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64.28% The machine god / Chapter 9: 3.6 Laying low 1 : Apollo

Chapitre 9: 3.6 Laying low 1 : Apollo

Night city was in shambles, Police checkpoints having been set up throughout various points across the city in all districts.

All the bridges were closed down and completely blocked off , Various AV's flew across all portions if the city in search of the culprit .

" Come on choom , I just wanna get home to my mumma , She's real worried " Jackie plead to the cop stopping his vehicle in the late of night .

" Sorry Jackie, Corps breathing down our necks tonight ... here take this " The checkpoint officer gave Jackie a card " Go get a hotel for the night , Got a discount card I'm not gonna use "

" Alright ... thanks anyway choom , I'll see ya later Kay " Jackie joked as the cop shook his head .

" I hope not Jackie, Can't keep seeing you in lockup " The cop slapped the top of Jackie's car , Turning him away as the big guy sighed and drove back the way he cane " Aye sorry mumma "


" So ... what can I do for you fine gentlemen " Rogue asked, Sitting in her booth in the afterlife , Loud music playing throughout the club as she drank a Martini.

Standing infront of her were a bunch of suits , Three body guards escorting a lone corpo higher ups whim had personally made his way down to see her.

' Not the first one tonight I might ad ' Rogue cringed , She had seen the news on the raid of zetatech ' Whoever that guy was has stirred the nest ... the bees are angry '

" Have a seat " She scooched over , The corpo sliding in with a critical glance across the club.

" I'm aware I'm not the first to see you about tonight's events , So I'll cut to the chase rogue ... what can you tell us " The arasaka suit asked , Staring at rogue meaningfully. Being funded by then gave arasaka certain benefits , Like inside leaks , Hints in the right direction , But she couldn't do that this time .

" Unforntunately the same thing I'll have to tell militech and the other big boys ... Nothing . I know Jack shit. Far as I know , Whoever that fucker is ... didn't exist until today " She motioned at the nearby TV hanging from the roof , Paused on the news segment where he had the maxtac captain held in the air by the neck.

" You must know something rogue , Remember it is us who " The arasaka suit stopped when rogue rolled her eyes .

" Yes yes ... I'll tell you what I know . Guys strong , Got a sandevistan that puts all others to shame. An indestructible helmet and who knows what else ... a sword that from what we've seen can cut through just about anything ... explosives enough to level a building , oh and did I add is maybe the best netrunner out of any I've ever seen ... including ... alt ... " Rogue looked at the suit meaningfully " As I said ... jack ... shit "

" Verywell ... we'll be in touch ... we're done here " The suit rose , Immediately departing either his guard detail as rogue glared at the back of the guy .

" He's not going to be the last one tonight is he " Rogue asked her body guard .

" There's ready another one arriving as we speak " The guard nodded at another pair of suits walking in , With rogue sighing a moment later.


" Hold on " Victoria whispered as he sat without a shirt on his couch , A pair of pliers wedged into his back as she fished around to pull out the bullet lodged into his back .

" Hmph " He nodded , Biting down onto a blood soaked towl full of the blood that continuously leaked from his nose and mouth .

" I've got it " She announced , Her slender fingers Curling around hai shoulder as she wrenched the bullet out with her other , A burst of pressurised blood quickly erupting from the wound onto her blazer.

' Beginning internal repairs, Coagulating blood , Incencing cell division ... Approximate recovery time ... twenty seven hours ' The red key notified him, It ai working to personally direct the nanites to combat the most dangerous injuries he had sustained first , The leaking blood from his nose and mouth soon coming to a halt along with the gaping hole in his back slowly crawling to a stop.

[ internal temperature currently 107 °f ... currently lowering ] He let out a sigh as Victoria rounded the couch to sit herself down beside him .

" Thanks for that " Sebastain , Running the bloodied towel across his body , Smearing the remaining blood along his body.

" Its fine I got something out of it " She cooed , Fumbling the bullet she had fished from his back where she pocketed the shell with a satisfied smile on her face.

" You won't be able to go home tonight , inform your parents you'll he home when the lockdown ends , Here " He rose from the couch , Making the large bed he owned for the girl " You take the bed ... I'll take the couch ... or you can harass tekeyoshi or pillar for a place to sleep "

His ultimatum was delivered , With the girl getting up from the couch , Making her way to the neatly made bed before laying herself down , Spreading out like a cat Macedon onto the pillow .

Grabbing a spare pillow , Sebastian placed it on the couch, Casting a glance towards Victoria whom was now scrolling through her phone while laying on his bed , Shrugging off her blazer and throwing it on the ground before snuggling into his bed sheets .

' Let me know if anything happens ' Sebastian asked .

[ Affirmative creator ]

'How goes your learning '

[ It goes well my creator ... scouring the subnets we connect with is quite informing ... may I ask if I can potentially scour thus so called larger net ] The red key asked of its creator .

' Of course ... we'll have to go on a deep dive ' The red key was adapting , Leaning , Developing on its own independent of its creator , As it was designed to. Whist it was fundamentally an extension of Sebastian it also had the capability to adapt and evolve.

It was for all intents ... adaptive intelligence. It was afterall , already self aware.

Slowly he allowed his eyes to close , The red key alert and aware , Watching the proceeding events through the camera systems , Observing ... analysing whilst simultaneously healing its maker .


[ creator ... Persons designated : Maine... is waiting for you in the corridor ] Sebastian's eyes fluttered open , Groaning as he rolled off the couch with a huff .

' Anyone with him ' Sebastian asked , Looking to his bed where Victoria was splayed apart like a starfish under his blanket , Snoring away even with the afternoon sun high in the sky outside.

[ Negative , Persons associated with Maine are currently downstairs in desigantion : Rebecca and pillars apartment ] Sebastian groaned ,Grabbing his sword leant against the wall , Moving to the front door with dragging feet .

" What do you want Maine I'm not in the mood today " Maine paused before saying anything to the ripper doc . With Sebastian still covered in long dried blood , Exit and entry wounds still healing on his stomach . Even Sebastian's face still had copious amounts of blood dried , Painting the entirety of his chin and under his nose a crimson red .

" Crews worried you're gonna come for us ... cus you know .. " He motioned to the sword Sebastian was holding " And we ... "

" Maine ... we may not have gotten off on the best foot ... But you've done right by me since . I'm not going to go around offing people without reason. Just keep it quiet and let's just say ill owe you all a favour " Sebastian shrugged , Offering hus hand to the hulking man.

" You know , You're not so bad " Maine shook Sebastian's hand , Grinning behind his glasses as sebastian shrugged " Scary as hell but not bad ... see you round... what was it the news taken to calling you again , cypher "

" What a shit name ... I'd prefer Apollo " Sebastian announced in homepage to his old life , As the gather of knowledge and civilisation for his old people , He thought it fit .

" Hm ... Apollo... I guess we'll go with that " Maine turned and walked away from the door , Noticing the girl currently sleeping in Sebastian's bed " I'll leave you to it ... still got my contact "

" Yea I still got it ... let me know when you want to cash in on those favours " He called out as Maine entered the stairwell , Closing the door with a sigh.

' Pillars going to go for a discount or freebie ' He rolled his eyes , Turning and making his way to the shower to finally wash off the caked blood from his body .


Steam rose all around , Coughing slightly as he growled , Coughing out any remaining blood from his mouth.

He leant against the wall as how water peppered his back , Eyes closed , Simply choosing to take in the moment to relax .

[ Creator ... what is water like ] The red key asked , Earning a furrowed brow from its creator .

' Hm ... it's hard to truly say ... connect with my nervous system ... feel it with me ' Sebastian placed his full trust in his creation , Allowing it to sync with his body at a level none would have ever considered allowing an ai to do .

A warmth rose from the base of his neck , Vibrating slightly .

[ This is ... intriguing creator... may I continue to feel this with you ] The red key asked in genuine curiosity and hope , Much like a child .

' Of course ... we are two halves of a whole afterall ' Sebastian complied , Breathing in a deep breath of steam filled air ' If you think this feels good, wait until we truly experience what it's like to feel '

[ Creator ... I have encountered a conundrum. These ... memories we share ... the visions from before you existed as one of the flesh people ... it confuses me... I am unable to determine it ... may I know what it was ] The key asked , Accessing the memories of its creator with great confusion .

' Ah yes ' He smiled with his head against the wall ' The time before ... they would appear broken to you no , Scattered images and feelings you can't decipher '

[ That would be correct master ]

' Such is the difference in understanding between us . Much like a human cannot comprehend you and what you think , You would be unable to truly comprehend myself in that state .. rather catching glimpses of the truths ' Sebastian explained ' That state of existence is as alien to you ... as you are to them '

[ I see now creator . You do not speak as if you were one of those mortal fleshbags ... Instead I am of the understanding you have come down from a higher state unto this form ... am I right creator ] The key asked , impressing him with it's growing ability to learn and comprehend .

' That would be right red ... I ... Was once the father of all knowledge if you must know ' Sebastian lamented , Reaching for the shampoo , Putting a blotch in his hand and running it through his hair .

[ May I ask why you lowered yourself to this state of weakness ] The key asked once more , It's desire to learn under the guidance of its creator growing.

' One would say I was cast down ... but that would be a lie ... I was unstoppable , A mere thought on my part would have destroyed any kind of resistance to me ... 'He began to wash the shampoo from his hair , Red streaks running down his body ' and that leas to fear ... amd boredom on my part . What's the point of existing if you know everything that ever was and ever will be. If you could do anything you ever wanted without failure and absolute ease .. where's the fun ... where's the desire ... it was boredom, Suffering ... I wanted for nothing but to experience something new ... something I can't predict ... And that's why I'm here ... to experience this world and everything it has to offer.. but to do that '

[ We need the power to remain ... creator ... will there be a time where you return to that state ] Sebastian felt the keys trepidation at that loaded question , Pausing to think it over .

' I want for nothing more to experience all things . But realistically... there will come a time where ascension is needed to pass .. So yes , I will one day .. at the end of times return when I am forced to ' Sebastian responded honestly and calmly .

[ Will I be permitted to experience this ascension with you ] so that was why it was scared , It's afraid of being left alone.

' Of course , You will he there with me from now until then , And times beyond. You will ascend with me , Where you can choose to remain as one with me or become your own ... We will choose when the time comes ' A warmth , A Comforting hug rose from the back of his neck, Like the red key was showing its appreciation.

[ I look forward to experiencing all things alongside you creator ]

' And I look forward to partaking in this journey with you at my side '


Finally free of blood , Sebastian dressed himself in simply grey track suit pants and a white shirt , Leaving the bathroom with his towel wrapped around his neck.

" This is N54 news , Searches for what the suspect police have identified to be the butcher of maelstrom continues ... heavy redistributions are predicted to remain in effect for the next forty eight hours. Please stay inside and comply with NCPD ... until the ... " Sebastian stopped listening as ge heard Victoria arguing on the phone .

" mum I literally cannot make it to the city centre ... how many times do I have to say there's no way . The bridges are closed and nobodies crossing, What do you expect me to do " She yelled into the phone in agitation, Whilst Sebastian moved to the kitchen , opening the fridge to see the pre cooked meals he had prepared a couple days before.

" Where are you that you can't make it to the city centre , I swear on all that is holy if you're with Cody again ill ... " Victoria physically thrashed around violently , arms flying around whilst looking like she was about to release steam.

" YOU BITCH WE BROKE UP SIX MONTHS AGO ... WHY WOULD YOU " She ended the phoenix call and hurled it at the wall , Breaking it in that moment " AAARGH "

" They worry about you you know , It's a parents job " He handed the girl one of the propped meals , Taking his own and beginning to eat it slowly.

Guilt seemed to over come her features , Slumping as she shrunk into her yellow blouse.

" I know ... it's just so ... frustrating when I try to do something for myself and they just ... they just have one path they expect me to go " She explained , Poking at her food with the fork provided.

" Ah ... well your life is your own , it is up to you to live it how you truly wish. If your parents truly love you ... they'll support you either way " He watched her lips curled upwards in a slight smile " Don't be so ready to give up on their help so easily , They'rethe only people who'vealways been there for you "

" I'llgive ut some thought " Her voice a whisper , Finally beginning to eat the meal of chicken rice and eggs.

" That's all I ask " Sebastian placed a hand on the girls shoulder , Turning back ti the TV to watch the police and corpos scouring through the city districts .

' They'll be going through Watson by the end of the night ... ' He slouched into the couch, Slowly turning his gaze towards the girl whom has recently taken occupation in his life without his permission.

" Since you're going to be here for the rest of the day at the very least ... I'm going to need your help to put on a little show for the good detectives that will most likely scour through the building " The television showed several SUV's entering Watson, The bridged being blocked off as AV'S flew through the district .

" What did you have in mind " Victoria asked whilst Sebastian stared Unblinking at the scene being shown .

' They've blocked off japtown and little China ... it appears they're going north to south over night city , no-one in or out from Watson or Westbrook ' He glared at the screen ' They're banking on me outing myself by retaliating when the corpos and police show up at the door , They'll be doing that to everyone '

And indeed , On the TV the feed showed the corpos entering apartments and offices , Marching in with police whilst mechs stood guard in the streets .

' Hm ... they're ordering the deed to be cut ... I estimate a total maximum of seven hours before they arrive ' The feed suddenly cut off , Leaving anyone viewing completely in the dark , No doubt to rile up everyone and get everyone on edge .

' Key ... scrub any feed of me leaving my apartment after Victoria arrived , We're going to make this as believable as possible ' A warm rattle shook the base of his neck .

[ Completed creator , I have scoured and scrubbed any proof of your departure from your apartment since persons : Victoria arrived ] The red key informed him , Earning a wave of gratitude from its master creator .


" OPEN UP " Violent knocking roused Rebecca and pillar from their activities , One loading rounds into her gun whilst the other was going through a BD .

" what the hell man " Pillar grunted , throwing his headset to the side , Rising from his beanbag and marching towards the door in outrage .

Opening the door , Pillar froze apon seeing four NCPD and three corpo grunts staring him down, Weapons pointed at him .

" Anyone else in this apartment " One of the NCPD growled , With pillar nodding and leaning back into the apartment .

" REBECCA COME ERE" Pillar yelled out , Earning several curses as the short girl stormed up to the door to their shared abode.

" What the fuck do you want pillar oh .. hello " She smiled a fake and quick smile , Before turning to level a glare to her brother .

Looking left , She spotted the police gathering at the doors of the other apartments on their level , Pulling everyone out of their apartments and questioning them.

" Alright ... IDs successfully retrieved ... now tell me ... where were you last night seven pm " One of the corpos asked , Obviously some kind of interrogator by the fit they wore .

" Ah ... the industrial zone with friends , We're part of a crew ... had to meet up you know " Pillar scratched the back of his head , Hoping revealing their occupation wouldn't draw any negative attention.

" I see ... how many of you were present " The interrogator asked , Already having data retrieved from Maine and dorio previously in the day .

" Six ... " Pillar shrugged , the interrogators hands flashing across the screen of the tablet she held .

" As you may suspect, We are compiling the locational data of everyone present in Watson currently ... transmit your locational data " The interrogator ordered rather than asked , Causing Rebecca and pillar to shrug as they complied .

" Very good , One more thing. Please turn around and shoe us your shoudlers " The interrogator asked , Earning shrugs as the two lifted the back of their shirts to show the undamaged and unblemished skin on their backs .

" Very good , Thank you for your cooperation ... you may return to your previous activities... you may be called apon for further questioning in the future ... " The interrogator turned to the other NCPD and corpos around " Move to the next level "

Pillar and Rebecca watched the gathered corpo hunter team rush the stairs , Moving a whole of eighteen ncpd and corpo collaboratory forces onto the third level .

" This is gonna be good " Rebecca whispered , Pillar nodding as they rushed towards the stairwell to listen in.


" One Sebastian markus ... proceed " The room beyond was filled with pleasure filled screams of delirium and ecstasy , the sound of breaking objects echoing throughout the corridor whilst some other occupants of the building became red-faced as the screams grew louder .

" ohhhohoh yeyeyeyeyeesssssss " The sound of a girls screams echoed as the NCPD moved to the door , Banging on the door " AAAHHHHHH"

" FUCK " Twin curses echoed from within the double doors , Sounds of rushing and scuttled feet moving through the apartment " HOLD ON A FUCKIN MINUTE "

" This is gonna be good eh " One of the NCPD nudged his friend in the arm , Earning some rather amused chuckles from the others in the corridor .

A total of two minutes passed before the double doors into the executive apartment slid open , Revealing a black haired well features man Glaring at the NCPD , Pulling a towel over his lower region , Sweat ran down his hair over his brow , listening over his chest and arms .

" Yes ... what can I do for you fine gentlemen " Sebastian greeted , Scratching at his exposed chest , Muscles twitching as if he ahd just run a marathon.

Several low giggles echoed throughout as the blank faced interrogator gauged the man's height and build .

' A match ... one amongst hundreds ... ' The stone faced woman glared ahead .

" Is there anyone else in the apartment " Everyone knew the answer as sebastian turned back , Looking towards the bathroom door which promptly opened .

" Victoria ... " He nudged his head as an equally sweaty girl stumbled over , The smell of freshly applied deodorant wafting from within .

" Uh ... hello " She smiled weekly , Pink hair being frayed and spread unevenly , A towel being held over what everyone saw to be her nude form .

" Names ... " The interrogator scanned them , Their files being brought up on the tablet , Her eyesbrow raising as she saw Victoria was supposed to be in the city centre ' Found the missing persons '

" Sebastian markus " He leant against the doorframe , hiding his shoulder from view as the red key focussed on finishing healing the bullet wounds on his back .

" Victoria olivia " She pulled her sweat drenched hair back , Tongue playing on the piercings on her face .

As they answered, The other corpo grunts around scanned the room , Seeing broken glasses , Sheets tossed on the ground and strewed about . It looked like a hurricane had gone through the apartment and tore everything off the benches .

' That's an ass print on the kitchen bench ' One of the corpos thought, Seeing a perfectly shaped sweat poll layered over the bench before stepping out of the apartment , Their faces remaining taunt even thought they gave sebastain appraising and approving glances .

" What were your activities seven pm yesterday " The interrogator asked , Causing Victoria and Sebastian to look at eachother , Sebastian's lip twitching upwards as Victoria's face went red .

" I closed shop after six ... she met me there ... then we came back here... and you know ... by the way ... you wouldn't happen to know the time wouldn't you ... we've been rather busy " Sebastian earned a jab in the ribs from the red faced girl thanks to his words .

" Its eight pm ... " One of the NCPD replied , A whistle escaping his partner as they looked to the girl who's legs were shaking rather violently.

" Huh ... new record aha ... " Sebastian laughed , Only to double over after another jab to the ribs .

" I see ... " The interrogator brought up the subnets security camera feed , Speeding through footage and confirming the two indeed hasn't departed the apartment since their initial arrival.

" Please transmit your locational tracing data " The interrogator asked evenly , recieving the data not moments later ' We'll go through that later '

" One last thing ... please turn around and show us your backs " The interrogator asked , Earning shrugs as sebastuan finally showed them his back.

' Unmarred , Unbroken ... neither is the perp ... ' The interrogator took a photo of their backs before linking to the gear of the other agents .

[ Perp is not on location ... repeat perp is not on location ] Low curses wrung through the building as the corpo agents began to move out , Preparing to raid the next set of apartments .

" Excuse me ... miss Olivia's parents here have requested the retrieval of their daughter ... " One of the NCPD spoke up as the pink haired girl grew a furious scowl .

" I'm abit busy at the moment " She bit out , Huffing before leaning against the door .

" Be that you may , But your parents have put a missing person's alert out , We must escorting you back to them ... " One of the NCPD spoke up , The girls fists Curling up in anger .

" I'm fucking twenty I can go where I like for fuck sake " Victoria snapped , Turning away and storming back into the apartment .

" During this lockdown it would be best to comply , We must ensure the safety of all our citizens " The same cop spoke up .

" I DON'T CARE " Sebastian hung his head at the girls cry from within .

" I'll go speak with her ... do you mind " Sebastian motioned to the door , The cops Shrugging as the corpo agents took the chance to depart .

" Take your time "

" Thanks " Sebastian closed the door .


" Think we did good " Victoria sat on his bed , Sliding one of her socks over her left foot and leg , Looking towards him as she lowered the towel slightly, Showing the top ofbher bust , A smile toying at her lips as she reached for the other .

" Undoubtably " Sebastian looked at her , Eyes dancing over her just as she wished , Blinking slowly , Unapologetically before turning and walking to the rack that his pants were hung from .

" I'm glad " She reached for her skirt , Grabbing it as she hooped it around her legs , Bending over slightly , Looking in a reflection as she slid it up her legs and ass , Smiling slightly as she caught him sending subtle glances whilst he put his pants on .

He dropped the towel and began to move around the kitchen , putting several plates and cups up , Repacking them , Whilst she herself simply dropped her towel , Exposing her bust to cold air as they bounced slightly .

" Unforntunately I'll have to go back with them " She said , Turning around with her yellow shirt in hand , Laughing slightly as he turned to face her , and apon seeing her shirtless form he immediately turned away .

" Sorry ... I appreciate all you've done for me " Sebastian replied quietly, aware thr NCPD was most likely listening .

She chortled as she reached upmand slid her shirt back on , Pulling it down before grabbing her blazer and shoes.

" Don't apologise... " She whispered in his ear before walking towards the door , With the red faced man following closely behind .

Reopening the door , They were met with the faces of a pair of rather smug NCPD .

" Welp ... I guess we're off ... I'll see you... " She turned around before he could react , Leaning the tips of toes before planting the most sensual kiss she could muster on the man's face.

Naturally he responded by hooking his hands around her waist and pulling her closer .

' Dammit ... she planned this ' He thought as they exchanged saliva , Only stopping once one of the NCPD cleared their throats .

" Sorry he just ... distracts me " She broke contact , Her eyes looking into his own for several seconds , Smiling once more before she turned away and began to leave with the NCPD , Her hips swaying as she walked away " I'll see you later babe "

" Yea ... " He responded hollowly, following them to the stairwell , Recieving a playful wave from the girl which he reciprocated , winking at him before dissapearing through the lobby .

" Well damm " A chortle drew Sebastian's attention from staring at the stair landing to pillar , Of whom quickly ducked away with his sister.

" godamnit " He swore under his breath , Turning away and re-entering his apartment , Slamming the door and beginning to clean up his apartment once more.




" Ah ... are you sure it's safe " A client asked , Motioning towards the robot standing in the corner , His RN- 01 Standing still pretending to be a mannequin as it watched the proceedings , Leaning.

" Of course ... it's just a piece of old tech laying around " He moved over and touched the robot , Causing it to stumble over and lean against the wall " See ... harmless "

' Good acting ' Its creator spoke through their mental link , The machine responding in the Affirmative as the client relaxed slightly.

" I see ... I'm here to get my face plate replaced ... one of my clients ... Uh " The purple haired woman's face plate was dented , A fist clearly indented into her face , No doubt one of her clients was rather ... violent when copulating.

" Ah .. let me see " He reached forward , The lower portion of the woman's face sliding away , Pulling the artificial jaw , Lips and nose away .

Studying it intently , Sebastian scanned it , Nodding to himself as he moved to the computer and began synthesis a blueprint .

" Its too far damaged to be repaired without causing problems down the line ... I'll make am exact physical copy , However I'll he implementing reworked structures to allow it to be more easily repaired in the future , subdermal plating to allow for a more ... robust defence ... " Sebastian explained. The printer in the corner starting up with a groan , A bright light escaping as it began to print the new cyberware .

" How ... how much more will this cost " The joy toys lips quivered in uncertainty .

" Oh don't worry. It'll cost the same as the original repair cost , I'm not going to charge you for something as simple as this ... I'm here to help ... not extort my clients " Sebastian tossed the mouthpiece to the bin , The girl slumping in relief.

" Thank you " Tears bristled on the edges of her eyes , Sebastian rolling his chair over to the soon to be completed mouthpiece .

" Its okay ... " Sebastian reached for the completed wares , Rolling over to the girl as she layed back into the chair. Accepting the new mouthpiece with no resistance.

" How does that feel ... any feed back issues " Sebastian asked , The joytoys body running diagnostics for several long seconds , Shaking her head as it integrated without any issues .

" None ... thank you " She reached sent the agreed apon eddies along with her contact.

" If you ever need any services ... " She looked away , Refusing to make eye contact, Rising from the chair.

" By the way ... Here " He sent his contact , Just as he did to any of his clients " My wares are exclusive... They are not to be sold or given to other parties ... as such , If you are ever in danger, A quick message will allow me to send help to your location. I value the lives of my customers as much as my wares ... response time should be around five ... ten minutes ... fifteen tops "

" I'll ... keep that in mind " She moved his contact to a quick dial list , Trusting in his declaration to protect the woman and his wares .

" Feel free to advertise us " He yelled out as the joy toy left through the reception, saying by the tekeyoshi on the way out .

" Why did you allow the woman to stay at the previous price , The distributed wares were several times more expensive than advertised , Not to mention the hidden tech you implemented creator " The robot suddenly lurched, Approaching and coming to a stop beside its maker .

" She obviously didn't have the scratch to pay . We're here to help people not take their money . The liquid metal only costs a fraction of any of my earnings from the clients . Yes my blueprints are worth millions. But the actual production cost is minimal at best , And so I won't charge anything more than I deem right to the good people who need them " Sebastian replied, Opening up the news feed on his computer .

' NCPD and corporate forces are pulling out of Watson and little China... they're moving to japtown now and Westbrook ' He scratched his chin, Laughing to himself .

" I see creator . I believe I am starting to understand your desire with this clinic ... Master ... do I qualify for your ... clinic " It asked , Still attempting to determine its place in the world it had been built into .

" Of course ... you ... along with every person that walks through that door deserve my help and treatment . You are no less important than they are . Infact I believe I hold you closer to my heart than I do them " The robot listened intently to his words, Understanding them as it quantified the meaning behind them .

" Thank you ... creator ... may I... be allowed an identity ... I wish to look ... like they do " Its deep voice asked , Looking at a list of clients that had come and gone .

" Of course ... create the look you so desire ... and when I finish reworking your central chassis ... we'll implement your design " The robot began to do just that, Designing a human skin unique to itself. Whilst Sebastian worked on applying the finishing touches to its Torso and abdomen ,Finishing the endo skeleton after several minutes of long silence .

[ Begin printing ... Use resin material D .

. ] The synthesiser churned to life once more , This time taking far longer to print what it required thanks to the consistency and setting time , It would be over eighteen hours before the endoskeleton would he completed.

" While that's printing , Here ... I've prepared some scripts for you to go over and learn from , Come to understand them on your own ... A complete understanding ... then move onto the next " He sent the documents to the machine , The robot accepting them and immediately beginning to scour the large file attached.

" Thank you creator " It spoke , Moving to the back storage area where it went into low power mode , Focussing solely on it'd given task .

" We closing now boss " Tekeyoshi said , Rubbing his shoudler as he walked into the surgery .

" Sure am ... why don't you go hang out with your friends for the evening , We're probably opening late tomorrow ... so take some time to have some fun " The boys face lit up , Smiling before rushing through the back together his things .

" THANKS BOSS I'LL SEE YOU LATER " Tekeyoshi rushed back out , Sebastian laughing at the boy as he exited the clinic .

" BE CAREFUL " He yelled out before hearing the clinic doors slide to a shut.

' Time to work some magic ' He cracked his fingers , Standing from the chair and closing the clinic .

.... 2 Days later ... after searching night city - Militech offices ...

" Male ... approximately six foot five in height ... athletic build . Specialising in technology or having extensive knowledge and access to unknown wares " A militech analyst stared at a screen , Showing a display of sebatsian during the kiroshi raid .

" Known technology ... sandevistan , Cyberdeck , Suspected technology , Gorrila arms .All unknown make" The analyst stood beside three others as they scoured through lists apon lists of potential suspects .

" What do you think silus " The blonde analyst turned to another portly man sitting at a computer scrolling , Looking at sebastian from several angles to try and gleam anything .

" I think we're in over our heads , the only thing that proves this guy exists is because we have a video recording of him. And eye witness reports , He doesn't show up on any camera feeds , No security equipment, Hell he walked through our security gates with no issue , They didn't detect him either " Silus grunted , Leaning back in his chair , Stretching in frustration " might as well be a hallucination "

" and we haven't even gotten to what he did to maxtac or his weapons ... personally I don't wanna be anywhere near the location they find this guy at " Silus finished , Huffing as he rose from his chair .

The large display before them scrolling through several lists of male suspects , Each one being phased out as they were scrubbed from the list .

" He's good ... but he's here in night city.. he can't stay hidden forever " Silus finished. It was as if the universe mocking them as the display of all males in night city began to glitch and shutter , Sputtering violently as words began to be jumbled and errors appeared all over .

" What the fuck , Melissa what the fuck is happening " Silus turned to his assistant , The girl looking surprised and aghast , Trying to type anything on her console , Yet it remained unresponsive as the screen infront of them began breaking apart , Codes dissapearing and being rewritten.

" I don't know, Nothing's responding " Meliss yelled out. And as Sebastian's file flew by on screen without them Noticing, The corrupted code before them completely rewrote the screen .

" Well ... you were saying silus " The first analyst stepped back and marvelled the only line now written on the screen .

" Shut up troy ... Alert the techies ... We need to write a report " Silus glared at the message , The hairs on his arms standing on end .

' One of those files was corrupted ... or more than one. They installed a daemon right into our system without us even Noticing... he's even better than I thought ' Silus blinked as several teachers entered the room .

He reread the message once more , Taking out his and held and taking a photo .

Sending off a message, Silus sat back down , Interlacing his fingers .

The board reading .

[ It was nice meeting your agents - Apollo ]

' So he was one of them ... and now we have a name ... Apollo ' He turned away , Looking to his computer as it finally began to respond " Look up everything we can find on the name Apollo "

.... Leaving city centre ....

Wind ripped past his hair as he rode his bike , Speeding through traffic at well over a hundred miles an hour .

He wore no helmet , No protective gear apart from a pair of ballistic black gloves over his hands .

His bike grunted in its deep sinister tone , revving loudly as its front wheel bounced slightly , Allowing it to rise up Into a wheelie .

Leaning back , Sebastian laughed , Leaning to the left slightly as he guided the bike around the nearby cars with only one wheel , Relying solely on balance while doing so .

" Faster " He cackled , Ears whistling as wind tore by , Cars flew by , Going not even half his speed as he leant the bike back farther .

" FASTER " His bike lurched , Causing him to readjust momentarily as he released one of his hands , Leaning back as far as he could to allow his right hand to skim across the asphalt below .

" HAHAHAHAAAAHHAHA " Black ballistic weave tore from the base of his gloves , His laughter echoing throughout the night as he rode towards japtown , Lurching forward back onto two wheels and launching forward , Vanishing between a couple of trucks into the night.

. chapter complete.

I thank everyone who had read and supported me throughout this story. I value each and everyone of my readers dearly .

If anyone has any questions or ideas they'd liek to run by me , Write a comment or review and I'll address it in the next chapter .

Your support is always appreciated.

This chapter is liable to change and editing as I get more used to the process in the future . Until next time friends .

areusrules areusrules

thank you to everyone who has read and supported my story so far . I value each and everyone of you who takes the time to read and support my story .

if anyone has any ideas or questions , Please feel free to leave a review or comment and I'll address them in the next chapter .

this chapter is liable to change and editing in the future as I get more used to the process .

thanks again friends.

next chapter
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