Once the guard had returned from the room, he removed Eden's handcuffs and replaced him with a purple ring. He then explained that if he tried something, the ring would electrocute him immediately.
Hearing this, all of Eden's hopes were ruined. He had recovered the use of his mana, but he could not see himself doing anything if he was going to be electrocuted directly after trying something. Especially since with the current state of his body, it will surely kill him, and dying a second time was not in his schedule of things to do.
Once ready, they began to move towards a kind of platform, which was hidden by a curtain. Behind this curtain, Eden could hear people shouting, bidding, and outbidding. He began to think that his theory was true, that the people who had captured him were slave traders.
However, there was always one question he didn't understand. Why him? There must have been a reason why people had come to look for him. Maybe they had heard the explosion noises he had made with his grenades and they had come for that reason. That was the only reason he could think of. Anyway, even if it weren't, he'll know soon enough.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the moment you have all been waiting for. A breed that is only the oldest known. A breed that sold millions of gold coins fifteen years ago. A vampire like you've never seen before. Start bidding from 500 million gold coins" The slave trader exclaimed before Eden came to the podium.
As soon as Eden had come on stage, cries of joy began to appear in every corner of the auditorium where the sale was taking place. Immediately after, people began to bid, 600 million, 750 million, 775 million, etc. It was a complete disaster. Vampires were a race that everyone once had, but unfortunately for them, they all disappeared overnight.
That was why today, after 15 years of non-existence, the first vampire had returned and people would have done everything in their power to have him. The most extreme were even close to kill to get something as rare as a vampire.
As for Eden, he was speechless when he saw the reaction of the buyers. He didn't expect people to welcome him like that, and for what reason? That no vampire had been seen for fifteen years? He found it ridiculous. The fact that he had been captured for something so childish and not for what he had done in the forest made him extremely furious. But despite this, he always kept a composed face, as if nothing could disturb him.
And he didn't keep that face for pleasure either. He kept it because it made him suffer extremely much to get angry as if someone was crushing his stomach every time he tried something. So he couldn't afford to stay too long on the choice of his sale unless he was a masochist, and that was not the case.
The auctions, therefore, continued to run smoothly. The last person to bid was a young woman who was in her mid-twenties, and who had bid for an astronomical sum of 20 billion gold coins. After that, the auction was about to end, however, as people began to get up, the lights suddenly went out, which plunged everyone into a panic. In addition, the place of the auction was a place forbidden to the escorts of the nobles, which explained the reason for all this commotion. The merchants were trying to calm the audience, but they just couldn't. It was impossible.
Everyone was afraid of the dark. People's imaginations were far too great for them to keep their cool during times like this. However, in all this misery, only one person could see what was happening and that person was Eden.
As a result, as soon as the latter had noticed that people were beginning to panic, he immediately created a bloody dagger. The electrocution ring only activated when it sense mana circulating in the body, so his vampire spells did not fit into this category.
And even though it hurt him tremendously to move so suddenly, it was his only chance to do something. So he cut the ring smoothly as soon as it was created, finally leaving him a little freer in his movements. As soon as the latter was cut off, he turned his head to the right and rushed directly to the slave seller who was also beginning to panic. Once within range, he changed his dagger into a sword before cutting off his head in a stroke, not even giving him time to react.
[You have killed a level 50 human]
[You are now at level 9]
Seeing that he had risen to level 9, he directly placed his 30 stat points in vitality, relieving a little bit of the pain in his stomach. Seeing then that a human body had died, in front of him and defenseless, he decided to cut his arm and drink his blood.
When the latter flowed into his body, he felt a new sensation. A feeling that made him extremely good. The more blood flowed down his throat, the more his body began to heat up, relieving him extremely. However, he could not continue his meal for two reasons. The first was that he still didn't know why the lights went out and when they would turn on again. The second was that he had received a new notification from the system.
[Since you are a vampire and have drunk blood, all stats are increased by 10 permanently. Only the first blood of the person will allow you to get stats. Be careful, drinking blood can have a side effect on your mind and your body.]
[New skill acquired]
[Bloodsucker: You turn into a bloodthirsty vampire for 5 minutes, quintupling all of your stats. However, your rationality will also only last 5 minutes.
Backlash: Once the initial 5 minutes have passed, the launcher becomes a bloodthirsty vampire who has lost all rationality for 10 minutes, attacking all those with blood that is around you. You will only be able to return to normal if you drink 100 milliliters of fresh blood, or once the 10 minutes have passed. After 10 minutes, the launcher will be unable to move for 15 minutes.
Type: Active
Category: Berserk
Cost: None
Charging time: 1 week]
Seeing these notifications, Eden felt extremely happy. If he would have known that he would get 10 stats points every time he drank blood, he would have done it a long time ago. This would mean that he could become stronger as long as there are people to suck, and what is certain is that there will be more for a very long time. And even though something will change inside of him, he didn't care much. There was more thing to win in this situation than to lose.
Then, his new competence. He had already heard about berserk skills, their power, but also their backlash. However, this skill only disadvantaged him for 25 minutes which was very little compared to other berserk skills where they have a much bigger backlash. Moreover, knowing that he will be most of the time alone, he saw absolutely no disadvantage to this skill. However, this was not the time to contemplate gifts from heaven.
He still didn't know who or what had turned off the lights. However, from the moment he got up from the ground, he told himself that his body was extremely heavy. So heavy that it looked like a car was crashing into him. It was all the stress that had accumulated since his reincarnation.
Concluding that he could not move at all, he decided to get up and wait. If everything returned to normal, he would leave with the lady who bought him and take the opportunity to drink the blood of as many people as possible before fleeing. And if it was something else, which he thought was very unlikely, he will simply continue his life while seeing where it will take him. However, once he got up and went back to his previous position, he saw something he did not expect.
The people in front of him were fighting.
There were hooded men and slave buyers. Some cast spells in all directions, which was mostly slave buyers, while others seemed extremely well prepared and hit where it was needed to knock out a person. Events quickly turned in favor of the hooded ones who had knocked everyone out, before putting them all in a corner.
Once finished, the lights began to turn on again. Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he decided to create a chair of blood for himself. His blood manufacturing skill was most likely made to create weapons, but as long as he had the plans in mind, he could create anything, and everyday life objects were included in this situation.
Waiting another 5 minutes, he decided to get comfortable. If the hooded ones did not pay attention to him, so be it. He crossed his arms and legs before looking back to rest. If he were to fight, he might as well do it with a little more energy than he had now. However, this would have been possible only if lady luck did not intervene every time he tried to rest, and unfortunately for him, it seemed as if she greatly appreciated this.
"So you are the V.I.P slave. No wonder they're doing all this stuff" One of the hooded men said while gradually advancing towards Eden and looking at him from the bottom of the podium.
Removing his cape, a man of strange beauty appeared in front of Eden. He was so handsome that he could almost compete with a vampire, even though the latter were still much more beautiful than any other race alive. This man had about the same physique as Eden and golden blonde hair that shone brighter than any jewel in the world could dream of shining.
His eyes were crystal blue and had a perfectly drawn face with skin as smooth as silk. However, this skin was natural and was not modified with products.
He was dressed in a white shirt with a turquoise blue suit on top. It also had moccasins of the same color as its set.
"And to whom-I have the honor" Eden replied from the top of the platform with a composed face, even though he was on the verge of collapsing from tiredness.
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