*This is a shorter chapter than ussual so if you think it is too short bear with it just for this one or two chapters*
"What the hell happened"
In a void in witch no light existed there sitted an old man with with his legs crossed and a long, sparkling white beard leasurly drinking some tea with a youth waking up in front of him the youths voice echoed thruought the void
"You died"the answer was short and simple so that anyone could understand it yet the youth didn't get starteled acctually his face seemed to glow the moment he heard those words and his eyes had stars in them
"Huh I died ay? Well that's alright then I presume you are God huh. Can you tell me how I died?"
The youth asked in a visibly shaken yet excited tone
The God slightly choked on his tea as he heard the question and coughed a little
"*cough**cough* Well you see while I was managing your universe when my tea got delivered by the secretary and it was a little too hot so I accidentaly spilled some. Fortunately I maneget to catch the tea but a small portion landed on your world aka on you and so you died"
The God was a little embarased presented by a slight blush on his cheeks after talking making him look a little tsundere
"I see then what now? How are you going to compensate me God?"
The youth asked in an excited tone yet it seemed like he was annoyed more than anything
God upon hearing his voice naturally asumed he is annoyed becouse nobodly likes to die except a selcted few this man in front of God being one of those few althou God does't know that
"I shall reincarnate you into any world you wish for and before you say it yes anime/manga/novels count and yes you get 3 wishes and no you can't go overbord and ask for let's say immortalyti"
God said in a calm and composed manner but truly he was panicking inside so he gave the mortal 3 wishes instead of 1 in fear of rejection truly a little tsundere God
"Hmmm ok then I wish to reincarnate into the world of One piece 14 years and 3 months before O'hara get's destroyed in the west blue on an island close to O'hara but never in acctual contact with its inhabitants and I wish for one or both of my parents to be marines. The rank doesn't matter as long as they are marines"
The youth ansevered in an relaxed and composed manner like he planed this all out before he put the plan into action it acctually made him look manipualtive
After hearing the answer God let out a sight of relief as the mortal accepted his proposition and lifted his tea to his mouth again intent on drinking it but couldn't gupl it down as he heard the mortals next request
"Now God can I wish to be able to eat all the Devil fruits without consequences?"
God spewed out his tea looking at the mortal as if he was insaine
"No you can't that would be what you humans say too OP"again Gid acted tsundere and said those words in a calm maner yet he was panicking inside
"Fine then I wish for a simbiote but without its instincts or consiousnes and I wish for it to compleatly merge with me so that it can't live without me so if I die it dies as well"
"Alright I shall grant you that wish"
"For my other abylities I want a system, and thirdly I wish to be able to travell the Universe, Multiverse, Omniverse and all the other dimensions and iverses"
"So be it but you will only be able to travell the different iverses and dimensions once you are at the peak on that planet so for now create your now body and personalyti"
"Hmmm alright then make my body 180 centimeters with pitch black hair and bloody crimson eyes with a hint of gold as for my personalyti I select
Mercyless to the enemy
Good to allyes yet still cold
Distant and cold to everyone
Silver tounged
"Well now that that is over I bid you farewell mortal and may you enyoj your new life"
"Yea i will"
And so the youth dissapeared from the void leaving only poor little God to sit there by himself