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40% The New Duel King / Chapter 4: Two-Pronged Attack

Chapitre 4: Two-Pronged Attack

The rest of the Duel between Dwain and Issac was uneventful.

Issac called a judge about Dwain's play. While it may have been questionable, it was not illegal.

From there, it turned into a back and forth of Issac trying to defend himself and Dwain either destroying his monsters with his Worm Beast or Summoning weaker monsters to lure him into attacking.

After a few turns, Dwain was down to 1200 Life Points and Issac was down to 800. By this point, Issac looked desperate and seemed to be trying to deplete Dwain's Life Points faster than his own - trying to use Dwain's baiting against him. Then, Issac seemed to make a turn around as he drew his strongest monster and Summoned it.

Ancient One of the Deep Forest: Earth Attribute, Level 6, Beast-Type, ATK/1800, DEF/1900

Issac tried to play another card but was interrupted by Dwain who activated a Trap Card - Trap Hole.

Trap Hole: Normal Trap

[When your opponent Normal or Flip Summons a monster with 1000 or more ATK: Target that monster; destroy that target.]

The monster Issac had placed his hopes on was destroyed. Furthermore, due to the rules, since his monster was destroyed by a card effect, he lost Life Points equal to half his destroyed monster's Attack Points. Losing 900 Life Points, he lost the Duel.


Soon, there were only eight contestants remaining. Given a minute to adjust their Decks, the winners of certain Duel Areas were told to move to an adjacent one.

Dwain was among those who did not have to move as his opponent - the winner from Duel Area E - walked over and extended her hand.

"It's nice to meet you, my name is Carry Marie."

Carry was a girl with grey eyes and long black hair pulled into a pony tail. She had on a pale blue top, dark blue light jacket, white pants, and white shoes.

"Likewise, Dwain Snyder." Getting to his feet, he shook her hand.

Sitting back down, they repeated the process of shuffling and allowing the opponent to cut their Decks. To decide who goes first, Carry suggested Rock-Paper-Scissors. Dwain agreed, won, and let Carry go first - an option she did not seem thrilled about. Issac calling over a judge had gotten some attention and Dwain figured she was on edge about his Worm Beast strategy.

Dwain took more than a little enjoyment in the reaction he was getting while trying to feign innocence.

Once the announcer said to begin, the two drew their five cards from their Decks and declared, "Let's duel."

Dwain Snyder: 2000

Carry Marie: 2000

Carry drew from her Deck and looked over her cards carefully. "I'll Set a monster face-down and end my turn." She then placed a card face-down horizontally on the top row of the placemat. The corresponding space on the holographic field then lit up and a copy of the card in the same position was projected.

"My turn then," Dwain said before drawing from his Deck. Looking over the six cards he held in his hand, two stuck out to him. An idea formed and a smile appeared on his face as he thought about implementing this strategy to win the Duel. For now though… "I Summon Silver Fang, in Attack Position."

Silver Fang: Earth Attribute, Level 3, Beast-Type, ATK/1200, DEF/800

Placing the card on the placemat, the holographic imager came alive. What appeared was a large wolf with silver fur that seemed to embody the majesty but also ferocity of wild animals. Standing ready to pounce, it snarled with entirely yellow eyes trained on Carry's face-down monster.

"Now, Silver Fang, attack her face-down monster!"

Silver Fang lunged forward. As it neared Carry's card, the card vanished and was replaced by the light display that accompanied the Summoning of a monster as the card was flipped to reveal itself. Silver Fang pounced on the still materializing monster, but as it did, a large, bone-white fist swung out - striking the wolf and knocking it back.

What appeared was a large, green-skinned ogre with reddish-purple markings on its rotund but strong body. Yellow points shined from within its otherwise sunken eyes. It had a wide, toothy grin and a pair of large, pointed ears with gold hoop hearings. On its head was a purple cap resembling a small imp-like creature and it wore dark red sleeves on its lower arms with a large jewel in either wrist and baggy dark red pants on its lower body - leaving its large feet exposed. The creature then bent down on one knee and braced its arms in front of it.

Terra the Terrible: Dark Attribute, Level 4, Fiend-Type, ATK/1200, DEF/1300

Dwain Snyder: 2000 - 100 = 1900

Carry Marie: 2000

"Not bad," Dwain praised.

"Thank you," Carry replied. She then added challengingly, "Don't have your Worm Beast?"

"No. No Worm Beast." Though Dwain sounded uninterested, he internally mused about how he only had the one in his Deck and how amazing it would be in the current format to have a deck of only Spirit monsters so he could exploit their otherwise irritating 'return to the hand' effect. Pretending to think during his musings, he eventually said, "I'll end my turn."

"My turn," Carry declared - drawing a card. A confident smile appeared on her face. "Now here's something I can use," she muttered.

Turning her confident glare onto Dwain, Carry held her new card against her palm with her ring and pinky fingers while using her index and middle fingers to pull a card out of her hand. "First, I Summon, Wood Remains, in Attack Position."

Wood Remains: Dark Attribute, Level 3, Zombie-Type, ATK/1000, DEF/900

Playing the card, a mass of wood and vegetation appeared standing on two legs with various branches protruded from its body. However, most distinguishing was the large, skeletal face that appeared on the front of this mass.

Seeing this, Dwain internally mused, "Typically, female Duelists use female-oriented cards or stereotypically 'girly' cards - like Tea using Fairy-Type monsters. But so far Carry's used a Fiend and Zombie-Type…For some reason, I'm a little disappointed."

Carry then adjusted the other card in her free hand and proclaimed, "And now, I Equip my monster with Violet Crystal!" She then placed the card vigorously onto the bottom row of the placemat.

Violet Crystal: Equip Spell

[Equip only to a Zombie monster. It gains 300 ATK & DEF.]

On the holographic field, the space right behind where Wood Remains stood projected a copy of the card played standing upright and facing Dwain. The card was then replaced by a hologram of what was depicted on the card - a mass of sharp, violet crystals. This crystal floated over and hovered in front of Wood Remains who proceeded to open its large mouth and bite into the crystal until crushing it.

The various branches sticking out of Wood Remains's body began to move as large, violet shards emerged from within it. These shards soon came to protrude from its body - replacing these branches - and its large, empty eye-sockets began to glow with points of eerie violet light. It let out a mighty roar.

Wood Remains:

ATK/1000 -> 1300

DEF/900 -> 1200

"Now, Wood Remains, attack Silver Fang!"

The glow in Wood Remain's eyes seemed to intensify as it reared back. Throwing its head (body) forward, it opened its mouth and a barrage of splintered wood and shattered crystals was released. Silver Fang tried to brave the storm but was soon destroyed - its body scattering into innumerable holographic pieces.

Dwain Snyder: 1900 - 100 = 1800

Carry Marie: 2000

"Good move," Dwain complimented.

"Thank you," Carry replied - puffing up her chest. "It's you're move."

Dwain's praise both now and earlier was not insincere. From what he'd seen so far, most monsters seemed to have power around 1000 points or less. Players whose monsters' average was around 1500 or more were reserved for the wealthy or elite like champion winners and Seto Kaiba. That is part of the reason why Dwain avoided using the more powerful monsters at his disposal. A monster like Silver Fang or Terra the Terrible with 1200 would likely be equivalent to a monster with 1800 points in modern play. So defending against and destroying it was worthy of praise. At least, Dwain thought so for this level of competition.

Drawing a card, Dwain added it to his hand before pulling out another. Just because he was not using the strongest cards available to him did not mean he was using the weakest ones either. "I Set a monster face-down and end my turn."

Just like at the start of the Duel, a projection of the face-down, horizontal card appeared on the holographic field.

"My turn." Carry drew a card and grinned. She then turned to Dwain across from her and said in false apology, "This just isn't your day. I Summon, Succubus Knight in Attack Position and Equip her with Legendary Sword."

Succubus Knight: Dark Attribute, Level 6, Warrior-Type, ATK/1650, DEF/1300

Legendary Sword: Equip Spell

[Equip only to a Warrior monster. It gains 300 ATK & DEF.]

On the field appeared a blue-eyed, blonde woman with a pair of conical horns on her head, a green jewel on her forehead, and a curvaceous figure. She wore a shoulder and sleeveless red leotard that bared the top of her large chest with strange purple markings on the abdomen and legs, bat-themed accessories worn on her chest and waist, and a pair of rich blue long gloves and heeled shoes.

Then, behind Succubus Knight, a Spell Card appeared before fading away and leaving a large, radiant, sky-blue sword with a golden, bejeweled guard and handle in its place. Taking the sword, Succubus Knight swung and held it in front of her.

Succubus Knight:

ATK/1650 -> 1950

DEF/1300 -> 1600

"Now attack!"

Succubus Knight charged forward with her Legendary Sword at the ready. She swung it down at Dwain's face-down monster. However, her attack was repelled - to Carry's shock. As Dwain's monster was flipped face-up, it was revealed as a green-haired woman fully dressed in a yellow robe that left only her delicate hands and face exposed. In her hands was a large harp.

Spirit of the Harp: Light Attribute, Level 4, Fairy-Type, ATK/800, DEF/2000

Dwain Snyder: 1800

Carry Marie: 2000 - 50 = 1950

"I'm not going to make it that easy," Dwain remarked.

Though slightly upset over her attack failing, Carry sighed and said in resignation, "I'll end my turn."

"I draw." Dwain looked at his new card and his eyes lit up.

Quickly turning his gaze to his opponent and her field, Dwain did some calculations in his head. Struggling to keep a devious smirk from his face, he thought, "I win."

Adding the card he just drew to his hand, Dwain pulled out another one. "I play, Polymerization and fuse the Flame Manipulator in my hand with the Masaki the Legendary Swordsman I just drew!"

Polymerization: Normal Spell Card

[Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as Fusion Material.]

Flame Manipulator: Fire Attribute, Level 3, Spellcaster-Type, ATK/900, DEF/1000

Masaki the Legendary Swordsman: Earth Attribute, Level 4, Warrior-Type, ATK/1100, DEF/1100

"You have a Polymerization card," Carry cried.

"Yup," Dwain said before looking away. When he set down his cards during the previous Duel, he did not just set down his Deck but also two cards onto the Extra Deck Zone on the opposite end of the placemat. Pulling out the card he needed now, he declared, "I Fusion Summon, Flame Swordsman!"

Flame Swordsman: Fire Attribute, Level 5, Warrior/Fusion-Type, ATK/1800, DEF/1600

[Flame Manipulator + Masaki the Legendary Swordsman]

A figure fully dressed in green samurai gear appeared on the field. However, a ring of fire suddenly ignited around them before turning into a swirling torrent of flame that engulfed them. A large sword emblazoned with the kanji for 'flame' pierced through the fire before swinging to the side and dispersing it. What replaced the green samurai was a muscular man wearing tight, blue clothing; an orange sash around his waist; large orange shoulder guards with protruding blades; and an elaborate, spiked orange headdress.

"Now, Flame Swordsman, light the kindling. Attack Wood Remains!"

The warrior charged forward and his large blade suddenly ignited in fire. Before reaching Wood Remains, he swung his sword down and a wave of fire was released that spread outward and consumed Wood Remains. Its body burned until being destroyed in a scattering of holographic pieces.

Dwain Snyder: 1800

Carry Marie: 1950 - 500 = 1450

His attack finished, Dwain smiled and pulled a card from his hand. Sliding it into the bottom row of the placemat, he said, "Now, I Set one card face-down and end my turn." The card he just played appeared in the corresponding space on the field - also face-down.

Carry did not react right away after moving Wood Remains and Violet Crystal into the Graveyard above the Deck Zone. "I saw the end of his last Duel. A rare card like Trap Hole, super rare cards like Polymerization and Flame Swordsman, and I bet that Worm Beast is a rare card too. Just how many rare cards does this guy have. Oh well, he's not the only one with rare cards."

In the current state of Duel Monsters, a card's rarity did not refer to a particular design of the card but to the actual scarcity of it. Current gameplay sees an overwhelming number of weak monsters. Stronger cards or cards that are particularly useful are harder to obtain. It was a point of pride for Carry that she had managed to collect so many Equip Spell Cards as most were rare and hard to find.

Meanwhile, Special Summoning was viewed as getting an additional monster where you are ordinarily only allowed one. For this reason, cards that relate to Special Summoning are often considered hard to find. Fusion Summoning is even thought of as being able to trade in weaker monsters for a stronger one. As such, all Fusion Monster Cards are rare and hard to find while Polymerization - the card necessary for Fusion Summoning - is even harder to find as are Fusion Monsters with power above the norm.

"It's a good thing I Equipped Succubus Knight with something last turn or I'd be in trouble." Letting out a small breath, Carry thanked her good fortune and began her turn. Drawing a card, her concerns all but vanished as she saw what she drew.

"I Equip Succubus Knight with Sword of Dark Destruction!"

Sword of Dark Destruction: Equip Spell

[A DARK monster Equipped with this card increases its attack by 400 points and decreases its defense by 200 points.]

Once again, the card was projected onto the field before fading and being replaced by the sword it depicted. It was a fiendish blade radiating darkness with a crimson blade extending out of the guard that resembled a fiend's head. Succubus Knight took the sword. Holding the malevolent blade in one hand and the heroic Legendary Sword in the other, she struck a striking image.

Succubus Knight:

ATK/1950 -> 2350

DEF/1600 -> 1400

Carry then paused. Her monster's increased power offered her some reassurance, but she remained cautious. "My knight was already stronger than his swordsman; so its obvious it will be destroyed this turn." Her gaze drifted over to Dwain's face-down card sitting unassumingly at the end of the holographic field. "Unless he set a trap. But it could just be a bluff…"

Mulling it over, Carry decided to take the risk and ordered, "Succubus Knight, attack Flame Swordsman."

Succubus Knight charged forward and swung both swords down on Flame Swordsman. He tried to use his own sword to brace against them but was cut down - cut into three before scattering into pieces.

Dwain Snyder: 1800 - 550 = 1250

Carry Marie: 1450

"Must be a shame to lose such a powerful monster like that," Carry trash-talked - concealing her relief it was not a trap.

"Not really," Dwain said flippantly.

Almost pouting, Carry grumbled, "It's your turn."

Drawing a card from his Deck, Dwain did not even look at it as he put it in his hand and pulled out another. Slapping it down, he declared, "I play the Spell Card Card Change of Heart!"

Change of Heart: Normal Spell Card

[Target one monster your opponent controls; take control of the targeted monster until the End Phase.]

Carry's eyes widened but she quickly calmed down - though gritting her teeth. Change of Heart was not a terribly rare card and its effect was not thought too highly of. Carry was no different. Even if Dwain took control of Succubus Knight and destroyed Terra the Terrible, she'd still have Succubus Knight back next turn while losing very little. This was the general consensus. Change of Heart was a good card if used well but generally seemed to not do much.

Dwain opened his mouth to take control of Succubus Knight but stopped himself. Seemingly realizing something, he instead called, "I target Terra the Terrible."

This confused Carry, but she still picked it up from her placemat and handed the card over without issue.

Placing the card onto his placemat in the same horizontal position, Terra appeared on Dwain's field.

"Just what are you planning," Carry asked. "No matter what, neither of those monsters hold a candle to my Succubus Knight."

"They don't need to," Dwain said. He then reached to his face-down card. "I activate, Two-Pronged Attack."

Two-Pronged Attack: Normal Trap Card

[Select and destroy two of your monsters and one of your opponent's monsters.]

Nevermore101 Nevermore101

this chapter and next chapter were originally planned as one. but I want to keep each chapter to 2000-3000 words and this one is already nearly 3000, so I split them in two.

next chapter
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