to a very rare species.

Nagas were one of the species that were created right before the Great Schism. They were small in number even back then. Now it was hard to say how many still roamed the world.

Orcs, drow, and beastmen, with time, were able to found their own semblances of kingdoms, clans, and tribes. But the Nagas, although having a much longer lifespan and unique ability to hypnosis, still could not unite. As a result, many of his fellow tribesmen dispersed among people, carefully hiding their nature all their lives.

When Sin was still very young, this state of affairs terribly infuriated him. Why should he hide? He is stronger than many humans. With his hypnotic gaze, he could control anyone. He didn't even have to strain to lead a carefree life using human beings. They gladly gave him their money, their housing, food. They were ready to serve him.

But life is such a thing - only you start to feel omnipotent, and fate will definitely find an opportunity to poke your face in the mud.

Sin knew Lord Trevelyan long before Devon took The Black Castle's Head position and was one of the few who were privy to the secret of his curse. He met Devon under not very pleasant circumstances around the same time as his steward-butler, Lautre.

Now it was funny to remember that once, their roles were reversed. And hardly anyone from Sin's coworkers could have imagined that this straight-laced secretary with a cold demeanor but kind voice was a power to reckon with in a criminal world once.

A jailer and two prisoners: if someone told him back then that he would become a guardian of the law in just a couple of years, and Lautre would start baking muffins, Sin would have laughed his socks off.

Secretary chuckled and shook his head, chasing away this strange state of mind when ordinary thoughts began to flow into an endless wandering of the mind and glanced at the massive door of dark wood that led to Black' Lord's study. Thanks to his nature, Sin could clearly feel how an enormous dark cloud of the Black Lord's aura was trying to seep in through the cracks in the doorframe. Probably he was the only person who could withstand such pressure. However, it still made him worry.

Despite the fame comparable only to the demonic spawn, Lord Trevelyan was very serious, attentive, and consistent at work. He often locked himself in his office and could stay there, overwhelmed with work for days. It was so rare for Devon to let loose his emotions like this because he perfectly understood what consequences this could have for those around him.

Sin shook his head but still decided to go and check, although he knew for sure that it would cost him a huge headache in the literal and figurative sense of the word.

No one answered on the first knock. Sin stiffened his breath and, gathering his courage, knocked again louder.

"My Lord!" - He called out with a careful voice. But again, the silence was his only answer.

"Devon?" - he called louder, carefully opening the door and thrusting his head into the gap.

The first thing his eyes stumbled upon was an amazing mess in the fairly spacious office of the Head of the Black Castle. On the floor, here and there, lay a pile of torn and crumpled paper and even pieces of broken office items.

The Black Executioner himself sat at his wide table made of bog oak with his head bowed and his hands buried in his disheveled hair. His massive figure swayed slightly. The chair beneath him pitifully creaked following each movement, and the Lord himself was oblivious to the world muttering something under his breath.

It looked scary enough!

Sin had never seen his boss like this before. Because of his special abilities, Lord Travelian learned from childhood to control his emotions. It was difficult to piss him off. Probably the only one who succeeded times and again and still lived to tell was his close friend, the Lord of the Red Castle.

But it was very difficult for Sin to imagine what this fearless idiot could have done to bring his Lord to such a state.

"Um .. Devon?" - Sin called out once more, coming closer. - "What happened?"

Hearing the voice of his secretary, Lord Trevelyan for a second stopped muttering curses under his breath but did not raise his head.

Sin took a few more cautious steps forward as if he were getting close to a huge and very dangerous bear: one step, another. Nag hesitantly reached out to pat Devon on the shoulder, and at the same moment, the man suddenly raised his head. Sin jumped back startled.

Devon's messy hair covered half of his face, eyebrows were pulled together, but his eyes were shining with some weird feverish glow making him look more like a demon. But in the next second, as soon as Devon focused his gaze on the man, his expression changed drastically. Sin hiccupped in surprise. It looked as if an angry monster with the eyes of a battered dog suddenly appeared in front of Mr. Danton Sin.

What the hell happened?!

The thoughts of what could still bring the obstinate Black Executioner to such a state flooded Sin's head.

It was definitely Lord Rutland who did something! Could he... maybe burn something very precise, like half of Arilla or maybe Devon's dog (Lotre)? Or maybe he stole something?... But does Devon actually has anything that valuable? His mother? Who would want this old hug? Or an Emperor, and they fled in an unknown direction? Well, the only thing this poor little bear child was guarding with zealous would probably be ... his virginity? No way!

Lord Trevelyan frowned, apparently noticing Sin's strange change in mood. His face instantly changed back into the impenetrable mask of a Black Lord.

"What did you just think about?" - He asked suspiciously, looking intently into the face of his secretary.

Sin immediately stepped back and averted his eyes, diligently trying to think of something abstract. Butterflies, lambs, criminals, murders, torture ...

"About work!" - He blurted out hastily and immediately added, changing the subject. - "So what happened, My Lord?"

Devon gazed at his assistant for another second skeptically, then sighed dejectedly and seemed to plunge into the abyss of his torments again.

After a short silence, he finally spoke in a low voice:

"The Emperor wants me to marry ..."

"Oh!" - Sin exclaimed in surprise and immediately blurted out. - "Is this a new way of torture? How did this poor woman incur the Emperor's wrath?"

However, as soon as those words left his mouth, Sin felt Devon's suddenly darkened gaze piercing a hole in him. Nag instantly shut up and even covered his lips with his hands.

Fortunately, the Black Lord's eyes flickered with anger only for a second, and then he only nodded distantly, as if agreeing with this stupid joke.

Sin hesitated to console his Lord somehow, and then his gaze fell on a pile of crumpled papers scattered on the table and floor. The handwriting was strangely familiar.

Nag bent down and picked up the nearest one. It was really easy to guess who was the author of this writing.

But the most interesting thing was precisely the content of these letters.

The page began with the title "Plan E."

And then, the article further detailed the action of some cheap soap opera.

"Mr. Black closely watches his companion with fascinated gaze, at the same time, inserting witty comments into their light conversation. And then, when Miss White is distracted, he buys and brings the most beautiful horse to her.

Oh, he is so gorgeous! - she exclaims in delight.

You are the gorgeous one here! I only hope that this creature will be able to highlight your beauty adequately! - He replies, passionately looking into her eyes ..."

At this point, Sin has already begun to feel nauseous. He looked at Devon with a questioning look, trying to understand what this ... thing was doing here. However, his gaze once again came across the strange eyes of Devon, full of expectation. As if he wanted to hear Sin's opinion.

About what?

The secretary looked again, confused, at these disgustingly corny lines, and then again at his boss. And only a minute later, it finally dawned on him.

This handwriting definitely belonged to Lord Rutland. Why would he write this nonsense? Mister Black?

"Is this a possible scenario for your date with your bride-to-be?" - Sin suggested uncertainly.

"Do you think this is ridiculous too?" - The Black Lord responded gloomily, kicking one of the papers on the floor with his boot.

Sin opened his mouth to calm his Lord, and then an image of how this action could play out appeared before his eyes ...

Even if he could imagine that Lord Travelian could squeeze something like that out of himself. With his face and aura, the girl will probably think that he is threatening her or wants to bury her along with the horse ...

"Mister Trevelyan ..." - he began but stopped short, choosing his words. - "Devon, I certainly don't know the whole story. But in my experience, not all seduction strategies can work for every man. Everyone has their own way of charming."

Hearing this, Devon looked up at his secretary again. There was so much hope in his gaze that Sin shivered but nevertheless continued cautiously.

"For example, Lord Rutland may suit such an aggressive romantic style, but many men can hardly speak with such slobbering phrases in ordinary life."

The Black Lord straightened up and even nodded, confirming the words of his secretary.

"But there are other ways. For example, girls are much more likely to pay attention to mysterious, cold, and silent men."

Devon frowned, then suddenly bent down rummaging through crumbled papers, fished one of the sheets. Sin obediently accepted the document presented to him.

As soon as he read the first few lines, his eyebrows went up. He looked back at the rest of the paper pile and fished out a few more sheets at random.

It's a whole encyclopedia of seduction! There were scripts for every taste. Cold and silent, cheerful and lively, rake and ladies' man, and even pathetic and mama's boy!

Sin glanced sideways at Devon as he read the last script. Well, this one wouldn't work for sure. There must be something wrong with the girl if the Lord of the Black Castle caused her to experience maternal feelings for him ...

"My Lord," - nag finally spoke with a sigh. - "You know, despite all these tips, a lot of things on a real date can go wrong. Plus, although the first impression is very important, you always have a chance to correct your relationship with the girl during the next meeting."

"Two weeks." - Devon muttered in response.


"The Emperor will announce our engagement in two weeks." Repeated the Black Lord through clenched teeth.

Sin winced as he felt his boss's aura grow even thicker.

Now he understood why Lord Trevelyan was so upset.

"This girl ... does she know?"

Devon just shook his head in response.

"Oho!" - Sin thought to himself, rubbing his forehead in thought. Barely stopping himself from asking again what kind of capital offense she caused.

The matter turned out to be even more complicated than it seemed at first glance.

"Perhaps you can tell me more?" - Sin cautiously prompted. And while Devon hesitated, he found a whole chair, settling down opposite his boss.

The Black Lord glanced at his secretary uncertainly but still began to tell.

Devon didn't have many people he could call friends anyway. And those who could really understand the nature of his curse could be counted on the fingers of one hand. Among all the others, only Sin, thanks to his amazing mental abilities, could consciously close himself off from the negative influence of the Black Lord's predatory aura.

Therefore, Sin, better than anyone else, could understand the full scale of the disaster. His gift to charm people also brought him many problems in the field of love. Although the effect was completely opposite to Devon, Sin also shied away from serious relationships since he could never know with certainty whether the girl was fascinated by him or his gift. Plus, his hypnosis also had a side effect - a person constantly under the influence of his spell would sooner or later go crazy.

After listening to his boss, Sin fell into contemplation for a while. It was only when Devon's questioning gaze became unbearable that the secretary finally decided to give his opinion.

"Surprisingly, I can't help but agree with Lord Rutland." - he admitted with a grimace but immediately hastened to continue seeing how distorted Devon's face. - "I mean his conclusions as to whether it's worth trying to deepen your relationship at all. But all these methods ... maybe you should start building relationships with the purpose of becoming partners first?"

Devon raised an eyebrow inquiringly and even leaned forward slightly. Seeing the interest on the boss's face, Sin continued.

"You just have to be gentle with her ... Show her all the advantages that she can gain by agreeing to become your fiancée. And then choose a moment before Ball to propose to her directly. Explain everything to her so that it is not a choice between a prison and a jailer as a husband, but a perfectly reasonable partnership that will benefit everyone. "

Devon flinched slightly. Sin's words seemed to shape his fears, which were constantly racing in his head.

Prison or jailer ...

Wasn't that exactly the position that his accidental words in front of the Emperor had put Lady Marsters in?

No, not a jailer ...

As if from nowhere in my head sounded the last words of his mother.

Executioner! Monster! Beast!

Devon covered his face with his hands and spoke firmly, trying to muffle the voice in his head.

"Thank you, Sin. Please take away all this paper and burn it, I don't need them. And then you can go home."

The silence momentary distended on the room, then finally, Devon heard the rustling of papers and the soft thump of the closing door. Sin was always very empathetic and knew perfectly well when not to meddle.

After a few minutes, bringing his mind into a relatively stable state, Devon finally removed his hands, massaging his aching temples. But as soon as he opened his eyes, his gaze immediately came across one sheet lying right in front of his face.

"Plan Z."

The title made him grimace, and he was ready to throw out this nonsense, but further words made him hesitate.

Instead of a slobbering subtitle like cold and unapproachable, there was only his name.

"Devon, Lord Trevelyan."

And then:

"I know that you sometimes consider yourself something terrible: black judge, executioner, bloody punisher of the Emperor, tower dog.

All these titles are certainly great.

But you have others: faithful friend, fair judge, Lord, who is respected not only because of fear.

You are a punisher but also a protector.

Do not forget about it.

They love us not because we are wonderful, but for who we are.

And if this girl is really the one. She will be able to discern all this in you.

Besides, do not forget that she is not without sin. Therefore, you just need to allow her to recognize your true self and try to understand her.

PS And try not to suck her soul in the process!

On the back of this page, you will find instructions with detailed pictures of the places that are better suited for such actions ..."

Devon frowned. After reading the last phrase.

Puzzled, he gently lifted the paper by the edge and turned it over. Only when he looked at the other side and saw the drawings, his face immediately turned pale.

"Bloody pervert!" - He growled, crushing a piece of paper and throwing it into the fire.

Who knew that, besides other useless gifts, Blaze would also have an amazing talent for drawing lewd pictures ...

next chapter
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