Alden continued making his way through the forest.
He turned his thoughts towards what had happened after he leaned on the mysterious tablet.
It was a similar experience to his ascension, but also completely different.
The pain was another level as well.
If swallowing a beast core was akin to being oversaturated with a flood of mana, the stone stab had made it seem like an impregnable seal had been broken within his body. It was as if he had unlocked a hidden part of his self.
Naturally, the latter was much more painful, and the process took much longer.
Nonetheless, what Alden had gained justified the torture.
He was not the type to enjoy undergoing such agony constantly, so he wasn't quite sure if it was worth it. Alden shuddered to imagine a time when he would find that level of pain tolerable.
'Hopefully, I never won't.'
Shaking his head, he focused on his recent transformation.
Thanks to the strange tablet, he had received two main boons.
The first was his body's newfound disposition to decay, and the second was a side effect of the former - a stronger and more durable physique. Alden had felt like his frame had become sturdier after the whole ordeal in the cavern, but until he fought against the Defiled Bear, he just didn't know by how much.
Coupled with the time he spent bettering his Skills, he was now better equipped to handle the horrors of the Apocalypse. It was still plenty dangerous, but at least he no longer needed to be as afraid.
Was almost priceless in a land filled with so much death.
'It's been a great help.'
He thought appreciatively.
No matter how small a blessing was, Alden was determined to be grateful for it. Asterons knew how much worse his situation could have been - he had got a small taste, after all, fatigued and on the brink of death a few times.
Getting rid of the grim thoughts, the young man continued his journey.
For now, he was just aimlessly wandering. But Alden was planning to head back to the Waterfall of Stars soon.
If nothing else, he could bask in its mystical lake and rejuvenate himself.
A while later, the human and phoenix duo paused to have lunch. With his back to an ancient bole, Alden retrieved a strip of wolf meat, much to Ignia's delight.
She had tried the fish back at the lake, and while she didn't hate it, she also didn't enjoy it that much.
It seemed wolves still remained her favourite to eat.
It was a weird dichotomy - Alden had no idea why Ignia liked to feast on things larger than her in size.
Once the little bird had finished cooking the meat - almost completely charring it in the process - he held it at the tip of his fingers and dropped it into her beak. Ignia swallowed happily, shaking a few of her feathers in pleasure.
Alden's lips twitched at the sight.
He suddenly had the urge to let out a deep belly laugh. It was only through sheer will alone that he managed to stifle that impulse.
Instead, Alden settled for a light chuckle and a small smile. After the little phoenix ate to her heart's content, she fell asleep in his arms.
Alden's heart melted for the umpteenth time.
Even though his little familiar was growing bigger every day, he couldn't help but still see her as the cute and precious fledgling he had saved. The sight of her small frame, moments away from being devoured by the skeletal Defiled, would forever remain imprinted in his mind.
Alden mentally gave himself a pat on the back for coming to Ignia's aid back then.
And while there may have been a chance he could have lost his life because of that decision, in the end, he did not care.
Some things were more precious than one's life.
Ignia was one such example.
Alden instinctively stroked the little phoenix. Her small body relaxed even further in his arms.
His heart warmed, and Alden was overcome with the desire to dote on the baby bird more.
Surrendering to that urge, the young man gave Ignia a small kiss on the head.
A warm feeling travelled through their bond. Alden leaned his head back on the tree, a warm smile on his lips.
Ignia continued to sleep safely inside his embrace.
Sometime later, after his little phoenix had slept to her heart's content, he was back on the move.
Alden scanned his surroundings idly, observing nature in all of its glory - the thick canopy, the towering trees, the different array of life and numerous ecosystems all existing together in chaotic harmony.
Honestly, he much preferred this over the ravine he had journeyed through to reach the Waterfall. Sure, the forest was creepy at times. But at least there was an almost endless space he could move in.
He also had more options for retreat.
Alden sighed.
He did not look forward to traversing the gorge again. However, the mystical lake was just too attractive, so he had no choice. The young man busied himself with his surroundings, ignoring how he no longer had any need to stay in this part of Nature's Grove.
After a while, Alden paused.
His expression turned bemused.
There, up ahead, the echo of a loud conversation streamed into his ears.
'What's going on?'
Alden wondered.
From afar, the voices were unintelligible. Slinking forward, he carefully inched towards the commotion.
He sent a burst of instructions for Ignia to remain silent through their bond. He didn't want Ignia to reveal their position - accidental or not -, like what happened with the three scouts.
She readily agreed, snapping her beak shut.
'Good girl.'
He praised her internally.
Then, he finally reached a vast bush - the commotion was taking place behind it.
Alden inhaled and calmed his nerves.
He had no reason to worry. After all, the metal disk was concealing his presence. He just had to make sure to remain out of a person's line of sight.
Mustering some courage, Alden entered the shrub and peeked through the other side.
And as soon as he did…
His face turned pale with dread.
I hope this chapter satisfies your request, M0M0KA :)
TIO will go on a two week hiatus