To Alessandra, life after the dinner seemed to move faster than normal. What felt like months they had to prepare for the arrival of their child suddenly felt like a few weeks had passed, and now the day for their child to arrive was getting closer and closer.
As her body became heavier, as Edgar would always point out, she moved around less, but with the care from those inside the Collins house, her friends, and her grandmother who came to visit, the many days she spent inside were never boring.
One week ago, the kingdom was blessed with a little prince, and though it was time for a celebration, there was never peace in the palace. Edgar was called to aid Tobias, and then he would be back home by Alessandra's side.
It was something he deeply regretted, as it was the day their children decided they wanted to make their debut in the world.
"Edgar!" Alfred called to Edgar, who jumped out of his carriage before it could stop.
Thank you so much for your continuous support of this novel from beginning to end. I have enjoyed reading your comments since day 1 and even now I will be going back to look at the funny and even the encouraging comments you left behind. I hope that I can continue to write stories that you enjoy. The side stories will be posted in less than 2 weeks for you to read all at once. Please take a look at Rafael's story to read about familiar characters. Thank you once again ~ Violet.
— La fin — Écrire un avis