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42% The Celestial God! (Kinda Complete) / Chapter 42: Agamotto and Hephaestus

Chapitre 42: Agamotto and Hephaestus

A/N: Big chapter, for me. Read on!


As Scathach looks around the place in wonder, I remember the first time I'd been here.

Kamar Taj existed for thousands of years, probably millions, but only as Agamotto's home on Earth. When I was born, Agamotto, Oshtur, and Hoggoth had decided to step away from "mortal" affairs, and moved into their own Dimension, their seat of Power.

Despite that, Agamotto still came to Earth, to look for people to pass his teachings to. Plus, he was still the Sorcerer Supreme, and had no one worthy enough of the title. During these 255 years, he's been frequently visiting his Dimension, but spent most of his life here, teaching the mortals, with a few Gods mixed in.

I'd come here some 3 years ago first, when I was visiting through India, in search of Cuchulain. It was while I was in the South itself, that I saw the battle between a group of Sorcerers, all mortals, and a small time demon.

So, remembering that Kamar Taj is supposed to be somewhere in the northern part of these lands, I had immediately followed after them, to check on Agamotto.

Well, there were a few misunderstandings, and a few mortals got their butt's kicked, but I spoke with Agamotto. Nothing much, just a casual conversation.

Right now, we were standing in the training grounds, having opened the portal right inside Kamar Taj, and there were a few vigilant masters keeping an eye on us. However, recognising me, probably, they don't attack, but still stay vigilant.

There were about 15 students in front of us, doing some form of Kata, while channelling the Universal Energies within themselves, with the Masters keeping an eye. There were some orange sparks, that appeared around their hands, once in a while, showing that these were still novices in the Mystic Arts.

Looking at the wide eyed Scathach, I say, "Come on, Agamotto already knows we're here, and it's best we don't keep him waiting."

Getting out of her shock, Scathach follows after me, and whispers furiously, "What is this place? And why don't the Gods know about it?!"

I wave my hand, dismissively, and answer, "This place, Kamar Taj, is the school where Agamotto trains Sorcerers. And Gods do know about it, but only the... more important ones. Sorry."

Agamotto could have kept this place a secret if he'd wanted to, but, there's this thing called Demon Attacks, that don't allow him to keep it a secret. So, obviously, the Skyfathers, the Seers, Prophets, etc found out about this place.

Why they decided not to tell every God about it, I have no idea.

"It's fine." Scathach whispers, still looking around in wonder.

A man, a Demigod from the looks of it, walks in front of us, making us stop, and says, "Master Agamotto has asked you to wait, Master Theos. Follow me please."

Nodding, I follow after him, with Scathach following me. She asks, "Master?"

Scowling, as I kinda hate how kinky that sounds coming from her, I explain, "Master of the Mystic Arts. Agamotto is their leader, and the first Sorcerer. I was taught by Agamotto personally. And while I won't use Sorcery.. much, I am still a Master according to their customs."

"Indeed. Master Theos has helped Kamar Taj a lot, and Midgard too. His barriers mostly keep the outer threats blind, while allowing us time to make plans. And the barrier that he and Master Agamotto erected around Kamar Taj keeps the wandering eyes from looking too closely." The man says, pointing inside the hall we reached at.

As we walk inside, he leaves and Scathach turns to me again. She asks, "Okay, Master Theos of the Mystic Arts. What's with the vigilance the other people showed towards us then, if you've already helped them out so much."

Sighing, I conjure two chairs for us, and explain, "The man we just met, was the follower of your religion, as you might have sensed. Those people, I've noticed, have utmost respect for my Mother, over all else. And he recognised me for being a Son of Danu."

"For the others, I'm just another God, that's going to outlive them. Sure, the followers of the Daevas do show me some respect, but they each have their own chosen Gods to follow, most of them being their descendants. So, the amount of respect I get from them is quite less." I finish, by shrugging in a 'What can you do?' manner.

Scathach stares at me for a second, and just shakes her head. Before she can say anything though, we hear a throat clearing, and look at the door, to find Agamotto, with raised eyebrows.

Looking at me, he says, "I've already told you, you shouldn't come unannounced. My Sorcerers get.. twitchy."

"Not my fault that they can't handle surprises." I answer petulantly.

Agamotto just snorts, and turns to Scathach. He asks, "Ignore the delinquent over there. How may I help you, Lady Scathach?"

Scathach frowns, and looks to me, so I just nod, telling her that it's okay. Nodding back, Scathach removes Gae Bolg from her back, and shows it to Agamotto. As he raises an eyebrow, but stays in his position, she says, "My previous student did something to it, allowing him to track it. I went to Theos, hoping he can cleanse it, but he brought me to you."

Agamotto sighs, and mumbles, "Another idiot who played with blood magic."

"Blood magic?" Scathach asks, scowling at Gae Blog.

Nodding, Agamotto sits down on a chair, summons the spear towards himself, and keeps ot floating in front of him. Summoning his magic to his hands, Agamotto waves it over the spear, and says, "Yes. Blood magic."

"Well? Can you cleanse it then?" I ask, tired of all the suspense.

Agamotto flicks his finger, throwing a stinging hex at my forehead, which I thankfully see coming, and shield. Ignoring my glare, he says, "The spell is not at all Complex, but it is woven deep within the enchantments of the spear. It will take a few minutes."

And then he returns to observing the spear with his magic, scanning it. Sighing, Scathach asks, "How long will it take? And what exactly is the spell? An explanation would be appreciated."

Agamotto hums, and says, "To answer your second question first, your student submerged this spear in his own blood, and used the sacrifice of a Minor God to power his spell. The spell, or more accurately, the curse allows him to track this spear anywhere it goes, except for the places with the highest protections. But it's not just that. If you fight using this spear, he will gain strength from yourself. The more you fight, the stronger he becomes. But only when you wield the spear." he then mumbles, "At least we now know what happened to Elaine."

Silence. Pin drop silence, is all I hear for a while, as Scathach takes in the implications. Taking a deep breath, she mumbles, "Thank Danu, I did not bother with Gae Blog to fight him. And Gods, am I glad he's dead."

Agamotto hums again, making me snap my head towards him. I ask, "What? I know that tone. What is it?"

Scathach looks confused, but looks at Agamotto nonetheless. Sighing, Agamotto says, "Your student is not as dead as he appears to be. As long as the curse within the spear exists, he continues healing. His body might be destroyed, but his spirit lives."

"Damn it! Again!? Now I'll have to find him again?!" I yell, getting frustrated.

It took me 3 years to get a hint the first time. And that time, he had a body. Now? Fuck this shit! I'm out!

Scowling, I look at Agamotto, and say, "Well, spirit, huh? Right up your alley, isn't it? Good luck, Agamotto!"

Scathach has a scowl on her face too, as she says, "How long until the curse is removed? I will have to begin my search for Cuchulain's spirit."

Snorting, Agamotto floats the spear towards Scathach, and as she looks at it wearily, he says, "The curse is removed. As I said, it wasn't a complex spell."

We both look at Agamotto, impressed at his speed. I didn't even realize he was removing the curse. I actually thought he was just scanning it. Damn.

"As for your student, I know where his spirit wanders. You don't have to worry about him, I'll take care of it. As Theos so.. kindly said, this is right up my alley. Whatever that means." Agamotto adds, standing up from the chair.

Bowing, Scathach takes the spear in her hands, and places it back in it's scabbard. She says, "I owe you a debt, Lord Agamotto. Whenever it is, whatever it is. Call it in, and I will fulfil it. Thank you."

Agamotto nods, and says, "The Debt is accepted, Lady Scathach. Now, I'd appreciate if you don't bring any more strangers here, Theos. Goodbye."

"Go-" I open my mouth to say goodbye, and find myself right in front of a tree. "-oddamit Agamotto!"

Looking around, I see Scathach, a bit disoriented from the forced teleportation. We were somewhere in Europe, by the look of the trees. Using Echolocation, I confirm it, and turn to Scathach.

I say, "I don't know about you, but I need to go and finish my Sake." And start walking towards a portal I just created, that leads to Japan.

Scathach waves her hand, and says, "Go. Thank you for your help, brat. Don't drink too much."

"I'm bloody taller than you!" I yell, not turning to look at her, and just walk through. Looking at the bar in the distance, I mumble, "It's not like mortal drinks do anything to me." Bemoaning the fact that I can't get drunk easily.

~~~ Five years later~~~

Five years of roaming and drinking around later, I finally get a message I've been waiting for.

I was laying down on a reclined chair, soaking up the sunlight at the beach. If I was correct about my geography, which is doubtful, I was currently in France, and it's western coast.

I never bothered with geography other than India's neighbouring countries, and a few of the bigger ones. I know where Russia, China, Brazil, Egypt, and the other obvious countries are. But, England, France, Scotland? I never bothered learning exactly where they were.

Back to the point, as I was laying down at the beach, I hear the tweets of a bird. Raising my goggles, which I'd conjured for myself, I look at it, and ask, "What?"

"Tweet tweet!" Is the answer I receive from the bird.

Sighing, I stand up, popping my back, and mumble, "I really hope it's a good news, birdy. Or I might just learn what birds other than chicken taste like."

"Tweet!!" the bird tweets, with fear in it's voice, and flies away.

Chuckling, I gather my stuff and teleport back home, curious about what news mother speaks of.

"I'm home!" I shout, opening the door to mother's house, once I had teleported back to the island.

Mother calls out, "Good, come quickly!"

Speeding up, I walk towards the living room, where Mother's voice just came from, and stop. Mother was sitting on her chair there, as I expected it, but along with her, was another person. A God, by the looks of it.

"Theos, meet Hephaesthus. Hephaesthus, this is Theos, my son." Mother says, introducing us.

Hephaesthus. The Olympian! My weapon!

"It's so nice to finally meet you!" Hephaesthus says, walking towards my dazed form and shaking my hand.

Shaking my head, I excitedly smile at him, and say, "It is wonderful to finally meet you as well, Lord Hephaesthus." Pausing, I look between the two, and ask, "Is this about what I think it's about?"

"Depends." Mother says, smiling with amusement in her voice, as Hephaesthus retreats to his seat.

"On?" I ask, sitting in another chair I conjure, making a triangle with our three chairs.

"Are you thinking about your Divine weapon?" Mother asks, in a teasing voice.

"Yeeesss??" I say/ask, stretching the word purposefully, already feeling excited.

"Then no." Mother says, bringing my expectations right down to the ground.

"Huh? But- he- er?- what?" I ask, stumbling a bit.

Mother chuckles, Hephaesthus along with her, and says, "Just kidding, Theos. Your Weapon is ready. Or should I say.. weapons."

"Weapons?" I ask, again excited, and turn to Hephaesthus.

Chuckling, he turns to Mother, and asks, "What do you think? Should I bring them out?"

I once again look a bit broken-hearted, so mother chuckles at my face, and says, "If we delay any longer, Theos might just cry in despair."

"Hah!" Hephaesthus laughs out loud, and puts his hand within his old fashioned jacket.

While I mumble, "I was not going to cry."

"Of course, you weren't, Theos. Of course you weren't." Mother says, patting my hand.

Ignore my evil mother, I pay attention to Hephaesthus.

Bringing his hand out of his inner jacket pocket, Hephaesthus brings out.. a pouch?

Oh, it's a bag of holding!

Putting his hand within the pouch, deeper than visibly possible, Hephaesthus pulls out two wonderful, completely golden axes. Well, Golden in look, Probably not in make. They both looked like they were made of Adamantine, and given that we actually provided the Adamantine, it's probably that.

As he hands one to me, mother picks the other, and I observe it. The axe had a double blade, about a foot wide each, and were definitely sharp, by the looks of it.

Both the blades contained a design, which looked similar to the roots of a tree. The roots converged at the lowest point on the handle that the blades touched, and then carried on downwards, wound around the handle, for half a foot, giving a grip like design.

The handle was not that big, about 3 feet. But, given that it was supposed to be wielded along with it's sibling, the size was perfect. The 3 feet long handle was wider towards the bottom, giving it a better sense of balance.

Spinning it in my hands, I get a feel for it, and mumble, "Perfect!"

Chuckling, Hephaesthus takes the axe from me, making me groan in disappointment, and says, "I will return them to you, Lord Theos, I would just like to explain a few things, if you wish?"

Nodding, I allow him to proceed. He takes the axe in his hands, and holds it reverently, probably more than me. He made it, he's allowed to do it. I then add, "You can call me Theos, I don't mind."

He says, "These axes are.. exquisite. I'm not an enchanter, so they're nothing more than Adamantine Axes, but I assure you, that they are the most durable and sharp Adamantine weapons around."

Mother, who had kept the other axe on a table in front of us, waves her hand and says, "I will take care of the enchanting myself. Don't worry about it."

Nodding, Hephaesthus says, "It took me 3 sleepless nights to make them both, according to your mother's wishes. Fortunately, the metal knew who they were meant for, and were formed accordingly."

Nodding, I whisper out, "What are their capabilities?"

Hephaesthus pauses, and holds the axe steady. Nodding at mother, he says, "Firstly they're very sharp. You have any of that miracle metal around?"

Rolling her eyes at the greed in his eyes, mother conjures some Vibranium, and shapes it in the form of a knife.

Taking the knife from her, Hephaesthus brings his hand up, and slams the knife edge first into the edge of the axe blade. Almost immediately, the knife breaks into two, one piece in his hand, and the other right under the axe.

He hands me the piece in his hand, and says, "See? Perfect cut! Granted, it wouldn't have worked this well if it was a shield, and properly tempered. No offense." The last part, he speaks to mother.

Well, I'm impressed. I know how hard it is to cut Vibranium, let alone a Divine Vibranium Dagger conjured by mother! I say hard, not impossible. But, the axe did not cut the Vibranium here, no. Vibranium cut itself on the axe.

Nodding, mother says, "I know where my gifts lie, and creating weapons is not it. This knife, while extremely durable, was not forged, but conjured. So of course, it was bound to be a bit brittle than usual daggers." Taking a pause, she adds, "But don't sell yourself short, Hephaesthus. That dagger was a Divine weapon, conjured by myself from my own Divinity. Your craftsmanship speaks for itself."

Hephaesthus blushes, getting a bit embarrassed. Clearing his throat, he continues, "Ahem.. well. Next, it's durability. As you can see, the hit by Gaea's Dicine weapon, although of an inferior metal, did not even scratch the axe. Even if you were to hit the flat surface of the axe, it wouldn't do it any harm. It might not be Enchanted, but I can promise you one thing about Adamantine. Our metal is the most durable Divine metal there is!"

"What else?!" I ask, excitement filling my body, and sitting on the edge of my seat.

Smiling widely, Hephaesthus reverently holds the axe up, like an offering, and says, "And the best parts! It can channel your Divinity and Magic as easily as your own body! Meaning you won't have to force the axes to bend to your magic! And lastly, they cannot be manipulated in any way, shape or form, without your express permission."

"Huh?" I ask, getting my excitement thrown out. "But.. you said you hadn't enchanted it?"

Mother chuckles, with Hephaesthus joining right after her. As Hephaesthus keeps laughing, mother explains, "That's not an enchantment, Theos. Adamantine itself works that way. Once forged into tools, weapons, accessories, unless the wielder is dead, or gives anyone permission, they cannot be changed. Not by Hephaesthus, not by other smiths, and not by any Material Manipulator. Even if said wielder was a mortal, it won't work."

Hephaesthus stops laughing, and says, "Ha ha, that was a good one, Lord Theos. Enchantment, he says! The only way an Adamantine weapon changes form, is through the wielders will, or by the hands of the Sky Gods."

Sky Gods, a polite way to say Celestials, because apparently that word makes everyone twitchy. So, makes sense that Celestials can use Cosmic Energy to manipulate Adamantine too. Which means I can do it too, now that it's properly forged.

Standing up, I bow to Hephaesthus, and say, "I thank you for these axes, Lord Hephaesthus. But.. do they have a name?"

Hephaesthus snorts, and says, "I would ask you not to insult my weapons by naming them! People name other people. Gods name other Gods. Weapons name themselves! When the time comes, you will know of their names, if they deem you ready."

"I.. apologize, Lord Hephaesthus." I say, properly chastised.

Nodding, Hephaesthus turns to Mother, and says, "Well, I hope he cares for them properly, Lady Gaea. Adamantine is already rare, you know."

Mother nods, smiling at him, and says, "You can rest assured, Hephaesthus. Theos will take perfect care for them. Wouldn't you?"

"Of course!" I say, nodding rapidly.

Only half of that was fear of my mother. I finally have my own Divine weapons! No way I was going to neglect their care.

As Hephaesthus leaves through a portal mother created for him, I take both the axes in my hand, and spin them around. With a snap of my hands, I place them on my back, where my Vibranium Armour creates holders for them.

Smirking, I look at mother, and ask, "How do I look?"

"Like an idiot. Hand them over so I can enchant the axes." Mother says, making me groan.

Well, enchantments have to come first, though. Reluctantly, I remove the axes from my back, and hand them to my mother.

My own Divine Weapons! Two of them! And I love them already.

Mother forces the axes from my hand, as I drop down on my knees, and snarl, "My Precious!"

Mother ignores me, and simply creates a portal under my legs, making me drop right at the beach in France. As the portal closes, I hear, "Come back only when I call you!" making me sigh, and return to relaxing.

My weapons will be ready for me soon. Just have to wait.


A/N: Anyone seen Justice League again? I have, and it's an improvement. I won't say I loved it, but there were parts I liked a lot.

I hated the CGI then, and I hated it now. It just.. feels bad. At least, Clark Kent is an improvement.

Anyone else felt as if they wanked Superman a bit too much in this Cinematic Universe? Or is it my MCU bias talking? I mean, Wonder Woman is supposed to be his almost-equal in strength, isn't she? Or am I wrong?

Anyway, toodles!

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