1133 AD: Age: 169 years(17 YO)
In a place filled with open plains, full of greenery, which would be known as Norway in the future, a bright beam of light drops down from the sky. It stays dropping for a few seconds, and then recedes, vanishing with only a rune circle on the ground showing it was there.
I, standing within the Rune circle, look around, and smile widely. I was home, after 178 years of being on Asgard, or the other realms, I was finally on Earth. Hearing sounds of people coming, I put up an illusion, bending light away from me, and making me invisible.
About 10-20 people enter the clearing from the forest, wearing what looked like renaissance clothes, I don't know actually what they're called as I've never bothered with these types of clothes before my death.
They were carrying swords, spears, and shields, and start to scan around the area. One of them, who stayed behind, and who looks like the leader, says, "Well, what are you waiting for? Spread out. The Gods' gate led us here, so there must be something that can help us in this war."
I shake my head at that. War. Hngh. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.
"But, my Lord. There is no one here. Not even a sign that would say the Gods were here, or that they sent something for us." One brave soldier says, looking at his Lord, whoever the hell that is.
Before I can get a headache listening to the Lord moaning over one thing or another, I activate my Mystic Mode, and float up into the air. I have no time to mess with mortals, or I'd have pranked them something good. Plus, Heimdall is probably watching me intently, and I don't want to loose him this early.
I keep going up, to get a feel over where on Earth, I am. Pun intended. Once I'm near the end of the atmosphere, I stop flying and look down.
Great. I have no idea where I came from.
I use my enhanced sight, and search for the Bifrost burn mark, and find it somewhere near Europe. Dammit. Should have studied Geography a bit more studiously. Well, nevermind. I already know where I want to go.
Being an Indian in my previous life, I know much more about the Indian Subcontinent. Including Nepal. So I turn and fly south east, moving towards India, or as it's now probably known as, Bharata. My home. I'll have to do something nice for it later.
I might not be overly patriotic, but it was my home, and I'm not letting Corrupt politicians rule it like it was in my time.
I go directly down towards Sri Lanka, over the Arabian Sea, and then start coming up. Viewing the Raam Setu, or as the Christians might tell you, Adam's Bridge, I move north again.
While flying, I keep an eye on the surroundings, while absentmindedly noting that the Solar Radiation from the Sol sun, is better that Asgard's sun, but a little weaker than Nidavellir's Star. I think it's only the size difference, as both of those stars are about the size of the Moon, Luna.
Huh. There's way more greenery than I'm used to seeing in India. This.. will get some time getting used to. Fortunately, there will be no lack of space for building a home for myself.
There are a lot of trees of mangoes, coconuts, oranges, pineapples, and many more here. There's even some fruits I don't even recognize. If humans made them extinct in the future, I might need to save them.
I shake my head and keep going towards the Himalayas. About an hour of leisurely flying later, I reach the Himalayas, and cross the mountain range. Beautiful. That's the only word. I hadn't been here in my previous life, as I mostly stayed in the state of Maharashtra, but I had seen images.
Those images do not compare to what I'm seeing now. I smile softly and sit down at the peak of one of the mountains, and look around. My home.
No matter where I build a house for myself, I'll have another house in India, where it'll be my private home. Where I can come to relax.
A few minutes of resting later, I move on north and into Nepal, and search for high concentrations of Dimensional Energy with my Mage sight. It barely takes me a few minutes once I'm near Kathmandu to find the place.
Kamar Taj. The home of the Sorcerers, and the place where Agamotto and the Vishanti taught Humans to wield Magic.
I drop down and start walking towards the direction of Kamar Taj. There are a few houses here and there, mostly mud houses, with stones thrown in. Wooden houses in this cold is not viable to the residents, no matter how used to it they might be.
Knocking on the large doors of Kamar Taj, I wait for them to open, and I'm not disappointed. barely 10 seconds later, an Indian opens the door, and asks, "Hello. How can I help you?"
I bow a little in greeting, and say, "I'm here to learn. If Master Julius is present, tell him Prince Baldur of Asgard is here, please."
The man looks at me a bit warily, but says, "Wait here." and goes back inside.
I stay outside the building, and turn my back to the door, to look at the people going on about their lives. Most of them probably have no idea what goes on in Kamar Taj, and the rest must have been either students, or descendants of the students that make sure no one unsavoury finds out.
At least that's what I would have done, if it was my school. But I'm proved correct when a few of them stay weary of me, and look ready to fight at a moment's notice.
A minute later, the door behind me opens, and I turn to look. There's an old Chinese man, wearing maroon robes of all things. He also has a maroon hat on his head, which has yellow trimmings to it. Damn. He's like Dumbledore of old.
The most important thing I notice is that he's strong. Not physically strong, not even close to me. But his magic? Yes, Magic, the one that's inside people, not the Dimensional Energy. His magic was far stronger than mine. It was far weaker than someone like Mother, who had trained for thousands of years, but it was at least 5 times as strong as mine.
I bow to the man, who I think is their current leader, and say, "Greetings, Sorcerer Supreme."
The man smiles widely and says, "Greetings, Prince Baldur. It's not often an Asgardian comes to learn from us."
I know his smiling is a way to disarm me, but that he's also ready to kill me if i prove to be a threat. Well, jokes on him, I'm actually here to learn.
I nod and say, "I heard the tales of Sorcerer Agamotto from my father, and that impressed me. Plus, the way Master Julius helped me deal with my issue, it was an amazing adventure for me. So, here I am."
The old man nods, and says, "Very well. My name is Master Yao. I'm the Sorcerer Supreme of this realm, and I agree to teach you. Come on in."
Master Yao, who I think I remember being the one to teach Doctor Strange in the comics, welcomes me inside Kamar Taj, and into a hall. The Hall is made in an Asian style, taking most of the inspiration from Japanese and Chinese, for the floors.
There were a few old men and women reading at the sides, mostly to calm new students down. Master Yao stands in the centre of the room, with his hands behind his back, while Master Julius, who just came in with a few other people wearing the same robes, stand at the back of her.
"Mystic arts, is a complicated subject. Not unlike the Magic that I'm sure you already know, and have mastered. But very much unlike your Magic, the Mystic Arts use two types if energies to power your spells. The one inside your bodies, like you already do. And the one all around us." Master Yao says, once I'm standing in front of him.
I will my wrist and ankle bands to deactivate, and my locket to activate, turning myself into a mortal for as long as I need, making Master Yao raise an eyebrow. He says, "Yes, this is certainly a surprise, but not unwelcome. You turning yourself into a human, although a strong one, will most definitely help us teach you."
I nod, and say, "I thought it might. Teaching someone physically stronger than you must be a bit harder, so I made myself weaker."
Yao nods and continues where he left off, "The Masters of the Mystic Arts, can call on the energy from our surroundings, or from other realms, to cast spells, create rituals, and many other things. Are you ready to learn all these things Baldur?"
He drops my title, as if I accept, I'm going to be his student, and not the Prince of Asgard. I nod at him, and before I can even notice, he slams a palm on my forehead, sending me on a stroll through the Dimensions. Again. Only this time, I don't stop in each Dimension again and again.
"Open your mind. What you see before you are the realms, that you might be able to bring Energy from." Yao's voice says in my head as I'm passing through different realms. "What is real? What mysteries lie beyond the reach of your senses? At the root of existence, mind and matter meet. Thoughts shape reality. This universe is only one of an infinite number. Worlds without end. Some benevolent and life-giving, very much like the Light Realm, others filled with malice and hunger, like the Dark Realm. Dark places, where powers older than time lie… ravenous… and waiting. Who are you in this vast multiverse, Baldur Odinson?"
As Yao says the description of each realm, I see them with my Astral Form, I see Dormammu again. Right now, I have no control where I'm going, and just go with the flow. As soon as Master Yao says my name, I drop down back into my body, and fall on my knees.
I smile widely, in exhilaration, and look up at Master Yao. I say, "Teach me, Master."
Master Yao smiles and says, "I will, teach you. Not that you'd need much of it. You've already been teaching yourself, Baldur. But you were smart to wait on the Mirror Dimension. You would have brought dangers far worse than Dormammu in this realm."
I nod in understanding, still on my knees, and stay silent.
Master Yao looks at me, smiles, and says, "Welcome, Baldur Odinson, to the Order of the Mystic Arts. Master Julius, please show him his rooms. Your studies begin tomorrow."
A/N: All the dialogues in this chapter were in the Midgardian's own languages, but Baldur understood all of them thanks to AllSpeak.
I do not know how AllSpeak works in the comics, but in the movies Thor said they taught him Groot's language in Asgard. So I took that and made it so that they teach every known language, and cram it into the brains until a single unified Language remains, which using Magic, can translate and adapt to any new language within a few seconds.
Now, I'm not going to show all his Kamar Taj days, but I'll show him learning a few important things, like Portals, Relics, and a few fights. Thank you!
I realized that I've been forgetting how old Baldur is, so from now on, I'm posting his age at the top of the chapter. The number in the bracket is his human equivalent age.