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28.37% The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Book 2] / Chapter 16: 13.5: WWO (PHO-style Interlude)

Chapitre 16: 13.5: WWO (PHO-style Interlude)

"Cedric! Ceddy! Ceddy Bear! Just the guy we wanted to see," George (or was it Fred?) said, throwing an arm over Cedric Diggory's shoulder.

Fred (or was it George?) continued where his twin left off, "How would you like to hop aboard the latest train taking over the Castle?"

Cedric sighed but humored the notorious prankster twins, "Alright, guys, just… I've got a lot on my plate at the moment. With the tournament and everything, you know? So keep it brief, yeah?"

"We'll keep our pitch-…"

"Short and sweet!"

One of the twins then produced a piece of parchment from somewhere, "Introducing! Our latest invention!"

"Ever feel like you can't keep up with all the gossip around the Castle?" Geord asked.

"Of course not," Frege answered for Cedric. "Handsome, approachable guy like you is probably rolling secrets."

"So why not share those secrets with the rest of the Castle?"

"I don't know about this, guys. You're making it sound kind of nefarious," Cedric tried to talk his way out of whatever potential scheme the twins wanted to involve him in.

"Perish the very thought!"

"Indeed, my noble Hufflepuffle! There isn't a nefarious bone in either of our bodies!"

"This invention is purely a tool for socialization!"

"And a revolutionary one at that!"

"It's already taking over the Castle!"

"Yeah, Ceddy Bear. You're missing out!"

Cedric sighed again, "Just get on with it…"

"Our pleasure! This glorious bit of magic and enchanting-…" One twin led, holding up the parchment for Cedric to see.

The other twin finished, "Is the WWO! Witches and Wizards On-parchment!"

"Think of it like the Great Hall."

"But you can talk to everyone and everyone can talk to you all at once!"

"It's a place to gather and a way to send and receive letters."

"It's the next big thing!"

"Gryffindor loves them."

"So does Ravenclaw."

"We're spreading them around Hufflepuff now."

"Even the other schools have received some."

Cedric frowned, "Not Slytherin? That doesn't seem very fair, guys."

One of the twins let out a dramatic, put-on sigh, "Fiiiiinnnneeee~… Just for you, Ceddy Bear, we'll give them to Slytherin next."

"We'll have to upcharge them a bit though."

"Not for you, Ceddy Bear. Just a single Sickle and the Castle's newest gossip network is yours for the taking!"

"Well…" Cedric considered it. In the end, though, his answer was obvious. No Hufflepuff could resist the potential for gossip. "I'll take it."


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♦ Topic: WWO Introductory Letter (And Quidditch)

In: Boards ► General

TerribleTwins1 (Original Poster) (Prankster) (Gryffindor) (Beater)

Posted On Oct 28th, 1994:

Welcome! GentleWizards and NobleWitches! To the newest invention of the handsome and dashing Weasley twins!

With Quidditch canceled this year (the scandal!), we've found our time quite free. This is the result.

So we welcome you all! Spread your gossip and secrets! Pull pranks! And most of all, have fun!

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►TerribleTwinsA (Prankster) (Gryffindor) (Beater)

Replied On Oct 28th 1994:

Don't forget brilliant and generous, my worse half!

How about that Quidditch ban, huh? Wood was literally trying to walk up the walls the last time I saw him!

►RedheadHunter (Gryffindor) (Chaser) (Vixen)

Replied On Oct 28th 1994:

You guys have really outdone yourself this time. Good on, you two.

And, yeah, Wood might actually go insane before the end of the year.

►TerribleTwins1 (Original Poster) (Prankster) (Gryffindor) (Beater)

Replied On Oct 28th 1994:

Angelina! What a signature! Oh my, oh me, I'm about to act up!

►TerribleTwinsA (Prankster) (Gryffindor) (Beater)

Replied On Oct 28th 1994:

Piss off, Frege! She obviously means me, the more handsome half of our terrible twosome.

►RedheadHunter (Gryffindor) (Chaser) (Vixen)

Replied On Oct 28th 1994:

Boys, boys, there's more than enough of me and Alicia to go around.

►SpinningOnIt (Gryffindor) (Chaser)

Replied On Oct 28th 1994:

Uhm... Don't I get a choice in all this?

►RedheadHunter (Gryffindor) (Chaser) (Vixen)

Replied On Oct 28th 1994:

Nope~ And we're drafting Katie too, Alicia. Gotta keep our number advantage up so we can keep these two troublemakers in line.

►HellsBells (Gryffindor) (Chaser)

Replied On Oct 28th 1994:

Hehehe~ I'm always down to improve our ~teamwork~

►HardAsWood (Gryffindor) (Keeper) (Wood)

Replied On Oct 28th 1994:

What's this? Can I eat it? Can it fly? Can I throw it through hoops? Can it make my muscles bigger?!

No? I don't care then. Wake me up when we can win the Cup again. This has to be some cruel dream...

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►GreenEyedGirl (Gryffindor) (Seeker) (Girl-Who-Lived)

Replied On Oct 28th 1994:

This is wicked, guys.

One question. What does the 'O' in WWO stand for?

►TerribleTwinsA (Prankster) (Gryffindor) (Beater)

Replied On Oct 28th 1994:

On-parchment, of course. What else would it stand for?

►GreenEyedGirl (Gryffindor) (Seeker) (Girl-Who-Lived)

Replied On Oct 28th 1994:

Hahahahaha! Hermione's gonna flip!

►ChangSenpai (Ravenclaw) (Seeker)

Replied On Oct 29th 1994:

I didn't know she was that athletic. Why would she flip?

Also, am I using this thing right?

►GreenEyedGirl (Gryffindor) (Seeker) (Girl-Who-Lived)

Replied On Oct 29th 1994:

It's... a figure of speech. And I said it because Muggles already have something very similar to this. They call it 'Online'.

And yeah, Hot-Stuff, you're doing fine. Just treat it as a letter that people can reply to immediately.

►TerribleTwinsA (Prankster) (Gryffindor) (Beater)

Replied On Oct 29th 1994:

On-line? Like fishing or something?

►TerribleTwins1 (Original Poster) (Prankster) (Gryffindor) (Beater)

Replied On Oct 29th 1994:

No, my dull brother! (You're lucky you're the handsome one). Obviously, they call it that because they have to queue to use it.

►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Oct 29th 1994:

... I am entirely unqualified to try and explain the internet to Wizards.

Still, this is a brilliant bit of charmwork, Fred and George. May I see your notes?

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♦ Topic: New Professor in the Highlands

In: Boards ► Hoggy Gossip

FabulouslyLavender (Original Poster) (Fabulous) (Gryffindor) (Queen Bee)

Posted On Oct 30th 1994:

Okay, Witches, as Queen Bee of Gryffindor, I officially call this session of Hogwarts Gossip into motion. This will be our first session in this new format so if anyone has any complaints, please speak up.

Now, straight to business. Thoughts on the Castle's newest hunk of meat?

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►IceQueen (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

I like that Professor White is competent and unbiased. That is all.

►IcePrincess (Slytherin) (Princess)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

And dashing and dark and dreamy! You know that thing where he looks so intensely at something he's reading? *swoooon~*

►IceQueen (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

Astoria, no!

►IcePrincess (Slytherin) (Princess)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

Astoria, yes! Besides, you're already betrothed, Daphne. I'm still a free agent~ Maybe he likes his girls a little younger

►IceQueen (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

Ugh, don't! Don't remind me of that un-Slytherin buffoon. If that's how you wish to play, I may as well be a free agent as well. With the death of Lord Malfoy, it's no secret that that contract will soon fall through.

►FabulouslyLavender (Original Poster) (Fabulous) (Gryffindor) (Queen Bee)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

Right, Pure-Blood family drama is always appreciated, girls. But let's try to keep this on topic.

►BoningBones (Hufflepuff)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

He's a good teacher. Especially if you get him alone. Has anyone else gone to his individual tutoring sessions?

►Shiva'sBride (Gryffindor) (Indian Goddess) (Love)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

I wish. It's like he's constantly avoiding me and Lav.

►BoningBones (Hufflepuff)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

Oh Gee! After the way you two acted in our first class with him... I WONDER WHY!

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►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

I find this whole thread a disturbing breach of privacy... I resent the idea that Professor Atlas is merely 'new meat'.

But for the record, I think Professor Atlas is one of the best teachers we've had. He knows how to engage his students and he knows the material. He's not afraid to try new things, to take risks when it comes to teaching.

And yes, I also have to admit he is quite appealing to the eye. His features remind me of a disgraced storybook noble in a way. Dark, dashing, and dangerous (if you saw him do what I did, you'd understand that last descriptor).

His handsome looks are not his only positive trait though. He's very intelligent (as one would expect from a Professor as young as him). He's powerful and desirable (as demonstrated by his relationship with Professor Vector). And perhaps most importantly, he's open, honest, and unashamed to be himself.

He can play the dashing, dangerous rogue just as well as he can play the intelligent mentor figure. It serves to reason that this flexibility makes him a prime target for fantasy (sexual or romantic) amongst the students. Add in his position of authority, and it's a wonder no one has tried to jump him yet.

►BoningBones (Hufflepuff)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:


►Shiva'sBride (Gryffindor) (Indian Goddess) (Love)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:


►IceQueen (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:


►FabulouslyLavender (Original Poster) (Fabulous) (Gryffindor) (Queen Bee)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

*smirk* It's always the smart and quiet ones.

►Shiva'sBride (Gryffindor) (Indian Goddess) (Love)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

Since when has Hermione ever been quiet?

►FabulouslyLavender (Original Poster) (Fabulous) (Gryffindor) (Queen Bee)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

Good point. It's always the smart, bookish ones then.

Does 'Professor Atlas' know how close you two are, Hermione?

►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about.

►ChangSenpai (Ravenclaw) (Seeker)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

Get it, girl! Wax poetic! Love freely! Don't worry about the teasing. We all understand. That's why we're here, after all.

►IcePrincess (Slytherin) (Princess)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

He's dating Professor Vector? That makes so much sense! They're ~sooooo~ cute together.

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►ChangSenpai (Ravenclaw) (Seeker)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

Yeah but I think it's the 'traditional' kind of relationship. You know the kind I'm talking about.

(Source: Flitwick's loose lips and the way Professor Vector interacts with Professor Sinistra)

►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

Traditional? What do you mean?

►ChangSenpai (Ravenclaw) (Seeker)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

It's common enough but not usually spoken of publicly... Especially not in Britain...

I have a book I can lend you that goes more in-depth about traditional Wizarding relationships, Hermione.

►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

That would be wonderful! Thank you!

►PettyPansy (Slytherin) (Not Not Neutral)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

So... a traditional Wizarding relationship and he looks like (and I quote) 'a disgraced storybook noble'.

Are we sure he's not secretly a Pure-Blood?

►IceQueen (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

It's something I've considered.

►Shiva'sBride (Gryffindor) (Indian Goddess) (Love)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

Me too.

►BoningBones (Hufflepuff)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

... Me three.

►IceQueen (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

We have no real evidence to support that theory though. If he is one, he doesn't seem to realize.

►PettyPansy (Slytherin) (Not Not Neutral)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

Got it. Possible but not confirmed. Still worth consideration.

Didn't he take in the Lovegood twit at the beginning of the year as well? Add patron saint of generosity to Granger's poetic waxing.

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►ChangSenpai (Ravenclaw) (Seeker)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

Don't say her name! *hissed whisper* You'll summon her!

►HenchwomanVtuber (Ravenclaw) (LoveGooder) (Coven Member #2) (Shh, It's a Secret)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

You rang? Oh my! An entire thread dedicated to Atlas! How exciting! How fortuitous!

Hermione's right. Atlas is quite amazing. He lets me stay with him and he's even teaching me how to proactively defend myself!

►ChangSenpai (Ravenclaw) (Seeker)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

Oh, Amaterasu... He's responsible for Lovegood's reign of terror and revenge. Not that it isn't deserved but still... Mandy hasn't been able to stop twitching for weeks. She still mumbles things about 'pudding' and 'Wrackspurts' in her sleep.

►HenchwomanVtuber (Ravenclaw) (LoveGooder) (Coven Member #2) (Shh, It's a Secret)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

*evil laugh* Mwahahahahaha~! First, Ravenclaw Tower! Next, the world!

►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

Luna! You're living with him?!

►Shiva'sBride (Gryffindor) (Indian Goddess) (Love)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

So we're just going to pretend the other bit didn't happen? Okay, cool.

►FabulouslyLavender (Original Poster) (Fabulous) (Gryffindor) (Queen Bee)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

Shhh, Parv! This is getting good *grabs popcorn*

►HenchwomanVtuber (Ravenclaw) (LoveGooder) (Coven Member #2) (Shh, It's a Secret)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

I am! We sleep in the same bed and he's very nice about it all. Doesn't even complain when he wakes up with me wrapped around him... Er, accidentally.

►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

Wha-! Why I never-! At least sleep in separate beds!

►HenchwomanVtuber (Ravenclaw) (LoveGooder) (Coven Member #2) (Shh, It's a Secret)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

Hmm... Nope~! I get cold at night and Atlas makes for a wonderful space heater. Plus Professor Septima sometimes joins us for double the body heat!

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►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

*shrill* She joins you?!?!

►HenchwomanVtuber (Ravenclaw) (LoveGooder) (Coven Member #2) (Shh, It's a Secret)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

Of course *matter-of-fact nod* She was there first.

►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

Oh, Lord. There's a hierarchy and Luna's above all of us on it.

►TheYoungestRedhead (Gryffindor) (Weasley)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:


►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

You can't call dibs, Ginny! Heather and I saw him first!

►GreenEyedGirl (Gryffindor) (Seeker) (Girl-Who-Lived)

Replied On Oct 30th 1994:

*Heather and Hermione wish to know your location* We just wanna talk, Gin.

►PettyPansy (Slytherin) (Not Not Neutral)

Replied On Oct 31st 1994:

Okay, after dinner last night... Are we going to address the Veela in the room or not?

►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Oct 31st 1994:

I'd rather not. Who knew saving a Veela meant they bonded to you?

►IceQueen (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Oct 31st 1994:

Most Witches and Wizards. And it would be more accurate to describe the phenomenon primarily as a debt of gratitude.

►FabulouslyLavender (Original Poster) (Fabulous) (Gryffindor) (Queen Bee)

Replied On Oct 31st 1994:

Count down to the boys joining the thread to showcase their jealousy.





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►VoidGinger (Jealous Git) (Gryffindor)

Replied On Oct 31st 1994:

It's bloody bullshite is what it is! Why does that prick get a Veela lusting after him and the rest of us are stuck all high and dry?!

►FabulouslyLavender (Original Poster) (Fabulous) (Gryffindor) (Queen Bee)

Replied On Oct 31st 1994:

*heavy sarcasm* How could that possibly have happened?

►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Oct 31st 1994:

Honestly, Ron, Heather and I were there. It was just as likely for Gabrielle to bond with us as it was for her to bond with Atlas... Er, Professor Atlas.

►DrunkIrishman (Gryffindor) (Irish)

Replied On Oct 31st 1994:

Whoa! What a mental image! Almost makes this whole situation even!

►HeirLongbottom (Gryffindor)

Replied On Oct 31st 1994:

Not cool, Seamus.

►ChangSenpai (Ravenclaw) (Seeker)

Replied On Oct 31st 1994:

Did anyone hear how angry the older sister was? She was accusing him of some kind of messed up stuff.

►HenchwomanVtuber (Ravenclaw) (LoveGooder) (Coven Member #2) (Shh, It's a Secret)

Replied On Oct 31st 1994:

She's just confused by her attraction to Atlas and wanting to protect Gabrielle. Their names are Gabrielle (younger) and Fleu (older) by the way. It's so exciting to have new friends for our Secret Totally-Not-Coven (tm)!

►DrunkIrishman (Gryffindor) (Irish)

Replied On Oct 31st 1994:

Sisters!?! He scored sisters! Think he gives lessons on pulling birds?

►HeirLongbottom (Gryffindor)

Replied On Oct 31st 1994:

Again, Seamus, not cool. They are women with their own thoughts, dreams, and fears. Not 'birds'. Perhaps you should think on your conduct. That goes for you as well, Ronald.

►BoningBones (Hufflepuff)

Replied On Oct 31st 1994:

*sigh**totally doesn't swoon*

Well said, Neville. I wish more Wizards were like you.

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►PettyPansy (Slytherin) (Not Not Neutral)

Replied On Oct 31st 1994:

... I ship it.

►IceQueen (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Oct 31st 1994:

They do work rather well together. I've always been partial to the opinion that Heir Longbottom would have done better in Hufflepuff.

►BoningBones (Hufflepuff)

Replied On Oct 31st 1994:

Pansy... Daphne... Please don't.

►HeirLongbottom (Gryffindor)

Replied On Oct 31st 1994:

Why do I feel like I'm missing something?

►VoidGinger (Jealous Git) (Gryffindor)

Replied On Nov 1st 1994:

It's not bloody fair! None of this is! First the wanker gets a Veela broad and then he helps Heather cheat her way into the tournament! Bloody glory hounds and tossers the lot of 'em!

►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Nov 1st 1994:

Ronald Weasley! You should know better than most that Heather is being forced into this tournament as yet another attempt against her life! Atlas didn't have anything to do with it. He's just trying to keep her alive with training and preparation.

Don't make me owl your mother...

►Shiva'sBride (Gryffindor) (Indian Goddess) (Love)

Replied On Nov 1st 1994:

And considering the number of girls that seem to be surrounding him, Professor Atlas is anything but a 'wanker' *smirk*

►PettyPansy (Slytherin) (Not Not Neutral)

Replied On Nov 1st 1994:

I mean... The evidence doesn't look good for Potter. Like, how likely is it that she's really being targeted /again/?

►Heather'sMinder (Gryffindor) (Brilliant But Scary)

Replied On Nov 1st 1994:

What evidence!? All you people have is bias and assumptions!

Very likely! Because that's what's happening! Like it has happened for the past three years!

►BoningBones (Hufflepuff)

Replied On Nov 1st 1994:

But why did she have to do this when Hufflepuff finally gets the chance to step into the limelight with Cedric as Hogwarts champion?

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►IceQueen (Slytherin) (Neutral)

Replied On Nov 1st 1994:

I would like it noted that Astoria and I shall be rightfully abstaining from this argument. We are not dull enough to poke the Potter.

►GreenEyedGirl (Gryffindor) (Seeker) (Girl-Who-Lived)

Replied On Nov 1st 1994:

I didn't do anything, Susan. I thought I made that very clear. I'm not a champion. I'm just a girl being forced to compete in this deathtrap against her will. Atlas is the only one (other than Hermione) who has volunteered to help me survive Tasks meant for NEWT-level students.

Cedric is still the Hogwarts champion. Anyone who says I'm trying to take that away from him is a bellend and a bastard. And if people want to believe that bellend (*cough* Ron *cough*), they're welcome to. Just don't come apologizing to me after the real culprit comes out.

►IDon'tSparkle (Hogwarts Champion) (Hufflepuff)

Replied On Nov 1st 1994:

Good luck, Heather. And thanks for trying to clear things up...

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