The uneasiness was still growing in Eden's heart, but he couldn't do anything about it. The lack of information was something terrifying because he was just walking on an uncertain path, and it was scary for him not to know what the future could hold. And it was especially the case when this future could strip him from his powers.
"I understand, thank you very much for your answer professor." Eden finally said after calming his uneasiness a little.
"Your welcome! Now it's your turn." The professor pointed at another student and the latter asked her question.
The process continued for another half an hour, and it was really tiring for Eden.
Sure having more information was a good thing, but when that information was coming from students who were just daydreaming while asking their questions, it was just useless and a big waste of time.
Hi there ~.
Here's a new chap to bless your day.
So what do you think the power of the sphere is? (I'm curious about your thought ;))
You can leave me some PS too if you want, though I'm not forcing anyone ^^, do it if you want.
Laterz ~~