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78% The Celestial God! (Kinda Complete) / Chapter 78: Thirteen

Chapitre 78: Thirteen

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07.

Well, I've slowed my upload time, unfortunately enough. It was inevitable though. Real life interferes the life of fantasy.

Anyway, my mother's alright, and is back to her healthy self! Woohoo! Thank you all for all of your wishes and support! Thank you!

Now, read on!



Odin had made many mistakes that he regretted. Not saving his father's life from the Jotun Sorcerer's spell, was not one of them. Bor was not an evil man, however he was vain.

Odin was his heir, but Bor did not like it when Odin used his own brain to think, did not like Odin being his own person. It had almost come to blows, when Odin had given birth to a pair of Demigods, the first of their kind. The first Demigods on the planet, born to two different mortal women bedded by Odin. And Bor hated their existence.

"Mortals are meant to pray to us, not to bed!" Bor had spat out, while holding Odin with one hand on his neck.

And boy, did Bor punish the Demigods for their father's "sins", he cursed them with every evil imaginable. And so, when Bor was trapped in a spell, turned to snow and blown into the wind, Odin did not save him, even if he could have. So died Bor, not in a battle, but an ambush, which did not qualify him for Valhalla.

Bor had visited him in his dreams, a lot of times, to seek a Sorcerer to undo the spell. But Odin never bothered, knowing that Asgard was better under his own hands, and not Bor's.

And now, the same Bor was back, the entire army of Helheim at his back. Against him, stood his son Odin AllFather, the entire army of Valhalla at his own back.

As the two sides met, Odin was immediately the centre of focus, for both Bor, as well as Fenrir. Unlikely allies, in a common war.

"You ungrateful wretch! I taught you, trained you to be a King, and you repaid me by betrayal?!" Bor yells, as he swipes his Uru axes at Odin.

Odin, while definitely stronger than Bor, was older now. Reliance on Odinforce had made him weaker, and so, he was just holding on to his life, while defending it. He uses his Spear, that once belonged to his father, Gungnir, and parries the axes away from him.

Kicking Bor in the chest to create some space, Odin points Gungnir at Fenrir, who had taken the opportunity to try and jump on Odin, and shoots a concentrated beam of Odinforce Magic at him, throwing him away.

Ducking, Odin slams the butt of Gungnir in Bor's gut, and elbows his nose. Slamming Gungnir in his chest, Odin yells, "I did what I did for the good of Asgard! Under me, Asgard prospered, while under you, there was rampant poverty!"

Bor growls, as he lands a few dozen feet away from Odin, and says, "Asgard was richer than any other Pantheon out there! My Berserkers were the most feared army in the Universe! I conquered entire Pantheons of Gods! What have you done?!"

Odin grimly replies, "I maintained my honour."

Bor jumps back into the fight, attacking with his axes, legs, and even his body, not allowing Odin to gain an upper hand. Odin tries to defend himself with Gungnir, however Bor still manages to land a few cuts on his arms, as well as face.

Suddenly, both Odin and Bor are thrown to the ground, having been tackled by Fenrir. As the two Asgardians drop down on their backs, Fenrir jumps towards Odin, with his jaw wide open.

A fist lands on Fenrir's snout, sending him flying, as Bor yells, "Stay out of this fight, Wolf! Odin is mine to kill!"

Fenrir growls, "I will have my revenge on Odin, Bor! Do not forget who commands you!"

"Your bitch of a sister isn't here, you dumb dog. And this is a fight between two Asgardian Kings! We don't need the spawn of a couple of Jotun to interfere." Bor yells, and then ignores the wolf, focusing on Odin.

Odin had taken this small reprieve to gather his energy, but it wasn't enough to defeat his two enemies.

Suddenly, Bor is in front of him, with one of his axes raised, and Odin raises Gungnir over his head, stopping the axe in its path. However, the second axe comes from his left, and almost in slow motion Odin watches it cut cleanly into, and through Odin's right forearm.

"AARGH!" Odin yells in pain, as the hand that held Gungnir drops down on the ground, separated from the body, taking the spear with it.

Now free, Bor's axe lowers quickly, aimed at Odin's shoulder. However, before it can cut into his shoulder, Fenrir appears, and kicks Bor away from Odin.

Odin immediately picks up Gungnir in his left hand, and takes a few steps back. He uses the Odinforce to create a new forearm for himself, made of Asgardian Steel, and flexes his new fingers.

'That used up half of my Magic. I should be careful with him. My father hasn't lost any of his ruthlessness.' Odin thinks to himself, frowning at having to create a new arm for himself.

Understanding Runes had given him an almost total control over Reality itself. But the effects can be only as strong as his efforts, his magic.

Odin sees Fenrir and Bor fight amongst each other, each of them wanting to be the one to kill him, and resolves to his fate.

'I will die, of that I'm sure. But I need to stall them, to prevent Ragnarok.. until the right moment. And it isn't now, I can still see Thor on Asgard. But when I die, I will take these two with me.' Odin thinks to himself, and jumps into the fray.

All around him, the noble warriors of Valhalla, who had prepared for this day for all their dead lives, were fighting the warriors of Helheim. Amongst them, the Einherjar and the Valkyrie, led by Tyr, were fighting the Dead Berserkers, as well as the souls of Helheim.



Baldur sighs, removing his sword, Gram, from the chest of Malekith, having finally killed him. Malekith's magic was strong, and his physical might too nothing to scoff at. But after hours of fighting, Baldur had finally managed to kill him.

Looking up, he yells, "HEIMDALL! OPEN THE BIFROST!"

Nothing happens, so Baldur tries again, yelling for Heimdall, Odin, Loki, Sif, and even Volstagg. No one hears him, and no Bifrost drops down.

Understanding that something severe must be happening, to keep them all busy, he flags a Valkyrie down, and says, "My Lady Valkyrie, I would impose upon you the task of taking me to Asgard. Alfheim and you can handle the rest, I think."

The Valkyrie, who used to be a mortal once upon a time, nods at Baldur, and says, "It shall be my pleasure, Prince Baldur. Hop on to my Pegasus, and I shall take you there within a moment."

Nodding gratefully, Baldur keeps his sword in a scabbard on his back, and jumps on the flying steed.

"This will br disorienting, my Prince!" the Valkyrie yells, looking back, and without waiting for any acknowledgement from Baldur, yells at the top of her voice, "TO ASGARD, MY PEGASUS!"

With a flap of its wings, the view around Baldur changes, and suddenly, he sees the Golden Palace of Asgard right in front of him. The Valkyrie allows him to look around from hundreds of feet into the air, to see where he is needed the most.

On the Bifrost, an unknown being was standing still, observing the fight between Hela, the Goddess of Death, and Heimdall the AllSeer. The fated battle between the two, had already destroyed the Bifrost Observatory, but Heimdall didn't look like he needed any help.

On the North, the enlarged Destroyer armour was running rampant, killing Fire Giants with a gusto, while the Einherjar, Valkyrior, and witches, helped defeat the Fire Demons, and Dragons.

On the South, however, was where his attention stayed. Odin was fighting with an Asgardian, his father Bor, from the looks of it, along with Fenrir the wolf, Son of Loki. And he was losing, badly.

Baldur points towards the Niflheim battlefront, and yells, "Take me there, quickly!"

The Valkyrie wastes no time, and immediately starts flying her Pegasus towards the direction of Odin. A battle between two AllFathers. Father and Son. And Baldur knew, that he had to reach there as soon as possible.

However, even with the fastest speeds of the Pegasus, it couldn't reach there in time.

In front of Baldur's very eyes, Bor's axe hits Odin in the shoulder, bringing him down to his knees, sans his right arm, once again. Fenrir takes the opportunity and bites Odin on his other shoulder. When Fenrir removes his jaw from Odin's shoulder, he takes Odin's left arm with it.

Baldur sees it all, from a distance, high up in the air, sat helplessly atop the Pegasus, as it flew towards the battlefield. He sees it, and he freezes, the scene playing in front of his eyes again and again.

'They killed Odin. They killed the AllFather. My Father! They killed my Father!' Baldur thinks to himself, helplessly seeing his father drop down, the wolf and his grandfather standing atop him.

Rage clouding his thoughts, Baldur removes Gram from its scabbard, and immediately jumps down from the Pegasus. With one swing of his sword, Baldur decapitates his grandfather, who was in the middle of beheading Odin himself.

Fenrir snaps his neck towards his fallen great-grandfather, but is too late to react, as two hands grab his jaw. Fenrir struggles to get free, however Baldur's strength proves to be too much for the wolf.

The Valkyrie, who had seen her King fall on the ground, injured and unconscious, but not yet dead, sees Baldur struggle to defeat the wolf, having already killed the greater threat in Bor Burison.

Using her own anger at the death of her King, the Valkyrie jumps from her Pegasus, and with her mace held high, drops down on the head of the wolf.

"YAAARGHH!" she yells, hitting the Asgardian Steel mace on the highly resistant head of Fenrir the Wolf.

The Mace, while not piercing the skull of Fenrir, does some damage to it, and with the momentum of the Valkyrie's fall, manages to drop Fenrir's head on the ground. She still continues hitting his head, her anger colouring her actions.

Baldur, who was struggling to open the jaws of the Wolf, manages it as soon as the Valkyrie drops Fenrir on the ground, and with a mighty pull, one hand on the snout, the other holding the lower jaw, pulls the two apart.

All the while, Fenrir struggles to stand back up, his mouth hurting from the pain of staying open far wider than it should. His hind legs, although free, were practically useless, as long as Baldur had him by the snout. He had tried shaking Baldur off, but Baldur's strength, along with the constant barrages from the Mace on his head, prevented Fenrir's head from even moving.

With a grunt of effort, Baldur separates the jaws of the Wolf, and yells, "This is for my Father, you monster!"

Baldur suddenly steps one leg on the lower jaw of Fenrir, and with a boost in strength from the Sun above him, manages to lift the upper jaw with both his hands.

A God or not, Fenrir's body is still that of a wolf. And while he could swallow Baldur whole, his jaw would still not be able to open more than 4 feet. Baldur, while not the tallest in Asgard, was still way more bigger than a measly 4 feet, and his hands just increased that height.

So, when Baldur lifts the upper jaw of Fenrir, he manages to break it, killing Fenrir the Wolf in one move.

Within a single minute, Baldur killed two enemies, that even his father Odin failed to defeat. But he knows, that all that was only possible because he ambushed them.

Baldur drops down, his hands bleeding from being cut by the sharp teeth of the wolf, and he himself coloured red by the blood of the wolf. He looks at his hands, the hands that failed to save his father.

He suddenly feels someone slap him, and looks up with tearful eyes, ready to kill anyone that interrupted his mourning, but the sentence that comes stops him right there.

"Odin is alive." The Valkyrie says, stopping Baldur as he was about to yell at her.

Baldur looks at her, red eyed, and covered with the blood of the wolf, and asks, "Is this a sick joke, Valkyrie? Answer quickly before you taste my sword!"

The Valkyrie points her hand behind Baldur, where lay Odin, surrounded by the Healers, all of them trying to save his life. Baldur sees Odin breathing, although harshly, and drops down in relief.

He says, "Thank you, Valkyrie. I apologize for not believing you."

Valkyrie nods, and says, "He might be your father, but he is still our King. His Death is not something we will joke of, Prince Baldur."


Frigga, having killed more than half the Fire Giants from within the Destroyer Armour, looks beyond them, at Sindr, the daughter of Surtur. While she had stayed back for the majority of the fight, many warriors had still lost their lives.

Be it her flames, or her sword. Any Asgardian that approached her, died. Some Asgardians, that annoyed her from afar, also died.

But now, Sindr had entered the battlefield. With a flaming sword, so familiar to the Twilight Sword, Sindr killes a horde of Asgardians, and the Fire Demons they were fighting, as she made her way towards the Destroyer Armour.

Frigga wastes no time, as she sees Sindr point her sword at her son, Hodr, and starts running towards Sindr, hoping to reach Sindr before she does the unspeakable.

Frigga proves to be too late, however, as Sindr gleefully shoots flames out of the sword tip, burning Hodr to death before he can even put up a defence.

"HODR! NOO!!" Frigga yells in anguish, informing everyone of what happened with two words.

Frigga's body sheds tears for her dead son, as her soul continues running towards the killer, while possessing the Destroyer.

Sindr just chuckles, starting her own run towards her next victim. Queen Frigga of Asgard.

The two meet in the middle, as Sindr swings her flaming sword at the Destroyer Armour. Frigga catches the burning sword in her hands, and with a grunt of effort, throws it into the air, away from Sindr.

Glaring at the sword hatefully, Frigga shoots a beam of Odinforce from the face of the Destroyer, destroying the sword completely.

Sindr punches Frigga in the face, having lost her sword, and already knowing that her flames won't work on The Destroyer. The punch forces Frigga to take a step back, and she kicks Sindr away from her.

Glaring at Sindr, Frigga runs forward, and snarls, "You will pay for that, you bitch."

Sindr glares back, meeting Frigga in the middle, and says, "I could say the same, Asgardian!"

With their hands gripping each other, Sindr and Frigga try to force the other into a submission, through pure physical might. However, neither one gives, keeping the stalemate.

Wanting to kill her son's killer, Frigga charges the limited amount of Odinforce the armour has access to, and focuses it on her face. The face of the Destroyer charges with the Odinforce, glowing orange with pure destruction.

Right before she's about to fire it, however, she finds herself suddenly unable to, as a sword stabs through her back. The flaming sword passes from her back, to her front, and even through Sindr's own chest.

Sindr widens her eyes, feeling the sword in her chest, and looks behind Frigga. Horrified, she chokes out, "Fa-ther? Why?!"

As Frigga loses the light in her eyes, that one stab enough to destroy the connection between the Destroyer and her soul, she hears the unmistakable voice of Surtur say, "You annoyed me, daughter. And you took too much time to do your job."

Her soul, which was still in the Destroyer, quietly passes on to the afterworld, not able to survive returning to its body, as Sindr dies, choking on her own blood after being stabbed by her father.

And so, at the same time that Baldur kills Fenrir, Frigga herself dies, her body turning to a golden dust.


A/N: I'm quickening my pace a bit. I've taken too much time on this arc, I think. Only a few battles remaining.

Comments please?

Thank you!

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