We ended up staying for another month in England as I made sure we had ended all of the covens involved in this little coup d'état against Julius and Jane.
After going to each of the involved covens' place of residence, I found letters sent between the covens, detailing their hair-brain plan, which wasn't very smart.
Their plan was to give Julius and Jane the boot, preferably dead.
After they 'successfully' did that, they were going to send an emissary to the Volturi, telling them that England was now a state of free vampires who could do as they wished.
Like I said…not very smart.
Other than that, Julius and Jane took Edward across England to show him the country, while I dealt with everything else, my payment for running away when the entire police force showed up outside the Castle.
It wasn't too bad though, it's not like I haven't seen every crack and crevice this country had to offer...
Edward and I took a ship back to America around the end of 1934, on a luxurious cruise liner, celebrating the New Year while on board.
Docking back in New York, we were picked up by Carlisle.
"It's good to see you, Carlisle." I said, giving him a quick hug.
"yes…it's only been, what, a few months." He chuckled, giving my back a hard pat.
"That doesn't mean I haven't missed you." I chuckled, picking my suitcase back up.
"It's good to see you, Carlisle." Edward said as he and Carlisle hugged.
"Anything important happen while we were gone?" I asked, putting my suitcase in the trunk.
"Uhh…kind of." Carlisle said, fiddling with the keys in his hands, not looking at me.
"Oh really?" I said, glancing at Edward, who looked just as confused, "And what, 'kind of' happened?" I asked.
"Well, we might…have a new member of the coven." Carlisle said, dropping a bomb on my head.
"What!" I said loudly, unable to control my tone.
'Fuck-Fuck-Fuuuck!!' I thought, mentally freaking out.
I had planned on saving her somehow when we returned from England, not thinking she would have been changed so soon.
Controlling my reaction, I changed my face to one of happiness, while still freaking out on the inside.
"That's great news, Carlisle…I'm sooo happy for you." I said, taking a step closer to give him a pat on the shoulder while I smiled wide.
"Thanks, Adam." Carlisle said, winsing as I patted his shoulder.
"What's their name?" I asked.
"Her name is Rosalie." Carlisle said, a small smile showing on his face.
'Why me Lord.' I cried in my head.
"Rosalie?" Edward murmured under his breath.
Getting into Carlisle's Ford, I closed my door, my thoughts wondering as Carlisle started the car.
The whole drive back to the apartments, Carlisle continued to talk about Rosalie, as if he was trying to convince us to accept her.
Interrupting him, I had to ask.
"How long ago did you change her?"
He turned to look at me.
"Uh…about a week ago. So on New years Night. I found her in an alley. She had been…well…she should be the one to tell you. But it wasn't good, Adam."
I nodded my head, remembering something I had written in my personal hidden journal.
"And what has she been doing recently?"
"Nothing," Carlisle said, turning onto our road. "At the moment she's been in our home while she gets herself under control." Carlisle said.
I nodded.
"So she hasn't left to go anywhere?" I asked.
He shook his head, giving me a concerned look.
"Why do you ask?"
"Because now she's a vampire and most likely wanting revenge." I said, returning his gaze.
His brows creased together.
"She said she didn't know who attacked her." Carlisle said, glancing between me and the road.
"Of course she did," I said, opening my door as Carlisle pulled in front of our apartment building.
Quickly grabbing our suitcases, we made our way to the top floor.
It became instantly apparent that something was off as soon as we walked through the door and saw Esme pacing in front of the hallway to the living room.
"Oh thank goodness you're back " she said to Carlisle, giving me and Edward a rushed smile, before she began to speak again. "Rosalie is gone. She left through her bedroom window." she said, beginning to pace again.
"How long ago did you notice she was gone?" Carlisle asked.
Esme shrugged, "Maybe ten minutes after you left. So about an hour ago." Esme said, turning to look at us with worried eyes.
"It will be almost impossible to find her." Esme said, shaking her head side to side.
Carlisle nodded while letting out a sigh.
"The best we can hope for now is that she returns on her own." He said, a sad look in his eyes.
"Maybe for all of you. But I think I might be able to track her down." I said, digging in my pocket for a small black notebook.
"Really!" Esme asked excitedly.
I nodded my head, flipping through the black notebook, finding the extension for the New York Bank.
Finding it, I walked to the phone, making a personal call to the bank head.
After giving the password, I was sent straight to the bank head, where I got the address of one of their workers.
Writing the address of their apartment on a small piece of paper, I folded it and put it in my pocket.
Hanging up the phone, I turned to see everyone looking at me.
"Who's this Mr. King?" Carlisle asked.
"Someone I suspect as her target."
"What!" Carlisle and Esme asked in unison, confused as to how I could already have a suspect in mind, while Edward stood there with a bored looking expression.
"It's a long story. I'll explain when I get back." I said, starting for the door.
"I'll come with you." Carlisle said, starting after me.
Coming to an abrupt halt, I turned to face him.
"It will be best if you wait here." I said, giving him a shewing motion with my hands.
"But~" Carlisle started before I cut him off.
"Carlisle. Let me do my magic." I said, giving him a stern look as I kept my voice level.
He stared at me for a moment, before nodding his head in agreement.
"Very well." He said, taking a step backwards.
"Thank you." I said, turning and heading for the door again.
Standing on a ledge of the forty fifth Floor of a high rise apartment building, I crouched down as I looked through the window at a familiar young man, who was currently trying to drown himself with alcohol as tears ran down his face.
'No matter how much you drink, she's still coming for you.' I thought with an evil smile as I waited for the inevitable moment when Rose showed up.
And just like I knew, she did come for him.
The sounds of gunshots and screams cut through the air like a knife, as Rose killed her way to King Jr.
I watched as he started to cry and backed himself into a corner as the inevitable began to happen.
The screams and gunshots stopped nearly as quickly as they began, leaving a defining silence, before the door exploded and the wedding dress clad Rosalie marched her way in.
She stopped just inside the door to give her prey a wicked smile, before she pounced and ripped King apart.
As she did that, I managed to open the window, allowing me to sneak inside, while she did her business.
Stepping onto the carpeted floor, I quietly closed the window behind me, as I quietly walked over to the large plush chair in the corner of the room.
Sitting down, I watched as Rosalie ripped off a leg then an arm, beating the man with his own appendages.
Only when there was nothing but mush left of him, Rosalie finally stopped, her head back as she let out an audible sigh.
"Feeling better?" I asked, reaching into my pocket for the gold cigarette case.
Not that I needed a smoke, but to give my hands something to do.
In a blur Rosalie twisted around, her teeth bared in a snarl.
"Relax, would ya." I said, placing a cigarette between my lips as I flicked the lid of my lighter, lighting the cigarette.
"Who are you!" she snarled, bracing herself to attack me.
I put a hand up to placate her, while I lit the cigarette before beginning, "I'm, Adam. I'm sure Carlisle has told you who I am." I said, taking a pull off my cigarette.
Rosalie arched a brow as she stared at me, her demeanor not shifting.
Which was okay, because it gave me time to look her over.
She had certainly changed since the last time I had seen her in the bank all those months ago.
Yes she still looked the same, but there was also something very different about her.
Her skin looked smoother, her hair more vibrant, and her eyes more…piercing.
Rosalie grimaced, her back seeming to straighten just a tad as she looked me over.
Then one of her eyebrows seemed to twitch.
"I've seen you before." She said, her eyes slightly drifting as she recalled the memory.
"From the bank." She said, refocusing her blood red eyes back on me.
I nodded my head, "Yes, that was me." I said, tapping the ash from my cigarette onto the carpet. "Quite the coincidence, don't you think?" I asked with a smirk.
She sneered again, before I turned to look at the doorway.
"It seems it is time for our grand escape." I said, standing up.
"What?" Rosalie asked as she looked between the door and me.
"More police are on their way up the elevator now. They just got on at the ground floor." I said, walking over to the curtains.
She looked at me with a raised brow.
"You must be joking." She said, looking down the hall through the broken door of the room at the solitary elevator at the end of the hall.
"No…I'm not." I said, pulling my lighter out of my pocket.
"Now if you wouldn't mind, could you open that window there so we can leave while I cover your tracks." I asked as I lit the curtains on fire, then the bed and other flammable things.
Waiting until I was sure the room was well and surly on fire, I shewed Rosalie out of the room.
Just as she was stepping onto the ledge of the window, we both turned our heads at the sound of the elevator opening down the hallway.
"Huh?" I heard Rosalie say under her breath as I stepped onto the ledge beside her.
"What now?" Rosalie asked as we looked down at the brightly lit city below us.
"We jump." I said, taking a final drag off of my cigarette before flicking it away.
"Jump!" Rosalie asked, alarmed.
"Yeah. Jump." I said, turning to look at her with a smirk.
"Can…can we even do that?" She asked, alarmed.
"I can, yes. But normally for vampires like yourself, no. At the moment you are much stronger than a regular vampire and can do some pretty incredible things like this." I said as the heat from the burning room behind us grew.
She looked down at the ground far below us then back at me.
"Scared of heights?" I asked with a playful grin.
"Yes!" She said as the sound of cracking timber came from behind us.
"Well take your time. We have a few more minutes before the fire causes the room behind us to collapse." I said, leaning on the brick wall of the window's recess.
I couldn't help but chuckle silently as I thought about our current predicament.
Rosalie shifted from foot to foot as she gained her courage in a white wedding dress on the forty fifth Floor of a luxurious apartment building with a fire burning behind us.
As she stood there, I listened to the timbers and bricks beginning to collapse behind us.
"Times up." I said, quickly grabbing hold of Rosalie's arm before leaning backwards.
Rosalie let out an ear piercing scream as we dropped, her nails digging into my arms as I positioned myself so I was on the bottom.
Looking down, I saw she had her eyes shut while she dug her head into my chest.
"You're missing the best part!" I said with a loud laugh as I watched the ledge we had just been standing on collapse.
Turning our body's, I lifted Rosalie slightly so when we landed, it would be my feet hitting the ground instead of both of ours at the same time.
Which is what happened.
My feet slammed into the ground, cracking the concrete ground under me three feet in all directions, my two hundred dollar shoes exploding with the force of my landing.
I stood there for a moment as the sound of sirens got closer, and people began to line the streets to watch the burning building.
Looking at the faces, I looked to see if we had been spotted, which we hadn't.
Everyone's attention was on the burning building.
"Good." I said, looking back down at Rosalie, who I was still holding off the ground.
Her head was still buried in my chest, as well as her nails in my forearms.
"You can let go now." I said, softly setting her down on the ground.
Her head popped up as she looked around, her eyes wide in surprise and astonishment as she looked up at where we had been standing.
"We did it…you did it." She said, turning her head to stare at me in awe.
I gave her a smirk.
"Well yeah," I said with a chuckle, "I don't know about you, but I would like to avoid getting crushed by a collapsing ceiling." I said as she finally released her nails from my skin.
As she released her nails, I saw there were small splotches of my blood on my white dress shirt where her nails had sunk into my flesh.
I saw when the smell hit her, her nostrils flared as she sniffed the air.
"I wouldn't do that if I was you," I said, clasping my arms behind me, "My blood is toxic to vampires." I said, giving her a sheepish grin.
"I wasn't." She said with an angry frown as she turned to look at the large bunches of people that had begun to appear on the sidewalk to watch the fire.
"We should get going." I said, taking a step away from Rosalie.
"Yeah." She said, turning to follow me.
"We should stop to get you some new clothes…yours are all…bloody," I said, before looking down at my now bare feet. "And me some new shoes." I said with a chuckle as I started to walk towards where I knew a dress and men's wear store was close by.
As I walked, Rosalie picked up her pace to walk beside me.
"How did you know where I was?" Rosalie asked, her eyes staring at the side of my head like Lasers.
"I had a suspicion." I said, looking over at her.
"A…suspicion?" She asked.
"Yeah. I remembered seeing you talk to that King guy at the bank. So I swung by his apartment to see if you went there, and as it turned out, you had." I said, sidestepping a group of people who were walking down the sidewalk to get a look at the burning building.
"How did you know he lived there?" she asked.
"A simple call," I said, "All of my employee's addresses are on file so all I had to do was call."
Rosalie thought for a moment before it downed on her.
"Wait, but he worked at Gringotts?" she said looking back up at me.
I looked down at her with a raised brow and a small smile.
"I own Gringotts." I said, smiling as I watched her face go through a dozen emotions of shock.
"But…But." she stammered.
We reached the shop a few minutes later where I bought a cheap pair of shoes and a few articles of clothes for Rosalie, who was waiting in an alley not far away.
Handing the bag over, I turned away from her as she began to remove the blood soaked dress.
I heard the ruffle of the bag before a scoff.
"This looks like clothes my mother wears." She said, before putting the clothes on.
"You can get rid of them when we get home. They are just so we can get home without the cops being called because you are wearing a dress covered in blood." I said, reaching for my cigarette case again while I waited for Rosalie to finish dressing.
Once she was done getting dressed, we took a cab home.
Giving the driver a few bills and a tip, we stepped out of the cab.
"Do you think Carlisle will be mad?" Rosalie asked in a whisper as we stood on the curb in front of the building.
Looking down at her I grinned.
"No…He won't be angry," I said, giving her a comforting smile, "Carlisle has something most others don't. understanding and patience. He knows what it's like to be caught up in the throes of emotions and to want revenge. He will see this as a step in your journey." I said.
Rosalie frowned, and looked down at her hands which still had dried blood on them.
She looked at them for a few seconds before she bawled her hands into fists.
"Let's go." She said, before she started to walk towards the doors of the apartment building.
Rosalie wasn't raped. Yes something happened with Royce which caused her death, but it will be explained in a later chapter.
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