Arsh's eyes trembled to look at the terrifyingly beautiful being in front of him. Something so beautiful that no human could ever hope to imagine it, yet terrifying enough to evoke fear in any kind of being for the rest of his days.
Was it the beautiful face that caused the feeling? Or was it just a dreaded feeling in the air, due to the ominous being's presence? Arsh had no way to know.
But Arsh was sure of one thing.
There was no need for any proof other than the majestic presence of the being. The title of Monarch. The supreme ruler.
The being in front of him was truly worthy of that title.
Looking at him, it felt like the whole world had come to a halt. Every living being in the vicinity held onto their breath and stopped doing whatever they were doing. All of the eyes only focused on the horned being in the middle of it all. Enemy, and allies alike. Nobody dared to move even an inch.
The red-eyed Monarch stood in front of the silent battlefield with a blank expression on its beautiful face. Its lips slowly parted from each other, letting out a euphoric yet strangely terrifying voice.
[Sun God? I don't know why are the slaves of Regal attacking my prisoners. But are you sure you can face my wrath? Human?]
Its red eyes pierced the robed saint menacingly. The man with the robe shuddered terribly, before letting go of Gelina's throat.
The sun saint took a step back trembling, pointing its blade now at the horned monarch. Though its trembling feet gave away the fear he was feeling, the firey eyes also signified to those who didn't understand.
How ready the sun saint was to fight an unwinnable battle.
For the first time ever, Arsh noticed the change in the expression of the aloof horned being. And it was a little smile of amusement.
[...You are one interesting human. I will give you at least that. But pointing a sword at me!? I don't know if I should call you brave or foolish for that….. Regal sure has some interesting pets.]
Pointing a finger at the two remaining emissaries of the church, who were trembling with incorrigible fear. The Monarch continued somberly-
[Accepting a challenge from someone of your race is beneath me. So let me call forth someone of your caliber for you…. While I am at it, I should also call for someone to clear out the plebs for me.]
Its red eyes stopped at the adventurers for one second, and in the following moment, the two trembling emissaries near the adventurers were at the end of the long spear.
They had black eyes and a horn on their head, as they magically appeared out of nowhere behind the church fiends. They were armed with red spears shining along with their exposed gleaming dark skin without a single string of clothes to cover it.
Arsh knew just from a single glimpse. They were not humans.
"Monarch! Please bestow your command on these unworthy followers."
The red-eyed Monarch just shrugged at his followers and then looked around suddenly. Now a variety of emotions seems to appear on its face.
[... Aren't you an interesting bunch? A human with an ancient lineage of shadow. What were the odds? And leaving the other plebs aside. You!]
Suddenly the red-eyed Monarch turned toward Arsh. Its eyes peered directly at Arsh intensely, as though it was looking for something in his very soul. The Monarch moved to the very front of Arsh, adding in a loud voice.
[You….You are still alive?!. But how? The Gods surely had declared you dead not too long ago. So how is this possi-]
The red-eyed Monarch stopped abruptly. A strange expression of displeasure painted its beautiful face.
[Or… they just had betrayed us Monarchs again.]
The Monarch looked at the sky for a quick moment before turning to Arsh again. A dangerous grin appeared on the face of the Ominous being, as it looked at Arsh in pleasure.
[Truly! What were the odds?]
[Moving out myself to hunt for the Griffin princess might be the best decision, I had taken in a while. Don't you say Child of unknown? I thought those treacherous bastards had already finished absorbing yo-]
But before the red-eyed Monarch could finish its last sentence. A loud thunder rolled around the whole of the northern continent, as a light bright enough to illuminate the whole world surrounded them from every direction.
Arsh quickly looked away from the blinding light, in the fear of losing his eyes. But after a few seconds, the light subsided around them, and Arsh once again felt a chilling presence around him.
Almost as intense as last time, if not more.
He instinctively turned away from the red-eyed Monarch to the side of the unknown presence.
Arsh fell on his knees looking at the strange presence emerging out of the light. He felt a lump in his throat just from looking at it.
Sweating profusely in fear, Arsh looked at the majestic presence in front of him.
The feeling of dread was almost as intense as the last time. But the details were almost completely different.
It was not the ominous feeling of hopelessness like what he felt last time. Instead, it was an uncharted feeling for him. Something akin to… salvation.
The presence in front of Arsh was purely made up of bright light. If he had to describe the presence beside him in any other words. It was nearly impossible.
It had hands and a body, somewhat. As it was always blinking in and away from existence. It felt as though Arsh was looking at some kind of illusion.
The moment he tried to look up at its face, he stopped moving from just shock alone. The presence's face…. It had nothing.
It didn't have a face. No eyes, No organs No anything. It just looked like a pure blob of energy, that had descended into the human world in some kind of intangible body.
Impossible to be understood by any lower being.
But what surprised Arsh most was the expression of the red-eyed Monarch. For instance, how he was staring at the presence made up of light with pure unadulterated bloodlust.
[...Sun god itself has descended before us, huh?]
The Monarch mocked the lord of light, raising his hand in exasperation.
[ Traitor of the cause? How would you like to explain yourself for the blunder you guys made? The cursed thing right here is living proof of that.]
The Monarch added, its red eyes constantly moving between the incomprehensible presence and Arsh.
[.. It's such a shame, Regal. I don't know what Lenape and Azeroth are going to say after hearing this. Are you overconfident enough to think you can take them on in an all-out war?]
Contrary to its word. The Monarch did not look much enraged or confused. It just wore a simple veil of bloodthirst around it.
Suddenly, Arsh felt the God of light smiling at him. Before, he heard a voice of a different tone altogether.
And the only way to describe it would be…
[I don't need to make up for anything…. Neither do I need to answer to Lenape or Azeroth.]
The God of light continued….
[Amir… Aren't you tired of always being afraid of our older siblings? Always trying to act obedient and useful while hoping they don't get rid of us...]
The lord of light suddenly conjured a hand in existence. Stretching it in the direction of the red-eyed Monarch.
[Align yourself with me.]
[Together! We can conquer every single one of our siblings one by one. We can remain as the only endless of the world. The true rulers of the cosmos.]
[After that, we can just fight against each other for supremacy. Though of course, after taking care of the Child of the unknown together first. We can even share the rewards.]
[So? What do you say?]
The red-eyed Monarch looked at the God of light perplexed for a few moments, before breaking down into a fit of insane laughter. Loud enough to resound through the whole of the forest.
Now it was time for the lord of light to be confused.
After laughing for a few more moments. The Monarch of desire looked back at the lord of light.
Before adding in a murderous tone…
[You know, Regal? I never liked you since the beginning of time. The way you always act all-powerful in front of all of us. I was always itching to kill you for your absurd insolence, without having the power to back it up. But who would have thought you were this insane?! ]
The Monarch smiled, baring its pure white teeth at the lord of the light.
[ And as for your offer…. We will discuss the details later. After taking care of the Child of unknown.]
The moment the desire uttered the last words. Both the Monarch and the God of light turned toward Arsh suddenly. Sending a tremor of dread throughout his body.
Feeling them smiling and looking at him. Arsh took a few steps back feeling trepidation even in the air. The situation had escalated to the point where it was simply impossible for him to even intervene with it.
And as for fighting against the Gods go. Arsh could not even dare to think of something so absurd with his current amount of pathetic power. It was just impossible.
Arsh looked at the divine beings standing in front of him with fear. It was beyond him to do anything in such an absurd situation.
We have finally hit the 50th chapter of the novel. I am thankful for your support if you have read this far.
I just want to say one thing to all my readers.
We are just getting started.
Please let me know your thoughts on the current chapters in the comment section.