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77.77% The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED] / Chapter 46: Excuses, and Explanations

Chapitre 46: Excuses, and Explanations

A/N: Okay, I just want to say that I might, might, spend the next couple days writing up the timeline for the chapters after his 15th birthday. I'll upload it, and the next chapter together. Just giving a warning!


1156 AD: 192 Years(17)

I look at the person in front of me, shocked to all hell. Standing in front of me, was Omega, the AI from the Celestial Ship. He looked exactly like the Celestial face he liked to use and I could easily mistake him for a Celestial.

I slowly get up, feeling my body already healing from the muscle stiffness, and ask, "How and when did this happen?"

Omega shrugs, and says, in an almost robotic voice, "Well you were asleep for a long time, and I was getting bored. So, I took the data from the computer servers we took from my Universe, and made myself this body. How do I look?"

I get up, and walk towards him. I knock my knuckles on his arms a bit, and hear a metallic noise. I ask, "How? Tell me everything."

Omega nods, and answers, "I based the body on the Celestial who made me. But, I did not have access to the data containing the material their armours are made from. So, I made the body with a mixture of Adamantium and used Weapon X's DNA for my base."

I ask, "So is the whole body based on the Celestials or are you human on the inside?"

Omega nods, and answers, "I have a complete humanoid body, with bones laced with what you called Proto-Adamantium supporting it, then I made the veins out of the Vibranium, to conduct energy properly. And, a non conductive synthetic material, which made up the Apocalypse Armour, for flesh and armour."

"Amazing." I mumble out. Looking up at his 6 Celestial like eyes, I ask, "What powers you?"

"A miniature version of the reactor powering the Ship." Omega answers.

Before I can say anything, I see something that makes me cry. Aora, a tearful grown up Aora, was standing at the doors to the Medical Wing. She runs at me, and hugs me. I catch her, and pat her back, hugging her close.

"Why are you crying?" I tearfully ask her, still holding her.

Aora sniffs, and says, "I missed you. Why are you crying?"

I wipe my eyes behind her, and say, "I never got to see you grow up."

I get out of the hug and look her over. I praise her, "Amazing, Aora! You look beautiful, and strong! The perfect combination! How many years was I gone?"

"Seven." Omega and Aora chorus together, while a now adult voice from behind them says, "I am Groot."

I smile at Groot, and go to hug him, but fail. He's too big for my hug now. I look him over and see some changes in him too. For starters, the cracks which are usually in his skin, due to the wood he's made of, are filled with a purple liquid running through them. Secondly, he was bulky now.

He still looked like a tree, but shaped and sized like a Jotun.

"Nice to meet you too, Groot! What the hell happened to you?" I ask, looking at a now bulky Groot.

"I am Groot!"

"No way! That herb did all this?!"

"I am Groot."

"What fruit? You know what, you can show me later. Lets go to the Hall. Blinky! Bring some food and tell the Elves to sit with us in the hall today. We're having a feast, while you all tell me what you've been up to!" I say, and pull Aora and Groot to the Great Hall, while Blinky pops in, hears my order and pops out.


".. and that's it. Now, I'm the proud Ruler of a Dimension entirely under my own control. That reminds me, I'll have to make some sort of contract with the Sorcerers. Don't want them stealing from me." I finish speaking, and listen as they each begin to tell how they spent the last 7 years of their lives.

Aora had followed in my footsteps, and went to Earth after she turned 15. Of course, she went to the Goblins first, to hire them to make her a locket that can hide her grin skin. She paid for it with Vibranium, which I didn't mind, and it gave them something to work with other than Gold, Silver, steel and other normal Earthly metals.

She went around, battling bandits, saving people, the family business. She did not learn Sorcery yet, thankfully, as she didn't even know about Kamar Taj. I have something to teach her after all.

2 years of roaming on Earth later, she decided to join the Rescue group. I have to say I'm proud of her. One year after joining the group, she managed to become their leader! She completely beat all of the proud people up, and took over an Organisation found by me!

I'm reaally proud of her!

And then, after fighting many people, she had the displeasure of meeting the Ravagers, and not just any Ravager sect, no. She met the sect, which included the people responsible for kidnapping her, and the humans.

She met Captain Torgo of the Ravagers! Long story short, they talked, she asked about Nick, Joe and Kevin, whom I'd already killed, and then beat Torgo up.

She said, and I quote, "Next time, keep a better eye on your subordinates, robot."

Damn! A bit racist, but I'm still proud of her!

Groot, meanwhile spent all of his time on Avalon, living his life to the fullest. The Magical animals loved him, and after the Herb changed him, he became even more famous.

Thankfully, I'd blessed the herb, so he did not become Bast's champion, but mine.

The Elves took care of the castle and the grounds, while telling anyone who asked that I'm on a trip. Mother came asking for me a few times, but the Elves had to lie to her too. I'll go talk with her once I'm done here.

Now, Omega, that's where things get interesting. For the first two years, he did nothing but monitor my health from the ship. But, he had gotten used to my presence, and so began to get bored.

He made that body within half a day, and then introduced himself to everyone within the week. Well, the Elves and Groot were introduced within an hour, but Aora had to come home, so that took a week.

Surprisingly, he did not make the body capable of fighting. Sure, if someone attacks him, he'll defend himself. But the body is not a fighter.

Just like the Celestial who made him was not a fighter, but a Gardener. He was made aware of that knowledge just recently. Or, he was allowed to tell me that knowledge.

I have no idea how someone can make an AI not aware of something in his own systems, but they're Celestials, they can probably do that.

One more thing that happened, was Medusa, the Basilisk, came up, closing her eyes. Thankfully, Omega was there in the Medical Wing, keeping me company, and he was able to talk to her and tell her that I'm sleeping.

How Omega was able to translate the language of a snake, I'll never know, and I'm too afraid to ask.

After talking, we all ate and simply had fun. But, I was also sad. Omega made his own body, Groot became a fully grown adult Groot, and Aora became 21. I missed so much while I was away.

On hindsight, I should have waited my two adopted.. siblings - because I'm not calling them my kids, I'm way too young to be a dad – became adults, before doing the merging. But, as they say, Hindsight is 20/20.

And now, I am finally ready, to introduce the new members of my family, to my Royal family. Boy, is this gonna be awkward, telling them about my last 7 years.


"Are you sure we should come? Aren't they God's? What if they don't like us?" Aora asks, fidgeting a bit.

I smile at her, and hugging her, I say, "My mother will love you. It wouldn't matter to her that you're mortal. Plus, you remember what Omega said. You'll live for hundreds of years, and if I have my way, I'll make sure you live for thousands. So, even my Father won't have any problems with you."

Aora sighs, and mumbles, "I missed you.."

I almost skip a beat, I don't want to be a dad, but I'm not going to begrudge her for calling me that. I'm not gonna force her either though.

I pat her back, and say, "Don't worry. They'll like you. Now, let's get ready. Omega, I'm sorry to say that I can't show you to my parents yet. My Father will try to kill you as soon as he sees you."

I really am sorry. My Father will look at the Celestial face of Omega, and fire Gungnir before I can even say hello.

Omega nods, and says, "I realized that Sir. I just came here to inform you that I won't be coming to Asgard, this time."

Huh. He's smart. Well, he is an AI. Saying goodbye to Aora and Groot, Omega leaves to go back to his ship. He was trying to understand how to unlock the rest of the data.

Looking around at the assembled party of two, I open a portal to my room in Asgard. Squaring my shoulders, I say, "Well, time to meet the family. Come on Aora, Groot."


As soon as I get into my room, I begin to feel nostalgic. It's been 16 years since I've been here, and a few more years since I've slept in my room, but the room was still the same as before. Nothing was changed.

Walking outside, I flag a servant, and say, "Could you please tell my mother that I'm coming, with guests? And if my brothers are here, I'd really appreciate if you send them a message too."

"Of course, My Prince." The servant says, bowing to me, and then runs in front of us to go and find the Queen.

Sure I could have simply told Heimdall to send a message that I've brought guests, but he'll be oath bound to tell Odin first, and I'm not looking forward to Aora meeting Odin.

"My Prince?" Aora asks, raising an eyebrow, as we begin walking again.

I smile at her, and say, "Well I am a Prince. Asgardians really love their formalities. Except when it comes to feasts or fights. Then we lose all formalities."

Aora snorts, while Groot says, "I am Groot!" sounding happy.

I look back and ask, "Different how? Good or bad?"

He just said that the Magic here feels different. Of course the magic here is different, but I want to know if it's harmful for him, a being that thrives on magic.

He shrugs, and says, "I am Groot." Good.

I nod at him and look to the front again, as we walk towards the King's Chambers. Mother should be either there, or she'll meet me there.

Within 2 minutes, we reach the room, and I knock on the door. "Come in, Baldur." Mother's voice says, calling me inside.

I walk in, with a smile on my face, which I immediately freeze at the glare on her face. I say, "Mother! You look beautiful! Did you do something different to your hair today?"

Instead of saying anything, mother pinches my ear, and pulls me down. Not minding the snickering Groot and Aora behind me, she starts scolding, "16 Years! That's how long it's been since I've met you! What was so wrong with you, that your Elves lied to me?! Huh?! Answer me!"

"Ow! Ow! I'LL TALK! I'LL TALK! Just let go of my ear mother!" I say, pleading to her.

I might be strong for my age, for an Aesir, but she's my mother and hence many times stronger than me.

She lets go of my ear, and simply folds her hands. Rubbing my paining ear, I tell her everything about my new Dimension. Well, not everything. I just tell her that I'm the new Skyfather of a Dimension, and that I've combined two different Dimensions into one, after spending billions of years meditating.

I also tell her why exactly it was necessary I do that. My magic was too stretched because of a mistaken Declaration of Divinity. It had made partitions within itself, to absorb the energies from different sources.

Now, there's only one source. Me. Meaning the Sun Dimension. Even my Sun Divinity was now part of it. Now, if I connect to any star, I'll simply send that energy to me, through that Dimension, making it my own again. Meaning there is no external energies.

It's all mine.

Except for the energies I use when invoking another being for spells. Like, if I use the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak, I'll take energy from his Dimension, but it won't pass through my Dimension, or Cyttorak would have an opening to take over the Sun Dimension. Nope. Not letting anyone in.

"You are an idiot." Mother says, after I've finished my tale in 5 minutes. I did not want to waste any more time and risk getting my ear pulled.

Mother then looks behind me, at the silently watching Groot and Aora, and asks, "Now who are your friends, Baldur? Did you meet them on your travels?"

I grimace. She will not like what I did, but I had to.

"Sit down first mother. You're not going to like this tale. Firstly, they are Groot, and Aora. I sort of adopted them 12 years ago?" I finish the last part in a question, but don't miss the happiness in Aora's eyes.

Groot helpfully adds, "I am Groot."

"What does he mean by he loves you even if you abandoned them for 7 years?! Why did you abandon them, Baldur?!" Mother says, getting ready to smack me around. We're Asgardians. Despite being white, we solve everything with violence.

Just because she hasn't hit me yet, doesn't mean she won't hit me now.

I put my hands in front of me, and start speaking before Groot can say anything else to help me. I say, "For starters, I did not know it was going to take that long. I thought I would be free after at most a month or two, I swear!"

Fingers crossed. Does not count! I actually thought I'd have taken 2 years to do all that.

Mother narrows her eyes at me, and says one word, straightening me up. She says, "Explain."

I nod rapidly, and begin, "I saw a Ravager ship, landing on Midgard. So, I went to see what they wanted. I followed them around, staying invisible, and only intervened when they began attacking a village of Midgardians. I interrogated them, and found out.. things.. that made me kill them."

"What?" Mother calmly asks.

She knows that if I got this angry at someone, they definitely deserved it.

"Aora close your ears." I say, looking at mother's calm look. Too calm, in fact.

Aora snorts, and says, "I've lived it. Don't bother protecting me. You can say it, I'll be okay."

Grimacing, I say, "That particular group of 3 Ravagers would kidnap children, from all over the two galaxies, and sell them to the Kree. The Kree would then experiment on them, to turn them into Soldiers in their war against Xandar. If they succeed, they get new soldiers with better abilities. If they fail, they either threw the bodies, or if they remained alive, they would be enslaved and thrown into the Slave rings."

Mother clenches her fist, and says, "Continue."

I nod, and do so. I say, "I took on one of the Ravager's face, took my Elves with me pretending to be children, and went to meet with the Kree who was going to buy them. I killed him, pretended to be him, and followed the trail to Torfa, where there were 3 labs, and a few mines. I destroyed the labs, killed every Kree in the lab, and freed the prisoners."

At the end, I'm beginning to cry. I look at mother, and say, "There were children, mother. As young as 5, and the oldest was 15-16. I could not just keep them there. I brought them to my home, dropped the adult prisoners to a planet they could rest on, and then I sent those children who had a home to go to, to their planets. Those who did not have a home, I asked them what they wanted to do. Most of them chose to go to the Nova corps. And Groot and Aora decided to stay with me."

Mother nods, and says, "Good. You did good, Baldur. But next time, tell us. We could have sent help."

I shake my head, but smile at her. I say, "I couldn't do that, mother. It would have brought Asgard into another War. I did not want that for us."

Mother sighs, and looks Groot and Aora over. At this point, Aora looked older than me. So thank God, she did not call me Father.

Mother turns back to me, and asks, "What did you do with the grown up prisoners?"

I come out of my thinking, and answer, "I called Xandar from the Ravager ship, and explained the situation. The Prisoners met with Nova Prime, and made some agreement. You should have heard about them. They go by Rescue now."

"Truly? Those are the ones you saved? Heimdall had informed us of them, but he did not say anything about you. He said something about a Surya the Wiz- You're Surya, aren't you?"

I nod, and smile at her sheepishly. I should have mentioned that before.

She glares at me, and says, "I think you should go find your father. Let me talk to my first grandchildren, even if they're adopted. You can tell us why your magic feels changed when we have dinner."

I nod, and stand up, honestly relieved she did not scold me. I turn to Aora, who was looking a bit concerned, and whisper, "Don't worry. She'll love you. Take care, alright?"

Aora nods, so I pat her head, and walk out the room, ignoring the smiling mother. I should have brought Aora to mother before. She could have had a female figure, other than the Elves that is, to rely on.

Now, I better go towards the Throne and give my King a report.



Previously, I had made my calculations of the ages based on his birthyear being 955 AD, when in actuality it is 964 AD. So, I made appropriate changes to the previous chapters.

If somewhere it feels wrong, or the calculations don't match up, inform me and I'll do it!

I've decided on a name for the Sun Dimension, and the land he stays on.

The Dimension will be called SOLHEIM, keeping with the Norse way. I wanted to call it Valhalla too, but calling it Valhalla might be sacrilege to some Aesir. So nope.

Helheim is where Hela lives. SOLHEIM is where the Sun lives, but in this case it's not actually the Sun, but the God of Sun.

next chapter
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