Meanwhile, in the lounge, Evanthe guided Oriana in the art of infusing her divine power into the herb pill, resulting in a successful creation.
"Why does it take on a green hue after I infuse my divine power, unlike the blue you created, lady Evanthe?" Oriana inquired, her curiosity piqued. "I did something or maybe?"
"It depneds on the elemental attribute of your divine power," Evanthe explained patiently. "Yours is of the wind, hence the green. Mine, being water-aligned, manifests as blue. Similarly, Fire yields red, Earth grants orange, Ice bestows light blue, Light emanates white, Dark projects purple, and Non-Elemental manifests as black, representing the power of darkness."
"I see. Thank you for your guidance," Oriana acknowledged gratefully.
"You can show your gratitude in a more tangible manner," Evanthe suggested with a playful glint in her eyes.
"How may I repay you?" Oriana inquired earnestly.
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