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4.76% The newest Marvel (New 52 Superman in Marvel) / Chapter 1: Prologue
The newest Marvel (New 52 Superman in Marvel) The newest Marvel (New 52 Superman in Marvel) original

The newest Marvel (New 52 Superman in Marvel)

Auteur: bookwormjohnny2

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: Prologue



The Newest Marvel



Ever wonder what was out there beyond the solar system? The Galaxy? The universe itself? Millions of races in the universe are driven to explore- others to conquer: yet... only a very select few truly know what lies beyond everything. Some would call these beings gods or primordial beings, yet even beyond those there was others, the one common factor that binds all sentients together.


It was a constant throughout the realms of realities, through multiverses, through convergences and like all things, and over time it too took form.

Rarely does the living interest Death, but it has been known to happen from time to time. For out in the darkness, far away from the light of any universes, the entity known as Mistress Death found something very curious in her domain. It was a bright shining light in her sanctum.

Assuming a humanoid form, with a face some would say was beautiful, the Mistress of death cup her hands around the small fragile light and was surprised. Very few things could surprise Death, only the eahrthers have ever truly done so, but here, in her hands was something that was shocking indeed. This spirit was outside her purview, out of her entire realm there was no soul of his type in any existence. Searching some more, Mistress Death found something else, another power, around it, rejecting it. Expelling it wherever it came from into her own domain.

Mistress Death view the life of the being known as Kal-El Known on earth as Clark Kent, and the hero known on his earth as Superman. Death saw her other face on the very edge of this 'Superman' life, always coming closer to its end goal.


Yet, even Nekron's end goal was cheated from him as the soul of Superman was now in her hands. Something or someone had ejected the last son of Krypton completely from his reality. Looking at the soul now, Mistress Death note that Nekron's stench was still fresh on it and heavy. She would need to erase it.

The only way to do that is to saturate this person's soul with experience in her realm of reality. She would need to suppress his memories and powers, it would do no good for him to feel apart, he must consider himself a citizen of her marvelous domain. Then and only then, when he died will he belong to her compeletely.

Grabbing the soul, she sent it towards the planet known as Earth, more specifically the New York region.

The beginning.

***Annandale-on-Hudson, New York***

If there was one thing that could be said about Clark Kent, son of Jane and Marcus Kent, it was that he was whipped. Not in a bad way per say, just that the neighborhood girls- Lean Gray and Annie Richardson- had poor little Clark wrapped around their fingers. It amused the neighbors and warmed their hearts when the trio could be seen running up and down the street with poor little Clark struggling to keep up.

Thankfully, the girls knew little Clark's limit and made sure he didn't exert himself too much. The neighbors were more then happy to treat Clark with gentle gloves. The fact that he was alive was miracle in in itself, his mother Jane had felt that Clark had cheated death. Jane Kent had given birth prematurely by three months and when little Clark was finally birthed he was unable to breath on his own. He had stayed in NYC hospital for over a month before they could stabilized him. The doctors at NYC hospital had warned the Kents that their son's chances of living were one out of a hundred.

Yet to their amazement, every day little Clark fought to breath, to live, he would often out soft cries when he was hungry or in pain. It tore at the Kents every time, yet slowly, Clark began to do better, he wouldn't be consider the healthiest baby delivered, but he survived. Little Clark would not remember the victory celebration the children's ward gave to the Kents as they proudly home their little boy.

Because of the way he was born, Clark was always filled with medical problems. The first year alone they had to rush him to the hospital no less then five times. Yet their child survived every time, and to their amazement, through the years, their hospital visit became less and less. As Clark grew, he began to understand the limitation set upon him and challenged it. He was very mischievous and often got in trouble trying to keep up with the neighborhood kids. At the age of five, he came across Jean and Anna, who took it upon themselves to look out for Clark. At the age of ten, in one moment of heroism, he paid back the girls' kindness.

Clark noted that the ball they were playing with went passed him, but he was too slow to catch it. Unfortunately, it rolled onto the street where Annie, skipped passed him to get it. Pushing up his large circular glasses that looked comical on him, he was able to make out a car heading down their street at a very quick pace.

"Annie look out!" Jean shouted, which was a mistake on her part as Annie froze when she heard the alarm in her best friend voice.

Clark saw Annie body stiffen and look at Jean in confusion before turning to look at the car that apparently have not seen her and was almost on top of her. It was only at the last moment that he realized he had moved his body toward Annie that he saw the car and in that very last moment, was able to push Annie out of the way.

"CLARK!" Jean's shout could be heard over the sound of the tires screeching, but the last thing Clark felt was worm metal on his body on his body.

Clark saw only darkness, and what he, and what he thought was a lady in purple with half of her face shrouded.


That sounded like Jean voice.

"Clark! Please wake up! Please be okay!"



Then as if by some miracle, Clark saw a massive emblem of a bird made out of fire lit up the darkness. The lady in purple seem to tilt his head to the fire bird before turning to disappear.


Clark startled awake at the shout from his best friend's voice and found himself looking at fuzzy images. He could make out the faint beeping of machinery in the background. A sound he recognized much to his chagrin. He was in a hospital... again.

"Oh my god, Clark? Baby!" the familiar voice of his mother called out to him from the left and he could now make out the blur he usually associate with her when he didn't have his glasses. His mother had wanted to move as if to hug him but restrained herself.

"Hey Mom, what are you doing here?" Clark grinned at his mother and heard her broke down sobbing at his little quip. He tried to move to comfort her, but the pain that wracked his body had other ideas.


"Don't move!" Clark's mother ordered him as he let out a painful sigh. A moment later, doctors and nurses came into ask him a bunch of questions. The usual questions were asked- was he okay? How was he feeling? Any other places hurt and so on and on it went.

"Your little will be just fine Mrs. Kent," the Doctor said finally after looking at something on his chart most likely. "he'll be in pain, but he appears to be healing nicely."

His mother thanked the doctor, but Clark had something more pressing on his mind.

"Is Annie okay, Mom?" Clark asked and heard the room quiet, follow by a chuckle by the doctor.

"That's some hero you raised there, Mrs. Kent." The doctor humorous tone could be made out, but his blurred figure turned towards Clark. However, it was his mother that answered him and he could hear the exasperation in her voice.

"She's fine, both her and Jean are fine. They were shook up, but Jean's shout brought Mr. Flanagan out of his house, and he called the ambulance for you."

Clark felt his body relaxed before he yawned tiredly. "Hmmm, that's good then..."

The doctor talked to his mother some more, but Clark found his eyes droopy and was off to sleep before he knew it.


Clark was released a few days after he woke up. He found out that he was in a coma for a good three weeks, and that, once again, it was a miracle he was able to survive the car accident. To his disappointed, he did not see either one of his friends during his stay, but he understood that it was the weekday so he couldn't begrudge them not visiting.

It was in the middle of the afternoon when his parent pulled up to their home. Pushing his large thick cut glasses up again, not waiting for his parents, Clark opened his own door and began to lean on his crutches.

"Clark! You should have let me help you!" Jane chided her son, but she was still proud that he seemed determined to be self sufficient. Sometimes she feels as if the more she tell him about his

limits the more he had to challenge it.

"It's okay mom, I got it!" Clark gave his mother a smile as he slowly made his way to the door

where his father just finished unlocking the doors.

"Need help there champ?" Marcus Kent ask his son as he smiled proudly at his boy.

"I got it dad!" Clark grinned cockily before he cross the threshold into his house and was

immediately startled by a loud popping noise.


His dad turn on the lights to the guest room and there standing in his living room was his

entire neighborhood! There was the Smith's from next door, the Weston on the other side, the

Grey's , the Ricardsons and on it went!

"Clark!" twin girlish voice shouted with pure happiness.

Clark was taken a back by the speed of the two blur that came his way and latched

themselves onto him. Though he was slightly shorter than they had both occupied either side

of his shoulders. One was a soft brown color the other was a fiery red.

"Look at the runt, a pretty girl on each arm!" one of the neighborhood boys hooted making the

entire room chuckled out loud and completely embarrassing the three children.

"Alright then, let's get this party started and welcome back our little hero!" Another neighbor

yelled out good naturedly before the rest rushed up to the Clark and started to ruffle his head

or gave him encouraging pat's on his shoulders.

All through the entire ordeal, neither of the girls left his side.

*** A year later***

Clark glared at the bald headed man from atop of the stair of the Grey's house. Next to him

was another man with white hair. As if sensing his presence he saw the bald man look up at

him and smiled kindly at him.

'Clark...' a familiar voice resonated in his head.

'I won't let them take you away Jean!' Clark looked over to two best friend who was also

spying at the Bald man from atop of the stairs and squeezed the girl's hand reassuringly.

'He talked to me Clark... he says he can help me get my powers under control...' Jean face

clearly show how upset she was.

'We can help you get it under control Jeannie.' this thought came from Annie who shared the

same mind link as she put an arm comfortingly around her friend.

'I... I just can't anymore, I can't block out the voices anymore, they are becoming harder and

harder to-'

Clark squeezed his friend hand again. 'Just focus on my mind Jean.'

Clark felt the sensation of Jean presence who he had grown accustom to and nodded to her.

In the end however, it didn't matter what Clark wanted, Jean and Annie was taken away by

the bald man and his silvered hair friend. They had promised to write one another as they

tearfully said goodbye.

Shortly afterward, Clark's father was promoted and was slated to head up this company

Boston division. The family packed up their belongings and moved to a nice little suburbs

next to the Danvers. During that time, the Superhero team known as the Fantastic Four made

their debut battling molemen. Shortly thereafter the Avengers made their debut. Clark had a

feeling that the world was about to get a lot weirder.

*** Boston, Massachusetts***

Even though Clark saw the fist coming toward him, he was too slow to dodge it and felt it

squarely on his nose. The impact blacken his vision for a moment before his could see again,

which was when he felt a second fist made it way into his stomach knocking the air out of his



"That'll teach you to mind your business Kent," Shane Donovan, captain of the football team

sneered as he held onto Clark's head of hair.

Behind the blonde star football player was two of his team mate, offensive linemen who was

making sure no one interfere.

"Well, Kent? Had enough?"

Clark didn't even need to think about his answer as he launch a retaliatory punch at the

blonde football star and caught him squarely in the nose shocking the boy to release him.

"You little shit!" Shane pained voice came out muffled as he lunged at the Clark and barreled

into him with force.

'So much for the myth that Quarterbacks' can't tackle,' Clark thought ruefully as he brought up

his arms just in time to absorbed the blows being hammered at this face. Clark was looking

around trying to find an opening only to feel the Quarterback weight lift off from him. Peeking

through the gap in his arm shields to see his three saviors that came to his rescue, at the

head was none other than Carol Danvers herself.

"Picking on a Freshman Shane?" Carol Danvers, high school senior and voted most likely to

be prom queen stared down the captain of the football team after she physically pulled the

larger boy off of the scrawnier Clark.

Seeing Carol, Shane attitude immediately changed and he gave her a hurt look. "But

Carol~~~ the little dweeb started it!"

"Come on Kent, sis bailed your ass out-" a male voice mocked as he grabbed Clark arm to

hoist him up. "-again!"

"Awww shut up," Clark growled as he accepted the hand of his best friend Joe Danvers,

youngest child of the Danvers himself and felt himself pulled up.

"Need to hit the gym a bit more Big Blue," Steven Danvers joked as he pat Clark on his

shoulders while watching his sister verbally ripped into the king of their highschool.

Clark sighed but turn his attention to the girl that had been the cause of all of this, ironically

Clark thought, her name was Helen. The girl in question was a pretty brunette with warm

brown eyes that met his own blue ones. His glasses being thick enlarged his eyes, thus

earning him the name 'Big Blue' from Steven.

"You okay?"

"You're bleeding," the girl question pointed out to Clark, who merely shrugged and wiped his

nose with his shirt.

Carol had apparently finished ripping apart Shane who was now slinking back before the girl

whirled on Clark and suddenly Clark found himself looking anywhere but at the pretty angry

blonde in front of him. Also he could have sworn that someone turned up the temperature a

lot higher than before.

"Just what the hell were you thinking?" Carol coldly demanded an explanation from Clark. Her

steely blue eyes meeting his own crystal-like blue ones.

"He jumped in because one of Shane friends was getting touchy with me," Helen blurted out

to Carol who was known as the toughest girl at their school, yet extremely pretty. "That's when

Clark ask them to stop, Shane took... issues with his tone."

Carol looked at the girl then back to at Clark who seem to have been looking at her with a

slightly glazed look than to her brothers who was openly snickering at the boy in question

while giving him knowing looks. Sighing, Carol grabbed Clark shoulders squeeze down on it.

"Come on than Mr. Wanna be Superhero, let's get you to the nurse office and see if we can

stop your face from bleeding."

Clark could only known and glared at Steven and Joe as they began to snicker louder. It was

no secret that Clark Kent had the biggest crush on their sister.

"Ummm hey, Clark?" Helen voice snapped the boy in question back to reality as he turned to

look at her. Flushing a bit she gave him a beaming smile. "Thanks."

"No problem," Clark replied confidently and saw Carol looked at him with a raised eyebrow,

but at this point he might as well go all in. "It was nothing."

Apparently his confident demeanor made the pretty Sophomore blushed prettily as she duck

her head and walked away at a brisk pace.

"Smooth Big Blue, real smooth," Steven pat Clark on the back while chuckling loudly.

"You two get to class!" Carol snapped at her two younger brothers who only let out a slight

squeak before they ran off.

Before long Clark found himself in the Nurse office who was worried if she should called

Clark's parent to come get him because of all the blood. Clark shot that down immediately. He

didn't want to trouble his parents over a minor nose bleed. He knew that they still cuddle him

to some extent but he haven't need to be rush to the hospital in ages now!

To his surprise he saw Carol, dressed in a nice pink halter top with a white skirt, showing off

her amazing legs sitting by one of seat waiting patiently for the nurse to clean him up. She

had toss her book bag on the seat next to her but seem to be looking at him with part anger

and part fondness.

"You are a stupid for trying to be a hero you know that?"

"Well, what am I going to do back down just because the other guy is stronger?" Clark snort

and winced in pain.

"When the guy and his friend weighs ten of you, I would think that's a pretty good idea," Carol

replied with a deadpanned expression. "I thought you were suppose to be the smart one!"

Clark let out a pained hissed as the nurse apply pressure to his nose. It was true that he was

smart, he just seem to be able to grasp any subject quite easily. Even Carol senior homework

was no problem for him and she was the First of her class! She had called him a braniac for

his abilities but he really REALLY hated that nickname. He saw Carol was looking at him

expectantly and could only shrugged.

"It seem like a good idea at the time... beside no one else was doing anything..."

The Nurse had finished just as Carol was about to retort, probably something scathing base

on her expression.

"There you go Mr. Kent, all finish," the Nurse declared happily, beside his shirt that showed

the bloodstain, his face was pretty clear.

Carol stood up and Clark obediently followed her out into the hallway as they began to head

back to their respective classes. The two remained silent until Clark began to break off in the

direction of his class.

"Hey Clark?"

Just before Clark could replied to Carol he felt something on his cheek. His eyes widen as he

turned to stared at Carol who had a satisfied look on her face.

"C-C-Carol?!" Clark voice came out shrilly.

"Never changed," Carol replied before she turned her back on him and skipped toward her


Clark brought his hand to his face and touched the spot where he was kissed. A goofy smile

made itself known later on his face.

"I am never washing my face again."


Because of the incident Clark became known to his school as the paper champion. Whenever

he saw someone being bullied or harassed, he would stick his nose in it much to the bully

chargin. He would also end up getting his ass kicked but his friends the Danvers would

always bail him out shortly after.

Clark crowning achievement of his young Freshman year of course was being the date of

Carol Danvers to the prom. It was there he earned his first real kiss from his long time crush

among other things.

Unfortunately, for Clark, shortly afterward Carol signed up for U.S Airforce, which caused a rift

in her family with Mr. Danvers. He never heard from her again through out high school,

eventually Steven too graduated and the money that was passed over from Carol to help

Steven with college was rejected by Steven as he joined the Air Force like Carol probably to

spite their father.

During that time there was a boom in the Superhero business. The formation of the Avengers

short after the Fantastic Four debut, the mysterious mutant group known as the X-Men. Clark

often write to Jean and Annie to see if they knew anything about the group called the X-Men,

but Jean replied indicated that she had no idea. Sure, technology had made communication

easier but there was something about hand written mail that made it seem more personal.

True to the Danvers siblings prediction and his proud parents. Clark became valedictorian of

his highschool and had a full ride scholarship to any Colleges of his choosing. Naturally he

choose NYU with a degree in engineering.

The courses was harder but he wasn't daunted. By that time more superheroes made

themselves known, one of Clark favorite was Spider-man, who kept on getting a bad rep by

the daily bulge. At the very least it was bias reporting by Jameson. From time to time Clark

could look out the windows and see the world Marvels flying over head as heroes did battle

with villains.

Still, Clark intellect and work with NYU and certain professor earned him a paid internship at

the Baxter Building for his graduate's degree. Excited by the offer, he decided to deliver the

news to his parents personally in Boston.

It was this one trip that changed everything Clark knew as in the dead of night to a drunk

driver behind a large truck, frustrated with Clark safe driving smashed into his vehicle and

cause what should have been a fatal accident.

The truck seeing what he have done drove off, not even bothering to call 911.

next chapter
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