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88.04% The Fastest Man Alive - Marvel / Chapter 81: Chapter 81

Chapitre 81: Chapter 81

The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 81

By BigToFu

Benjamin Blake

Father, Husband, Lover, Emperor

Letting out a tired sigh, I leaned back against the headboard and read over the recently compiled data as one hand ran through the bright red hair that laid across my chest. A hand lightly trailed down Nat's back before my fingers trailed up Ororo's spine. In the middle lay Sue, spooned against my chest and letting out little sighs as Emma placed her hands along Sue's shoulder blades. Draped across Emma's back was Raven; as beautiful as if the last three hundred years had never touched an inch of her body.

I kissed Jean's arm as she brought it from behind me and over my chest to flick to the next page. Turning my head, I placed a kiss along her bicep even as Gwen ran a hand through what used to be my dreads. With a sigh, I settled into the nice breast pillow even as I used magic to cushion the ladies behind me. There was a clink a few feet away from the bed as the bathroom door opened to reveal Medusa, Sage, and Felicia.

With a shake of her head, Medusa stretched showing off her form for all of us to see before she made her way back underneath the silken sheets. Felicia only stretched proving how much of a voyeur she was while also proving to be very much a cat like her moniker. Only Sage acted as the shy one, but that wasn't saying much with the bright red and black butt plug in place with Natasha's name on it.

We all laid there as a cuddle pile for some time as we all enjoyed each other in a state of blissed tranquility that came from being in the space of your significant other. There was no sign as to who started it, but what I did know was that a hand ran down my chest before the Omni-tool that I was working on vanished to the bedside table. A kiss on my bicep, a hand stroked my shaft, and fingertips ghosted across my balls.

Looks were shard before smooth ebony skin rested flush against my chest. My hands were brought around to fondle her amazing breasts even as thighs rested on my shoulders as she ate her fill. A hand embraced my face and turned my head sideways and my lips were captured in a blistering kiss even as I felt a second pair of lips kiss the underside of my shaft before the tip was enveloped between them.

My eyes fluttered from the multiple sensual attacks, their sensations overwhelming me before they widened as I erupted down the throat that enveloped me so completely. I swore I could feel someone's nose pressed into my pelvis. A tongue lapped out and caressed my balls along with the hand that was there previously and I knew that it could only be the one shapeshifter who was capable of such a thing. She coaxed another load out of me before my muscles clinched reflexively as she pulled back with a pop, cold air attacking my head.

No reprieve was to be had however, as another or the same tongue slid down from my head to balls and back up. My joystick was maneuvered with very skillful use of that tongue to press against a puckered hole that had clearly already been explored from the way Ororo breathed heavenly against my chest. The hand around my balls squeezed lightly and my back arched, forcing Ororo down my chest, her supple ass burying itself within my lap as my shaft automatically hilted to the base.

My hands were kept firmly on her breasts even as a pair of arms held her legs up and open allowing the one in front to enjoy an all-you-can-eat buffet. A flash of red was all I got as someone positioned themselves behind Gwen, the squeak she released told me that even her backside had been turned into its own feast. The soft glow of the rising sun found us all within the embrace of another: the toe-curling moan that Gwen released though was the signal for change.

The other followed Gwen in her enthusiastic release and tried to collapse to savor the moment, but I had other plans. As they shifted on my Alaskan King-sized bed, I multiplied with a simple spell the speed force keeping me connected as a hive mind. I was everywhere and nowhere, yet I was also with each of my women. This had to be my toughest battle yet as it took a lot of willpower not to get washed away from the feedback loop. Sage, Emma, Medusa, and Selene all got the mating press. Raven was laid on top of Ororo and they were both given the special. Felicia got herself double stuffed, the same with Jean and Gwen.

Natasha had seen where things were going and instead of trying to escape, she sent me a flirtatious look with a come here gesture, safe to say one leg went over a shoulder and the other was pressed close to her head as she was pounded into the bed.


Sitting at the dinner table, I enjoyed my hot mug of cocoa when something strange happened; and usually, I was always prepared.





The family stared as Raven went from relaxing in her chair enjoying a glass of orange juice to vanishing in a puff of smoke and lightning only to reappear next to the couch.

"Cool, mommy do me, do me next," Maya called, already up and flying over thrilled at the new development.

Well, shit….

Instantly, I was at her side, but right as I laid a hand on her.



The world shifted and we were now inside the walk in closet.



We were now standing outside on the lawn. This went on for a little more with Raven completely freaking out with each teleport. It had taken a little work, but once she was calmer, the hiccups she was experiencing finally stopped.

"Ben, what's happening?" Raven, also known as the femme-fatal Mystique, asked with a little fear shaking her voice.

Giving her a soft smile, I pulled her into a hug even as a hand went down to cover the baby bump, "I think we now know what powers little Kurt will have once he is born."

The look of fear morphed into one of joy and, placing a quick kiss on her forehead, I picked Raven up in a princess carry before teleporting back to the house with my own bzzt. Funny enough, I didn't notice the scent of ozone on Mystique.

We got back to the house within nano-seconds, sitting down, I kept Mystique in my lap. She started to explain things while I decided that it was best to move up one of my future plans. With the kid's powers showing up so soon, that would mean that Raven had to stay a lot closer to home and maybe get her omni updated with a power dampening field or neutralizer for the time being. No way I was about to put my woman and unborn child underneath a power suppressant field, that's madness.

This would also need a techno-magic type base to work since anybody with two brain cells could point out that magic fails, and technology can burn out. It was best to cover both bases given the strength of the kid's teleportation ability. Instead of showing my concern, I shook my head at Alfred.

"As the dutiful older brother, I shall endeavor to protect all of my siblings," Alfred spoke with a hand over his chest.

"Yeah, well, we might be able to take you more seriously if you weren't in footy pajamas," Celeste spoke with a roll of her eyes. The two children at her side tittered at their older brother.

"I shall not dignify your insult to my most glorious nightly attire with a reply." Alfred huffed with his nose in the ear. Luckily the more energetic of my kids were already under control as I noticed Sage and Ororo keeping a very sharp eye on her to make sure she finished her breakfast.

Deciding it was best to ignore them, I turned just in time to see Sue's nose wrinkle up. My head tilted to the side as I contemplated offering my assistance in removing that vile bacon monster from her plate. Before I could though, she rubbed her chest, unleashed a burp that was accompanied by a sonic blast, wide eyes unleashed a laser shot at the plate, before she then started to float upwards.

"Ben!" Sue screamed, but she didn't have to because I was already moving. The table wasn't destroyed because I blocked the sonic wave. The plate wasn't destroyed because an open palm caught the laser beams. The only thing I couldn't stop was her floating up and out of her chair. She went up and up until gently bumping against the ceiling and blocking out some of the lights.

The ladies were looking on with a lot of interest while the kids were eating as if this was just another day in their life, the little buggers. Letting out a sigh, I gently floated upwards to help Sue who was clearly frozen with indecision.

"Sue honey, I think that maybe we should all go to your lab." I coaxed gently as I brought her back down, already I knew which of the twins were the cause of runaway powers. Then again, Marvel just might decide that I needed more drama in my life and make Val the powerhouse and Franky the brains.

By the Grace of Stan Lee, I really hope that wasn't going to happen, because my girls were already going to be terrors; and with me as a father. I should, but didn't feel bad about their dating life. Throw a beyond omega level teenage girl going through puberty and whatever phases that decided to hit her into the dating game and things were going to be more than interesting, to say the least.

"Benjamin, please explain." My mother's voice floated through, and my head instantly snapped around to find her walking in from the living room. My father of course was behind her dressed to impress in his police commissioner suit and tie. She didn't even wait for me to say anything as she walked into the kitchen. Each of her grandbabies received a kiss and some money, as if they would ever need such things being my kids.

"Hey Dad, is anything happening?" I called out to my dad since my mother was doing her rounds with the ladies and the kids. I pretended that I didn't hear my mother asking the girls if they had scammed anyone recently since she heard rumors of three blonde girls cleaning up the minor league robot fighting ring.

My dad shifted his tie and gave me a pleased smile, "Nothing recent, but we did uncover some evidence that might lead to a smuggling ring." My dad answered with a thoughtful look even as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "Everyone in all departments has been triple vetted, so I think this might be someone from the outside trying to start problems."

Medusa paused in her reading of the tablet in hand, "What are they smuggling?"

"That's the thing, we don't know yet, the data and files are still being decrypted," Dad answered, his head doing the same tilt as my own in thought. "They were very old school about a lot of things with clearly coded written papers, but also had that tied in with some sort of reading program that we haven't found the cipher for yet." Then he waved his hand. "Anyway, it's still early in the investigation, and no one is getting to the gold and weapons we confiscated."


He raised a hand to stop me, "They have to learn Ben, you can't solve all the world's problems. I know this and they know this: we don't know if lives are on the line, but I made sure that they are treating it as such."

"Okay," I replied, raising my hand in surrender as his face slipped into a smile. The moment that I removed my hands from her waist, Sue started to float back upwards. Turning and smiling as she flailed her arms around, I pulled her back down then gave her a kiss. Making up my mind, I then turned to my father. "I would tell you to keep me posted, but I know you have the skills and people to get it resolved quickly. Just let me know who outside the Empire I need to drop the hammer on and I'll send Nat and a team to clean up."

"That's easy enough," My father replied, then waved his free hand towards Sue. "What's going on there?"

My answer was to smile at him, "I think that we are learning what powers the babies will be having a lot sooner than we thought."

"Ohh," My dad replied, sipping his coffee, then I saw the moment things finally clicked in his head. "OOOHHHH!!"

"Yeah, ohh." I replied with a smile and I could already see the excitement spreading across his face.



Little Kurt thought that he was able to make off with his mother again, but I already had plans for the little brat. Before the teleportation portal could even close, I was already there with my hand extended and pulled the pathway back apart to bring my woman back. On the other side of the portal was our pool in the back overlooking the extended yard.

Sue looked a little frazzled and I kind of felt a little bad about taking her for a wild ride that didn't include us doing the ten-toe tango. Raven was holding her breath hoping to stop the hiccups, but even that looked like it would only work as a stop-gap measure.

With a shake of the head, I turned towards my dad even as I acted as if my mother wasn't trying to sneak over to our sides, "As you can see, the little ones are developing rather interesting powers."

My father's face twisted into a grimace. "Yeah, that looks like you need to visit the hospital soon."

Putting a hand on the wall in the hallway just outside the kitchen I pulled down; creating a portal directly into Pandora General Hospital's maternity ward. "Already got it covered."

With those parting words to my father, I gave the rest of the family a light kiss on their cheeks even as my kids tried to pull away, then walked through the portal and closed it behind me. On the other side of the portal, I found my mother already talking with the doctors trying to command the place and the poor lady in admissions looked lost. With a long-drawn-out sigh, I placed a hand on Sue's shoulder while putting my other around Mystique's waist and led us towards the room I had them prepare ahead of our arrival. Well, more like the moment Raven teleported the first time.

Along the long hallway were multiple rooms and, in the middle, across from the nurse's station was the massive baby room. The maternity ward extended for the entire east wing of Pandora General and I would have it no other way. Hell, the entire east wing was built with not only the most advanced materials and tech, but also had an adamantium meshing that lined the walls from ceiling to basement. Even the bunker and double backup miniature fusion reactors were to make sure that this place would be able to survive orbital bombardment if needed.

I wasn't about to leave things up to chance, I was far too paranoid for that. The hospital even had its own shields as a just-in-case measure. This wing of the hospital was painted light blue and yellow with a few greens tossed in with a lot of artworks of calming meadows and skies. Besides that, there were plenty of pictures of happy families since the birth rate was truly booming.

Already a doctor was waiting inside the room for us, but a wave of the hand dismissed him to the side. Leaving the door open for my mother, I helped Sue onto the left bed and then placed Raven on the right bed. Walking over to the window, I gave the curtains a ruffle before pulling it open halfway allowing the natural light to enter the room. And give things more of a glow to help offset the hard LED lighting.

"Alright my dears," I muttered while using a leg to hook the rolling chair and bring it over so that I may sit on top. I then ran my hand across the command table activating the holo-suite programs. "So, I already have a few ideas on what we will be seeing, but as they say pictures are worth a thousand words."

As I was speaking, Sue's hands were already flying over the controls to her own bed, the scanner already humming to life. Instead of saying anything, I decided to just work on Ravens instead.

"I really wasn't expecting any of this with my pregnancy," Raven muttered with a sigh.

"Super babies," I replied with a shrug. A few twists of the wrist and shifting of a slider and I was on the scan. The image was of Raven as she rested on the bed, one was of a multilayered x-ray while the other was of the energy flows within her body. The energy model of Raven's body was showing a mixture of blue and green. That was fine since it matched up with the last scan, but the more interesting thing was around her abdomen. It was clear to see the blaze of golden power around the outline of my son, but that same golden aura would flow around his mother's body before settling.

Swiping back and forth a few times, I set things to record so I could view them in a time-lapse before allowing Raven to take control of the holograms interface. Shifting my chair, the other way, I already found Sue looking over her own X-ray image of two children both glowing assorted colors. On the larger display, her own body was showing a mixture of both energies.

Deciding to just give them both a moment, I floated upwards even as I pulled both beds together so that we could share a family hug. The moment settled, and at some point, I finally decided that the doctor had better things to do than to wait on us hand and foot. He might as well go do the job he was getting paid for.

Clearing her throat to get our attention and breaking the super pink moment, my mother decided to inject herself. "So, does anyone want to tell me the status of my grandbabies?"

Raven chuckled but I could see the apprehension on her face when she noticed that our kid was blue with a light fur fuzz. Leaning it close, I gave her hand a squeeze even as I placed a quick kiss on her lips, "Little Kurt will be alright."

Going back into a hover, I slowly pushed the beds apart so I could sit on the rolling chair once more before making a motion towards Sue. "I believe the good doctor already has things figured out."

"Well, I don't know about that per say," Sue started to mutter before biting her lower lip as her mind nearly lost itself in thought. "It's hard to tell with such a small sample size and the energy signatures vary so much, that…"

With a sigh, I reached out and interrupted by holding her hand. "Honey, how about just going with your best guess. I doubt that knocking everyone up would improve your so-called sample size. That is… unless you're volunteering for more?"

Her blush radiated such heat that I could feel it from where I was seated. With the flicker of my fingers, a cool wind blew through the room to help her cool down before she combusted the maternity bed. Even though her blush didn't diminish, Sue took a few calming breaths before a hand waved in front of her body before pushing outwards to project the hologram for the room at large.

Sue cleared her throat once before she started to speak with a tone of authority, "From what the initial scans have been able to show us, my children's meta-gene recently activated." From there the diagram shifted to compare her omni scans. There was a spike in lipids use on that day, early morning before a shift in her bio-signature occurred.

"With the activation of their meta-gene, it was obvious that powers would start to manifest," With that Sue shared a look with us to check if we were following before driving forward with her thoughts in order. "With the manifestation of their powers and them being at such a stage in their development, it would seem that as their mothers our bodies are operating as the perfect conduit for these energetic releases."

Smirking, I leaned back and took in her glory, "Yea, now that sounds about exactly what I figured was going on."

Raven nudged my shoulder, "And what gave it away?"

"Your teleporting," I replied with a hand motion towards her abdomen. "Anyone who teleports will subconsciously bring all of their body parts with them. And for the months remaining, you and little Kurt are technically one person."

Her face shifted through an assortment of colors but settled once I held her hand once more.

"It will be fine," I spoke, pushing as much reassurance into my voice as I could.

Sue shuffled a little on the bed and when I turned, I found her scrolling through an assortment of data I hoped wouldn't get her in trouble.

"So, a fix is in order," I said a little boisterously to get their attention. With a clap of my hands, magical runs appeared in the air for all to see. A motion of my left hand brought up Omni-tool command protocols activating a few minor features.

"What is…?" Raven moved to ask but the knock from the door interrupted the question that was on the tip of her lips. Her brows scrunched together as she glared at the door. "Come in."

There was a soft click as the door was pushed open to show one of my Primarch's standing there with a package in his massive hands.

"Thank you, David," I spoke as the package was handed off to my mother.

"What's that?" Sue asked with one eye on the data feed and the other on the package that was hovering over at my side.

"Nullification attachments," I replied with a smile, then took a seat and put my serious face on. "We don't want to use any type of suppressants on our still growing kids, but I think that it would be best to at least nullify the energy signatures as it's projected into the world."

Both of them shifted into their own thinking modes.

There was a hum to get my attention and when I turned towards the sound my mother asked her question. "Why not just nullify the energy while it's in their bodies?"

I tried to hide it, but they noticed me cringe at the question, "Yeah, that would be a very bad idea."

That was all I needed to say for Sue to zero in on that little tidbit of information.

"The reason why siblings are immune to each other's energy type projections is that they not only share similar genetics but also the same sub-category of powers ranging from energy to defenses." Then I motioned towards the hologram of Raven's body where a golden surge of energy flowed around her system before settling back down around little Kurt. "Nullifying that energy in your body means you will no longer be immune while also ruining the chance of whatever natural adaptation is going on and I really don't want to mess with something so delicate without knowing all the outcomes." I then shook my head with a hard frown set to my jaws. "I also refuse to experiment with my kids and women's lives like that. And no, I won't have it tested on anyone to check the validity unless it's a medical emergency."

When I had finished speaking, I could tell that they had also figured out how distasteful such a topic was for me, but I also think they could imagine the type of things that could happen. Even if DC didn't show it, I really think that Lois was at least mildly superhuman for her to be able to carry Johnathan fully to term. It was always strange how they used time skips, but there had to be some sort of evolutionary protection for mothers so that their own super children didn't kill them by minor mistakes and accidents.

Casting those thoughts aside, I cast a glance towards the floating packages and opened them with a wave of my hand. Inside sat two small data chips compatible with the omni-tool systems. A flick of my index finger had both data chips floating upwards before a turn of my left had had the magical runes I created in the air to fly over and etch themselves into the surface.

"So, what is that supposed to do?" My mother asked from over my shoulder.

"I'm combining both magical and technological means to help keep the sporadic burst of powers under control." I stated, then had the data chips rotate so I could take one good look at them. Finding nothing wrong or out of order, I levitated them to their new respective owners. "These will sync with the energy being produced and then combine into the omni-tools shielding system to negate anything trying to affect the world."

With the mention of that Sue's eye took on a glint of fascination before her hands started to fly over the hologram before her.

"Three megawatts…" Sue murmured with a whistle, and I tried really hard not to think of my kids already producing enough energy to power almost a thousand homes. I watched as her hand reached out absentmindedly and took the data chip even as she transferred the scanned data with the other hand.

"The downside?" Raven asked with a sigh even as she fiddled with the little data chip in hand.

"You won't be able to use your powers until they calibrate properly within the next twenty-four hours."

Raven looked at me, then sighed before placing a hand over her abdomen. "Alright."

"Now!" I smiled with a clap of the hands, "I do believe that a little bit of exploring is in order. These new planets won't explore themselves."

That of course perked up Sue while Raven rolled her eyes at me.

Standing up from the medi-bed, Raven brushed herself off before speaking up, "I guess that strolling around with you could ease my mind."

Sue gave the hologram she was working on a forlorn look then shot me the same. Rolling my eyes, I used my override to shut it down which caused her to give me a sheepish smile.

"It's not going anywhere Sue," I muttered getting up from my seat. "I thought that you at least wanted to be one of the first on these new planets. It's why I've kept everyone at bay so far."

Sue was up next to the door, mouth already moving a mile a minute. "Okay, these investigations can wait until a more opportune time."

"I'll have an exploration team meet us at the Space Observatory's shuttle bay." I spoke before turning towards where my mother was seated only to find that the chair was empty. Before when she used to do that to me as a kid, I just thought that it was just the power of motherhood, but now. Now, I think that there was definitely something to it, but I guess it could wait.

Holding the door open for my ladies, I waited for them to exit before closing the door behind me and going over to speak to one of the nurses. A few words let her know that the room was now open and available for use.

With that, we were on the way to leave before the ladies just so magically wanted to observe from outside the room to the newborns. Walking up to the window with the two, I peered in to watch a few of the nurses go about their jobs. Inside the room, I found around ten beds occupied with newborns.

I found what looked like a few fire starters with the way their powers were already showing and while the rest showed nothing. That was all right though since the nurses were treating all the kids with the same show of love. On the wall next to the window was a nametag with beds that showed which child was in which bed.

Off to the side were multiple changing stations while on the other side was the feeding station along with rocking chairs. The overhead light fixtures were a mix of holograms along with LED lights to keep the light noise down while helping prevent eye irritation.

Having seen enough, I had Athena run her own security checks while also having a Primarch dispatched to double-check things. Once that was finished, one would take the position to head security and keep tabs on the hospital for me.


It was best that I did that for all the other hospitals within my Empire. There was nothing wrong with making sure that the more important parts of your infrastructure were secure and the hospitals counted as a critical weak point if nothing else.

Once I had gathered my plans and given my orders, I felt that there had been enough baby gazing for one day when one of the little tykes actually crapped lightning bolts out of his bum. Talk about a disturbing sight to see. Lucky for the little scamp, the nurses were not only the best, but his crib was also specialized.

Shaking my head at the sight, I felt it was time to move us along as I ushered the two out of the hospital and into our waiting ride. I already had children with super speed in my future, now I had to prep for the entire super power index. I didn't want to even begin to process the fact that they might not even make crap like normal people.

Yeah, that was going to go into the little thought box with all the NOPE.


Savage Lands

Tribal hunting grounds.


The Great Hunter

With a grunt, Bjorn sat down at a table within the tavern as he looked over the days logs on his omni. Someone had need able to track him down all the way in the Savage Lands and pinged him with a request. Checking it over he found a request from the Space Observatory and Star Fleet Operations. From what he could see, they were willing to pay him handsomely to either gather the animals on the list or at least genetic samples from each.

They wanted five sample's and as payment, he would also receive a hunting permit for one of the larger predators. Running a hand across the accept function, Bjorn got up from his seat, paid his bill, and made for his room to gather his things.

With his weapons in hand and bow upon his back, Bjorn found himself standing from the open ramp to one of the sky shuttles.

"Sir, fifteen minutes to landing."

Rolling his neck, Bjorn pulled out one of his tomahawks, "There's no need, just stay clear and wait for my call."

Then without another word, Bjorn jumped from the shuttle bay tomahawk in hand. His hair whipped around for a moment in the air as Bjorn stretched himself out fully to catch the wind. Muscles flexed underneath leather his chiseled form primed and ready like a hunter for all the world to see. Then at the last possible second, his hand whipped out, tomahawk sinking into the bark of the nearest tree as he fell.

His weapon dug into the massive trunk ripping into it even as his weight pulled him downwards. With a mighty twist and kick, Bjorn placed his weapon back into it holster as he fly down into the jungle floor. With a bloody roar that shook the jungle, Bjorn unleashed the beast within allowing the Kodiak oversoul to manifest.

All across his body burst out what looked like bright shining stars, Ursa Major for all who knew it. With a savage grin, his clash reached out and sunk into the bark of the massive tree slowing his fall even more. Before he knew it, Bjorn was already on the forest floor moving at speeds that would bogle the mortal eye, for no one would ever think such a large bear should ever be able to move that quickly.

Taking a moment to slow down and sniff the air, Bjorn checked the map on his omni once before turning towards the northeast. None of his prey saw him coming and he was four for four before he realized that his fifth and final hunt was being rather elusive. The map data showed that they were known to use the river far north next to the snow ridge yet, here he was with no scent to be found.

He spent another ten, twenty, thirty minutes looking around before he finally found a set of tracks. Four soft divots in the ground leading down a trail to the left, the fur found matched the descriptions.

Sniffing the fur brought the strong scent of prey to his nose which he followed along the trail as far as he could before it vanished.

Pulling his weapon back out, Bjorn settled in with his ears

There was a snap of twigs to the lower-left which caused Bjorn to twirl around tomahawk raised and ready. Instead, all he found was nothing even though that feeling of being watched never left. Trying to not let his frustration show, Bjorn lowered his ax even as a clawed foot pawed at the ground.

His ear flicked instinctually, catching a sound fluttering along with the wind. He almost went still to take in the sound, but it was already far too late. White snowy feathers obscure his vision as something or more like someone blocked his vision. He, now she from the scent stared back at him, eyes wide, mouth set in a line as they both held their positions.

Bjorn was a six-hundred-pound warrior of flesh made steel and he felt neither fear nor threat from any foe he had ever faced. The only thing he felt as a feathered hand came slowly forward was a strange sense of confusion. There was no way that this little hunter was the one to have taken down his kill. She was so tiny…


Then the next second, she was gone with a swirl of wings and features.

"Why that little…" Bjorn growled, he was sure now that she was the one to have stolen his great prize and the ticket to the hunt of a lifetime.


Little Owl

From her perch high up, Ari snickered into her hand as she looked down at Bjorn huffing and puffing up a storm. The big lug might be a good hunter, but he was still a softie at times. Twisting around on her perch, Ari flew off towards the portal station with the genetic sample.

With a chuckle, Ari pulled her wings in and spun, enjoying the feel of the breeze as it flowed over her form. Snapping her wings back out to catch the thermal left, she drifted along for a time.


"Hoot!" With a grumble, she cleared her throat and looked around to make sure that no one was within earshot to hear that sound. What she of course found no one within the sky, but what she did find was one giant bear man knocking over trees in his pursuit of her magnificent self.

Rolling her eyes, she vanished and reappeared a few meters behind the big bear perched on a branch as he stood there looking around with a hand scratching his head. Pulling a feather out, she dropped it overhead and waited for him to react to the sound.

The feather rustled the leaves and he twisted around tomahawk raised and poised to strike. Vanishing from her location, Ari settled onto a branch right over Bjorn's shoulder.

"What the?" Bjorn rumbled his voice deep as he twisted around only to find the feather drifting to the ground. When he walked over to pick up the feather, Ari let go of her perch and dropped down onto the jungle floor silent as the night. This clearly wasn't enough as Bjorn showed his skills as a hunter as he jumped forward in a commando roll to vacate the area of her reach.

Pouting, Ari folded her arms across her chest with a huff stomping one of her feet.

"Ari?" Bjorn asked, confused now that he could see her properly. Then everything finally caught up with him as he shook himself, massive muscles rippling across his bare chest. "That doesn't matter, you have something of mine."

With a huff and a pout, Ari strolled right over and kicked Bjorn in his shins. His was a look of complete confusion before his face twisted and steam started to rise from his skin and shoot out of his ears.

Throwing the genetic sample of the saber beast high into the air, Ari watched as the rage vanished from Bjorn's face as he lunged forward to catch his big payday. With a smirk playing on her lips, Ari was already moving.

A flutter of wings and swirl of feathers and Ari was once more between Bjorn and his prize on balanced on the tiptoes of one leg. The other leg was stretched out behind her as she performed a feat of balance any ballerina would pay in blood to have. The genetic sample balanced on her outstretched leg while she leaned forward on the swaying tree branch.

Her hand slowly extended as Bjorn's eyes stretch comically wide even as his pupils followed her fingertips.


Authors Notes:

With this, the plot has been pushed forward some more as the Adventures of Benjamin Blake and his family. And introducing the latest set of OC's to be explored along with three new planets. Bjorn will get to hunt his mighty beast, no worries.

Bjorn the OC with meta-ability called oversoul, Big Game Hunter. Capable of projecting a psionic manifestation of one's inner animal.

Ari the OC- Owl Lycanthrope, the kicker of shins - Yes, there are multiple types of Lycanthropes in Marvel

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État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

Table des matières

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Commentaires sur les chapitres

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  • Stabilité des mises à jour
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte du monde

Le score total 0.0

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Votez avec Power Stone
Rank NO.-- Classement de puissance
Stone -- Pierre de Pouvoir
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