Five minutes later...
In the middle of the snow-white forest, there spotted a black camping tent small in size with space enough to accommodate only two or three people.
Still, this was more than enough for the current Jeremy, who ventured alone...
No matter who saw it, the black tent situating right in the middle of the snow-white background was such a conspicuous sight to behold for anyone.
But the tent-pitcher, Jeremy, couldn't care less about such a thing, as he was the boss-ranked monster here, after all.
Who should he be scared of?
For now, none...
Right now, Jeremy was sitting inside the said black tent, having a miniature camping gas stove in front of him. Meanwhile, a small cooking pan above the gas stove, which had a big, meaty beef being cooked inside, giving out light-grey smoke filled with mouth-watering smells.
The delicate aromas originated from the big, cooking piece of steak breezed far and wide into the still, chilly air.
Here is a bonus chapter again.
Alas, after finish writing this chapter, I suddenly get hungry.
mY pReCioUs!!