"I have long awaited another opportunity for the two of us to speak. This was not how I imagined we would be for our next talk, but it will do. You are a remarkable dancer. When did you learn how to dance?" Helena asked.
"I cannot remember the age. I've learned a lot perhaps from the moment I could talk," Tobias answered.
"I see. You didn't answer me last night about your time out at war. I am interested in knowing the stories you have to share. I wish to hear it from you instead of guards or other men who will add to the story or try to make you sound weak," Helena said, trying once more to spark a conversation with him.
Tobias peered down at Helena. "Why do you continue to question me about war when you have no interest in it? Do you think that is all I want to talk about?"
"But I heard you love being out at war," Helena replied, confused as to why he didn't just share stories.