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75% The Celestial God! (Kinda Complete) / Chapter 75: Ten

Chapitre 75: Ten

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07.

Well, a bad news. My mom has contracted Covid, and is currently in isolation at a Covid centre. She isn't serious, thankfully, but we didn't feel like taking the risk. She's currently on meds, and we won't get to see her for a few more days at least.

I and my family also tested, but the results came negative. I'm telling you this, because I'm currently not in the mood to write too much. This is.. frustrating, and feels so sudden.

I have already written up to chapter 87 on Pat-reon, so you'll get at least those chapters as soon as I'm able to upload them here. But, the updates won't be quick, unfortunately enough.

Just.. wish us luck, and pray everything becomes alright again.

Thank you for your support, and read on!


I smile, seeing Loki easily defeat his first serious enemy, at the same time that Odin enters the war. Tyr dropped a pretty big bomb, as I didn't know he was Odin's son, but well.

This is Asgard. Just like Olympus, although not as extreme, everyone is more or less related to each other here, and Odin probably doesn't even know how many children he actually has.

Soon, however, we get a bigger surprise, when a burning red portal starts forming from behind Sindr. She definitely did not expect that, judging by her expression, but what is it?

My question is soon answered when a horde of even more Demons, Giants, and Dragons exits the portal, coming to stand behind Sindr.

There were now more than 120 Giants, all waiting to destroy Asgard, along with 60 dragons, and over 8000 Demons, still alive. Our side, meanwhile, had just 6000 Aesir, 65 Valkyrie, along with Loki, Sigyn, and Hodr.

That was not including Sindr, the strongest Giant there, and Surtur, who was still to make an appearance.

Timing is very important in this war. We cannot let Ragnarok happen before Buri and Thor can complete their tasks. Or else all will be in vain. The bomb needs to explode before Surtur does his deed for the day.

Heimdall grips his sword tighter, and orders, "Lord Theos. I need you to summon a rainstorm in the Fields. Bring in as much water as you can. Loki and Hodr will be able to do the rest."

Nodding, I close my eyes, and focus on my Magic. Within a few seconds, dark clouds gather all over the Muspel Battlefront, along with continuous, rapid, cold winds. The cold winds just add on to the already cold temperature of the Fimbulwinter, as it starts raining.

The new rain, courtesy of yours truly, replaces some of the water that the Muspelheim denizens evaporated by just existing.

My job done, I let the rain keep falling, and turn my sight to the Throne Room, to see Thor with his hand on the Godbomb, as he was casting spell after spell, as Buri powers the Bomb with the Space Stone's infinite well of energy.

As if feeling me see him, Thor turns his empty eyes towards me, and says, "I will be there in just a little while, friend Theos."

I nod uncertainly, unable to be comprehend that Thor could actually see more than before he had lost his eyes, and turn back to the Muspel Battlefront.


Sindr stomps her way towards the biggest Fire Giant behind her, other than herself of course, and snarls, "Why are you here so soon?! I have it handled!"

The Giant bows low, afraid for his life, and says, "I'm- I apologize, my Lady. Lord Surtur ordered me to bring the rest here, after he saw Neife being killed."

Snarling at him once more, for good measure, Sindr turns away from the sniveling Giant, and orders, "Well? What are you waiting for! Begin your attacks!"

As one, the terrified Fire Demons start their charge towards the still battling army of the Asgardians. While they run, suddenly, black clouds start gathering over their heads, decreasing the temperature by a sizeable amount.

As the rain starts falling, Sigyn prepares her arrow, and asks, "Is this Thor?"

Hodr pauses, and replies, "No. This is the Jordson's work. Heimdall asked him to do this."

"Huh." Sigyn says, firing her arrow, along with a thousand more behind hers. The arrows fly into the sky, falling down and taking out hundreds of Fire Demons out of commission. She then says, "Go, Hodr. I have the dragons handled."

Hodr sighs, putting his Divine bow on his back, and says, "I was comfortable with staying back and keep firing arrows, but when do I get what I want?"

And then, surprising everyone that didn't know more about him, Hodr bends his knees, and jumps into the air. You see, despite being the Blind God, Hodr could See. It wasn't much, but a minor gift of precognition is still better than no gift. He could see a few seconds to a minute into the future, but just in his vicinity, allowing him to effectively see everything around him.

But that wasn't all. Hodr was also the Winter God, and a Son of Odin.

As Hodr jumps hundred feet over his original position, he catches the Giants attention. As one, the Giants start spewing fireball after fireball, hoping to hit the falling God.

However, Hodr's gift of Precognition allows him to successfully dodge every fireball with grace, as he manipulates the cold winds to glide himself through the air. Once he reaches close to the Fire Giant he had aimed his jump at, he pulls back his right fist, and lands a punch right at the cheek of the Giant.

The giant's neck snaps from the force, and he dies, his body crumbling to rocks. Now in the middle of hundreds of Giants, Hodr laughs out loud.

Before the Giants can recover the easy death of one of their own, Hodr spreads his arms beside him, and slowly motions his fingers to raise up. All around the battlefield, the melted ice rises up into the air.

The rain from the storm also starts freezing in the air almost as soon as Hodr's magic touches it. The Giants pause in their intentions, wary of attacking someone who has shown that he can kill with one hit, and all of them turn towards Hodr.

That small pause gives Hodr a lot of time to freeze every particle of water into ice once again, but that wasn't all. The ice then forms into multitudes of giant spears, and before the Giants can even yell out a warning, they all get stabbed by the Ice spears.

Some giants get stabbed in their chests, some in their shoulders, and many different places. But one thing was clear. In one fell swoop, Hodr Odinson had decreased the number of Giants alive in the battlefield by a quarter.

Loki lands beside Hodr, frowning at the fallen and twitching Giants, and says, "I had it handled."

"Sure you did." Hodr says, snorting at Loki.

Taking the bow from his back, Hodr says, "Now be a good boy and start killing them again. The Demons are not too much of a threat, and the Valkyrior have the Dragons handled."

Loki looks up, and sure enough, the dragons were being attacked by the flying Valkyrie in hordes, allowing them to kill the dragons as the archers attacked the other Dragons.

Hodr pulls back the string of his bow, a magical arrow forming in it, and lets it loose. The arrow flies and lands in the eye of a Giant, that was just beginning to stand up from Hodr's attack, the ice spear in his shoulder having melted. As the arrow pierces the eye of the Fire Giant, it freezes it almost immediately, and begins covering the entire head in ice. Within a few seconds, the Giant dies, having his entire head turned to ice.

Hodr doesn't pay attention, however, and starts walking, firing arrows as he goes. Some of them die immediately, however the majority of the Giants use their weapons to block the arrows, or dodge them.

Loki himself begins running around the battlefield, cutting into the Giants' vital parts as he goes. Together, the two brothers, one adopted, walk and run around the Fire Giants, not giving them enough space to defend themselves.

Suddenly, 5 of the giants surround Loki, and as he widens his eyes in fear, one by one, they slam their swords on the ground, aiming for Loki. Loki dodges the first three swords, but the fourth one decidedly lands right on his head, splitting the adopted Odinson in two.

Or so they thought.

The illusion of Loki dissipates, making the giants vigilantly look around.

"I'm here." Loki says, from the shoulder of one giant, as he was leaning against the giant's neck.

The other giants react predictably, and all four of them swing their swords to cut Loki in two. Unfortunately for the particular giant, even that Loki was an illusion, gaining him a number of cuts on his neck, shoulder, head, and arm. The cut on his neck was deep enough that the giant dies of bloodloss almost as soon as he falls down.

"Idiots." Loki calls out, from the ear of another giant.

This time however the giants hold themselves back from attacking their own comrade. Loki smirks, and stabs a magical knife in the side of the giant's head, sending a very impressive illusion of a memory straight inside his brain.

The giant sees the horrifying view of his mother being bound by flaming chains, and.. being used by all 3 of the Giants that were fighting alongside him.

"AAARGH! YOU BASTARDS! I'LL KILL YOU!" The giant yells, and runs his sword through the chest of one giant, before the other two put him out of his misery.

The two giants share a look, and one asks, "What the fuck was up with him?"

"Oh he saw something shocking. I wonder how you'll react my dumb friend." Loki says, from in front of him, as he was floating in between the two giants.

The giant raises his sword to cut Loki in two, but Loki uses his impressive speed and sends him a memory of something similar happening to his own mother.

As the two giants start fighting each other, Loki sends them into an empty area so as to not disturb the others, and says, "Morons."

Suddenly though, Loki is forced to put his forearm up, as a rock made of magma rises from the ground beside him. The rock hits his arm, and sends him flying with a scorched arm. Him being a Jotun born meant that he is more vulnerable to heat than the Aesir are.

Holding his scorched arm, Loki raises his head to glare at whoever dared to attack him. There, walking towards him with a leisurely pace, was Sindr, the leader of the Fire Giant army, at least currently.

Sindr waves her hand, sending flames flying from them towards the horde of battling soldiers, burning, and killing Aesir and Fire Demons alike.

"You're a thorn in my side, Laufeyson. I thought you would have been by our side in this war." Sindr says, as she fires a few fireballs at the two still fighting giants, killing them with an explosion.

Loki hisses, and cradles his arm against the wave of intense heat. He says, "I would have been on your side, but I didn't want to.. I'm sorry, who are you?"

Sindr growls, and says, "Insulting me won't save your pathetic life, Laufeyson. Soon, my father will come here and burn Asgard to the ground!"

"Ah, you're Surtur's spawn then. There are a few problems in this speach of yours." Loki says, as he stands back up, holding his hand still.

"What?" Sindr asks, waiting for Loki's answer like a dumbass.

Loki smirks, and says, "My name is Odinson, for one. And the second one's standing behind you."

Scowling, Sindr takes a step forward and says, "You think I will fall fo-"

Cutting her off, a giant metal arm slams into the side of Sindr's forehead, sending her flying away from Loki.

"Hello mother. Are you alright in there?" Loki asks, looking up at the giant metallic figure standing in front of him.

The metallic figure, known to the Nine Realms as the Destroyer, looks down at Loki, and Frigga's voice says, "It is a bit uncomfortable, not being in my own body. I suggest you go to the Jordson, Loki. I and Hodr will handle the rest."

Loki nods, looking around, and sure enough, Hodr was waging a one man war on plenty of Fire Demons, using his fists, arrows, and even his bow as a weapon.

Looking up at the Destroyer armour, currently possessed by the Spirit of his mother, Frigga, he asks, "Does he need me, or is it just so he can heal my arm?"

"Both." Frigga answers, and then without a word, jumps up and towards the fallen Sindr to begin the fight.

Loki shrugs, and teleports away from the fighting grounds. Once on higher ground, he looks down to take measure of the battles. Hodr was punching a single Demon, again and again, while using his body as a shield.

Sigyn was leading the archers into targeting the Dragons and the straggling Demons, along with the few Giants that had stayed behind.

His Mother, meanwhile, was busy fighting a surprisingly proficient Sindr in a hand to hand fight, while possessing the enlarged Destroyer armour. The fight was fairly equal, other than the fact that his mother was just a tad bit superior in the strength and speed department.

Knowing that they have it well in hand, Loki teleports to the Bifrost, and is immediately ordered, "Sit down there." By Theos.


Theos was watching Loki trick the giants into killing each other when Heimdall said, "Queen Frigga is joining the fight."

Huh, I did not expect her to actually join the fight. Turning towards the Palace, I see Frigga sitting on the Hlidskjalf, her palms sitting on the arms of Odin's Throne.

A door to the side of the Throne Room opens up, letting out the armour I so easily recognise as the Destroyer armour. I see Frigga control the Destroyer, by possessing it with her spirit.

As she leaves the Throne Room, and the Palace, the Uru armour jumps into the air, growing in size as it flies towards the Muspelheim battlefield.

I see her punch Sindr away from a downed Loki, and talk to him. Heimdall must have said something to her, because the next thing I know, Loki teleports to the Observatory, and I begin healing him while ordering him to sit.

As I place my palm on his burnt hand, Loki asks, "Is there any particular reason you called me here?"

"I did, Prince Loki." Heimdall says from his spot near Hofund. He says, "An enemy of Asgard has buried his way inside the Inner cities, and is currently busy making his way towards the Vault."

Loki sighs, allowing me to heal him completely, and then stands up. Stretching a bit, he asks, "Well who is it that I need to kill?"

Heimdall turns away from the Obsrvatory for just a second, and in a grim voice, answers, "Kurse, of Swartalfheim."

Loki mumbles, "Of course it is." Before he teleports away from the Observatory.

Dusting my hands, I ask, "Is he the right person to fight Kurse? From what I know, he's tougher than the Asgardians."

And he's literally more durable than the Asgardians. Normal weapons don't harm him. Only the Divine Weapons do, along with Iron.

"While Loki isn't physically strong enough the battle Algrim of Swartalfheim, he has more than enough experience fighting brutish warriors." Heimdall answers.

Before I can say anything else, however, I feel the taste of a teleportation spell being cast near me. Friend, or foe? I turn towards the Bifrost bridge, and say, "Keep vigil, Heimdall. I'll try and keep them busy."

"Be careful, Lord Theos." Heimdall says, as we both finally see the three beings that had teleported on the middle of the Bifrost bridge.

Finally, I was getting bored just standing there.


A/N: Stretching chapters is not easy for me. At all. I have a tendency to give a distinct speed advantage to the "Good Guys" even in my mind, which is why the chapter took this much time for me to upload.

Well, comment please.

Thank you, and tata!

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