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86% The Celestial God! (Kinda Complete) / Chapter 86: New Weapons

Chapitre 86: New Weapons

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07

Second Chapter of the day!


The Throne room of Andalok was occupied by all 6 Gods of Induk. Seated on their thrones were Jormungandr (God of Strength), Kali(Goddess of the Moon), Chhaya(Goddess of the Sun), Vali(Wolf God of Speed), Narfi(God of Winter), and I, Theos(God of Nature, and the Skyfather).

Our Thrones, which were arranged in a curved shape, were facing towards the Scrying tools. However, in place of the Scrying tools, was a person, a mortal.

Manasi, the Demigod Daughter of Kali, was kneeling in front of us, her head bowed low. But, contrary to what this position might say, she was happy.

Finally 18, Manasi was going to be allowed to ascend to Godhood.

Slamming my once more Magically created staff on the floor once, I say, "Demigod Manasi. For 18 years you have lived the life of a mortal. To ascend to Godhood, you were required to pass a test. And you did so spectacularly. You fought and killed demons stronger than you, and you showed the right mentality during the fight."

Manasi's test was something completely in the hands of Kali, as she was the Mother. Our only expectations, were that Kali shouldn't go easy on her daughter, nor should she help her in any way.

Kali sent Manasi to Terra. When Manasi dropped out of the portal, with a sword and a dagger on her waist, a bow on her shoulder, and a quiver full of arrows on her back, she was unconscious, and had just begun waking up. All of the tools were made from Vibranium, Divine one so she can at least have a chance to survive the test, even if she fails.

Her test, was defending the village she appeared outside of, from a horde of Demons. Yeah, the situation did not improve a single bit this last year, for Earth that is. Demons were still invading Earth, slowly. They were accumulating mortal souls, from the looks of it.

But, the test was actually a test, because we did not tell her about it. She was asleep actually, when Kali teleported her to the village, with her weapons already equipped. Kali took care of most of it, and I was only responsible with selecting a place for her test.

I knew that the Village was going to be attacked because I saw the signs. Still no visions for me, I'm afraid.

Manasi fought bravely, and for three days, she fought and killed the Demons. Her Eternal heritage allowed her to fight that long without tiring too much, but the psychological effects weren't unnoticeable.

After 3 days, and only after the last demon of the group of 1300 died, Manasi collapsed on the ground, unconscious. Alone, it wasn't enough to prove that she was worthy of becoming a God. What she did during this fight, was.

The village she was defending had seen her fight for them, and helped her. Some were Demigods, so they managed to hold their own. Some were fighters, so they too managed some. However, most of the villagers were regular mortals, having no fighting knowledge at all.

Even they tried to help her, but failed. Seeing some of them about to die by a stronger Demon, Manasi had jumped in between the Demon and the mortal, taking a stab wound in her shoulder.

Her willingness to sacrifice herself was what allowed us to decide to ascend her. She did not fight for herself, or for the sake of her Godhood. She fought to defend the village, and she led the villagers to do the same.

Done reminiscing, I continue, "You fought bravely, and selflessly. And you did it out of pure instinct. Your Weapons may be lost, but your fighting spirit is still here, just as strong. Rise, Manasi, Demigoddess Daughter of Kali. From now onwards, you shall be known as Manasi, Goddess of Strategy."

Kali has a proud smile on her face, and I even see smiles on our new Gods. They're still new, despite being here for 4 years. Their probationary period isn't over yet.

Turning Manasi into a Goddess wasn't as time consuming as Inducting the Lokisons in Andalok was. She was actually a part of us, but just a Demigoddess.

When Manasi stands, she's no longer the Demigoddess I knew her as. She's now Manasi, the Goddess of Strategy. And no, I did not just proclaim her as that. She was 100% the Goddess of Strategy, her Magic proclaimed her as that. I was just the one to recognise that.

Standing gracefully, Manasi suddenly squeals excitedly, and jumps towards her mother, both of them crying and laughing. Smiling at them, I say, "You have my congratulations, Manasi. The first New Goddess of Andalok."

Kali pulls Manasi to her throne, to the right of her own, and says, "Congratulations, daughter."

Once everyone has finished congratulating her, and welcoming her to Godhood, I clear my throat, and say, "I'm afraid this isn't all."

Everyone immediately becomes silent, but I smile widely. I say, "Allow me to be the one to say, your Divine Weapons are ready."

Narfi asks, "Us too?" confused because I did actually include them, when I said 'your.'

Nodding, I look at them even more confused, and ask, "Why wouldn't I? You three might be on probation, but you're still a part of Andalok. You're Gods of Andalok. And I, being the God of Nature and Smithing, was truly pleased to have more weapons to make."

It wasn't actually a problem to include them amongst my... customers, once I'd actually mastered making Dargonite weapons. I found it to be quite a bit of fun, actually, and I embraced the challenge of finding a perfect weapon for everyone.

Holding my hand, Chhaya says, "For these last four years, you three haven't given us any troubles. Sure, you like to keep to yourselves, and are still just observing the mortals, that was expected. We are not so cruel, as to intentionally isolate you three for being immigrants."

Manasi and Kali nod, expressing their acceptance with our statements, so I banish the Energy staff, stand up to walk in the middle, and say, "Well, let's begin, shall we? The newest Gods first, Manasi, step forward."

Manasi does so, giddily giggling, and stops in front of me. Smiling down at her, I summon her weapons to my hands, from my Pocket Dimension, and hand them to her.

Her weapons were 3, in all. The first, and her primary weapon, was a bow, made of Dargonite, along with a quiver full of Dargonite tipped arrows. Making a bow out of a durable metal wasn't easy.

Literally, metal bows fail almost all the time. But, I enchanted it to behave like a bow made from bone, while also retaining the properties of Dargonite. So, while being flexible, the bow is also as durable as any Dargonite weapon. The bow string, meanwhile, was made from Kali's black hair, wound together with my own hair, and a single thread of Dargonite. No matter what happens, the string won't break easily. Dwarven enchantments were just that strong.

As she examines it, wide eyed, I say, "The bow is the one true weapon, that will always work for you. The better you are at archery, the stronger the attacks will be. You can use the Dargonite arrows, which are Enchanted to return to the Quiver after it hits any target, or you can create arrows from Magical energies, or your Cosmic Energy."

She can also use the bow as a blunt Weapon, and it will hurt.. a lot. The arrows meanwhile will cut through almost anything, even my own skin, if need be.

"Amazing!" Manasi whispers, and then puts the Quiver on her back, and the bow on her shoulder. As she does that, the bow shrinks, turning into a small two inch wide badge on her shoulder. Whenever she touches the badge, the bow will appear in her hand, in the right position.

Handing her the dagger and its scabbard next, I say, "This dagger is your back up. It's highly unlikely that anything will happen to your bow, but if you're unable to use it, this dagger will help you. It will always return to this holster, whenever you want it to."

The next to come forward, is Vali. For him, I also made two items. The first, was a set of shoes. Made from Dragon leather, and woven together with very thin strings of Dargonite, the shoes will grant him speeds as high as that of Light, and even higher if he trains enough.

Basically, I turned Vali into Flash. Or an actual God of Speed. While when he woke up as the Speed God of Andalok, he had gotten faster, his max speed was still just a measly 0.001 times the speed of light. The shoes multiplied it by almost a Thousand immediately.

His weapon, meanwhile, were twin daggers. Like the ones Loki used, these Daggers were easily hidden. They were also Enchanted to return to Vali whenever he willed them to come.

For Narfi, I created a staff. Cylindrical in shape, the Staff was fully black in colour. It was made of Dargonite, just like all of the others. But somehow, while making it into a Staff fit for a Winter God, the Dargonite switched colours from Golden-gray to Black.

The Staff could channel Narfi's Winter powers, allowing him to freeze everything with the touch of the staff. It was also Enchanted to be able to summon a Winter storm and reach temperatures as low as 10 Kelvin. Truly, fit for a Winter God. It can also form a highly durable icy point at the top, if he wishes, turning it into a Spear.

Finally, for Jormungandr, I created something which I know he will love. A Warhammer. The Warhammer has a handle Length of 6 feet, and a hammerhead as big as his own head. The two sided Hammer head was a little bigger than Mjolnir's, and a more sharp square shape, but it was just as effective in breaking things.

Although it cannot summon Lightning or storms, it can create Earthquakes if he hits it on the ground hard enough.

Then, for Kali, I created twin swords, four feet in length each. They were curved, like the Elven swords from the Tolkien movies, and came in Dragonhide scabbards, like every other sword I made.

They can also be summoned to her, easily, and to her Scabbards, if one knows how. Doesn't matter where they are, or in what state. They can also channel her Cosmic Energy, meaning she can still use her Cosmic Sword through these Dargonite swords. Along with that, if Kali ever crosses them in front of her, a magical shield forms all around her body, that can stop anything physical from harming her. Even energy attacks will have to be stronger than her own Energy to penetrate the shield, which, while not impossible, is damn hard.

For Chhaya, my lover, I created a sword and shield. The sword was 4.5 feet long, and was a straight sword. The shield was a circular shield, with a diameter of 3 feet.

The sword is the best sword out of all the swords I've made. Forged with the help of Mjolnir, this Dargonite sword is imbued with the blue flames from my Throneworld Dimension. Just like how Narfi's staff turned black, Chhaya's sword turned Golden colour while forging.

The imbued flames allow Chhaya's sword to become as Hot as she can make them, making them even more dangerous. Chhaya can also cover them in flames if she wants to just burn something, and not melt. She can also shoot flames through the Sword Tip, but that was a given after all this.

The shield, which was also made by Mjolnir, meanwhile, can stop even my Celestial Energy blasts. I imbued it with the Power Stone's energy while making this shield, so that even Infinity stones, or Cosmic Energy has issues trying to harm it. I haven't tried my Disintegration Beam, but it definitely won't be disintegrated after just one attack.

Basically, every tool or Weapon I made for my Gods was made to enhance, or help their Divinity. Vali's shoes will improve with him, and definitely make him the fastest being alive some day. Narfi's staff can summon Winter itself. Jormungandr's Warhammer helps direct his superior strength.

Kali's swords will make her two times stronger during the night, and also allow her to channel her Cosmic Energy through them. And Chhaya's Weapons allow her to completely dominate the Sun, if she wishes.

As for Manasi, her domain was Strategy, and I had no idea she would be the Goddess of Strategy when I made the Weapons for her, so they'll help her in whatever way she wishes them too.

Best of all, each and every thing I gave my new Gods allowed them the capability of flight. Vali's shoes even allowed him to run on air, and in vacuum as easily as on Earth. That was one property of Dargonite that I personally didn't need, but was as useful as ever.

Along with that, Chhaya and Kali's Weapons had one more property to them that I didn't add to the other Weapons. Portal creation. Like Hofund, their swords could summon invisible portals to any place they've visited, or can visualize. Although, for now that's only within the Universe, that can be improved with time.

"What about you?" Chhaya asks, settling down on her Throne, caressing the sword, her shield having kept on her lap.

Smirking, I say, "I did not forget myself, Chhaya. I was just keeping the best God for the last."

Kali rolls her eyes, and says, "Such humility."

I resist the urge to say 'much wow' and summon my own Weapons. Ànemos, and Astrapi. My faithful axes, now remade out of Dargonite.

Looking at them with sad eyes, I say, "I originally meant to just use my loving axes after remaking them with Dargonite. For so long they have helped me get stronger, that I didn't want to part with them."

Sighing, I keep them on a table I conjure, and say, "Alas, I have to keep them aside now. Ànemos and Astrapi made me into the God King I am today, however I seem to have evolved past them. So, I had to create a Weapon fit for a King."

Don't get me wrong, Ànemos and Astrapi were stronger now, better at channelling magic. Heck, they could challenge Mjolnir in conductivity of Divine Energy, and come out on top. But.. they weren't a King's weapon. I just.. didn't feel as if they were bringing out the best in me. I still love them though, and will make sure they get worthy users.

So, I summon my new weapon. A King's Weapon. A spear.

Completely bronze in colour, the Dargonite Spear had a handle 5 feet high. At the top, there was a primary blade that further extended a foot higher, along with two secondary blades that were 5 inches long each. So, it was a trident, but it wasn't a trident.

This Spear was the strongest Weapon here, hands down. Even stronger than Mjolnir by a large margin.

Along with the usual package of durability, channelling Divinity, summoning and all that, the Spear also allowed me absolute control over the magic of Induk, and Andalok. Unlike the other tools, this one was also forged on Induk itself, which is what made that possible.

The spear can shoot highly dense beams of Magic, as well as Cosmic Energy, amplifying the force behind it. I can also use my elements like I could through my axes. I can throw it towards a target, and it will try and hit it any way it can, even by following behind them if they dodge.

Like Chhaya's and Kali's swords, my Spear allowed me to create Invisible portals to anywhere. And no matter where, which Dimension I am, the spear will always find me. But, the best part was its adaptability to my Celestial form.

Whenever I turn into my Celestial form, the Spear will change its own form to match my Celestial colours, and become thicker. So, the usually 3 inch wide Spear becomes as wide as 6-7 inches in diameter. Thankfully, its head changes too, making it less recognisable.

Along with that, the spear will also grow or shrink with me, no matter my size. And the Power Stone, that now permanently rests in my Celestial Armour immediately shifts to the Spear if I need it be used like that.

Best of all, no one else can use the Spear, other than me. Even when I abdicate the Throne of Andalok, the Spear will stay with me. Not even my children will be able to use this Spear without my permission, and I won't hand this spear down like the Throne. It won't harm them, but it just won't work for them.

This spear is Mine!

Explaining a few things about the Spear, I say, "Well, now I look like a Skyfather. What do you think, Jormungandr? Will Odin be jealous of my Spear?"

Jormungandr just snorts, and says, "He would have definitely tried stealing it from you, for the sake of Asgard of course."

I too laugh now, knowing that yes, Odin would have definitely tried it. He would have failed, but he would have definitely tried.

Manasi asks, "What about your axes, then?"

Smiling, I wink at Chhaya, and say, "Well, when my children eventually get here, they will have to pick up my mantle somehow. Ànemos and Astrapi will decide that."


A/N: Names will have Greek, Norse or Sanskrit background, depending on what I find. Theos's Weapon will have Greek or Sanskrit name.

Until next time! Tata!

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