/ Anime & Comics / The First Son Of God With Lucifer
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You know, I hate those people that say... just read the story, let me give you a little sample. Lucifer from DC Comics, you also have the First Child of God, an experiement that turned him into the strongest being, able to traverse the Omniverse, and well. See me apparently because he's broken the Fourth Wall too many damn times!
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Écrire un avisbecause you did not say just read it but actually gave a synopsis that make sense unlike the ones that are vague and nonsensical. ......................
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My honest development, my stability of updates depends on if you want to read it or not, and just because I'm lazy in general. Review to your hearts content. I just need to know on each story if I need to update, or if you want to read it or not.
Auteur SuchAnOriginalName
I think you should continue writing this people cant resist OP MCs just change the title idk make it something like "son of god" or "the most powerful being in existence"