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Chapitre 45: CHAPTER - XXXVIII

P.O.V Illyana Nikolievna Rasputina

It is incredible I have never seen so much negative or demonic energy concentrated in a single being, not even demons can control so much energy in this world.

That energy came out of his body explosively I saw how the evil energy became more visible and how it swirled with him.

His shattered legs recovered immediately, his arm that had been left unrecognizable completely regenerated, his look that had been dull revived where an expression went blank with a hint of madness.

Illeana : 'It's the first time I've seen something like this.'- I thought excitedly.

Raven : "what are you doing we have to go."- She said it in a rush as she carried a stun grenade-paralyzed Erik who could only move his eyes to watch the scene unfolding behind Raven.

"You don't you feel all the energy rushing at him."- I said looking at her seriously.

"I feel that if we stay longer we will die juggernaut I don't think he will listen to me so we can only let him give us time to flee."- Raven said it she upset.

'I feel connected to him."- I said serious.

"You can die knowing him."- She said so herself as she trudged along carrying Erik.

"I feel like he is my future."- I said it excited is the first time I feel.

The energy that he expelled returns to the interior of him plus a flow of red energy that comes from all sides I saw as his body.

"You're crazy that guy is going to Alpha class and his behavior is more unstable than juggernaut."- She said it hysterically trying to get me to go with her.

"go away I'll stay."- I said serious.

His body shrank his hair before brown with white streaks is now totally white as snow skin before dark brown at this moment changed to a grayish ash color on his chest a crimson gem came out his pants changed shape making it look like a skirt battle.

'That's why I felt two energies, he's a hybrid, is that why his blood is golden.'- I thought interested.

"you're a nuisance let go of me."- Richard said it to grab the hand that is on his neck and remove it with ease. Juggernaut just grunted annoyed at removing it with ease.

"You insect just die."- Juggernaut bellow furiously firing his fist at the hybrid.

"Why don't you get out of my sight."- Richard said it quietly to generate a small energy marble that he released into the juggernaut's chest sending him flying a few blocks.

He gave me a blank look and calmly approached.

I felt my body paralyzed by a strange force that came in front of me.

"where is my mask."- He said it in a monotone voice

"Why do you want that?"- I said it playfully.

"give me back my mask."- He said it with a hint of fury

"I think you should worry more about him."- I said it while pointing at the juggernaut who charged at him without caring about anything, just mowed down by anger, he prepared his fist.

'shit I can't move it will crush us.'- She thought about it frightened, he only snorted when the mass of muscles was centimeters away.

He just tensed his arm muscles to fire his fist with the juggernaut's fist making a shockwave that he forcibly ejected from the spot.

It is noted that the Juggernaut is still stronger than him as he put more strength into his fist to hold him back.

He stepped back a few inches.

"You weak can't beat me."- He said so as he showed that the energy shot barely hurt him.

Richard : "stupid mass of muscles."- He said it as he waved his numb hand.

Juggernaut charged again causing his fists to hit again each hit they repelled generating a shock wave.

'This strength is incredible but it's not at the level of a juggernaut.'- I thought about it, impressed, the mass of muscles caught the hybrid's fist.

Juggernaut - "Nobody is stronger than Juggernaut." He bellowed as he clenched his fist and forced him to his knees in pain.

Juggernaut threw his fist at his face trying to stop him, but he couldn't hit his face making him hit the asphalt without composing himself crushes his chest with his foot sinking him he continues with his combo hits.

'I'll kill him.'- I thought terrified without thinking shoot my magic to get away from him.

"blonde attack juggernaut kill you."- He said it furiously approaching in an intimidating way.

"Don't touch her."- He said furiously I saw how his body is changing again his muscles grew his size increased becoming bigger than juggernaut his feet became like those of a wolf his mouth lengthened becoming more ferocious showing how his teeth sharpened and lengthened from his head where his horns are they grew more taking a curved shape his body began to grow hair of a dark color like coal his hair before white took that tone from his shoulders other arms began to grow as well as his armpits from his head appeared a crimson red wing.

'I thought that pure demons only have true form, he is a hybrid, he could only show certain factions of his demonic relative.'- I thought surprised.

He approached the Juggernaut in an imposing manner.

His mass of muscles is paralyzed and he lifted his neck with ease, keeping his feet off the ground.

"She belongs to me."- Richard said it to stamp him on the ground with force he prepared his fingers as if they were blades to pierce his abdomen as if it were butter.

"aaaah!!"- He only let out a yelp to be cut off when he put more force on his neck. It was the first time I saw the juggernaut tear up possibly from lack of oxygen.

"wait for."- I said it in a rush.

He didn't pay attention to me while a macabre smile appeared on his face that made me shudder. I quickly approached to stop his hand that he was preparing to stab again.

"stop"- I said it loudly, he just looked at me with that look, those blood-red eyes, those white teeth that shone in a macabre way.

"Tell me why I would listen to you."- He said it like he was amused I watched as the juggernaut started to stop struggling to get his hand off of him and slowly lost consciousness.

"Why won't I give you the mask back?"- I said it to show him, but his appearance changed from snow-white to a dark color now, his horns became more prominent and within the golden markings there are runes inscribed.

"hahahaha you can keep it I don't care anymore."- He said it mockingly.

"Why don't you want it anymore"- I asked curious.

"possibly because I was afraid of losing my humanity, but I see that it's stupid I can feel all their sins that feed me I feel unstoppable."- He said it happily looking at me.

"for that I have to thank you without you I could not get this side that I did not know I have."- He said so giving me a smile that showed me his canines.

I refused.

'It must be the negative feelings that he consumed are destroying his personality if I don't stop him.'- I thought it would be.

"I'm sorry furry but the party is over."- Said a voice that came from the sky where an ace of blue energy came from that made him drop Juggernaut to see where the shot came from.

He was seen wearing red and gold colored armor with an energy reactor on his chest.

"But I have just started."- He said it playfully as he pointed one of his fingers which created a ball of negative energy that shot out as he dodged the attack not without taking some armor damage first.

"the good thing that I do not come alone."- Ironman said it quietly so that a green stain fell precipitously and hit him and sent him flying.

"**hulk smashes**"

A ship appeared and went down smoothly.

Clint : "it seems that the hulk arrived before."- He said it funny.

Natasha : "Looks like our target turned into a monster."- She said it calmly.

Behind her is a tall green woman with a hammer-wielding guy with golden blonde hair of considerable stature in silver armor with a magnificently plunging cape.

Thor : "what a horrible creature."- He said so, looking at him in horror.

Jennifer : "Looks like Tony was right to ask for brute force."- She said it to see the hulk fly.

'They won't be able to stop it every second it gets stronger as I stop it.'- I thought about it desperately until I see how the mask shines in an interesting way.

"the mask was used to keep negative feelings away."- I said it to see how the green girl accompanies the hulk on his flight.

Thor throws his hammer so that his fist collides with the hammer it is seen as his hand was disintegrated.

"Interesting toy, but not very helpful."- Richard said it in a mocking way while his arm regenerated as if nothing hit him hard sending him flying like the others.

Clint shot his arrows without stopping, none of them had any effect, he only cleaned them by passing one of his arms. Natasha was the same as his attacks did nothing.

Richard : "They are fun with their toys."

Iron man : "nothing has an effect on him."- He said it frustrated.

Illyana : "You have to put the mask on him."- I said it in a hurry.

Iron man : "how would a mask serve us right now."

"the mask is a limiter that I remove it forcing him to fight without it."

Iron man : "so you are the cause of all this disaster."- He said it upset.

Illyana: "That doesn't matter, we have to immobilize him so he can put the mask on her."- I said serious.

Iron man : "guys change of plans we have to immobilize him to put a mask on him."- He said it seriously.

It took a few minutes before he sighed.

Iron man : "I hope it works girl."- He said it to launch himself and shoot his beams at his full power to see how he puts his hand in front of him to protect himself from the attack.

Behind him the two green beings caught his arms while the blonde put him in a necklock I did that quickly.

Richard : "Don't remove that mask." He said it struggling.

"Sit visibile quodlibet me vobiscum coniungam in quaestu nam cetera vitae meae (for this purpose I will join you for the rest of my life)."- I said it in a whisper while I put the mask on him to kiss him with the loose mask.

He began to accumulate the energy that he had in his body to shoot it into the sky we only saw how that crimson sphere disappeared and then exploded causing all the windows of the buildings to crash.

His body began to turn to ashes giving way to his real body that fell to his knees breathing hard.

"what happened."- Richard said tired.

I reached out my hand caressing his brown hair with white streaks.

Illyana : "I only saw some mistakes of mine."

He looked around to see the destruction caused.

"am I the one who've caused this destruction"- Richard asked in depressed tone

Iron man : "you've destroyed many blocks boy."- He said it seriously, he looked at his hands.

"are People fine." He ask worried.

Iron man : "the area was cleared due to the fights with Octopus."

He stood up hurriedly so that the force of his feet was gone and he was about to fall and I stopped his fall.

"Thank you."- He said it sticking his head on my shoulder. I felt his scent intoxicating me. I stretched out his hand. I felt how he concentrated all his mana in his hand. A huge magic circle was created.

"repair"- He forcefully said all the damaged buildings like asphalt and other things started to be repaired.

"Incredible so much mana to repair."- I said it impressed.

He couldn't continue as chains of light appeared trapping him I saw how the runic marks disappeared to put on the chains his skin got a little paler.

Iron man : "what happened to the boy." he ask curious.

"He unconsciously sealed himself to prevent his body from suffering the knockback effects of transforming."- I said it worried.

"That makes our job easier."- Clint said it more calmly as he reached out to try to grab him only for a sword to be placed on his neck.

"I won't let you take him, I don't know what they'll do to him."- I said serious.

"He's dangerous. We need to get him to the helicarrier and see what else he can do."- Natasha said it by preparing the electric stingers on him.

"They just want a sample of his blood like they did wolverine and create a weapon."- I said looking at them suspiciously.

"We didn't do that, it was the anti-mutant unit."- She said it serious.

"don't be innocent, I know that they are experimenting with some mutants like juggernaut to formulate a new super soldier serum."- I said furiously remembering how Erik found the giant.

Clint : "Sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the greater good."

"( You would sacrifice your children or loved ones for the "good of the world." )" I said it would be.

"Don't bring my family into this."- He said it upset.

Illyana : "I thought that you are just one more hypocritical human who seeks to eliminate us by power"

Illyana : "you know why i hate humans they are liars they are just scum."

Iron Man : "Let's calm down and hand over the boy."- He said it to aim his repulsorlift at me.

"Looks like the person I thought would know how to be a jerk but now I remember not them you tony stark you are a government stooge after all."- I said it kicking clint away from my future.

Nightcrawler : "I'm sorry, but he's leaving with us."- He said it to grab his shoulder and without thinking twice I placed my hand on the blue guy's shoulder.

I fell dizzy to the ground, I looked around me, I noticed the ones I least wanted to see, I just sighed.

Nightcrawler : "Looks like I brought a stowaway by accident." Said something tired on the ground.

Scott : "I didn't expect to see you again magik."- He said it seriously.

"I'm not happy to see you either Scott."- I said it upset.

Colossus : "Sister, you're fine."- He said it concerned, approaching quickly to hug me, which I reciprocated.

"nothing brother it's good to see you."- I felt it as he trembled a little I touched his forehead it's boiling his breath is heavy.

"He has a high temperature, someone has ice or something to help lower his temperature."- I said it worried.

Scott : "It sounds like you're worried about someone other than you or your brother." He said it mockingly.

"Yes, he can behave like an idiot with the same ideals as his idol, but I feel that he did more than you to fulfill Xavier's dream that you couldn't. "- I said it would be he just gave me an annoyed look.

Iceman : "I can help you."- He reached out to shoot his ice beam around the ice was melting quickly he breathed a little more calmly.

Colossus : "We have to get him to the recovery bed in the mansion."- He said it seriously to get closer to jean gray who was driving the ship and fly faster.

After a few minutes we are at the mansion.

We went down quickly I didn't care about the rest until ororo got in my way.

Ororo : "what are you doing here have you come to infiltrate to help magneto."- She said it to push me out of sight of her.

"out of my way I need to be with him."- I said it hurriedly moving her out of my way to run after them.

"you don't move…"- she felt a hand touching her arm, she turned to see who it was to see Xavier shaking his head.

Xavier : "she's not here because of magneto, it's the first time she doesn't think about her and she's worried about someone more than she doesn't care about us, only Richard is important for something that she doesn't stop repeating."- He said it calmly.

"what would it be."- Ororo ask curious about it Scott arrived.

"She hasn't separated from him tell me what does she thinks."- Scott said it seriously.

"Her destiny."- Xavier said it seriously.

Xavier.: "maybe Colossus knows more about her"

They just nodded.

While with illyana.

I ran to get to the recovery room where is hope summers, kitty pryde and my brother who has her hand attached to her.

Hope : "It seems that you were telling the truth Piotr."- She said it serious.

"and why is she not your wild friend."- I said looking at her suspiciously.

Hope : "Laura is asleep luckily for you."- She said it would be me just buffet in mockery.

"rather, for her, but that doesn't matter how the hybrid is." I asked worried.

Kitty : "who is the hybrid."- She ask curious.

"The guy with gray hair with white streaks and dull gold eyes."- I said serious.

Hope : "you talk about Richard is he fine ? & why you call him hybrid."-She ask seriously.

"Because he is half demon, but maybe he is something more."- I said it thinking carefully.

"wait like the one in the books that have bat-winged horns and are pure evil." She said it strangely.

I just nodded.

Hope : "What I've seen of him is not."

"Besides, he's too stupid to pretend that he doesn't care about people. Everything was shown on television right now. People see us differently and are doubting that we're all bad guys."- Hope said it serious.

"Not because he has demon blood makes him evil, it just seems that he can be strengthened from a sin in general, which apparently is anger."

"and as a magician I can feel the magic of her body that is divided into two the red one that must present the sin that represents the physical and one that shines preciously that must be her mana that represents her soul."- I said serious.

Hope : "well let's say that I accept that he is half demon that will happen to him since in the fight with the muscle brain he became that werewolf with horns and six arms plus his trident tail."

"nothing will happen to him, his own body protected itself by temporarily sealing the demonic side of him."- I said it calmly.

"what else can we do." Hope said it serious.

"just have to wait for him to recover." Looking out the bedroom window to see it in a tube filled with a strong green liquid.

Up to this point.


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Note : Please comment down any reference for MC's demon's form...


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Xuefang1 Xuefang1

In this chapter MC's is OP but he can't control his powers .. ..

He will become like Sukuna from JJK...

But this was important as you guys were saying mc is weak..

but well this works for now ....

and Now Illeana is with him... so they are connected now ...


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