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100% The Curious case of Corvus Lestrange. / Chapter 1: Introductions ### Chapter 1: The Lestranges
The Curious case of Corvus Lestrange. The Curious case of Corvus Lestrange. original

The Curious case of Corvus Lestrange.

Auteur: Reducto_2_d_Brain

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: Introductions ### Chapter 1: The Lestranges

31st March, 1978

The gloom of March, hung heavily over Lestrange Manor, a place where the very walls seemed to whisper secrets of old magic and darker deeds. The ancient manor, with its gothic spires piercing the leaden sky, sat nestled in a remote corner of Wiltshire, its vast grounds choked with gnarled trees and shadowy paths that led nowhere pleasant. The air was thick with a foreboding mist, and the once-grand estate seemed to be perpetually shrouded in twilight.

Inside, the manor was a labyrinth of dark, polished wood and dimly lit corridors, each lined with portraits of stern-faced ancestors who seemed to disapprove of anyone who dared tread their domain. The largest of these portraits hung in the grand foyer, depicting a Black Crow sitting on a Gold Clown like structure, underneath it the words "Corvus oculum corvi non eruit" was written, a testament to the Lestrange family's legacy and their unyielding commitment to pureblood supremacy and family.

In a room adorned with heavy, dark drapes of Black Ravens and Green Snakes and an ornate fireplace, Corvus Lestrange, a seven-year-old with striking black hair and equally dark eyes, sat across from his grandfather, Mr. Lestrange. The two were engrossed in a complex game of wizard's chess. The pieces moved with sentient aggression, reflecting the intensity of their match. A large, intricately carved board separated them, the game teetering on a knife's edge, as the chess pieces hit one another.

Corvus Lestrange hummed a soft, eerie tune, the melody intertwining with the crackling of the fire and the occasional thud of the wooden chess pieces being forcefully taken. The room was filled with the subtle aroma of Earl Grey tea, steaming cups placed on a low table beside them. Suddenly, the Fire place turned green, Rudolphus, and Bellatrix, entered the room through the Floo, Bellatrix waved his wand to vanish the soot that was on their clothes, judging from clothes, it was clear to Corvus, what activity his parents were returning from, he gave a silent prayer to unfortunates who lives were lost today, but quickly concentrated back again on the game. the Lestrange Couple engaged in a heated argument, their voice echoed through the room as they walked to the next room.

" We are late again, Bella, told you to hurry, sometimes you forget your duty." said Rudolphous, as he followed his wife to the next room., the argument continued still, their words could be heard quite clearly as the sound echoed through. 

"I have done my duty, Rudolphus," Bellatrix's voice cut through the air, sharp and defiant. "I have given you an heir. What more do you want from me? The house-elves can care for him". 

Rudolphus's response was equally fierce. "An heir is not just a name, Bella. Corvus needs to be molded, trained. He must understand the weight of our legacy, the glory of our cause. The Dark Lord requires our full dedication, and that includes ensuring our son is ready to serve."

Corvus's hand hovered over his queen, considering his next move, while the argument between his parents raged on. His attention was solely on the chessboard, as if the argument is inconsequential. 

Bellatrix and Rudoplhous enterted the room, as Corvus prepared his move with the bishop, he had already sacrificed a rook before, this time a bishop, but some sacrifices are necessary. He awaited his grandfather take the bait.

"You think I don't know that?" Bellatrix's voice sharpened further, she re-entered the room, gone were the old clothes, in place was a brown coloured dress reminiscent of 18th Century England. "But I am doing everything in my power to serve our Lord. My body, mind, and soul are his. It's only my worries about Corvus that keeps me from dedicating myself entirely to our cause. Thank Merlin, he is not like those needy kids." Bellatrix gulped a bottle of Potion that was placed near bookcase and gave one to his husband.

"Your dedication with the Dark Lord is evident," Rudolphus replied coldly as he gulped the potion. "But our duty extends beyond mere servitude. We must ensure that Corvus embodies the ideals of pureblood supremacy. He is not just a burden; he is our future."

Corvus finally moved his queen, capturing one of his grandfather's rooks. The old man nodded approvingly, a rare smile playing on his lips.

Bellatrix's laugh was bitter. "Future? He is a chain around my neck, Rudolphus. If it were not for him, I could be at our Lord's side constantly, rather than wasting time here."

Rudolphus's voice dropped to a dangerous whisper. "Mind your words, Bella. Corvus is our legacy, the next in line. He is as much a Black as a Lestrange, and you are his mother, do care for what you say."

"You speak as if you care," Bellatrix scoffed. "But you are as absent as I am, running off to attend raids and meetings. Our son is left in the care of house-elves and portraits. Is this how we nurture our future?"

"I am a Man, it's not my duty, besides, I am busy following the Dark Lord's orders," Rudolphus replied stiffly.

Corvus's grandfather made a thoughtful move, positioning his knight. "Check," he declared calmly. 

Corvus leaned on palm shifting to left as his hand rested on the arm rest, while his other fingers tapping other arm rest in rhythmic beats as he thought of this next and consequent moves.

As he played the move and waited for his grandfather's next, Corvus's attention was caught by mentioned of familiar names by his mother.

Bellatrix spat out the words, "Sirius Black, the white sheep of the Black family. Andromeda, the traitor. And now James Potter, consorting with that mudblood, Lily Evans."

"Traitors, all of them," Rudolphus agreed. "But the Dark Lord will deal with them. He already bested Charles and Dorea Potter last year. If Dumbledore hadn't intervened, their entire line would have been wiped out."

Mr Lestrange leaned back, his eyes narrowing. "Oh, you do remember the duel last year, Do you?" he asked, Collected the gift horse that is bishop his grandson gifted him with his queen, as he replied his voice tinged with a rare sadness. "The Potters were formidable. Dorea and Charles fought with a ferocity that even caught the Dark Lord off guard".

Rudolphous exclaims,"I remember Bellatrix's excitement, how she raved about seeing our Lord fight for the first time."

"I admit it," Bellatrix's voice cut in, sharp and nostalgic. "My blood boiled with excitement. But Dorea Potter bested me in our duel. She was fierce, and they were tired after fighting so many of our allies, yet they still managed to hold their ground. Dark Lord did give them a chance but they spat on it, so Dark Lord has no choice to give them a merciful end but they certainly gave us a fight. If it hadn't been for Dumbledore's arrival, they Fleamont and Euphemia would also have fallen."

Corvus smiled as his grandfather took the bait, his fingers tapping lightly on the table. "Check and mate," he announced softly, his voice barely above a whisper. His grandfather studied the board curiously, this totally caught him off-guard, a look of respect in his eyes.

His Grandson has always been mature for his age, but it seems he still underestimated his grandson.

Mr. Lestrange interrupted the argument of his son and daughter in law, in his tone firm. "Rudolphus, Bellatrix, there is another matter to discuss. I believe it would be prudent for Corvus to relocate with me to our manor in France, it is near Lord Black's outhouse. The revolution is ongoing, and it would be safer for Corvus there."

Bellatrix hesitated, then nodded. "Very well. If it means he will be properly prepared, I agree."

Rudolphus's agreement was more reluctant, but he conceded. "Fine. But he must not be coddled. He needs to be strong."

" Good, I will make the preparations," smiled Mr lestrange, clearly content with their decision. " By the way, where is Rabastan, isn't he suppose to meet come today."

" He is with Regulus and Barty, father, they are off to a raid". replied Rudolphous.

" Hmm, Regulas is a good boy, it was the correct decision to make him Cory's Godfather." said Bellatrix.

" Yes indeed, Regulus is a good choice," Mr. Lestrange conceded. "But remember, Bellatrix, not everyone is as ruthless as you. Even within the ranks, we must temper strength with wisdom."

"Regulus is soft," Bellatrix remarked. "But I will make him strong. Unlike Sirius, who was cast out like the filth he is."

"And what of Corvus?" Rudolphous queried. "You say Regulus is soft, but your own son shows signs of gentleness. I saw him nursing a raven the other day."

"Ravens are the symbol of our family," Mr. Lestrange interjected. "It's only natural he would care for one.

" Corvus, I see that you defeated my father in chess, well done. But do remember to study the book on Runes that your uncle gave you on Christmas, I have to get you started with Occlumency..."

Bellatrix's voice rose again. "He's just a child, Rudolphus! Why must you burden him with all this? Let him enjoy his innocence a little longer."

"Innocence?" Rudolphus scoffed. "There is no room for innocence in the world now, He would 11 in a few years. He must be strong, prepared to represent LEstrange family and Purebloods. The ministry is infested with half-breeds and mudbloods, and Dumbledore's Order of the Annoying Chickens continues to resist us at every turn. We need every pureblood ready to stand with the Dark Lord."

Bellatrix's laughter was cold and mirthless. "Regulus is among us, marked and ready. I've been tasked with guiding him, ensuring he's the best of the Blacks."

Mr Lestrange interjected with a sarcastic look on his eyes, " Yes, indeed, he would be. Nevertheless, Corvus, Get ready my boy, off you go, get the House-elves to make the arrangements, I will take you with me today, give you a tour of our main manor, then day after tomorrow we would move to France".

" Yes grandfather" replied Corvus before leaving to his room, his eyes flicking over the skull mark of his mother before leaving.

While moving, he was thinking of his so called parents and grandfather and was lamenting the fact how both his parents changed through years and months. His Mother becoming more cold, inconsiderate, ruthless and sort of crazy as time went on, while his father was becoming more incompetent and obsessed. He sighed as the thought of his Godfather, last he saw him, he has just arrived at the manor, from his first raid with his mother. From the looks of it, his godfather hated it, but complied his crazy cousin and cousin-in-law.

" Cherry!". Corvus called out.

A House-elf wearing pink coloured drapes popped in.

" Could you please pack my clothes and belongings to a truck, leave some of them, but do pack all the books and Notebook". Corvus asked Cherry.

" Yes Little Master, I would do it right away". 

Corvus sat by the window, and looked at the stars above, Life tired him sometimes.

Bellatrix entered the room. She approached Corvus, her expression unreadable. "Corvus, we need to talk."

Corvus turned to look at his mother. "Yes, Mother?"

She sighed, sitting down next to him. "I married your father because it was expected of me. It wasn't my choice, nor was it what I wanted. But our family demanded it, and I complied. Understand, Corvus, that my heart belongs to the Dark Lord. But that does not mean I do not care for you."

Corvus listened quietly, his eyes thoughtful.

Bellatrix continued, her voice softening slightly. "Sometimes, I miss my sisters. Even Andromeda, though she betrayed us by marrying that mudblood. She was a fool, tricked by sweet words and empty promises. It must have been a conspiracy against our family. Still, those memories linger."

She paused, collecting her thoughts. "You will be moving to the outhouse in France with your grandfather. Lord Black's out house is also there in France, you can meet him, and it will be safer while the revolution is ongoing here. You must pack what you need. We will meet again at the Halloween Gathering, where I hope to introduce you to the Dark Lord formally."

Corvus nodded, understanding the gravity of her words.

Bellatrix's gaze hardened. "You know, the Dark Lord met you once when you were three. You did not cry or show fear. I was proud of you then, and I hope to be proud of you again. Show him that you are strong, that you are worthy of the Lestrange name."

Corvus felt a strange mix of emotions but remained silent. As he began to gather his belongings, Bellatrix watched him closely, her expression a mask of conflicting emotions.

"Remember," she said softly, "you are a Lestrange and a Black. Our bloodline is pure, our legacy unyielding. You must be prepared for what lies ahead, take your raven, and Cherry with you, write to me when you are in France, everything would be fine once we win."

Bellatrix left in a hurry, her emotions couldn't be read, Corvus wondered whether the Insurgency that her mother so called revolution can be called Revolution in the first place. 

Corvus sighed and rose from his seat, a subtle shimmer of magic followed him. The notebook on the table and some of his paintings slowly transformed into delicate petals of roses and dried leaves, falling gently to the floor, the remnants of his art scattered in the room, as Corvus contemplated what lays ahead and he should do.

" Tcch!, So many things to do, so little time, between, all this excitement, fear and acting, I think I might lose my mind, do not need Black madness for this. Is this how transmigrators feel when they were shoved into books. When was Harry Potter born again".

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